Still Clueless After All These Years

by James A. BaconIn his latest hit job on the Virginia Military Institute, the Washington Post’s Ian Shapira weaves into his account responses to questions submitted to Governor Ralph Northam in writing. Northam, who served as president of the Honor Court and graduated from the Institute in 1981, comes across as totally clueless.

“I don’t remember seeing racism aimed at Black cadets, but I’m sure it happened,” said Northam, without offering any specifics on how he’s sure. As a cadet, he focused mainly on surviving VMI’s academic and military-training challenges, he said. “I didn’t fully understand how subtle [racism] is. … I had the privilege of not having to see it, but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t there.”

If the racism was so subtle that Northam didn’t see it, that might be an indication that racism wasn’t as horrendous as he now believes — based largely on Shapira’s portrayal. Either he was clueless then, or he is clueless now.

“I didn’t understand the real history behind the school’s Confederate ties,” Northam also told the Post. Back then, he says, schools weren’t teaching that the statues were “intentionally designed to terrorize and intimidate Black Virginians during the Jim Crow era, that this was about white supremacy and the so-called ‘Lost Cause.’”

Yet surely, if VMI was still venerating statues in 1980 for the purpose of “terrorizing and intimidating” black Virginians, even the oblivious Northam would have noticed. Clearly, that was not the case. Whatever the original reasons for erecting Confederate statues throughout the South in the distant past, the meaning of the Stonewall Jackson statue for VMI cadets had evolved. Jackson was venerated as the greatest tactical military genius produced by VMI, not for the fact, as the Washington Post endlessly tells us, that he owned slaves or fought to uphold slavery. Why can’t Northam just admit that was the case?

Because he’s clueless.

Shapira cited the case of a black cadet who was recruited to run track at VMI who was convicted by the Honor Court and expelled for cheating on an exam. The cadet maintains his innocence to this day and contends that he was targeted for his race. The report quotes Aaron Bush, an African-American serving on the Honor Court at the time, who said he didn’t believe that court was targeting black cadets for expulsion.

Northam, who served on the Honor Court as president his senior year, said he did not recall the case. But he expressed concern  about “the ongoing disparities” of the honor system. He does not base that belief on anything he personally observed — just agenda-driven Washington Post reporting.


In his VMI yearbook photo, Northam went by the nickname of “Coonman,” presumably a racist pejorative. He did not address that issue in the response to the Post, but he has said previously that two fellow classmates called him the name. He didn’t know why.


Many VMI alumni lent their support to Northam’s gubernatorial bid, when he ran as a political moderate. Nearly 1,400 cadets marched in his inaugural parade. He welcomed their support. But after reading the Washington Post exposes, the scales lifted from his eyes. He decided he was “appalled” by the systemic racism he had never witnessed and never heard about. “I knew the practices of the school were problematic in many ways, but I didn’t realize how bad it still was,” he told the Post

Still clueless after all these years.

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55 responses to “Still Clueless After All These Years”

  1. James, James, James…..”Either he was clueless then, or he is clueless now.” Really? It is obvious he was and still is…. always has been…..

    I know how and why I got my JV football nickname, my varsity nickname, my fraternity nickname, my college LAX nickname, and my war zone nickname.

  2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    “I didn’t understand the real history behind the school’s Confederate ties,” That is the boldest lie he has ever told. He and every cadet had to memorize and on command recite those ties. Does he think even the general public is not aware of that?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      It becomes clearer and clearer that telling the truth is just not something Democrats have to do.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Clearly part of Northam racist history, no?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          More part of his history as a pathological liar. Who can forget when he claimed he never thought his family, who owned an antebellum eastern shore plantation, owned slaves? Who did he think did all the work on that plantation – robots? Drones? Or even more ridiculous … his own family?

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            so he was clueless or you KNOW, he actually lied?

            Was he demonstrably racist?

            What specific racist acts has he been guilty of?

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Can you be more specific? Would he have known that it would eventually be considered as racist when he did whatever it was that he did?

            For example, some folks just use expressions like “you people” without realizing the possible implications. Well, once anayway. Most of the time, it ain’t racist. When Archie Bunker says, “youze people” to Meathead, it ain’t racist, but when he said it to Sammy Davis Jr., it was.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar


          4. DJRippert Avatar

            I know he lied because an educated person living on the eastern shore of Maryland or Virginia knows that slaves worked all the plantations there. It was where Harriett Tubman and the Underground Railroad existed. It was the birthplace of Fredrick Douglass. There are still slave quarters standing on rural farms today.

            Northam’s daddy and grandaddy were Byrd Machine operatives. God only knows how many advantages the dullard got when he applied to VMI or medical school. He grew up in a world where you could say anything about anything and some Byrd Machine dumbass would just nod “yes” as you spoke.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            All true. Was Northam himself guilty of racist acts? Does he has a history of being a racist person? Did he belong to racist groups. Has he written racist things. Has he participated in racist events?

          6. tmtfairfax Avatar

            Larry, if you are an adult just about ready to graduate from medical school to become a practicing physician and appear in blackface, you are a racist. Folks ready to graduate with a professional degree know better. But what is even worse is his denial that it’s him in the photo the day after he admitted it was him.

            And then, instead of apologizing and trying to make personal amends, Northam has been using the power of his office and taxpayer money to demonstrate he is woke.

            Racist behavior, even as an adult, does not condemn a person for life. People who admit that some of their actions were racist can be redeemed and, indeed, forgiven, but not without taking personal responsibility.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            Even if you’ve never lived the rest of your life as a racist – the one mistake then makes you the same as those who have been racist their whole life?


            Find me what else Northam has done in his life that is racist… he made one bad mistake and that’s it?

            Ya’ll have tough standards! for Dems at least!

          8. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Mr. Northam’s daddy, Wescott was a lawyer, Commonwealth Attorney, and Circuit Court judge on the Eastern Shore. So was his grandaddy Thomas Long Northam. Ralphie’s kin were part of the court house politics of the Byrd Machine. In a strange twist our governor uses the same tools of the Byrd Machine to be anti-Byrd. How did Gillespie miss exploiting all of this?

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yes. Absolutely no question that people are born to racists. I was. My mother was as racist as the day was blue and yes her ancestors owned slaves. But does that mean I am?

          10. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            We cannot help ourselves Mr. Larry. Behavior and attitudes are taught and passed down. NO matter the color of your skin. We are left with the burden of undoing these fatal character flaws embedded in each of us. Fortunately for me there is Jesus. By coming to the cross you get an eternal second chance. In the meantime the best I can do is strive to do my part to weave together a more perfect union with my countrymen.

          11. According to Ibram Henry Rogers [Kindi] — YES YOU ARE A RACIST [very North Korean-like thinking]. you are the totality of your family and your race’s lineage.

          12. LarrytheG Avatar

            Is that what the majority black folks think? Liberals?

            or is it just right wingers and some assorted whack jobs?

            Have the majority of black folks in Virginia forgiven Northam or have they abandoned him for the lies of the GOP ?

          13. It is unlikely he earned the nickname “coonman” because of his love of hunting procyonids.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Knowing details and understanding the implications of those details are two different things, James.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Then you, not me, are calling him a moron.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yeah, and the statues to Lee are historical markers. You knew they existed. When did it occur to you that all those placed between 1908 and 1921 might be symbols of racism?

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I will beat James Whitehead to this one. Regarding your assertion, “Jackson was venerated as the greatest tactical military genius produced by VMI,” Jackson graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. At VMI, he taught artillery tactics and natural philosophy (akin to physics today).

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      You are quick draw McGraw. In 1861 there 1,930 living VMI alumni. 1,827 of them fought in some of service to the Confederacy. 240 died. 171 died from combat. 19 VMI grads served Uncle Abe’s army.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        ” 19 VMI grads served Uncle Abe’s army.”

        Are there statues?

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          They used up all the bronze in the state for Jackson. I did look over the biographies of the 19 VMI grads. None made a noteworthy contribution to the Union war effort. Most had a tenuous at best connection to Virginia. Still it would be a noteworthy piece of statuary. But does anyone really care?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            About statues? Not anymore. About the history? Well, we share a difference of opinion on the objects of note in human history.

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          Ah, the “both sides” thing…

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It sometimes wrankles a noive.

  4. I do not think Mr. Northam is clueless.

    I think he is a dishonorable, self-serving, shameless, bare-faced liar.

    1. tmtfairfax Avatar

      Northam’s personal ethics are such that, after his term is completed, he could join the Post’s editorial board.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    He’ll look like a bloody genius if the Republicans win with their current front runner.

    Funny, the survival of the RPV depends on practicing on themselves in a big way first what they hope to do to everyone… voter suppression.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Hard to countenance from the critics that Northam is – at the same time – clueless about racism – AND a racist… lordy.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        That’s the difference between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats are the Accidental Racists.

        1. That might be the funniest thing you’ve ever posted here.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Let me take 24 hours and 18 minutes to think about that.

          2. Take all the time you need.

        2. WOW – i guess that whole KKK thing, Gun Control so ex-slaves couldn’t protect themselves, anti-black state laws, Jim Crow, segregation, separate but equal, and on and on….. was an oops?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Oh yeah, I forgot the Democrat’s “Southern Strategy”.

  6. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Imagine Jackson being venerated as a military genius at a school where Patton attended and George Marshall graduated. Countless others of note. Jackson was a first class corps commander, but otherwise looney as they get, and his reputation could have been far different had he not gotten shot right at the peak of success. Maybe he would have taken that ridge the first day of Gettysburg, but then maybe he wouldn’t have. Some say General Bee was issuing a complaint about Jackson standing like a stone wall….

    My band nickname was Herb because I held my trumpet like Herb Alpert and enjoyed the Tijuana Brass music. Ralph and others know where “Coonman” comes from but just won’t say.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Jackson at Gettysburg, first day, July 1. Would have never have happened. Jackson would have been in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania by then and preparing a forced march to Philadelphia as the next move.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Not napping under a tree like he did during the Seven Days campaign? What if’s are easy… 🙂

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          If Jackson has pressed on at White Oak Swamp McClellan’s line of retreat would have been compromised. But Jackson did need that nap. The obsession with secrecy, riding back and forth from the Valley to Lee twice left the professor a wee bit sweepy. What if’s are fun!

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Pas-de-Calais, non?

          2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            “molassas fera naître du cognac”

        2. Hey, it was SEVEN days. What’s a little nap?


      2. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        It’s often lost of people who don’t study the Civil War that the primary target was Harrisburg. Once captured they could begin their assault on D.C. and force a surrender when it had been surrounded.

  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    I think what you are seeing is Northam being unable to say, “I, like everybody else back then, bought into the Lost Cause narrative and did not see it for what it truly was. I have since been educated as to its true meaning and intent.”

    1. tmtfairfax Avatar

      Had Northam done this, taken personal responsibility for his actions and attempted to make personal amends, instead of using his power as Governor to prove he’s woke, the guy should be forgiven.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        wait. wait! It’s WORSE if did a racist thing and then became WOKE to make up for it? geeze!

        1. tmtfairfax Avatar

          Larry, what you are missing is that Northam’s racist actions were personal, but not only will he not take responsibility for them, but he also is using the powers of the Governor to distract from his conduct. He could have easily resigned from office had he wanted to make a personal sacrifice to make amends.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Personal? How so? TMT – Do you know for the God’s honest truth what you are saying is the truth or are you surmising what you (or others) think?

            What OTHER racist actions has Northam “personally” done in his life?

            You guys say that he is now doing all this work and “equity” stuff to make amends, right? Isn’t that admitting your wrongs?

            What do you really want?



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