Speeding Insurance

Via Hit & Run, a new idea out of Denmark that just might catch on in Virginia: speeding insurance:

For just 2.50 Danish crowns (33 euro cents) per day, the club will pay up to four speeding tickets and four parking tickets per year, up to a value of 10,000 crowns.

The idea, Fartklubben founder Poul Winther told Danish daily Politiken, is not to give Danes license to put the pedal to the metal, but rather to protect motorists from over-zealous traffic cops.

The Danish government isn’t happy and is looking for ways to shut it down (because it’s all about safety, or the children, or some such thing… NOT revenue. Nope, never about the sweet, sweet flow of cash into the treasury).

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9 responses to “Speeding Insurance”

  1. Anonymous Avatar

    If I’m not mistaken, in Denmark speeding tickets are pegged to both the amount over the limit and your income. This is designed to make it hurt for people who are wealthy enough to speed with impunity.

    There was a story a while back about a swedish rock star (or some celebrity) who got a speeding ticket for $30,000.


  2. Jim Bacon Avatar
    Jim Bacon

    Here’s the key quote in the article: “We believe that photo speed traps and parking companies have become pure money machines.”

    The government appetite for revenues exists everywhere. But the Danes are scrappier than most of their European brethren when it comes to resisting the growth of government. The Danes support us in the War on Terror, they are entrepreneurial, they develop world-class windmill technology, and they have one of the most flexible labor markets in the European Union. I think Denmark is rapidly becoming my favorite country in European.

  3. Groveton Avatar

    Denmark seems pretty well run. In fact, I found this on a Danish blog:

    Gun law? In denmark you have to be member 2 years in a shooting club before you can aply for a permission to BUY a gun. After 2 years in a shooting club you can ONLY buy ONE gun in 9mm and ONE gun in 38/357 and for the fun TWO guns in caliber 22. The danish government is about to make a total prohibition about SOFT-AIR!!! In Denmark you can not even think to buy a 45 or a 44 because they think it’s overkill!!!”.

    You have to actually know what you are doing before you can buy a gun. Then, you can only buy so many guns and they can only be so powerful.

    I am begining to think you are right about Denmark being a favorite country in Europe.

  4. Anonymous Avatar

    In Denmark, the total tax burden is 49%, only Sweden is higher. They have a 25% value added tax on all goods and services, plus sin taxes, environmental taxes, and property taxes.

    How is that resisting the growth of government? Or is it because the government is so large that resistance is now higher?


  5. You had me at “Fartklubben.”

  6. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    I think I have it.

    If you get a ticket in Virginia – you have two choices.

    You can either pay the abuser fees

    .. or you will agree to buy Green Power instead…

    the advantage of the Green Power path is that you get to pay a smaller monthly penalty instead of an annual penalty AND you get to brag to your friends that even though you got a ticket – you’re a better “do-gooder” than they are.


  7. Anonymous Avatar

    I actually like that kind of thinking.


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  9. Best term life quote Avatar
    Best term life quote

    This is quite an interesting post, speeding ticket insurance certainly quite an unfamiliar name! thanks for the heads up though.

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