Stoney Versus the Environ-istas

Image credit: Virginia Public Media

by James A. Bacon

Environmental activists in the City of Richmond aren’t happy with Mayor Levar Stoney’s proposed budget. The City’s Draft Climate Equity Action Plan sets a goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions 45% by 2030 — and reaching net zero by 2050 — but Stoney’s budget plan doesn’t provide funding for conversion to electric vehicles, increasing the city’s urban forestry staff, or phasing out natural gas, as environmentalists would like.

“If we are truly serious about this master plan that puts environmental justice at the forefront, we need to put our money where our mouth is,” said Elle De La Cancela, an organizer with the Chesapeake Climate Action Network, as reported by Virginia Public Media.

“Our funding is not limitless, and we have many priorities in the city,” retorted Stoney spokesperson Jim Nolan in an email. “We have to provide funding for public education, affordable housing and homelessness, basic city services like sanitation and street cleaning, parks, clean water, all of the above.”

This is one of those rare occasions where I side with Stoney. As mayor, he has to consider the interests of a wide range of constituents — not the least of which include the city’s low-income minorities. Murders are up. Schools are melting down. Surging rents are intensifying the homeless problem. And, oh, by the way, the taxpayers paying for all this would like to maintain a modicum of city services like sanitation, pothole-free streets, litter-free parks and the like. The last thing Stoney wants is to preside over an exodus of middle- and upper-income taxpayers from the city.

While environmental activists are pushing for the city to shut down the city’s natural gas utility, Stoney’s budget would invest in it. The utility’s proposed capital improvement plan identified $100 million for the installation of new gas lines and system replacement over the next five years.

“To invest in more fossil fuel infrastructure now would be madness,” said Bill Muth, whom VPM describes as a “resident and advocate.”

As Stoney outlines in his proposed budget document, his priorities are:

  • Equity and economic justice.
  • Youth and education.
  • Police reform and public safety.
  • Affordable housing.
  • Well-managed and efficient government.
  • Economic empowerment.

A noticeably lacking priority is:

  • Taking away citizens’ option to heat their homes and cook their food with natural gas.

Far from “defunding the police,” Stoney proposes jacking up spending on “public safety and well being” from $133 million to $154 million — an increase of $21 million. Apparently, Stoney is more concerned about the spike in murders in the city’s lower-income neighborhoods than achieving a barely detectable reduction in CO2 emissions. He also proposes boosting spending on schools from $192 million to $207 million, an increase of $15 million. Lack of funding is not what ails the school system and more money is not the solution, but it is understandable that Stoney would want to prioritize the schools, given their calamitous condition.

Against these competing priorities, VPM quotes United Nations General Secretary Antonio Guterres as saying the earth is “firmly on a track toward an unlivable world.”

On a more prosaic level, the article quotes Muth as saying that Richmond’s longer summers are resulting in four times the number of Lyme disease cases and a “great increase” in asthma, putting student athletes, the elderly, pregnant women, and outdoor workers at greater risk. “A 6-year-old child living in Richmond right now will experience to to 36 times more extreme heat waves than her grandparents,” he says.

Aha! Something that can be quantified and measured. Let’s look into the particulars of Lyme disease and asthma.

Here are the Centers for Disease Control’s most recent stats for the incidents of Lyme disease in Virginia.

There is no increase. There was a brief media scare a few years ago based on the swelling numbers of cases reported through 2015. Perhaps Muth is drawing from those reports. But the surge was temporary, and the number of reported Lyme  cases was no larger in 2019, the most recent year for which the CDC publishes data, than it was a decade ago. Not surprisingly, the media never bothered to report back and tell readers, hey, remember that Lyme disease scare we told you about a few years ago? Forget about it. There’s nothing to it.

(There is a reasonable concern that the Lyme disease numbers are under-reported because the symptoms are so varied and the disease often goes undiagnosed. But that would have been just as true in 2010 as in 2019, so that doesn’t buttress that Lyme is seeing a dangerous increase. Perhaps Muth has access to different numbers. If he does, I’d like to see them.)

The latest data I could find does indicate an uptick in the incidence of asthma in the Richmond MSA. The level stayed flat around 9% of adults between 2010 and 2018, and then jumped up in 2019 and 2020. Asthma can be triggered by a range of environmental factors from mold and dust mites to tobacco smoke and pests. One factor, related to climate change, is the ground-level ozone level. In theory, as temperatures rise, ground-level ozone can rise, which in turn can trigger or aggravate asthma symptoms.

Percentage of adults in the Richmond MSA who said they currently have asthma. Source: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.

I could not locate ozone figures for the City of Richmond, but I did locate some American Lung Association numbers for Henrico County, which is part of the same MSA. Here it is:

Ozone air quality in Henrico County has improved dramatically since 1996, when it truly was a problem, and has remained at historically low levels for several years. While air quality in the Richmond MSA got better, asthma cases inched up. I’m dubious there is a meaningful connection between climate change, ozone levels, and asthma.

Bacon’s bottom line: I’m not saying that the money in Stoney’s proposed budget will be well spent — in fact, I’m pretty sure a lot of it will be wasted. But his priorities are sound. The mayor wants to steer money to where the need is greatest, not to frivolities like electric cars and urban foresters.

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14 responses to “Stoney Versus the Environ-istas”

  1. I hope no one lit any fires at that protest…

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Leastways, we hope they were more careful with the accelerant than as of late.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      There is the latest draft of the city “climate equity plan.” It is a slog to get through (190 pages!) and contains far more chaff than wheat. I’m still looking at it, but so far have found no specific promise/threat to shut down the natural gas utility, let alone a target date (my main concern.) All, repeat all, the claims of impending doom are bogus, but these folks are participating in a religion so arguing facts is a waste of time. (Note that a Climate Change Fanatic recently fatally immolated himself on the steps of the Supreme Court, so Climate Change has finally killed somebody. One more death than Three Mile Island….)

      No question living near heavy traffic and those diesel fumes is not good, and lower or no emission vehicles would be healthier. But Climate Change didn’t cause the lung issues, good old fashioned soot and grit did. No question tree-lined landscapes are cooler and trees improve air quality. Duh. Climate Change didn’t cut down the trees.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        “Climate Change didn’t cut down the trees.” t’other way ’round.

        1. Germany actually qualifies the timber it gets from the US for energy production as ‘renewable’.

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            Well, the trees grow back…feeding off the CO2 released when the dead wood is burned. All Hail the Carbon Cycle.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Lots of cycles. Yours appears to be a uni.

          3. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            How dare you celebrate photosynthesis like that, that process will doom us all to breath O2.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Ours (qualified greatly) is. Tree production in the US involves planting. Not so much jungles.

      2. Yes. My comment was in reference to the fanatic.

        If I was an extremely cynical and crass person I would suggest that the basic unit for “carbon footprint” be established as “the amount of carbon released by one burning climate activist”, or 1 BCA .

        For example, a person might be heard to say: “The carbon footprint of my new cell phone is only 3 BCA” or some such.

        But I am not an extremely cynical and crass person so I would never think of suggesting such a thing…

      3. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: “… have found no specific promise/threat to shut down the natural gas utility, let alone a target date ‘”

        what a relief! How did that rumor get started in the first place? Had to be true, read it right here I believe….

      4. Yes. My comment was in reference to the fanatic.

        If I was an extremely cynical and crass person I would suggest that the basic unit for “carbon footprint” be established as “the amount of carbon released by one burning climate activist”, or 1 BCA .

        For example, a person might be heard to say: “The carbon footprint of my new cell phone is only 3 BCA” or some such.

        But I am not an extremely cynical and crass person so I would never think of suggesting such a thing…

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Air quality Rte. 58 Emporia to Suffolk to improve greatly, albeit at the expense of one of the most scenic sections of my beloved Rte. 17.

    “I-87 will extend from its current terminus at Rolesville Road to an undetermined location in Norfolk, Virginia. Existing plans have the interstate running east along US 64 to Williamston. This section of US 64 is built as a freeway, but will need to be expanded to Interstate highway standards. In Williamston, the interstate is planned to leave US 64 and begin following an alignment along present-day US 17.”

  3. DJRippert Avatar

    Jim – you will be singing a different tune when the James River freezes year-round allowing polar bears to come down from the North and eat the people of Henrico County. Or, is it that the heat will burn out all the water leaving a desert where the James River used to be allowing feral camels to wander aimlessly through the streets of Henrico spitting at children who have the temerity to play outside?

    I can never remember which disaster is predicted.

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