Stop Erasing Women

by Kerry Dougherty

Keep it up, lefties. I’m begging you.

Keep spouting anti-science inanities and do it as loudly as possible until you drive every single normal person away from the Democratic Party.

Seriously, don’t stop.

What am I talking about? You have to see this to believe it:

That’s Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley on Tuesday questioning Berkeley law professor Khiara Bridges at an abortion legislation hearing.

This far-left educator drips with condescension as she smirks her way through the surreal exchange. So imagine for a moment how she treats students who dare challenge her peculiar orthodoxy. Of course, this IS Berkeley. Chances are, Bridges is mainstream there.

On paper at least, Bridges appears to be a brilliant person.

But her thought processes are bizarre, rigid and deny reality. She’s the embodiment of the far-out trans agenda.

When she asks Hawley if men can get pregnant, his response — “No I don’t believe men can get pregnant,” causes Bridges to explode into a tirade of gender gibberish. She accuses the senator of being transphobic and opening up trans people to violence.

A big fat serving of crazy,

It’s worth noting that Hawley has impressive academic credentials that rival the professor’s: Stanford undergrad, Yale Law School.

Look, there are definitely trans people. And they should be allowed to live their lives in peace, like everyone else. That doesn’t mean that men can have babies.

Just because someone’s taken hormones, perhaps surgically removed or added body parts and changed their pronouns does not change the fact that their chromosomes remain the same as they were at birth.

Biologically speaking, they are either male or female.

And only females – with uteruses and all of the other baby-gestating apparatus – can get pregnant. That’s a fact.

But by all means, the left should continue with the militant gender ideology that demands everyone accept the fiction that men can get pregnant.

Let’s hope it reaches a screeching crescendo just in time for the mid-terms.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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43 responses to “Stop Erasing Women”

  1. You’ve got to love the “party of science” — its ideology is a massive contradiction of biological reality, in particular the scientific disciplines of genetics, evolutionary psychology, and neurological science. People like Bridges are the 21st century’s answer to the creationists. Perhaps we should start calling them evolution deniers.

    Sadly, the national debate Kerry alludes to here is playing out in Virginia, in our schools, our universities, and increasingly in society at large.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Actually, it not as much about science as it is tolerance towards others who are different from us – even weirdly so.

      Some of us live and let live while others can’t seem to do that.

      Not science. Letting others be who they want to be even if you do not understand it and even find it weird and repulsive.

      Folks who can’t or won’t do that – empower the haters and bullies to go after those who are different.

      1. JayCee Avatar

        Its not about tolerance, it compliance or else we cancel you liberal politics.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          War is peace, 2 plus 2 is 5, men can give birth to children, and dogs have gizzards. Repeat often until believed.

    2. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      Far too many in our society continue to drag their knuckles on the ground. Like the permutations of Covid humans continue to evolve and mutate.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    Kerry slurping Twitter Kook-Aid.. and sharing her “revelations”? Oh Goody.

    talk about “science”… yes indeed: ” Berkeley law professor Khiara Bridges

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      So video of testimony before the Senate of the United States is “Twitter Kool-aid”. Good to know.

      How about the professionally produced J6 show? Does that qualify?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        It’s pretty partisan, no question but there appear to be actual facts involved also… time will tell.

        yes.. slurping Twitter and quoting paying attention to Josh Hawley?

        Are you freaking kidding?

        ask Haner…

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Y’all can open your eyes even with your head in the sand. The J6 Committee material is not science but facts which mutate into evidence. Ignore at your peril.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          I love the searing cross examination of the J6 committee.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            No one apparently informed you that it’s not a trial however it may present facts about crimes.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Just as bat shit crazy at the med school, I’m sure. Many questionnaires I saw during my recent foray into that arena asked me what gender I “identified.”

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        perhaps.. but citing a lawyer as an example of bad science? good gawd!

    3. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Larry – when you have the slightest chance to prove you might have a brain capable of sentient thinking, you act like the Dem flatworm you are.
      Oh…she’s a law professor, so she can’t be full of Marxist Bovine solid excrement.
      You have 3.5 billion cells in your body, all coded male or female. If coded female, only you have eggs and all the other required equipment to have the clump of cells (that sometimes people will admit is a baby, unless they want to kill it) come out of the birth canal. (It’s really an amazing thing!)
      And you call her crazy?

  3. Carter Melton Avatar
    Carter Melton

    With her gold-plated legal resume and grounding in reality, she would be a superb candidate for Biden’s next pick for the Supreme Court.

  4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Kerry could clarify very easily by stating that trans-males can indeed get pregnant, cis-males can not. Of course she wouldn’t get the same clicks that way… alas….

    1. It’s literally what is stated in video, and that abortion rights are still a women’s issue but we want to make sure not to forget the small number of men affected as well.

      Kinda like how we frame sexual assault as a women’s issue. Men absolutely experience these crimes too, but it disproportionately impacts women.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Hey, lady (if that gender is accurate for the low brows here), y’all are only one half the nation ‘s population with far less participation in the nexus of decision making. The woke warrior conservatives dominating BR will tell you when you have a point.

  5. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Nobody in the democratic party follows science much less have any idea what it means.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Real science undermines the climate catastrophe narrative. Real science recognizes that an embryo becomes a unique human being really early in the process. Real science really complicated the “vaccinate, lock down, wear a mask, cower in fear” simplistic response to the pandemic. Four shots and I know full well I’m vulnerable still. They don’t do science, but then the other side has its own examples.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Real science undermines the climate catastrophe narrative. Real science recognizes that an embryo becomes a unique human being really early in the process. Real science really complicated the “vaccinate, lock down, wear a mask, cower in fear” simplistic response to the pandemic. Four shots and I know full well I’m vulnerable still. They don’t do science, but then the other side has its own examples.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        but you got the four shots, right?

        was that “science” ?

        bonus question – if they recommend another booster – you know the “science”, will you follow that science?

        1. Randy Huffman Avatar
          Randy Huffman

          I don’t know where you are going with this Larry. Of course we follow the science and most people are getting vaccinated. Though however small, vaccinations due have risks for some people, and it should be their choice whether to get the vaccination or not.

          For me, the issue is not whether you get vaccinated or not, the issue is whether the Government or Private employers can mandate vaccination. It is proven that with vaccination, you can still get COVID. The medical profession recommends vaccination to ease the symptoms and help it from getting more serious, but your still subject to getting COVID. Once you get COVID, regardless of how mild, you are contagious, so getting boosted does not stop the risk of spreading to others. So a “big lie” was you were putting others at risk by now getting vaccinated.

          Case in point, the new variant ran rapid through our neighborhood, my wife and I both got it. I am vaccinated, but was not boosted (yet) for various reasons. Many in our neighborhood were boosted, and still got it. A lot of us got pretty sick for a few days, but nobody seriously sick, nobody went to the hospital, we are all older but healthy. I know one person who is not vaccinated and she got COVID for the second time, both times she did not get seriously sick. I wouldn’t do that, but it was her choice.

          I have a good friend who is a doctor and when I told him I was not boosted yet but planned to be later, he shrugged and said while he recommends it, especially for people with medical issues, he is not seeing how it helped that much for otherwise healthy people. He then said well you got plenty of antibodies, you don’t need to get the booster now!

          Well I still plan to get the booster later. But its my choice, what is the favorite saying we are hearing…. “my body, my choice”?

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        well ya… when “real science” is about 90% of the world’s climate scientists – and about 90% of them don’t even know what a “democrat” is …..

        somewhere the word “ignorati” comes to mind…

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          The 90% consensus is a huge lie, about all that many agree on is there is a temperature rise underway. Duh. And yes, the data strongly indicated that for me the vaccines provided significant protection and I followed the data. There is no data, only models, behind the climate nonsense.

        2. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          The 90% consensus is a huge lie, about all that many agree on is there is a temperature rise underway. Duh. And yes, the data strongly indicated that for me the vaccines provided significant protection and I followed the data. There is no data, only models, behind the climate nonsense.

        3. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          The 90% consensus is a huge lie, about all that many agree on is there is a temperature rise underway. Duh. And yes, the data strongly indicated that for me the vaccines provided significant protection and I followed the data. There is no data, only models, behind the climate nonsense.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            no models for the vaccines?

            oh contraire !

            90% is a huge lie?

            oh my….

        4. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          The 90% consensus is a huge lie, about all that many agree on is there is a temperature rise underway. Duh. And yes, the data strongly indicated that for me the vaccines provided significant protection and I followed the data. There is no data, only models, behind the climate nonsense.

          1. VaNavVet Avatar

            What has taken thousands of years to happen in the distant past is now happening in hundreds of years. That is the rub as the planet can not adapt so quickly.

        5. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          It sure does.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            walked into that, eh?

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        As long as they have gills, it’s just a fish.

      4. Teddy007 Avatar

        There is no science about the embryo/fetus. That argue is a legal one on when legal personhood attaches. Get over the screaming about science. If a fertilized egg is a person, then every IVF clinic has 100’s of people living in it.

      5. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        The “real science” of which you speak and have some knowledge is not settled on the point at which an embryo becomes “a unique human being.” Some researchers in fetal development conclude that the formation of the brain stem (contrasted with brain death) occurs somewhere at 6 months or 24 weeks. If a unique human being is one with a soul, that is a conclusion not within the province of science.

      6. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        How might you explain your embryo theory to the Ohio ten-year old who traveled to Indiana for an abortion?

    3. VaNavVet Avatar

      Trump and his GOP enablers will still be claiming that he “won” the 2020 election and trying to avoid accountability for attempting to overturn the election when the mid-terms are held.

  6. Old Matt Avatar
    Old Matt

    She roasted his bigoted bad faith lameness. Gotta be embarassed to be a Hawley blackshirt these days.

    1. JayCee Avatar

      You approve of the Trans agenda being showed down kids throats? Pun intended

  7. Please give us the names of six men who have gotten pregnant and delivered a baby.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      That info is with Rudy and Sidney subject to national security.

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