State Anthem Controversies: Maryland, My Maryland

James Ryder Randall, author of “Maryland, My Maryland”

by James Wyatt Whitehead V

Tensions had reached a boiling point in the city of Baltimore on April 19, 1861.  160 years ago, a mob of pro-Southern sympathizers attacked the 6th Massachusetts Infantry as the unit was making its way by rail to Washington, D.C. There had been trouble the day before when regiments of Pennsylvania militia had passed through the city.  Insults, bricks, and stones were hurled by several hundred “National Volunteers” of the pro-southern persuasion. Still the city police had managed to keep the situation under control.  A decidedly Democratic and southern sympathizing city was ripe for violence in the wake of Fort Sumter and Abraham Lincoln’s call for volunteers to restore the Union.

When the 6th Massachusetts Infantry reached the Camden Station in Baltimore, it would be necessary to pull the rail cars by horse ten blocks down Pratt Street to the President Street Station. There was no direct rail connection due to different rail gauges of the period. Commanding Colonel Edward Jones issued instructions to his troops as the locomotive chugged into Camden Station:

The regiment will march through Baltimore in column of sections, arms at will. You will undoubtedly be insulted, abused, and, perhaps, assaulted, to which you must pay no attention whatever, but march with your faces to the front, and pay no attention to the mob, even if they throw stones, bricks, or other missiles; but if you are fired upon and any one of you is hit, your officers will order you to fire. Do not fire into any promiscuous crowds, but select, any man whom you may see aiming at you, and be sure you drop him.

Awaiting the 6th Massachusetts was a mob of southern sympathizers.  The street was blocked. The horses could not move the cars to the next station. Four companies of men disembarked to clear the way. An all-out brawl ensued as bricks and stones flew and volleys of musket fire replied. The Baltimore Police were able to wedge themselves between the mob and soldiers allowing the men of the 6th to board the train at the President Street Station.  Four soldiers were killed and 36 wounded in the event. Twelve civilians were also dispatched in the mayhem.

The passion of April 19th had far reaching consequences. Maryland Governor Thomas Holliday Hicks acceded to the call of a special convention to debate Maryland’s secession. Baltimore and Annapolis would be under military occupation for the remainder of the war. Lincoln moves quickly to suspend habeas corpus, which led to a Constitutional crisis in the Supreme Court case of Ex Parte Merryman.

Meanwhile, deep in the heart of Louisiana, college professor and native Marylander, James Ryder Randall, was preparing lessons at Poydras College. He could not complete the task at hand, for he had just learned of the death of a friend, Francis Ward, a civilian casualty in the Baltimore Riot. In a spasm of creativity, Randall penned the poem, “Maryland, My Maryland.”

The nine-stanza poem is a call to arms to avenge the bloodshed on the streets of Baltimore. Lincoln is disparaged as a “tyrant” and “despot.” Randall’s poetry invokes the names of Maryland heroes from the Revolution and the Mexican War. “Maryland, My Maryland” is a plea to citizens to join with Virginia in secession and the motto of “sic semper” is a key centerpiece. The poem was transformed into song by Baltimore socialite Jennie Cary. She set the tune of “Maryland, My Maryland” to the old Christmas song “O Tannenbaum.” It was a common practice in this period to set new songs to the tune of songs that were well known to gain rapid acceptance and popularity.

One often thinks of “Dixie,” “The Bonnie Blue Flag,” and “When Johnny Comes March Home,, as southern songs of war. “Maryland, My Maryland,” became one of the most popular Civil War songs for southern soldiers. In terms of popularity, physician and poet Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. equated the Maryland state song with “John Brown’s Body.” “John Browns’ Body” was also set to a familiar revival song from the days of camp meetings, “Say Brothers, Will You Meet Us“.

When Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia crossed the Potomac River at White’s Ford in Loudoun County, he had the marching band strike up the tune of “Maryland, My Maryland.” As a long line of men waded the waters and into Maryland, a campaign of claiming the Old Line state was on Lee’s mind and final victory. The scene of Confederate soldiers parading into Unionist Frederick, Md., was accompanied by this new song of rebellion. The bloody struggle of the Battle of Sharpsburg dashed hopes for an end to war and of Maryland joining the Confederacy. When Lee’s army crossed the Potomac and into Maryland again in 1863, “Maryland, My Maryland” was not played on the long road to Gettysburg.  James Randall would go down in the history books as the “poet of the Lost Cause.”

“Maryland, My Maryland” has been the official state song since 1939 and, since 1974, there has been an annual call to replace the state anthem due to the controversial lyrics. In recent years the state song has lost its luster, although it is played from time to time. As recently as 2017, the United States Naval Academy Glee Club performed the old tradition at the Preakness Stakes. In 2020, the Maryland legislature nearly adopted a removal, but a limited session due to COVID-19 shelved the idea. This year a bill has been reported out of the state assembly and is headed to the desk of Governor Larry Hogan. He has not indicated whether he will sign or veto the measure. The bill calls for the removal of “Maryland, My Maryland” with no replacement.

Fortunately for Virginia, we have already been down this road and during calmer times. In 1997, “Carry Me Back to Old Virginia” was retired from the state song to state song “emeritus.” Stay “tuned” for the next part that explores the rich history of our former state anthem.

James Wyatt Whitehead V is a retired Loudoun County history teacher.

A picture of James Ryder Randall.  Poet of the “Lost Cause”.

James Ryder Randall 1861 – Maryland, My Maryland – Wikipedia

Currier and Ives Lithograph depicting the Baltimore Riot as the “Lexington of 1861”.

Currier & Ives – The Lexington of 1861 – Baltimore riot of 1861 – Wikipedia

Rare photograph of Stonewall Jackson’s men marching into Frederick, Md., singing the tune “Maryland, My Maryland.”  It was not well received.

Confederates marching through Frederick, MD in 1862 – Maryland campaign – Wikipedia

Map of the route taken by the 6th Massachusetts during the Baltimore Riots.

George Brown map – Baltimore riot of 1861 – Wikipedia

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17 responses to “State Anthem Controversies: Maryland, My Maryland”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Good article! Curious about 1939, why then?

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Good question. I tried to dig that one out. Best I can come up with is the release of the film Gone With the Wind in 1939. It was American’s favorite movie at that split second. As book released in 1936 to 1939 2 million copies sold.

  2. Marvin Gilliam Avatar
    Marvin Gilliam

    Thank you for an entertaining walk back into history!

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I was pulling for replacing “Carry Me Back” with Billy Joel’s “Only the Good Die Young,”

    “Come out Virginia, don’t let me wait
    You Catholic girls start much too late
    Aw, but sooner or later it comes down to fate
    I might as well be the one”

    Good article, James. Too bad the Yankees didn’t stop at the Basin and take in the National Aquarium, another bone between DC and Ballamer.

    Surprised that you didn’t mention the stealing of an existing tune by F.S. Key, et al. But then, not every State could produce a Stephen Foster.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    From the Ballimer Sun,
    “The song — written as a pro-secessionist tract by the poet and Maryland native James Ryder Randall — was originally adopted in 1935 by a Democratically controlled legislature (certainly a different brand than today). But it was vetoed by Republican governor Harry W. Nice because lawmakers refused to delete “objectionable verses” about Abraham Lincoln, the Union Army and Northern citizens. After Nice left office, the next governor, Herbert R. O’Conor, signed the song into law in 1939.”

    Political revenge for the Right the Wrong of 1919 having been wronged again in 1939.

    Btw, the replacement has been suggested by the author as a Natty Boh jingle. Personally, “whee whuu, Mable. Black Label” would suit too.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Thanks for the assist! It was right under my nose as usual. That Harry Nice Bridge is a real test of nerves to drive over.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I used to take the 5-301-17 route from NRL rather than the 95-64 to avoid Fredricksburg. Yeah, it added 40 minutes to the trip, but I spent most of that listening to G. Gordon Liddy and two whack jobs (I think one was Mike O’Meera) that followed him on WJFK.
        The Nice Bridge meant Waldorf was a bad memory and I was home in Virginia.
        And yes, I’d rather suffer the Waldorf stoplights than chance a bad day in Fredricksburg. I spent 5 hours one afternoon between the route 17N and 17S exits, but that wasn’t the worst. That was the day the news kept telling us about the London Metro bombing completely neglecting to mention some chemical spill that ate I-95 and closed the road in both directions. Yes, I have great sympathy for 7 killed in the bombing, but 250,000 commuters held up for 10 hours at least rated a 5 minute segment.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          re: avoiding Fredericksburg. Yep. And don’t blame you. I’ll go west to I-81 to go north rather than NoVa.. And pray GAWD the 301/Waldolf never became like Windsor! 😉

          There building new bridges over the Rappahannock at the Burg and express lanes from 17 north. I use my EzPass when I can (which I think works on the Nice bridge also if not mistaken).

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            That was 27 years ago. I have looked at 64-81 when going north-south, but the 17-301 is far too pleasant.

            The last time I went up through Baltimore, we took 95 going, confirmed the fact that things are worse, and came home the usual route.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        BTW, always worse coming from Va. You had an unobstructed view of the pending climb for two miles, ANTICIPATION, whereas in the other direction you began the climb immediately from the toll plaza when you were busy merging and accelerating.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Remember when the Nice bridge toll was just 50 cents?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Yeah, it’s like $6 now, but only leaving Maryland… cheap at twice the price.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            They gotta pay for the replacement bridge.

          3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            That is as much as a Whopper. His highness the King is not pleased. Lord Cecil, Calvert, and Baltimore have been summoned to the palace.

  5. You, sir, are fast becoming my favorite contributor to this blog.

    Please keep up the good work. Your fascinating history lessons are a welcome distraction from the ridiculous things that are going on around us.

  6. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    My understanding (from WTOP radio) is Gov Hogan has previously said that he is NOT a supporter of the Md state song, so although we do not know if he will sign the bill, it looks like he is not in favor of the current words.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      I suspected he would sign just as George Allen signed for Carry Me Back to Ole Virginny.

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