Stop the Sign Thefts!

by Susan Lang

Shelly Fularon Wood is running for Commonwealth Attorney in Chesapeake. She has handled more than 2,700 criminal cases in Virginia. She has experience working in the Norfolk Prosecutor’s office and was appointed by Chesapeake Circuit Court Judges to serve as a Substitute Judge. Despite these tremendous credentials, or maybe because of them, someone has been removing her campaign signs.

Wood has a system for recording where and when her signs are placed. She has determined that more than 200 have been stolen — so far.

A Facebook post claiming to be part of the City Sign Sweeper program shows what happened to many of the stolen Shelly Wood signs. The Sign Sweeper program does not cover removal of political signs. It is furthermore an incorrect application of the program to take signs of one candidate for an office but not the other’s signs. This individual was contacted; he said the signs had been destroyed.

While stealing a sign may seem like no big deal, Virginia authorities take the crime very seriously. In Virginia, stealing a political sign can be charged as petit larceny, a Class I misdemeanor. This could result in a $2,500 fine and up to one year in jail.

The charges are determined by what type of property was stolen and the value of the property. Petit theft typically refers to minor crimes involving property of modest value. Grand theft, which is a felony, involves stolen property of at least $1,000 value. § 18.2-95. Grand larceny is punishable with higher fines and potentially more jail time than.

Each medium size 4’x4′ sign cost this candidate $45. information obtained from purchase orders. Each “Barn Sign” cost this candidate $80; yard signs cost less, but the large quantity of stolen signs makes the total value large.

Corrie Cring is running for Treasurer in Chesapeake; she has 8 years of experience managing aspects of that office. John Cring is Corrie Cring’s husband and campaign manager. He has placed more than 1,000 signs throughout Chesapeake in support of his wife’s campaign for City Treasurer. As a former volunteer for the Chesapeake Sign Sweeper program, he knows the rules. He was specifically instructed never to touch political signage; it was illegal to do so. Cring also says an improperly installed sign poses a safety risk to drivers if it becomes loose and is blown into the road.

As someone intimately aware of the Chesapeake rules on sign placement, Cring says he takes great care in installing Corrie Cring’s signs. Cring reports over two hundred of their 18″ x 24″ yard signs have been stolen. Twice so far, companies who own property at major intersections have illegally removed or destroyed Cring’s large format 4′ x 8′ signage.

The outcome at one location is a happy ending; the management at Lowe’s on Battlefield Blvd has followed proper guidelines on a replacement sign install. At the other location, it was a sour story. Cring has a voice recording of the owner at this location railing at him, stating he isn’t sorry for tearing down the signs and that he doesn’t care about the city’s sign policies. One problem reported to Cring is that people have been calling stores with their signs in front of them and complaining that the stores are endorsing her, when in fact a sign is simply placed in the right-of-way. Merchants may remember that people of all political stripes shop. Cring has his name and number on all large signs to call if they need to be moved and was not contacted in either incident.

Property owners who maintain property up to the curb should understand public easements and that it is illegal to remove political signage from them. Links to official Chesapeake Sign Sweeper policies and procedures can be found below.

David Washington, Chesapeake Democratic Committee Chair, has observed the destruction of candidate signs in Chesapeake for many years now. This year, it seems particularly brazen.

As an example of selective “enforcement” of the Sign Sweepers, the sign above was placed improperly in a median and has been there for over a month. There are a great many examples of inconsistent ‘collection and destruction’ of campaign signs in Chesapeake.

The competitor’s signage was placed 10 feet in front of the Shelly Wood campaign barn sign effectively blocking it from view until passing his sign. There are multiple examples of this tactic around the city.

Even as recently as October 27, Dominion Lakes resident Jeremy Rodden reported illegal sign destruction and removal at the entrance to Dominion Lakes at Dominion Lakes Blvd and Dominion Blvd. As seen in the pictures below, Shelly Fularon Wood’s sign was thrown into a ditch and the zip-ties on the large sign for Terry McAuliffe were quite clearly cut. All signs for the Republican candidates were untouched.

Susan Lang is a Democratic Party activist in the City of Chesapeake.

Official information on the City of Chesapeake Public Works Sign Sweeper program can be found here.

The City of Chesapeake Sign Brochure for temporary signage can be found here.

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59 responses to “Stop the Sign Thefts!”

  1. tmtfairfax Avatar

    Someone should go to jail. Stealing signs is wrong and the law needs to be enforced, especially when it happens to only one party.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Good luck on catching them.

    2. vicnicholls Avatar

      It hasn’t. R’s have had it done to them also. They replace the signs without a lot of yack. We’ve had photos of D’s removing the R’s signs in years’ past. I AM in Chesapeake and I AM one of the volunteer sign sweepers. I had the info on what we decided on in 2020 and 2018, so why there is this issue is beyond me. I heard the same on voter intimidation, when there is a D running for office that has the worst reputation for intimidation, to the point that at least ONE precinct I know had her removed. I was “intimidated” or more like you can raise your voice, be angry, accuse of me X, Y, and Z, and if you think I’m backing down, you’re dead wrong. For some of us, our physical state doesn’t match our mental and emotional state.

      1. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
        Jeremy Rodden

        Would you be willing to share the instructions emailed to you from the city regarding the Sign Sweeper program? Because the city has deleted any reference to it on the City website and I’d love to find out more so I can apply.

        1. vicnicholls Avatar

          Really? Let me ask Jason (he runs the program). I’m wondering if they took it down just long enough until after the election. I swore out affadavits for them on the commercial stuff, so I do have the info.

          1. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
            Jeremy Rodden

            I spoke with Jason and he said he would send me the “updated” info soon so I can apply. I am just wondering about the updates and what is different from the previous training materials up to this point.

            Thank you.

          2. vicnicholls Avatar

            Then if you have him, he speaks for the program. I’d go by what he says. If he tells us the sweepers that something is updated fine. However, I can say from past years, all parties have had it done. I have seen D’s and R’s remove. I have seen a lot of signs in the right of way – and yes Cring (D) was the major one doing that this time.

    3. VaNavVet Avatar

      This seems to provide insight into the kind of campaign that Matt Hamel is running in Chesapeake for Commonwealth’s Attorney! Sad when the candidate for this position doesn’t believe in the law.

      1. Please explain how the contents of the above article led you to the conclusion that Matt Hamel “doesn’t believe in the law”?

        Did the article also lead you to conclude that Shelly Wood “doesn’t believe in the law”?

      2. vicnicholls Avatar

        I dont see how. Matt Hamel has been under fire and I’ve seen him act with maturity. I’ve seen behind the scenes which unless I know you, you do not. I’m there at all sorts of goings on and I see him where he would be under pressure and has not buckled. In one particular instance, he was the lone holdout. So no, I’ve seen kids take signs for no other reason just to take them or they don’t like the person who’s yard they’re in.

  2. vicnicholls Avatar

    and I’ve seen a lot of Crings’ signs in the right of way, where no that is not legal to put them. Not just hers’ but others. The D party needs to remember also that not only should they not be in the right of way, but some of that property where signs have been placed are on R voters’ property and they have every right to remove whoever they don’t want.

    1. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
      Jeremy Rodden

      Have you seen and removed any republican signs that were placed in the same locations? Or just Democratic ones?

      1. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        If you’re going to accuse someone of being nefarious you could at least have proof.

        1. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
          Jeremy Rodden

          There was no accusation in my post. Merely a question. I’m asking for transparency here. Sign Sweepers aren’t supposed to touch political signs based on the only information available and they are supposed to report the signs, locations, and times/dates they found them.

          Let’s see the data from the city and determine how selective the enforcement is from these sign sweepers.

          1. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “Jeremy Rodden vicnicholls • 21 minutes ago
            Have you seen and removed any republican signs that were placed in the same locations? Or just Democratic ones?

            That’s an accusation.

            Were the zip ties cut or were they chaffed from not being properly tightened and subject to the wind?

            Were the other signs blown over and then returned upright by an individual or campaign or were they unmolested?

            Those are questions.

          2. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
            Jeremy Rodden

            Fair questions. And as an individual situation, perhaps explainable. But as one piece of information combined with others, a trend is formed.

            As for the zip ties? I was the one who found them. They were all sitting in a nice pile behind the sign, clearly cut. I know the difference between a zip tie that was cut versus broken from wind. Years of home theater installation and cutting plenty of zip ties myself over the years is my source there.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Well considering the photo’s above depict where a sign would be as well as orange marking paint. The sign was probably removed by the electric supplying entity or contractor who was locating the cable.

            “As for the zip ties? I was the one who found them. They were all sitting in a nice pile behind the sign, clearly cut. I know the difference between a zip tie that was cut versus broken from wind. Years of home theater installation and cutting plenty of zip ties myself over the years is my source there.”

            I know you were, you were cited in the article. Really, what’s the difference between a chaffed zip tie and cut one?

            I’ll wager you couldn’t point out there difference as both would involve cutting via metal.

            As for stating where you found them, that’s your word and yours alone.

          4. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
            Jeremy Rodden

            The sign was removed by Lowes management and confirmed by Lowes. So no, you’re wrong there.

            A chaffed zip tie will have a less clean cut, typically with grayed-out areas around the area that was cut due to the rubbing over time.

            Man, y’all just wanna do backflips to make up excuses for what is clearly evidenced in this story, not just what I found but the entire trend. I can’t with y’all.

          5. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            “The sign was removed by Lowes management and confirmed by Lowes. So no, you’re wrong there.”

            So they removed a sign from their private property. Gee glad we could clear that up.

            “A chaffed zip tie will have a less clean cut, typically with grayed-out areas around the area that was cut due to the rubbing over time.”

            Greyed out plastic means it was bent, not chaffed to failure.

            “Man, y’all just wanna do backflips to make up excuses for what is clearly evidenced in this story, not just what I found but the entire trend. I can’t with y’all.”

            I’m not a political party activist nor candidate making accusations against others, you are.

            Again, you have cited anecdotal evidence, a term to which I defined for your above.

          6. vicnicholls Avatar

            Jeremy you are making accusations. You are looking for trends where there are none. Have I personally seen both D and R pulling up others signs? Yes. I have seen R’s who pull up Independents signs quite a bit. Doesn’t mean the D’s aren’t doing it also. I’ve seen everything (pretty much). We have also had photos we’ve sent in from time to time.

          7. vicnicholls Avatar

            The only zip ties we have had (or nailed into phone poles) were removed because I have a cutter and none of those were political, only commercial does that crap.

          8. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            I asked the question, because unless you’re a plastics expert or it’s blatant you’d never know if a zip tie was cute with snips or chaffed off.

            I found it mildly amusing in the article where is said removal of politics signs was illegal (even on private property) and so and so was a campaign manager so he knew the rules. Clearly he didn’t, because they placed it on Lowes property without their permission.

          9. vicnicholls Avatar

            We do report them. I have a spreadsheet. They’re not as much worried on time as the date and where it is. Patterns usually occur. Now for commercial that was different because of the affadavits. We had to go to that because some of them were getting so aggressive that once signs were removed, they’d put them right back up. A # of times they were on private property, HOA properties or commercial areas.

      2. vicnicholls Avatar

        I will personally remove none but I will put them back up if they’re fallen down (the small ones) so the place doesn’t look trashy. That was not an order, it was agreed to, to protect me and the city, to remove none. That was several years ago. I do know of sign sweepers in a particular area of Chesapeake that have in the past removed ALL political signs that were in right of way/commercial/private property. I mention Cring because she has been the worst violator of right of way that I’ve seen this time.

        1. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
          Jeremy Rodden

          Thank you for the information. You are the first person I’ve spoken to that seems to have any real knowledge of this program. I just worry some people who are sign sweepers may be using the position as a political weapon instead of what it was really designed for (keeping our city clean and safe).

  3. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    No sign should be on private property without the owner’s consent, and those can be removed by the owner if no consent was given. No sign should be on public right of way period. I’m fine with people removing signs in the public right of way, but when done they should be turned in not trashed. My pet peeve is the failure of folks across the board to get them down promptly. Of course, when I was a precinct captain most of my signage supplies — stakes, frames — came from removing signs not promptly taken down post election. 🙂

    Anybody stealing or damaging a sign on private property should be prosecuted, and a few good hangings will have salutary effect. But both sides are guilty.

    1. No sign should be on private property without the owner’s consent, and those can be removed by the owner if no consent was given. No sign should be on public right of way period.


    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      jezuz H KeeeeeeRIssssT – I could not agree more!

    3. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
      Jeremy Rodden

      If both sides are guilty, why is only one side being held accountable to it? The guy who collected 200 Shelly Wood signs found *no other* illegal signs from any other candidate or political party?

      If you believe that, I’ve got a bridge for sale.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Here’s the thing. The signs ought not be on the publid right of way nor on any private property they don’t have permission for.

        And once they are on private property – if they get removed – then the culprits should be prosecuted.

        So the question is do Dems do this more than GOP?

        1. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
          Jeremy Rodden

          That would require some deep digging and driving around the city to analyze.

          Considering most people place signs next to one another, I’d suspect both sides are equally in error on both the private property/right-of-way issues.

          If something is gonna be enforced (which is up to the city to determine), it needs to be enforced uniformly. Otherwise the law is only being used as a tool of oppression by a group in control of the enforcement.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            who is going to do this “enforcement”?

          2. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
            Jeremy Rodden

            The city. That’s how government works. If they make a law, they have to enforce it. Otherwise the law is useless. If the law is selectively enforced, it’s a law that only exists as a weapon against the people it is being enforced to.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Cities and counties do have the ordinances, but enforcement has to compete with other priorities also, not really “oppression”!

            There are practicalities. Just how much can be done, how many resources are available to do it, etc… it’s not a public safety issue, it’s more of a nuisances issue like littering or making too much noise for your neighbors, etc. IMHO anyhow.

            Are we expecting the city/county to send an investigator out to see why SOME signs are being removed and not others?

          4. vicnicholls Avatar

            No actually in certain spaces I’ve seen R’s on one side and D’s on the other.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’ve seen BOTH R and D on private property and the owner allowed both.

        2. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
          Jeremy Rodden

          Again I ask… the guy with an entire bin of nothing but Shelly Wood signs. You don’t think he found any Matt Hamel signs right next to the Wood signs? Or Corrie Cring (whose signs are purple so maybe not as obviously democratic due to color)? Or any other sign?

          Just 200 isolated Shelly Wood signs placed illegally and none of anyone else’s. Tell me the liklihood of that.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            You’re provide an anecdotal situation. For every one like that, there are others , no?

            Who would enforce this and at what cost to taxpayers?

          2. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
            Jeremy Rodden

            I’m providing a specific example with visual evidence admitted by the person who did it. Every specific incident in a trend is anecdotal. When you have multiple anecdotes together, you have a trend and pattern of behavior.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            you do – but from what I can see – over time – both sides do this.

            Pointing out with anecdotal, one side does it – does not mean only one side ever does it. It’s not a Dem or GOP only deal.

          4. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
            Jeremy Rodden

            Show me equivalent evidence that both sides are equally affected by this and I’ll believe you. Until then, I see what I see.

            Do I believe that some republican signs have gone missing? Sure, individual people can be jerks no matter their political party.

            But this trend shows a concerted, targeted effort. Again, I point to the Shelly Wood signs. 200 signs takes a lot of time to collect. And he had no signs from any other candidate, even other Democratic ones. How is that not a targeted attack on a specific candidate?

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Happens pretty much every election – more than 40 years worth in my case. Over the years, on side then the other do it or at least I would say signs for GOP and Dem candidates both disappear.

            And yes, some do appear targetted but again it seems to affect both parties signs depending on which election.

            But more than a few of them are on public right of ways and I have no sympathy for the ones that get removed – no matter who they are for.

            Can you even charge anyone for removing signs from a public right of way – even “selectively”?

            And on private property – even with a camera – how much time do we really want the Sheriff or police to expend on this and prioritize over other “crime”?

          6. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
            Jeremy Rodden

            Look, I don’t disagree about private property there. That’s well-covered in a whole different aspect of law (in both placement and removal). I don’t think anyone is arguing that point, so let’s just leave that one out.

            And I think the Sign Sweeper program is actually a wonderful program. But there is no transparency. No public-facing information about it at all. Volunteers could very well be using their permit to selectively target specific political parties or candidates.

            All I’m asking for from the city is information about how it works. Where is the collected data that sign sweepers are supposed to submit? What type of oversight is there to ensure it’s being enforced uniformly?

            The city has an answer to this, but they don’t wanna share with us (or reporters, for that matter).

          7. Can you even charge anyone for removing signs from a public right of way – even “selectively”?

            Larry, the city’s temporary sign brochure instructs citizens that they “should not” remove illegal signs from rights of way.

            The use of “should” is telling here, because I think if there was a specific law in place forbidding the practice, then the advice would be more along the lines of “shall not” or “it is illegal for a private citizen to…”

          8. vicnicholls Avatar

            and they don’t. I know in my area, we had that happen and they stopped after I told them not to. What happened was they would pick them up and the compancies would simply put them back. They worked with me and I got it stopped with help from the city because I’m in the program.

          9. vicnicholls Avatar

            See my info above.

          10. Larry is correct. We have been presented a single piece of anecdotal evidence by a single individual. For instance, how do we know there was not a bin full of Hamel’s signs right next to the bin of Shelley signs shown in the photo? How do we know the Facebook posting was from an actual “sign sweeper” and not from one of Ms. Shelley’s political operatives trying to make Hamel supporters look bad?

            We do not know these things because no corroborating evidence has been presented.

          11. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            You’re also commenting to the individual who’s hand is holding the zip ties above.

          12. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
            Jeremy Rodden

            Wow. Be careful with those twists, you may throw your back out. Clearly this conversation is going nowhere with someone who wants to ignore visual evidence and make up their own justification just to defend “their” side. I’m out. Thanks for playing.

          13. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            You presented anecdotal evidence, not fact.

            “Anecdotal evidence is a factual claim relying only on personal observation, collected in a casual or non-systematic manner. … Accurate determination of whether an anecdote is typical requires statistical evidence.”

            It’s not relevant unless you’ve got something else to corroborate it.

            Yet again, you’re accusing someone of something without evidence.

          14. vicnicholls Avatar

            I have never seen Hamel signs next to Wood signs. Most all the Hamel signs I’ve seen (99%) have been next to Sheriff or other R candidates OR in peoples’ yards. Again, Wood has never run before, depending on who she has putting the signs out she may not know.

      2. vicnicholls Avatar

        I can explain that Jeremy. The “best” places for signs in particular areas of the city were locked up by R’s ages ago. The R’s are warned, warned, warned, about not putting up signs in the right of way. Big time. Btw, Hamel has run before, he knows the drill. Wood on the other hand, does not. I know Cring, like I said, from what I’ve seen in one area alone, but the things in loads of right of ways. I mean its dead obvious.

  4. Twice so far, companies who own property at major intersections have illegally removed or destroyed Cring’s large format 4′ x 8′ signage.

    Are you saying that the City of Chesapeake allows people to place campaign signs the size of full sheets of plywood within public road rights of way at major intersections?

    Really? I find it hard to believe that those responsible for public safety in Chesapeake would allow such a dangerous practice on the public roads in that city.


    UPDATE: I just read the city’s temporary sign rules brochure. It contains the following:

    What about political campaign signs?

    “Temporary signs, regardless of their content, are not permitted to be placed in the public right-of-way. They may be placed on adjacent private property with consent of the owner.”


    So, as I suspected, it is NOT legal to place campaign signs in public rights of way in Chesapeake – which is at it should be.

    1. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
      Jeremy Rodden

      So why are only some signs being removed and not others? Both parties are placing signs in these locations yet only the Democratic ones are being removed. Selective enforcement?

      Further… the definition of public right-of-way is relevant: it does not include areas set back from the roadways, such as the example in the picture at the Battlefield Lowes location. It is not Lowes’ property. It is not in the public right-of-way as it is on the other side of a sidewalk set back from the roadway.

      And again, if sign sweepers are being selective and choosing one particular party or candidate to focus, such as the guy bragging about collecting 200 Shelly Wood signs above, isn’t that problematic? You’re telling me he found zero signs that were illegally placed by any other candidate? I find that hard to believe.

      1. vicnicholls Avatar

        Just because its the other side of the sidewalk doesn’t mean the city doesn’t have a right of way, especially given it is commercial property.

  5. Jeremy Rodden Avatar
    Jeremy Rodden

    Ah, I see now. WayneS, Matt Adams, LarryG, and Stephen Haner are a little group that like to work together to overwhelm people with sealion tactics. I see it in their post history that they like to piggy-back off one another on this website. If anyone else would like to discuss this, I’m game. I’ll not be responding to any of those guys anymore.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      boy have you gone down the mother of all rabbit-holes!


      Now might correctly align Wayne and Mac Adams and maybe even Haner on some but past that point – mega rabbit-hole!

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      I’m sorry facts hurt your delicate little feels, ask wifey for some burn ointment.

      PS: If you’ve gotta up-vote yourself, you’ve got issues.

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