Still Asking: Who Is NAH LLC?

Jim Bacon talks to John Reid with WRVA’s Richmond Morning News about NAH LLC, its $1.8 million contract to take down the Confederate statues, the mystery of who owns the company, and whether Mayor Levar Stoney followed proper procurement policy in hiring the company.

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6 responses to “Still Asking: Who Is NAH LLC?”

  1. sbostian Avatar

    A quick internet search reveals the following information: 1) the LLC was formed on June 22, 2020. One might presume that the LLC was formed as an entity specifically for removing the statues. Perhaps an established company formed the LLC in an attempt to obscure its role. If that is not the case, Stoney would have awarded the contract to a startup entity with no prior performance track record. 2) NAH LLC’s registered agent is located in McLean, Virginia – Diana McGraw an attorney with the Fox Rothschild law firm. Perhaps the law firm could be interviewed, but I suspect that they will decline.

  2. Keep on them!

  3. James Wyatt Whitehead V Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead V

    Let us know about the next round of FOIA requests.

  4. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    I seem to recall that a little time ago that the city or state (can’t remember) that an out of state firm or more refused the job. Check the despised WaPo

    1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

      Out of State companies refused the job?

      Yeah, I can understand that. After Charlottesville and the reaction of the Right to just the contemplation of removal, who wants to come to Virginia just to get hit by a car?

      See Richmond and die… Apologies to Naples.

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