A Story from Mr. Groveton, err… West Potomac

I graduated from Groveton High School in the 1970s. In 1986 Fairfax County combined Groveton High School with Ft Hunt High School and named the new school West Potomac High School. West Potomac still occupies the same buildings on Quander Rd where I once attended class. It still sits just down the street from the seedy Rt 1 corridor. It is still just around the corner from my old home on Huntington Ave. It is still a mix of poor and middle class people. It is still a racially diverse area. And the kids who attend the school are still a source of inspiration and pride to me. This is one of their stories.

Maryam Ali is not your typical crew team member. She would not have fit in at the Lilly white, toffy prep schools where some of the contributors to BaconsRebellion came of age. She is poor, lives in subsidized housing and is an African American. She lives with her hard working widowed mother. Sometimes her family has to decide between spending $2 for a bus ride or having lunch. If Maryam can’t afford to pay the costs of being on the crew club the parents of the other young people in the club will make up the difference. The good people of the Rt 1 corridor do not run to Richmond with their hats in hand like so many of their fellow Virginians from downstate.

For the edification of many of the ill-informed contributors and commenters on BaconsRebellionMaryam lives in Fairfax County. She hardly fits the misconceived and ignorant stereotype of a Fairfax County resident. She is from one of the many working class families in that part of Fairfax County. When the weak kneed members of the General Assembly steal from Fairfax County they steal from kids like Maryam.

However, none of the limousine liberals so prevalent on this blog need worry about Maryam. She has more moxie and determination than all of the Democrats in Congress added together. She also has the benefit of good hearted neighbors in Fairfax County. When she can’t afford the costs of a trip with the crew team an anonymous donor pays for her to go.

My bet is that Maryam will grow up to be a well educated, well adjusted successful taxpaying citizen. She will probably resent the “goodie two shoes” liberals who want to take her hard earned money so it can be given to those unwilling to claw their way up the economic ladder.

My bet is that the life experiences of growing up poor in Fairfax County will lead Mayam to a conservative world view. You see, people who earn everything they have resent big government trying to take it away. This is especially true when you start with very little.

Mr. Groveton should know.

Read the full article here – http://bit.ly/dBJhH0

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21 responses to “A Story from Mr. Groveton, err… West Potomac”

  1. Larry G Avatar
    Larry G

    I'm going to go easy on you guy cuz you're new at this and I can tell you are trying hard…..

    "… She is poor, lives in subsidized housing ……

    The good people of the Rt 1 corridor do not run to Richmond with their hats in hand ….

    My bet is that Maryam will grow up to be a well educated, well adjusted successful taxpaying citizen."

    Now Groveton – I'm sure you know that those DANG LIBERALS are all the time YAMMERING about how ..with a little help and assistance from the do-gooders .. you know a free education.. and a little help on a place to live.. well sometimes they can actually grow up to become taxpayers…


    Now.. I have to tell you that very seldom do I hear CONSERVATIVES express such sentiments…

    In fact.. usually what you hear from them is all about "wealth transfers" to the shiftless and lazy… who will just grow up to breed… you know the rest…

    so are we to think that a different kind of liberal than a "limousine" kind also has such a similar do-gooder heart just a beating…..????

    Tell me more about these Conservatives who want folks like Maryam to succeed…. of late..with the Tea party folks swooping like bats in the belfry all we hear is that forty-some percent of the "leeches" do not pay any tax at all…


    You did do a good job on your post though – congrats!

  2. Gooze Views Avatar
    Gooze Views

    Mr, "High School" Groveton,
    As a limousine liberal (presumably) I want to thank you for your heartwarming post.
    But does Maryam vote Republican? Does she go to Tea Bagger parties? Does she watch Glenn Beck and swoon at Sarah Palin?
    And, by the way, since you are in Asia next week, do you want me to take over your column while you are gone?
    Not a problem.
    Peter Galuszka

  3. Groveton Avatar

    "you know a free education"


    The property taxes in Fairfax County pay for Maryam's education just like they paid for mine 30+ years ago. Why should this involve Richmond?

    Also, why do you think that a public education is the province of liberals. It seems to me that the conservatives put more emphasis on public education than the libs.

    "wealth transfers" to the shiftless and lazy…"

    I don't see anything shiftless or lazy about Maryam or her family. Her Mom works hard. Maryam puts out a lot of effort on the crew team. Conservatives believe that hard work is good. Conservatives believe that you can get ahead in America if you put in the effort. That's what Maryam seems to be doing. When I was back at Groveton there were plenty of liberal teachers who spent most of their time trying to manage down poor kids' expectations. It was the gym teachers and sports coaches who seemed always prodded kids to do better – athlectically and academically. Maybe that's because those people grew up poor themselves while many of the other teachers were liberal do gooders. There were definitely some exceptions but that was the rule. Football coach used to call his players by their grade point averages for example.

    "But does Maryam vote Republican? Does she go to Tea Bagger parties? Does she watch Glenn Beck and swoon at Sarah Palin?".

    As a high school student I assume she doesn't vote. However, you'd be very surprised at the politics of the working class people of the Rt 1 corridor. I have no idea specifically where Maryam lives. However, I know where a number of trailer parks are located along Rt 1. I'd be happy to take you there. You can wear your "Change We Can Believe In" tee shirt as you tell the good citizens of those trailer parks how much better their lives are not that Obama has been elected. However, let me give you a hint … be sure to be exercising your 2nd amendment rights when you do that.

  4. Groveton Avatar

    "And, by the way, since you are in Asia next week, do you want me to take over your column while you are gone?
    Not a problem.".

    I appreciate the offer. However, I already have the topic for the next column in mind. Since you asked whether Maryam voted Republican I thought I'd look at the statistics. Maybe map support for Obama in 2008 to the localities in Virginia by per capita income. Maybe do the same for McDonnell and Cuccinelli.

    I am sure you are right. I am sure that wealthy counties like Arlington and Fairfax are overwhelmingly Republican while poorer jurisdictions like Wise are hotbeds of Democratic support.

    However, just for fun before I write the column – would you care to bet on the outcome?

  5. Larry G Avatar
    Larry G

    I think the next column should focus on whether or not the Tea Baggers would willing pay for the housing subsidy that Maryam enjoys – since we ARE talking about Conservative and Limousine Liberals perspective on this.

    How about it Groveton?

    Should our taxes go for subsidized housing?

    No weaseling here, now.

    Should we let the Tea party make this decision or the limousine liberals?

  6. Groveton Avatar

    Should our taxes go for subsidized housing?

    Yes. As long as the person receiving the subsidy is working or actively trying to find work.

    However, LarryG, one of the persistent myths you post on this site is the myth that there is no affordable housing in Fairfax County. Per your myth … this requires anybody needing affordable housing to commute to Fredricksburg (or some other outlying location). It seems that the good people of the Rt 1 corridor haven't bought into your myth.

  7. Gooze Views Avatar
    Gooze Views

    The Post had a story about how the BRAC expansion at Belvoir will have huge transit probems. How will that change Rte. 1?


    PS: My limousine has 176,000 miles onit.

  8. Larry G Avatar
    Larry G

    re: myths of "affordable" housing

    Groveton – are you advocating MORE subsidized housing so that it will be affordable ?

    you're evading the central issue here and that is you say that limousine liberals are out of touch with the realities of taxes and spending

    and yet you support subsidized housing – which the vast, vast majority of conservatives including the Tea Party folks are unalterably opposed to even for the working poor.

    why don't you fess up to this?

    If the Tea Party were running the country, Maryam would not be living in subsidized housing at all.

    If Groveton were in charge, and Maryam lived in Southwest Va, she'd not get any more education that that county could afford to pay for – certainly no "subsidy" from NoVa – right?

    So which is it guy?

    do you support subsidies for the poor or not?

    Should Maryam be made to work for her subsidies?

  9. Anonymous Avatar

    She sounds like she has the same kind of Moxie as my friend Percy. Except she has the advantage of being in Fairfax instead of being stuck in the truly hardscrabble hinterlands of Pender county in North Carolina.

    The good people of Rte 1 do run to Richmond with their hat in their hand.

    When they go it is full of money and when they come back it is empty.


  10. Anonymous Avatar

    "It seems to me that the conservatives put more emphasis on public education than the libs."

    The conservaives want control oer what is taught. the liberals just want to spend money.

  11. Anonymous Avatar

    You don't need more subsidized housing, just more building permits.


  12. Anonymous Avatar

    "PS: My limousine has 176,000 miles on it."

    If it is a Mercedes or a Lexus, its probably good for another 300k.

    If the NOVA roads don't beat it to death.


  13. Larry G Avatar
    Larry G

    I'm finding the "what conservatives wants vs what liberals want" with respect to education and subsidized housing
    pretty enlightening.

    Here I had been thinking all along that your average tea-sipping Conservative would cut folks like Maryam loose in a New York minute but Groveton has opened up a whole new perspective that I had been blind to apparently.

    but PALEEZE .. don't mistake the kind of "affordable" housing that Maryam lives in for the kind that your average NoVa refugee is seeking.

    You could generate a gazillion building permits in NoVa but not one house of the kind that those who flee to Fredericksburg want – a 300K single family detached in a good neighborhood where there are no "unauthorized" folks roaming around.

    I do not claim to be a Limousine Liberal as probably Groveton feels … but I do believe that folks like Maryam – whether they live in Fairfax or Facquier deserve access to a good education and that the rest of us should pay for it.

    When it comes to subsidized housing for folks like Maryam.. if she is one of several siblings that belong to a mom who is unemployed and/or unemployable..and dad is not around, I'm wondering how this gets changed because whether one is a liberal or a conservative – we all know that any trend towards more and more folks in need of public assistance is a disaster in the making.

    Every child like Maryam, no matter whether she lives in Fairfax or Fairfield deserves a chance at life though and that education is her only chance to not end up as an adult also in need of public assistance – I should say that it's not only her chance, it's our chance also…

    spoken like a true liberal…..(I guess) but I'm glad to hear than Groveton has similar leanings and now I'm suspecting that he really is a closet RINO like Bacon.

  14. Anonymous Avatar

    "You could generate a gazillion building permits in NoVa but not one house of the kind that those who flee to Fredericksburg want – a 300K single family detached in a good neighborhood where there are no "unauthorized" folks roaming around."

    You are wrong.

    EMR ia right.

    You build enough houses and see how fast the price drops to $300k. See how fast the less expensive houses migrate outbound.

    Evne today, you can build a $300k house for $100k, if you have the lot to put it on.

    There are lots of lots, like theone I built on, that are prohibited today.

    My lot cost me $5000. Ten years later I subdivided it and spent $100k to build my house on it. Even in todays market it is worth over a half million. Today it would be impossible,due to government regulation.

    Recently, I saw a new house inthe neighborhood. It was built on alot I would have sworn was in flood plain. They must ahve driven piling fifty feet inthe ground to find something solid enough to put the footings on. Its roof is forty feet lower than my basement, and the county hassled ME about flood plain.

    Price? A cool million.

    There used to be some smaller ranch homes built on slightly better adjacent lots. They are now being torn down and supersized.

    Won't be long before mine is next, at that rate.

    But this is a close in neighborhood, with trnsit close by. Build enough homes in areas not that far away, and watch the prices drop.

    Houses today are like a lot of other things: highly standardized. Standard cabinet sizes, standard door an window sizes, standard plywood sizes. You can buy essentially the same (modular) home that I bought today, for less money in inflation adjusted dollars.

    If you had a similar lot to work with, and you could build on it, today, your profit would be three times what mine was.

    For a while.

    Eventually, the prices would have to drop. But inthe meantime, all of that profit, and allof that tax base, is going to waste.

    People are poorer because of uneceesary government regulation.

    On the other hand, I wouldn't want to write the insurance on that new million dollar home.

    I think there are better answers, but I don't think there are any easy ones.


  15. Anonymous Avatar

    we all know that any trend towards more and more folks in need of public assistance is a disaster in the making.

    I don't know that.

    I do know the logical fallacy called "appeal to knowledge" when I see it.

    This is especially pernicious becaus it includes the embedded additional fallacy of a flase premise.

    Sure, IF we had a trend to more and more people on assistance we would eventually all be on assistance.

    But with NO assistance wse have built a trap. I've seen how it works, and even the best person caught in trap has no chance.

    PE will suck every penny out of him, and more.

    Some people are simply not equipped to live in our society at any level. The worst of them, (or so we think) we execute.

    The next group we support endlessly because they are harml;ess and capable of nothing.

    The next group we support, and expect them to contribute through some kind of effort at sheltered workshops.

    The next group we support and train, hoping they can get out.

    Then there are illegal aliens that we exploit, but geve no hope, other than avoiding deportation due to our own greed and laziness.

    Then there are the minimum wage part time eorking poor.

    And so on.

    I don't buy your oversimplified explanation.


  16. Mimi Stratton Avatar
    Mimi Stratton

    Not really sure why the tone of your posts are so snotty toward readers and commenters ("For the edification of many of the ill-informed contributors and commenters on BaconsRebellion . . .")

    Isn't the goal of blogs to build up readership, perhaps by not insulting them?

  17. Anonymous Avatar

    Perhaps it is the RH factor.

  18. Larry G Avatar
    Larry G

    I probably did not help..with my pointed comments but DAG…. all that stuff about Maryam was CLASSIC bleeding heart liberal stuff .. wasn't it and Groveton was acting like it was a Forest Gump conservatism…

    CLEARLY we have yet another Cool Hand Luke moment here where Groveton asserts that Conservatives not only care about people like Maryam but will look out for them.

    Call me a skeptic on that idea but I'll listen ..even if Grovteon wants to label me as a limousine liberal but be advised that I'm not so convinced that subsidized housing is such a good idea for teenaged moms who have dropped out of high school to have litters of kids even if they do turn out to have "moxie".

    I know..that sounds horrible..my apologies but someone along the line, we have to recognize that a society that does not say that each of us needs to be productive and not expect entitlements is in trouble.

    We have a ton of hispanics literally dying to get into this country and work – i.e. BE productive.. even if the "man" screws them over… and yet we have some of our own citizens that expect us to provide for them even if they don't want to work.

    did Groveton say I was a Limousine Liberal? Excuse me.

  19. Anonymous Avatar

    Perhaps it is the RH factor.

    Maybe you have hit on something.

    When an RH-negative person gets an injection of facts from an RH-positive person, rejection is the likely result.


  20. Anonymous Avatar

    Rowing is good for you. I'm a splendid example of this.


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