Stoney Didn’t Comply with State Procurement Rules Either

No Department of General Services records that the City of Richmond filed documentation of the statue-removal contract with the state.

by James A. Bacon

The defense of Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney’s awarding of a $1.8 million statue-removal contract to a campaign supporter — that he followed state emergency procurement law, even if he didn’t abide by the City of Richmond’s law — has no basis in fact.

Stoney’s defenders have argued that the public health and safety were at stake when protesters were trying to tear down the statues, and the Mayor had to act decisively. Stoney executed the contract in compliance with state law that permits the local director of emergency management to forgo “time-consuming procedures or formalities” when awarding contracts during an emergency, Betty Burrell, the city’s director of procurement, told the Richmond Times-Dispatch two days ago.

“Were it possible to pursue a traditional procurement, the mayor would have done so, but circumstances required him to pursue a different legal avenue,” said the mayor’s spokesman Jim Nolan. “This decision was fully within his authority, and he stands by it.”

There’s just one problem with this line of argument: Stoney did not comply with state procurement law. The law does not give local officials a blank check; it requires them to leave a public record of their actions.

Under “§ 2.2-4303 Methods of procurement” the state code plainly lays out the rules for skipping the competitive bidding process in case of emergency. It lists the following requirements:

  • A written determination of the basis for the emergency selection of the particular contractor. This document must be included in the contract file.
  • A written notice stating that the contract is being awarded on an emergency basis, identifying the product or service being procured, the contractor selected, and the date on which the contract was to be awarded.
  • Posting of the written notice on the state Department of General Services’ central electronic procurement website or other appropriate websites. “Local public bodies are encouraged to utilize the Department of General Services’s electronic procurement website to provide the public with centralized visibility and access to the Commonwealth’s procurement opportunities.

Stoney never explained in writing the basis of the emergency or his justification for hiring NAH, LLC, a corporate shell that had been created nine days before he signed the contract with NAH’s principal, Devon Henry. Nor did Stoney provide an explanation of why he selected a company that had existed only nine days and had no business track record. Henry owns a minority contracting firm, Team Henry Enterprises, which does have a track record, but he did not use that entity to fulfill the contract.

There is no record of a written determination — at least none delivered in response to our Freedom of Information Act requests to the City of Richmond — in the contract file. Nor was a record of the contract filed with the Department of General Service electronic procurement (DGS) website, as would be needed to comply with state emergency-procurement law.

The DGS procurement website is known as eVA. It includes a searchable database of purchase orders, suppliers, and contracts. NAH LLC does appear in the database as a vendor, classifying itself as a “moving/relocation consulting service.” But no one is identified as a contact or principle of the firm.

A search for NAH purchase orders and contracts during the last quarter year turned up a blank. The lack of such an order is confirmed in a DGS response to a Freedom of Information Act request by my collaborator, who does procurement work for a state agency and asks to remain unidentified. A redacted image of that letter appears above.

Bacon’s Rebellion attempted to reach the Mayor’s Office for comment. An email to Stoney spokesman Jim Nolan bounced back, saying that he was away from the office until Aug. 24 and to contact Wesley Jones.Two emails to Jones bounced back as undelivered.

Meanwhile, in the political world… Richmond Councilwoman Kim Gray, who is running against Stoney for mayor, wrote a letter to Richmond Commonwealth’s Attorney Colette McEachin to call for a “full, complete and immediate investigation into the facts and circumstances surround this matter to determine whether any laws or emergency procurement rules were violated and whether any criminal charges are warranted.”

While Gray is running as a political moderate sympathetic to property owners and police, Stoney is catching flack from the political left. Mayoral candidate Alexsis Rodgers tweeted: “Let me get this straight… Not only did @LevarStoney shut #RVACouncil out of the process, he struck a deal in the dark. He told the public the city needed private donors to fit the bill and gave the contract to one of his political donors.”

City Council candidate Mike Dickenson also has criticized the mayor. In a comment posted on Bacon’s Rebellion, he wrote: “Mayor Stoney has committed crimes in his operation of the City. First, he did not follow the prescribed legal process to remove the monuments. Second, as we know now, the 1.8 million went to a company that was a donor to the Stoney campaign.” Dickenson has made similar points on local talk radio.

Stoney is conceding no ground. According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, the mayor’s chief of staff Lincoln Saunders said yesterday that Henry’s firm was chosen for the job after the city reached out to six local contractors and “many others” in the Mid-Atlantic. All turned the job down.

Explaining why Henry’s name was omitted from documents relating to the contract and NAH’s registration, Saunders said: “From what happened in Charlottesville, to the retaliatory actions taken yesterday against Senator Louise Lucas, anyone who questions the contractor’s decision to shield his name hasn’t paid attention to what happens to those who stand up to confront racism,” Saunders said. “We firmly believe the city got a fair price for the services rendered.”

In a tweet, Stoney praised Henry: “When no one else would take the job, Devon Henry stood up…. But he doesn’t just remove monuments — he builds new ones. His team build the Memorial to Enslaved Laborers at UVA. I’m proud of this Black-owned business.”

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42 responses to “Stoney Didn’t Comply with State Procurement Rules Either”

  1. I predict the “missing” paperwork will soon be “found” and that the dates on the documents will “prove” that the mayor did comply with the Commonwealth’s procurement laws…

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Likely too, they will show they picked the low of 4 bids.

  2. I predict the “missing” paperwork will soon be “found” and that the dates on the documents will “prove” that the mayor did comply with the Commonwealth’s procurement laws…

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Likely too, they will show they picked the low of 4 bids.

  3. djrippert Avatar

    Someone tell Mayor McCheese two things:

    1. I would have happily taken $1.8M to organize a statue removal that should have cost no more than $500K. I could have formed an LLC and hired an out of state company to do the actual work. His assertion that nobody else would take the job is a bald faced lie by a practiced liar. Beyond that, his campaign contributor didn’t do the work. His company didn’t do the work. He apparently functioned as a middle man, nothing more. Show me that the middle man made only a reasonable profit and this all goes away, at least in my mind. However, informed sources have estimated the actual work at $500,000 leaving Stoney’s pal with $1.3M. All he has to do is show the invoices and payments to prove me wrong. But if he funneled over $1M to a campaign contributor to function as middle man for a project that took less than two weeks – Stoney needs to be prosecuted not just criticized.

    2. What does “Henry’s team” or the Memorial to Enslaved Laborers at UVA have to do with this? Team Henry Enterprises didn’t function as middleman in the statue removal, NAH, LLC was given the award. NAH, LLC hasn’t built anything or done anything other than this highly suspicious statue removal contract.

    As far as writing a letter to a Commonwealth’s Attorney … spare me. This needs federal review, far outside the cesspool of Richmond politics. If that was the right answer for Bob McDonnell it should be the right answer for Levar Stoney as well. Bring in the windbreakers.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Does your proposal include antiquities insurance and storage? Antiquities made daily!

      1. These antiquities are being stored at the wastewater treatment plant.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          They’re safe there. Soft stuff.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Mayor McCheese? I am thinking more along the lines of the infamous “Hamburglar”.

  4. djrippert Avatar

    Someone tell Mayor McCheese two things:

    1. I would have happily taken $1.8M to organize a statue removal that should have cost no more than $500K. I could have formed an LLC and hired an out of state company to do the actual work. His assertion that nobody else would take the job is a bald faced lie by a practiced liar. Beyond that, his campaign contributor didn’t do the work. His company didn’t do the work. He apparently functioned as a middle man, nothing more. Show me that the middle man made only a reasonable profit and this all goes away, at least in my mind. However, informed sources have estimated the actual work at $500,000 leaving Stoney’s pal with $1.3M. All he has to do is show the invoices and payments to prove me wrong. But if he funneled over $1M to a campaign contributor to function as middle man for a project that took less than two weeks – Stoney needs to be prosecuted not just criticized.

    2. What does “Henry’s team” or the Memorial to Enslaved Laborers at UVA have to do with this? Team Henry Enterprises didn’t function as middleman in the statue removal, NAH, LLC was given the award. NAH, LLC hasn’t built anything or done anything other than this highly suspicious statue removal contract.

    As far as writing a letter to a Commonwealth’s Attorney … spare me. This needs federal review, far outside the cesspool of Richmond politics. If that was the right answer for Bob McDonnell it should be the right answer for Levar Stoney as well. Bring in the windbreakers.

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Does your proposal include antiquities insurance and storage? Antiquities made daily!

      1. These antiquities are being stored at the wastewater treatment plant.

        1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

          They’re safe there. Soft stuff.

    2. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead V

      Mayor McCheese? I am thinking more along the lines of the infamous “Hamburglar”.

  5. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Jim, come to think of it Stoney bypassed standard procedures to hire Gerald Smith, deputy police chief in Charlotte to be Richmond’s top cop. As noted Stoney also ram rodded things through on Navy Hill with Farrell and Dominion without much accountability. I think there was just one bidder there. Suggest you look at Terry the MAC and maybe have a chat with Justin Fairfax. Just saying

  6. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Jim, come to think of it Stoney bypassed standard procedures to hire Gerald Smith, deputy police chief in Charlotte to be Richmond’s top cop. As noted Stoney also ram rodded things through on Navy Hill with Farrell and Dominion without much accountability. I think there was just one bidder there. Suggest you look at Terry the MAC and maybe have a chat with Justin Fairfax. Just saying

  7. Interesting observations. I’d forgotten the parallel with the Navy Hill deal, but you’re absolutely right. It hadn’t even occurred to me to approach Justin Fairfax either. Good thinking. This story isn’t over.

  8. Interesting observations. I’d forgotten the parallel with the Navy Hill deal, but you’re absolutely right. It hadn’t even occurred to me to approach Justin Fairfax either. Good thinking. This story isn’t over.

  9. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    There’s a there there, Jim. Have fun. Go bite ‘im on his face.

  10. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    There’s a there there, Jim. Have fun. Go bite ‘im on his face.

  11. More accolades for Jim Bacon!

    I was listening to Chris Saxmans’s radio show earlier this afternoon while he was talking with one of the mayoral candidates about the irregularities with Stoner’s statue removal contract. Chris mentioned Jim Bacon, giving him full credit for breaking the story. He even specifically mentioned that RTD’s reporting came after Jim’s.

    Congratulations, Mr. Bacon.

  12. More accolades for Jim Bacon!

    I was listening to Chris Saxmans’s radio show earlier this afternoon while he was talking with one of the mayoral candidates about the irregularities with Stoner’s statue removal contract. Chris mentioned Jim Bacon, giving him full credit for breaking the story. He even specifically mentioned that RTD’s reporting came after Jim’s.

    Congratulations, Mr. Bacon.

  13. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Stoner? Who is that? It would help if you’d pay attention.

    1. Levar Stoney. Don’t tell me you didn’t know that.

    2. One typo and you have to act like a horse’s ass. Thanks. At least now I know there is no point in being nice to you – or saying anything nice about you.

      I actually had respect for you before this.

    3. I lost my temper with you yesterday evening and I apologize.

      I do respect you.

  14. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Stoner? Who is that? It would help if you’d pay attention.

    1. One typo and you have to act like a horse’s ass. Thanks. At least now I know there is no point in being nice to you – or saying anything nice about you.

      I actually had respect for you before this.

    2. Levar Stoney. Don’t tell me you didn’t know that.

    3. I lost my temper with you yesterday evening and I apologize.

      I do respect you.

  15. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Are you a Stoner, too?

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Used to be. Would be again except the stuff they grow today is deadly by 1960 standards. If the growers had spent that effort on, oh say, corn, the ears would be 3 feet long with kernels the size of baseballs.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Hey, hey … what’s all this anti-stoner discrimination I am hearing? Even going back to 2018 a majority of Americans live in states where recreational and/or medical marijuana is legal. And if the Democrats take the Senate this Fall DC will very quickly become a retail location for buying recreational marijuana. Given Virginia’s $25 fine for possession that will make Northern Virginia and the Maryland suburbs of DC effectively legalized recreational areas too. Of course, all of the taxes from this will go straight into DC’s coffers.

  16. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Are you a Stoner, too?

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Used to be. Would be again except the stuff they grow today is deadly by 1960 standards. If the growers had spent that effort on, oh say, corn, the ears would be 3 feet long with kernels the size of baseballs.

    1. djrippert Avatar

      Hey, hey … what’s all this anti-stoner discrimination I am hearing? Even going back to 2018 a majority of Americans live in states where recreational and/or medical marijuana is legal. And if the Democrats take the Senate this Fall DC will very quickly become a retail location for buying recreational marijuana. Given Virginia’s $25 fine for possession that will make Northern Virginia and the Maryland suburbs of DC effectively legalized recreational areas too. Of course, all of the taxes from this will go straight into DC’s coffers.

  17. If the democrats take the senate this November we may need MEDICINAL marijuana…


  18. If the democrats take the senate this November we may need MEDICINAL marijuana…


  19. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Looking on the bright side at least they did’t catch Stoney on the super huge yacht of a fugitive Chinese billionaire a la Bannon ( a Virginian never much noted here)

  20. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Looking on the bright side at least they did’t catch Stoney on the super huge yacht of a fugitive Chinese billionaire a la Bannon ( a Virginian never much noted here)

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