Spring Has Sprung, the Grass Is Ris…

… I wonder where the boidies isThe boid is on the wing,But that’s absoidFrom what I hoidThe wing is on the boid!

The so-called Brooklyn National Anthem was on my mind this afternoon when I strolled through my neighborhood. Yesterday, it was still winter. Today, it’s spring. Trees had exploded with red bud and white cherry blossoms. The forsythia and periwinkle were in full bloom. And the frogs in pond, normally very reclusive, were croaking their little hearts out in mating rituals. As for the boids, I did notice a red-breasted robin or two.

I get my second vaccination shot tomorrow, the COVID epidemic is receding, and it’s warm enough outside to converse with neighbors and passersby in the year’s first grab-a-lawn-chair-and-bring-a-bottle-of-wine impromptu cocktail party. Life is good again.


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2 responses to “Spring Has Sprung, the Grass Is Ris…”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    We have daffodils, crocus, forsythia, maple and domestic flowering trees.
    Spring Peepers too – but not redbud and Dogwood in the woods – YET!

    We also have bumble-bees of all things even in the cold mornings.

    And of course, also, a noxious weed I hate with a passion.

    Soon enough, we’re all going to be sweating and cursing the heat….

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Is that the same as “almost legal”?

    Little boidie, feather and bill,
    Poiched upon my windowsill.
    I coaxed him in wiff crumbs of bread,
    And den I smashed his widdle head

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