by Jon Baliles

The story of the July 4th Dogwood Dell Mayoral and Police Chief press conference grows stranger with each day and subsequent stories. Noted philosophers Bill & Ted may have put it best when they said: “Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.” (That’s a 7-11 for all you locals).

The July 6th press conference about preventing a July 4th mass shooting at Dogwood Dell has taken a turn for the surreal, as stories are incongruent and details are haphazard and just not adding up. Local media at all levels are trying to piece together the puzzle.

Reporters are trying to gather details and get more information while juggling “clarifications” to questions everyone has about the threat.

WRIC reported, “The Richmond Police Department has refused to share crucial evidence to verify its claim that a mass shooting,” saying it is all part of an ongoing investigation. No one knows how or why Dogwood Dell was the target because it was not mentioned anywhere in any document or filing and no one will explain. One explanation was the location was deduced because it was a major public gathering.

This week, Crime Insider Jon Burkett had an interview on WRVA and points out several salient points:
He asked Mayor Stoney at an event if the mass shooting story was made up and he said Stoney “danced” and said the City stopped a mass attack. He asked the Mayor if he alerted other jurisdictions and “inevitably the answer was no.” And when Burkett asked the Mayor when he found out about the mass shooting threat, Stoney replied, “July 5th.”

So the obvious question might be: if the Mayor didn’t know until July 5th about a threat on July 4th, how could he say at the press conference on July 6th that “our officers quietly investigated and collaborated with their law enforcement partners and the community” ?  Because not many other people or police departments were aware a threat existed. And if the Mayor wasn’t told about any mass shooting threat until after the threat or our neighboring jurisdictions were not notified, then why aren’t we looking for a new police chief?

Burkett was charitable in his assessment in the WRVA interview when he said it was a “puzzling timeline to me” and wondered how the Mayor didn’t know about the threat until after it was supposed to happen. He summed it up in his radio interview, “…now you are talking integrity issues.”

Burkett also wondered how the media and the public can rely on the police leadership to release accurate information going forward, and if it should be believed or not. There is little wonder why morale among the officers is so low. That is the last place any community wants to be in — questioning if you can believe your mayor or legislator or police chief about a potential mass shooting.
But that is exactly the place we find ourselves. As Burkett closed the interview he asked, “…where does it go from here?”

What’s potentially worse is that the larger question about this whole saga is this: if the Mayor and Chief Smith stood at the podium on July 6th and told the public about the mass shooting threat at Dogwood Dell but, as court documents indicate (so far) that Dogwood Dell was not mentioned, then the Mayor and the Chief were not square with the public. They might defend it by saying they got the message out that if you see something, say something. Few will argue with that message, but if it’s delivered under the pretense of scaring the community you are sworn or elected to serve then that is hardly a legitimate defense (see Story #2).

On the other hand, did the Mayor and Chief know about a potential mass shooting threat and not tell anyone about it? Did they fail to let the Richmond Police on scene at Dogwood Dell or staff at The Diamond know of a threat or alert surrounding localities at their large gatherings? That is an entirely more escalatory question as to jeopardizing public safety and a serious question as to either the Mayor or the Chief have the fitness and public confidence to lead or be trusted.

Either way, something does not add up and it is very worrisome for public safety and public confidence. Leaning into the “see something, say something” theme, while well-intentioned, could come back to cause more harm than good and further erode the trust the government and police leadership are supposed to build with our community.

This column has been republished with permission from RVA 5X5.

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12 responses to “Strange Things Are Afoot”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    “Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story” goes double for politicians on the make. Hizzoner just couldn’t resist the temptation to grab some glory….

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Tergiversator, to say the least, our Stoney friend be.

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Instead of trying to figure out the malignant inefficiency of RVA government, enjoy these quotes from a movie of monumental stupidity that is so stupid it was funny!'s_excellent_adventure_1087
    Or watch it on one of the upcoming showings somewhere…

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Pass. Go find Monty Python instead. They had far more insights into our modern political world (and if you can find it, “Yes, Minister”.)

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Also good. Big fan of stupid movies. My idea of good diversity training would be to watch Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, PCU, Undercover Brother and the SNL Chevy Chase Richard Pryor skit. Would be much more effective, less expensive and not torture.
        But then what would all those DEI educrats do for a living?

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Love the Bill and Ted reference. Rufus for Mayor of Richmond!

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    Joe Biden was appointed to the US Naval Academy in 1965 (the same year he graduated from the University of Delaware) and Levar Stoney protected Richmond from an invisible mass shooting.

    Just don’t look for the details on either.

  5. DJRippert Avatar

    Joe Biden was appointed to the US Naval Academy in 1965 (the same year he graduated from the University of Delaware) and Levar Stoney protected Richmond from an invisible mass shooting.

    Just don’t look for the details on either.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    My take: These were two bad hombres who have been preying on the undocumented immigrant community, who are afraid to report the shakedowns, and someone S.W.A.T.ed them with a story of a terrorist attack so it would be taken seriously, and the cops haven’t fully figured that out yet.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Very possible, although talk of the gang connection has also been muted since. They get their days in court.

      As to Mr. Smith’s suggestion above, I’ve taken that course and enjoyed it immensely. Humor is the best teacher of all. Relates well to humanity and humility…

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Very possible, although talk of the gang connection has also been muted since. They get their days in court. It never made sense that cartel-related folks would want to do such a shooting. Really bad for business.

      As to Mr. Smith’s suggestion above, I’ve taken that course and enjoyed it immensely. Professor M. Brooks has been the superstar in that effort. Humor is the best teacher of all. Relates well to humanity and humility…

    3. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
      Baconator with extra cheese

      That beats my theory. I thought they were going to hit someone at the event and shoot a bunch more to cover the motive.

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