Posted for the benefit of readers who are still in denial about the meltdown in discipline and the epidemic of violence in Virginia schools:

There have always been fights in schools. It’s never been like this.

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11 responses to “Spotsylvania Pandemonium”

  1. how_it_works Avatar

    And these teens grow up and become the adults that make Virginia the great place to live that it is.

  2. Merely misunderstood youth… at least they weren’t saying bad, hateful things like, “Only woman can get pregnant.”

  3. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    read Jason Riley’s column

  4. I predict all charges will be dropped and no one will be appropriately punished for this.

    I hope I am wrong.

    1. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
      Baconator with extra cheese

      I wouldn’t call the restorative justice circle “not punishment”.

      1. Right. We must not forget about the restorative justice circle. Where would we be without that?

  5. I predict all charges will be dropped and no one will be appropriately punished for this.

    I hope I am wrong.

  6. VaNavVet Avatar

    Violent fights have been occurring in schools for decades with students, teachers, and administrators being injured. While not new, they may well be more frequent of late.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      You are correct. What is different now is how we consume the news of such occurrences. Thanks to the cell phone and tic tac we get to see all of the nonsense unfiltered.

  7. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    “If you don’t fight like hell, you won’t have a country anymore”.

    “Let’s have trial by combat”.

    Go figure.

  8. Warmac9999 Avatar

    I remember fights after school, but not in school. If anything happened in school, the football team would administer the appropriate punishment with the blessings of the coach. We also had boxing in school. The coach would take the best and toughest boxer and pit him against the hoods. Saw a couple of guys KOed but always per the marquis of kings bury rules.

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