Stop Comparing January 6th To September 11th

by Kerry Dougherty

Stop. Just stop. Stop with the hyperbole. Stop exaggerating. Stop minimizing horror in a craven pursuit of politics.

It happens all the time.

For example, I’ve always cringed whenever I hear comparisons between Hitler and any contemporary political figure.

There was only one Adolph Hitler. He was vile and he killed six million Jews.

No one in modern history is anywhere near as evil as that man. When people casually disparage their political opponents by comparing them to Hitler or his Nazis it is a sign that they’ve run out of rational arguments and want to devolve into hyperbole.

Ignore them. They are stupid.

Likewise, nothing in my lifetime can compare to the horror of September 11, 2001.


Certainly not the ugly events of January 6th, 2021. And they were ugly.

On the morning of September 11th, 19 Islamic radicals hijacked commercial jets and set off to unleash chaos, mass murder and destabilization of our Republic.

In all, nearly 3,000 people died that day. Innocent investment bankers, waiters, janitors, police officers and firefighters perished in the crashes and infernos. They were mothers and fathers, and sons and daughters. Folks just going about their business, or ironically, doing the business of keeping America safe at the Pentagon when they were murdered. They were Americans who never knew how brave they were until they were in the air on United 93 and decided that if they were going to die they weren’t going to take more innocent people with them. They fought back, foiling the hijackers and limiting the planned carnage.

But on yesterday’s 21st anniversary of September 11, social media was full of left-wingers comparing an out-of-control mob of lunatics storming the Capitol in an attempt to stop the certification of the 2020 presidential election with the worst terrorist attack on American soil.

Look, I will not and have not defended the actions of the January 6th rioters. They were wrong, their actions were despicable and un-American.

But attempts by political figures to speak of the murderous Islamic terrorism in the same breath with these homegrown nuts is foolish and disingenuous.

Kamala Harris did it in January as she lumped Pearl Harbor Day, September 11th and January 6th together. She’s a fool. We expect this sort of drivel from the queen of meaningless word salads.

Naturally, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia said something similar yesterday. It must have been included in Sunday morning’s Democratic Party talking points.

The businessman, who campaigned for the Senate as a moderate but was unmasked as a political hack in 2014 after he meddled in state politics and was accused of dangling a federal judgeship to the daughter of a Democrat state senator to keep her father from resigning from the state senate and upsetting the political balance, was up to his old tricks yesterday.

On the September 11th edition of CBS’ Face the Nation, Warner managed to invoke January 6th twice in a discussion about threats to America from foreign actors. As a bonus to Democrats Warner even worked in a reference to “election deniers.” A political three-fer!

We know the Democrats are desperate to keep January 6th alive through the midterms, but this was distasteful even for Warner.

Here, read the transcript for yourselves:

MARGARET BRENNAN: You know, 9/11 introduced to many Americans for the very first time, this sense of vulnerability at home, and it launched the global war on terror. I wonder how vulnerable you think America is now, are we paying enough attention to the Middle East and to Afghanistan?

Note that the question is about Middle East and Afghanistan. He doesn’t answer that. Look where Warner goes instead:

SEN. WARNER: Well, Margaret, I remember, as most Americans do, where they were on 9/11. I was in the middle of a political campaign and suddenly, the differences with my opponent seem very small in comparison and our country came together. And in many ways, we defeated the terrorists because of the resilience of the American public because of our intelligence community, and we are safer, better prepared. The stunning thing to me is here we are 20 years later, and the attack on the symbol of our democracy was not coming from terrorists, but it came from literally insurgents attacking the Capitol on January 6th. So I believe we are stronger. I believe our intelligence community has performed remarkably. I think the threat of terror has diminished. I think we still have new challenges in terms of nation-state challenges, Russia in longer-term, a technology competition with China. But I do worry about some of the activity in this country where the election deniers, the insurgency that took place on January 6th, that is something I hope we could see that same kind of unity of spirit.

Do better, Sen. Warner. Same goes for anyone who cheapens the memory of September 11th by directly or indirectly comparing January 6th to the ghastly horror that shook America 21 years ago.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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18 responses to “Stop Comparing January 6th To September 11th”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Kamala Harris did it in January as she lumped Pearl Harbor Day, September 11th and January 6th together.”

    I am sure JAB will jump in here and shout for “context” right? She said that we all remember where we were when these three event happened. The same is often said about the day Kennedy was shot. She is not saying the event are equivalent any more than people who say they know where they were when Kennedy was shot are saying that event is equivalent to Pearl Harbor. But notice the way Kerry politicized 9/11 by supposedly not politicizing 9/11. Do better, Kerry…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      She can’t.

  2. Irie Casa Avatar

    If something like a 1/6-style, “out-of-control mob of lunatics storming the Capitol” happens again is it okay this time to slaughter them with automatic weapons BEFORE they smear feces all over the walls and then actually kill elected reps and staff? Asking for a friend who was there in hand-to-hand combat risking it all to save your country (you know, just like those who served after 9/11).

    1. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Really? Why don’t you get your fictional friend to come write a story about the experience? Or was he sobbing with AOC? Maybe he was here in Richmond during the Floydapalooza, protecting the citizens not burning and looting and maiming, or any of the other cities.
      It is a joke to compare J6 with an entire summer of lawlessness, much less 9/11.

      1. Irie Casa Avatar

        Odd, and revealing, that you would assume “he”.

        But I digress. Perhaps you could focus on the question?

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Oh…a tough woman? Great. Get her to write her story. We’d actually like to hear it, if real. I doubt it is.

          1. Irie Casa Avatar

            All women are tough. More than you obviously can imagine. Now, of the question?

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            No, I shouldn’t have to answer your stupid question, because I think you are lying about your tough woman friend engaged in hand to hand combat…
            But, as to your question, it is not OK to kill people unless your life is imminently threatened. And trespassing with a little bit of mob thrown in is not a capital offense. At least it used to be prior to the Fascist, authoritarian Democrats and their two justice systems.
            Now let’s hear your friend’s fake story. Maybe she could testify against the insurrectionists. Why not? Where’s her patriotic duty?
            Hey, how many people were killed by the “insurrectionists” on J6? Would real riots, burning down cities be OK since a black officer killed an unarmed white woman? You know, Floydapalooza for white people (and she wasn’t even high on fentanyl!)?

  3. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    “Likewise, nothing in my lifetime can compare to the horror of September 11, 2001.”
    I don’t know Kerry. What if Covid was a bio weapon? What if the suppression of HCQ and IVM early treatment protocols really did allow hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths? What if the medical and educational and economic losses due to lockdowns and masking continue to be documented? What if the negative effects of the non-vaccine mandated “vaccine” are as bad as we are seeing with excess deaths in insurer and other databases?
    You could expect evil from people sworn to jihad. But was our governmental response ignorance? Well intended stupidity? Intentionally blind stupidity? Or evil? When you get to suppression of all the questions instead of true discussion, I tend towards evil…

  4. killerhertz Avatar

    Countless Americans duped by 9/11 and 1/6. Government is on a winning streak!

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Exactly. The more gub’mint fails, the more liberals want to enlarge it.

      The failures around 9/11 are more understandable than the failures around 1/6. How were the people tasked with protecting Congress unable to prevent an unarmed mob (during a protest) from accessing the building?

      Another gub’mint #FAIL.

      1. killerhertz Avatar

        I was also speaking to the increase in the state rhetoric and resulting authoritarianism.

  5. Ruckweiler Avatar

    Lefties hate this country for various contrived reason. They want to live like free-market capitalists but speak like communists on the barricades.

  6. Joe Jeeva Abbate Avatar
    Joe Jeeva Abbate

    How twisted can a supposed loyal American be to turn the Jan 6 attack on our Capitol into a criticism of Democrats who correctly criticize the attack as treason and mob violence. Read your constitution. Jan 6 was treasonous violent mob attack on the U.S. Capitol by a mob incited by Donald Trump. 9/11 was an a violent attack on our country by an external enemy of America. I have seen no comparison of 9/11 to Jan 6, but now that you bring it up, both violent attacks did result in innocent Americans deaths on our land.
    The historical data on 9/11 is available, including confessions of some of the white supremacist militia and oath keepers who coordinated some of the attack, and many other. Weapons including guns and explosives were found in the vicinity. The more you dance around that trying to be cute in calling Democrats names or claim that somehow liberals are communists, the more you look and sound like stooges of Q’Anon or that you have been struck dumb by attempting to support the Jan 6 mob. Please speak up if you attended the Jan 6 attack. Did you feel like a patriot when you bashed the U.S. Capitol guards and broke into the building to attempt to hang V.P. Pence and harm or kidnap U.S. elected representatives?

    1. Irie Casa Avatar

      “struck dumb”, haha, love it, that’s a new one – and entirely too generous!

    2. Matt Adams Avatar

      “How twisted can a supposed loyal American be to turn the Jan 6 attack on our Capitol into a criticism of Democrats who correctly criticize the attack as treason and mob violence”

      The moment anyone invokes Treason, they lose all creditability and are making nothing more than an emotional appeal. No matter the action how vile or wrong, unless the United States is in a declared War, treason is not applicable. There are very specific criteria required for it and why is hasn’t been used as charging offense since 1949.

      “The historical data on 9/11 is available, including confessions of some of the white supremacist militia and oath keepers who coordinated some of the attack, and many other.”

      You may want to revisit your statements here as well. Also, despite claims otherwise. White supremacists are a pretty small group maybe in the 100’s if that. The notion that they are as prevalent as the media and politicians so claim, is false and just a boogeyman.

      You should also find a mirror when making statements as such, “The more you dance around that trying to be cute in calling Democrats names or claim that somehow liberals are communists, the more you look and sound like stooges of Q’Anon or that you have been struck dumb by attempting to support the Jan 6 mob.” As you just did want you accused others of doing, that’s called projection.

      Furthermore, if someone was at the Capitol for the rally on the 6th, unless they entered the building they were exercising their 1st Amendment rights, your notion to lump them with others because your disdain for those who don’t agree with you politically is noted.

      “Did you feel like a patriot when you bashed the U.S. Capitol guards”

      Also, that was a lie. You’re still parroting it, because you’re again using an emotional appeal.

  7. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Seems like democrats have been election deniers for at least the last 4 elections Btw the Stalin and Mao killed far more people than Hitler ever did. Evil is evil.

  8. dick dyas Avatar

    This is more like the 1954 attack of the House of Representatives by Puerto Rican Nationalists. They opened gun fire on the chamber from the gallery, wounding four Congressmen.
    All were sentenced to 75 years in federal prison on attempted murder and sedition charges. A just sentence, until Jimmy Carter pardoned them in 1978. But that is a different story.
    All January 6 Capitol invaders need multiyear federal sentences.
    And, yes, in the future, Capitol Police need standing orders to shoot to kill in similar invasions.

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