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Koch Brothers, Time to Run with the Big Dogs

Koch Brothers, a mere pup in the money-in-politics game.

The billionaire Koch Brothers, owners of Koch Industries, the second largest privately held company in the United States, have been demonized by the left for their insidious influence upon American politics. Lefties have painted the Kochs as the evil bankrollers of conservative America, with their moneyed tentacles reaching everywhere. With a six-degrees of separation kind of logic, they trace everything back to the Kochs.

Thus, it is fascinating to view the “Heavy Hitters: Top All-Time Donors, 1989-2014” list compiled by It turns out that 13 of the 20 largest donor organizations skew blue and only two red. The evil Koch Industries registered 59th on the list. The American Federation of State, County & Municipal Employees contributed $60.4 million over 25 years, the overwhelming majority of it to Democrats. Koch Industries donated $18 million.

Maybe it’s time for the Koch Brothers to step up their game. It’s time to run with the big dogs.


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