Spanberger’s Low-Energy Launch

by Shaun Kenney

Long rumored and much anticipated, Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-VA) announced her intention to run for Virginia governor in 2025 just weeks after Republicans led by Governor Glenn Youngkin fell short of re-capturing leadership of the General Assembly.

Spanberger’s announcement — being panned as “low energy” by most observers — came just days after Virginia Republicans fell a few thousand votes short of capturing the Virginia State Senate and gaining parity in the House of Delegates — with just one vote dividing both chambers:

“The greatest honor of my life has been to represent Virginians in the U.S. House. Today, I am proud to announce that I will be working hard to gain the support and trust of all Virginians to continue this service as the next Governor of Virginia,” said Spanberger. “Virginia is where I grew up, where I am raising my own family, and where I intend to build a stronger future for the next generation of Virginians. As a former CIA case officer, former federal law enforcement officer, and current Member of Congress, I have always believed in the value of public service. I look forward to serving the Seventh District through the end of this term and then pursuing the important work of bringing Virginia together to keep our Commonwealth strong.

Meanwhile, all eyes turn towards Richmond as Mayor Levar Stoney — former chief of staff to Governor Terry McAuliffe — is anticipated to launch his own run for the Governor’s Mansion in 2025.

The dichotomy of Spanberger — a liberal Democrat with progressive backers — running against Stoney, the progressive champion who succeeded in tearing down Confederate statues, gravesites, and memorials near and along Richmond’s Monument Avenue during the BLM/Antifa riots of 2020 backed by longstanding Clinton-era donors remains a key facet of the race to watch.  Should Spanberger be able to convince progressive voters with progressive dollars and messaging, will it be enough to turn off the suburbs where Spanberger has succeeded in running, from Northern Virginia to Chesterfield to Fredericksburg?

Conversely, can Levar Stoney convince liberal voters with liberal donors and messaging that the scenes America saw in Richmond just a few short months ago will not be replayed in our public schools and institutions?

One thing is for sure.  The Democrats will have gobs of cash to smash one another in a state where Biden leads Trump convincingly — a sure lay-up should Trump re-capture the White House in 2024.

…that is, unless Virginia AG Jason Miyares or Virginia LG Winsome Sears is able to successfully put together the coalition of the future for Virginia Republicans.

The Most Diverse Ticket in Virginia History (TM) had coattails long enough to bring Youngkin in for the ride in 2021.  Should that energy continue in 2025, Virginia Republicans may be able to offer a third way within their own party strictures against a Democratic Party all too eager to outflank one another in pursuit of the impossible.

Of course, Spanberger will have a first task.  Making sure that VA-07 remains in the Democratic camp, a mission that is by no means certain according to Cook Political Report.

Then there is the “meh” problem, which has helped Spanberger in the past as an anodyne candidate, but doesn’t exactly rile up anyone’s base:





Whether or not Spanberger’s middle-of-the-road persona will match the aims and desires of her progressive backers is another question altogether.  Certainly Stoney is skilled enough to show the contrast on positions he has arguably championed and led on.  Whether Spanberger can match much less find that energy remains to be seen.

Shaun Kenney is the senior editor of The Republican Standard.

Republished with permission from The Republican Standard.

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37 responses to “Spanberger’s Low-Energy Launch”

  1. I hope Republicans can hold onto the Governor’s office, but if it must go to a Democrat, Spanberger sounds better than Stoney.

    We need Richmond to be more like Virginia. We do not need Virginia to be more like Richmond.

  2. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    As a conservative, former republican, she is the type of candidate that we need more of to heal the divisive wombs that continue to be inflicted by polarization.

      1. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe

        What about it is what most Americans are seeking. At least that are not totally cynical.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    The 7th is rated by Cook as D+1. non GOP folks are going to want to know the stand on abortion, election denial, climate, public schools , etc.

    A GOP candidate will get their base as usual but probably not
    enough to win district unless the Dem is bad/unknown (not unlikely).

    Cao is not an election denier but he’s fairly hard right on other issues IMO. He’ll not get Dem votes so he’ll try to siphon from
    the middle like Youngkin did.

    I’m thinking if Youngkin was running again and took the same stand on abortion he now openly advocates, he may not have won.

    1. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      You do realize there are election deniers on the Left, like Hakeem Jeffries, just that nobody talks about them. The media (and Left) want to talk this up, but the masses who vote have no interest.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Had not heard that… got a link?

        Election deniers are the ones who accept Donald Trump’s claims as a “stolen” election, right? They believe there WAS widespread fraud and massive irregularities, as we see with the defendants in the GA trial.

        I don’t know many, if any, Dems that line up that way.

        And they certainly have not engaged in J6 type activities or attempt a coup.

        1. Randy Huffman Avatar
          Randy Huffman

          I’m not proud of what Trump did, but more than a stretch to call it a coup.

          Lots of disinformation from the left, like the Russia Hoax, and many others. Open up your eyes and recognize the Left is worse then conservatives on deception.

          You don’t need links if you read widespread media to know Jefferies view of the 2016 election. Just not reported on MSM after the fact. But here is one from NY Post.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Got people convicted and in jail from the “Russia hoax” no? Got people with indictments and
            guilty pleas on the election denial, no? I think you’re confusing Jefferies viewpoints with others who actually did things illegal, way more than expressing viewpoints. You don’t say “Hang Mike Pence” or lie about Dominion voting machines, and the conspirators in GA, and not be advocating for a coup IMO.

            AND the man essentially says he’ll break even more laws if re-elected…

            AND, he has about half the GOP who still support him… right?

          2. Randy Huffman Avatar
            Randy Huffman

            In our last exchange we were called out for going back and forth by Sherlock, it was a legitimate point. You and I will never agree on many things, but I do like to read your views, as I hope you do mine.

            So I am going to try and not delve too far into exchanges. In a prior thread I suggested that BR keep commentators to a few per post, that way a reader like me who is interested in comments, can get several viewpoints, not the same re-hashed.

            So you get the last word

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            I’ll take it but only to thank you for a civil exchange and not engaging in personal attacks. Thank you and from time to time, we might hash out disagreements and agree to disagree til the next time! And I’ll just add, I have voted GOP in the past and would again for someone like Liz Cheney and the like. I like fiscal conservatives with moderate social views.

        2. VaPragamtist Avatar

          Prior to the 2020 election, “election deniers” were mostly on the left. For years they equated all of his supporters with ideologies of hate, created a narrative of Russian influence, attacked the electoral college system, questioned his competence, whatever they could do to attack his legitimacy as president. I’m fairly certain they used the term “stolen” in reference to the election.

          While Joe Biden was, without a doubt, elected president (the electors, not the people, elect a president and no one is questioning the votes cast on 12/14/20. . .we’re a representative democracy, not a direct democracy), in my mind there’s still some question about the 2020 votes. Do I think officials stuffed ballot boxes after polls closed or voters voted multiple times giving false names? No.

          But I do think, given the unusually high turnout and the COVID-related mail-in and absentee ballots that there was significant potential for ballot harvesting. I think if we look at the data on voter turnout in the 2020 presidential vs voter turnout in down ballot races specifically in hard-blue areas, and compare it to data from every other presidential election in the same areas vs down-ballot, we’ll see an anomaly.

          Of course that doesn’t prove anything, and Joe Biden was still elected a month later, but it gives some good circumstantial evidence for the best, least likely to get discovered harvesting strategy: get ballots under the names of those unlikely to vote, focus only on hard blue areas (where an uptick in R v D won’t be noticed, and where the voters won’t question the results), fill them out, and send them in.

        3. how_it_works Avatar

          Two words: “dimpled chad”

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh I’m familiar and there was quite a disagreement but then this:

            ” By late November, the U.S. Supreme Court had agreed to step in at the request of the Bush legal team. The Court then issued two major rulings, both of which amounted to defeats for Gore’s legal team. The second and final ruling occurred on Tuesday night, December 12th. The five conservative justices on the Supreme Court sided with Bush while the four liberal justices sided with Gore. The 5 to 4 ruling effectively halted any further recounting and let stand a declaration by Florida’s secretary of state that Bush had won Florida by 537 votes, and thus the presidency. On Wednesday evening, Al Gore appeared on national TV to concede, delivering this speech which was widely praised for its gracious and friendly tone.

            Good evening.

            Just moments ago, I spoke with George W. Bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd President of the United States, and I promised him that I wouldn’t call him back this time.

            I offered to meet with him as soon as possible so that we can start to heal the divisions of the campaign and the contest through which we just passed.

            Almost a century and a half ago, Senator Stephen Douglas told Abraham Lincoln, who had just defeated him for the presidency, “Partisan feeling must yield to patriotism. I’m with you, Mr. President, and God bless you.”

            Well, in that same spirit, I say to President-elect Bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside, and may God bless his stewardship of this country.”

            do you want to compare this to what Trump did ?

          2. how_it_works Avatar

            For YEARS after Bush won I heard about that “stolen election” from the political Left.

            What goes around comes around, I suppose.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh there’s talk , yes… always.. but that ain’t what Trump and company been doing…

            You’d have to be a hermit living in a cave to not see what Trump did and continues to do
            if it were just “talk” it would be one thing. Listen to the people who have quit him and
            what they say about him and his mindset and what he has actually done… “coup” is
            exactly the right word… IMO

    2. VaPragamtist Avatar

      If Republicans didn’t go with ranked-choice voting that few really understand (“no one’s first choice is going to win, so let’s all settle for someone no one really wants”), he wouldn’t have won the nomination.

      If McAuliffe didn’t put his foot in his mouth in late September, Youngkin wouldn’t have won the general.

      1. Randy Huffman Avatar
        Randy Huffman

        Not true, Youngkin led in round 1.

        Also this was a caucus, so if it was a ”
        town hall”, he probably still would have won.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        copy that on ranked choice.. nice concept… awful implementation!

        Youngkin’s strategy is to peel off independents/soft Ds in suburban and urban regions enough
        to add to his base and squeak past a weak D turnout IMO. More thread-the-needle than “wave”.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Low energy? Just enough to win. More of a resume than the current Governor. Just what did he do between college and Governor?

    1. Thomas Carter Avatar
      Thomas Carter

      What resumes are you looking at?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Not his. Got one?

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      For folks that may not know, she’s very much “hands on” … gets out in the district a lot, attends events, make connections with people and communities… in the rural areas…

  5. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Gawd…two years out and here we go…Kenney, she’s got some of the best candidate skills I’ve seen in a decade. In past elections around here, voters outside her district were furious to find her not on their local ballot. They were that eager to vote for her. ‘Tis basically a blue state (shown again last week) and she is the presumed front runner as of right now. Mayor Stoney will not be a player despite his deep illusions. He may be the LG candidate.

    GOP doesn’t want to talk about the Senate seat they are just conceding to Tim Kaine, which comes first. And yes, there is now a House of Representatives seat in play since she made this move.

    1. I would be very interested in a quality GOP candidate taking on Tim Kaine. Please keep us updated.

      1. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        There are the wannabes. I recognize only one name, Cao.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          Hung Cao. Met him one time. Seemed like he had a lot going for him. Great record of service to his country. I think he will be a good candidate. Our state party leaders suck. You watch. They will pull the football away just before the kick.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar

      “she’s got some of the best candidate skills I’ve seen in a decade.”

      That’s because she was a case officer, being less than forthcoming with the truth while making you believe it, is her forte.

  6. Spanberger has no place in public positions. 6 years at CIA 8 in Congress, now Governor. They’re just stepping stones for her personal ambition.

    She was on the covert side at CIA so there is no telling what she did or did not do. She worked for awhile for torturer Bloody Gina. Did she commit crimes? Was she pushed out for doing bad things or for incompetence? We have no way of knowing.

    The spooks I have known had pride in their profession and how they chose to live their lives. They would have eaten worms before quitting their profession and service to their country to be a politician.

    Stoney is underwhelming, but for the good of the Commonwealth we can hope for, and support his efforts to be the Dem nominee over Spanberger.

    1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
      James Wyatt Whitehead

      Might be a good time to look up old yearbook pictures.

      1. ?? What would those tell us? Maybe pics in black face or klan robes? But, I guess you’re right, you don’t know until you look. We will learn nothing about her years at the CIA.

        Some of us think her record is prima facie disqualifying.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          No way I would ever want Stoney. Crooked monument destroyer. I am sure Devon Henry will be the campaign manager.

          1. I was not advocating Levar for Gov, just the Dem nomination to ensure Spanberger does not have the chance to run in the general.

            Stoney was an affable enough guy at DPVA and as McAuliffe’s gopher, but pretty underwhelming. I was hoping that he’d get better as he grew up, but that has not seemed to help much. Path of least resistance seems still to be his M.O.

  7. Turbocohen Avatar

    Spanberger is too moderate for the kook fringe progressive Hamas left so she will have trouble with the dem youth.

  8. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    All I can say is when Republicans speak out after an announcement that a candidate is “OK”, you know you have a winner. I can’t wait to see what kind of coat tails she will have.

  9. VaPragamtist Avatar

    I don’t blame Spanberger for a “low energy launch.” I imagine the rationale for even announcing now is twofold: first, because others need to run for her open seat next year; and second, because of this she and Stoney are working to get in front of each other. November 2025 is still a lifetime (and a presidential election) away.

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