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Still a Few Slots Open for the Big Bacon Fry

The political discourse in the United States just gets nastier. People in the other political tribe aren’t just misguided or informed by different values, they’re ignorant, stupid, lying, evil people out to ruin the country. If you’re a Bacon’s Rebellion reader, you’re probably just as tired of the hyperbolic rhetoric and personal vilification as I am. Fortunately, there’s an antidote — the Big Bacon Fry, the first-ever gathering of Bacon’s Rebellion readers and supporters. Our mission: to get Americans talking civilly to one another again.

Please join me in brainstorming ways to improve the quality of dialogue and debate. We’ll put a couple of concrete ideas on the table: (1) pulling friends together in monthly groups like Richmond’s own West End Eating, Drinking and Bloviating Club to discuss topics of mutual interest, and (2) forming stakeholder groups to tackle tough public policy issues of community and statewide import. But we’re open to ideas of all kinds, and we want to hear them.

The program starts 11:30 a.m., this upcoming Saturday (Dec. 2) at the Westin Hotel in Henrico County, just off Interstate 64. We’ll open with a mix-and-mingle just to get to know one another, and then we’ll get down to business. The meeting ends at 2:30, and you can be on your way. Or you can join me afterwards at the hotel bar!

We still  have a few slots open. If you can make it, please let me know — — so I can notify the caterer.

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