Sorry, Lefties, But Racists Don’t Invest In Black Enterprise

by James A. Bacon

The broadsides against Bert Ellis are going national. Inside Higher Education, the higher-ed trade publication, has published an article highlighting the growing controversy over Ellis’ appointment to the University of Virginia Board of Visitors. The article quotes Eva Surovell, editor-in-chief of The Cavalier Daily, whose articles sparked the furor, as saying that developments at UVa reflect the larger campus culture wars across the country.

That observation is true enough. Unfortunately, Surovell goes on to say this: “We’re just not unique in that really conservative voices are nostalgic for a time when women, when Black people and when other people of color were either banned or much less of a population here at UVA.”

Translation: Ellis and his alumni allies are reactionary racists and sexists.

I’ve got news for Ms. Surovell: Bert Ellis is CEO of Johnson Energy Storage, a developer of solid-state energy storage solutions founded by African American inventor Lonnie Johnson. Racists don’t invest in minority-owned enterprises. Racists don’t serve as CEOs of companies founded by minority entrepreneurs.

The Cavalier Daily has noted in passing Ellis’ association with Johnson Energy Storage, but you will not find the fact that the company is a minority-founded enterprise in any of the editorial assaults on Ellis’ reputation derived from its dumpster dives into the newspaper’s 47-year-old archives. That information was an easy Google search away.

Johnson earned his master’s degree in nuclear engineering from Tuskegee University. After stints in the U.S. Air Force and NASA space program, he invented the Super Soaker, a high-powered squirt gun, and made a tidy fortune. To pursue his love of scientific research, Johnson invested that fortune into Johnson Research & Development. Among its more notable inventions was the Johnson Thermoelectric Energy Converter for converting solar energy into electricity more efficiently than existing methods.

As an independent inventor working outside the scientific establishment, Johnson developed more than 100 patents. In 2021, his team invented a glass electrolyte separator material that represented a breakthrough in solid state battery technology. He spun off that company into Atlanta-based Johnson Energy Storage, where he serves as founder and chief scientist. To help steer the business enterprise, he brought on board Ellis, a venture capitalist, whom he had known through Ellis’ IPO forum for some 25 years. 

Racists don’t run companies that heavily recruit minority talent. Johnson Energy Storage hires minority employees, lots of them, and puts them in senior positions. Take a glance at the executive leaders portrayed on the Johnson Energy Storage website.

This information was readily available to the Cavalier Daily editorial staff when it was writing articles impugning Ellis as a racist based on a 47-year-old controversy (which the newspaper proceeded to misrepresent).

In gathering background material about Ellis, either the editorial writers did or did not check the website of the company listing Ellis as CEO. If they did visit the website, their articles ignored the fact that Johnson Energy Storage is a minority-founded company…. which is journalist malpractice in the most benign interpretation, or, far worse, a deliberate suppression of relevant information. If the editors did not bother to visit the site, it demonstrates journalistic laziness at best, or, far worse, a malicious determination to pursue only inquiries that confirmed their predetermined perception of Ellis as a bigot.

It’s safe to say that Ellis, through his mentorship of Johnson, has done more to advance the careers and wealth-building of African-American engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs than the entire Cavalier Daily staff can hope to do in their lifetimes. But, then, the village radicals of Charlottesville really aren’t interested in integrating African Americans into the business mainstream. They see themselves as champions of “social justice,” which is about tearing down the establishment, not building anything of value.

Full disclosure: The author serves on the executive board with Ellis on The Jefferson Council, which is dedicated to upholding the Jeffersonian tradition at UVa.

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55 responses to “Sorry, Lefties, But Racists Don’t Invest In Black Enterprise”

  1. Okay, fine! Bert Ellis is not a racist – but he must be a misogynist because there is only one woman on the Johnson Energy Storage ‘team’ and she is an intern…


    Yes, I am joking. There is absolutely no evidence that Mr. Ellis is a sexist or misogynist, but it will not surprise me one bit if/when The Cavalier Daily starts down that path of attack next.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    “We’re just not unique in that really conservative voices are nostalgic for a time when women, when Black people and when other people of color were either banned or much less of a population here at UVA.”

    Bert Ellis’ biography shows that he entered UVa in 1971, one year after women were admitted to all schools at UVa (not just nursing and education). His biography also shows that he graduated with his MBA from UVa in 1979, one year prior to women making up the majority of first year students admitted. The implied belief that Mr Ellis is nostalgic for a time when women were either banned or a small minority of students is factually absurd.

    The desegregation of the University of Virginia began in 1950, when Gregory Swanson sued to gain entrance into the University’s Law School. Mr. Ellis was not yet born. Blacks constituted 12% of the undergraduate population at UVA in 1990. Today, that percentage stands at 6.5%. I’m sorry, Ms Surovell, who is nostalgic for a time when Blacks were banned or much less of a population “here at UVa”?

    Facts are stubborn things. Apparently too stubborn for Ms Surovell to bother researching.

  3. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    The publication Inside Higher Education may hardly be classified as anything more than a news feed fully absent any journalistic content. Such does not diminish the fact of its bare-bones coverage of the UVa controversy. Now, had the Chronicle of Higher Education reported on the mater, that would be substantive.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Substantive by association?

  4. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Bert is a very sneaky white supremacist…having plotted his evil plan with help from the Aryan Brotherhood for many years… The Manchurian Visitor…all part of the systemic racism thing. Pretty obvious. Jim Bacon must be canceled for this article!

  5. Randy Huffman Avatar
    Randy Huffman

    Good article and posting Jim. Makes me want to puke reading the Cavalier Daily and Daily Progress articles (though decided to take a break from the DP so have no idea what they have published in the last 3 weeks).

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    Would it be wrong to compare what has happened to Ellis with what happened to Northam in terms of their “history”?

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      That is different… Northam is not a Conservative…

    2. Instead of making vague inuendoes, please spell out what comparisons between Ellis and Northam come to mind.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        In terms of various media treatment of the issues?

        Was Northam basically “convicted” by some media on the right?

        And folks in BR STILL say he was guilty AND that guilt IS is qualifying even today?


        1. DJRippert Avatar

          Ellis did nothing wrong. Why is this hard for you to understand? He did NOT invite a racist to give a speech as the clowns across various media outlets claim. He organized a debate between a racist and a non-racist.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            No more than Northam was , right?

          2. DJRippert Avatar

            There is ample evidence of what Ellis actually did. He organized a debate. It has been blatantly and willfully mischaracterized by the media as scheduling a speech. Northam had a photograph of a person in blackface standing next to a person in a klan outfit ON HIS PERSONAL MEDICAL SCHOOL YEARBOOK page. A page that claimed his nickname was “Coonman”. Northam first admitted it was him but then reversed himself. Ellis doesn’t have to reverse anything. He never allowed a racist to make a speech. He organized a debate.

            There is ample evidence that Northam was a racist. There is no evidence that Ellis was.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            None of it proven and admitted to but still taken as fact by some folks, including you, right?

            If Northam WAS a racist , did he change ? Is he a racist now? What do his critics say about now? They don’t. They point to the blackface and say that is proof both then – and now.

            Is that any more or less “right” than what is being done to Ellis?

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            From JAB’s article he referenced: “Youngkin told The Washington Post that he hadn’t seen the articles but suggested Ellis’s actions in the 1970s shouldn’t be judged by today’s standards.”

            Clear hypocrisy… as I said, Northam wasn’t a Conservative so he should be judged by today’s standards.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            these guys… “conservatives” are hard to take seriously sometimes.

            double standards out the wazoo..

          6. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: “ample evidence” ?

            okay one photo.

            what else?

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Northam was attacked by media on the left, Larry. It was a racial thing. They had no choice.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh, and not a word from Conservatives?

            Do you read much? 😉

            Do you read BR? 😉

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Oh, and not a word from Conservatives?

            Do you read much? 😉

            Do you read BR? 😉

    3. DJRippert Avatar

      No. Ellis was not photographed in blackface standing next to a person in a klan outfit. He organized a DEBATE between a Black man and a White man which the Black man apparently won. The fact that multiple so-called media outlets have misrepresented the debate as a speech is entirely due to their willful bias or laziness.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Wasting your breath.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          notice the comment above is NOT “from the left”.

          from the right per usual..

          one photograph and what else?

          And yet, how many times has folk like DJ and others on the right brought it up?

          Ellis got the Northam “treatment”.

    4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Still slithering.

  7. Okay, fine! Bert Ellis is not a racist; but he must be a misogynist because there is only one woman on the Johnson Energy Storage ‘team’ and she is an intern.

    It’s true – I checked their website…..


    Yes, I am joking. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Mr. Ellis is a sexist or misogynist, but it will not surprise me one bit if/when The Cavalier Daily starts down that path of attack.

  8. Who’da thunk it? The honky Gov appointed someone with actual experience with “diversity, inclusion and equity” and who is currently employed working in a black founded company with intense “diversity, inclusion and equity”. Goes to show you can’t trust whitey, sneaky b*st*rd. It’s cultural appropriation, triggering. Quick get me a safe space and an emotional support Energizer Bunny.

    It is ironic that Johnson Energy Storage would not exist without Shockley’s invention of the transistor,

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Ironic why?

      1. What they are picking on Ellis about was for inviting Shockley to a debate at UVa.

        Shockley won the Nobel Prize for inventing the transistor

        Neither minority founded Johnson Energy where Ellis is CEO or almost any other current tech company (except vacuum tube mfrs) would exist without transistors.

        Irony – without Shockley neither Johnson or Ellis would likely have achieved the success that brought Ellis to the Gov’s attention and his appointment. That appointment stirred up the Cavalier Daily and the other woke twits to poke at Ellis for his association with Shockley’s debate at UVa.

        Irony – Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs.

  9. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Editor Eva Surovell? Where have I heard that surname….

  10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “Translation: Ellis and his alumni allies are reactionary racists and sexists.”

    Hold on there. She did not call Ellis a racist or sexist. That is your straw man you set up there.

    Are not Ellis (and you) nostalgic for the UVa of yore? Clearly those times had real problems in terms of racial and sexual relations. Do you argue that she is wrong in that characterization?

    A shame though that Ellis refused to give even a debate stage to homosexual rights in the 70’s while demanding such a stage for eugenics. This when eugenics was a dead issue and homosexuals were being abused by the society and the legal system actively.

    1. “She did not call Ellis a racist or sexist. That is your straw man you set up there.”

      You’re right, she did not call Ellis a racist and sexist. But you’re wrong, I did not say she did.

      She clearly implied with this quote and the editorials she wrote or co-wrote for the Cavalier Daily that he is a racist and sexist. If such an implication was not meant, why were the editorials published in the first place?

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “But you’re wrong, I did not say she did.”

        With your “Translation:” you most certainly did.

        I read the quote exactly as I interpreted above… of course, I am not looking to play the victim either…

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          JAB is downright bald-faced!

      2. Let me help you guys out: When I say “translation,” it means I’m putting her meaning into my own words, not quoting her directly… which I had just done in the previous paragraph.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          You’re doing some heavy duty straw-man insinuation – no two ways about it and not uncommon from prior behaviors.

        2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Not quoting her directly but claiming this was what she actually was saying so you could set up your straw man to then strike down. Standard practice for BR.

      3. LarrytheG Avatar

        talk about innuendo 😉

        ” Translation: Ellis and his alumni allies are reactionary racists and sexists.”

        you didn’t say that?

        methinks you’re tangled in your own bias.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          You are working hard to get under Eric’s bar.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t think so. It’s hard to actually print this ” Translation: Ellis and his alumni allies are reactionary racists and sexists.” and claim you didn’t say it or mean it.

            this is not good journalism IMO. It’s playing games with words, and actually worse than “bias”.

    2. Ellis did not refuse to give a debate stage to homosexual rights. Declining to sponsor an event is a long way from refusing to allow it to happen. And he took no action to prevent such a debate from occurring.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Semantics… refusing to sponsor one event while actively sponsoring the other… say a lot about his character, imo…

        1. It’s not just semantics. You wrote that he refused to give a debate stage to someone, which implies that he had the power to prevent the debate. He had no such power.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            He was asked to give the stage to homosexual rights issues. He had the power to do so and he refused to while giving the stage instead to a eugenics debate. That is exactly what happened and exactly what I said…. accurately.

            Some context: “…the University Union — a now-extinct student-run organization responsible for putting on concerts, speakers and debate-style events subsidized by student activity fees and ticket sales, similar to the operations of the University Programs Council today.

            “The Union is the predominant body on the Grounds charged with providing a social life for the University to complement the academic life,” Ellis wrote in 1975.

            He had the power to arrange events and deny events (at least effectively). He refusal killed any chance of there being a homosexual rights debate.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock


    3. Ellis did not refuse to give a debate stage to homosexual rights. Declining to sponsor an event is a long way from refusing to allow it to happen. And he took no action to prevent such a debate from occurring.

    4. DJRippert Avatar

      You keep claiming that eugenics was settled by the time Ellis got to UVa. He graduated with his undergraduate degree in 1975.

      “In an effort to overturn Buck v. Bell, the ACLU filed a class action lawsuit against Virginia in December 1980 naming four victims of the state’s involuntary sterilization program (Poe v. Lynchburg -pdf). The ACLU sought to have the court declare that the sterilization program violated the victims’ constitutional rights and prohibit further sterilizations without informed consent. It also sought to compel the state to notify all patients that they had been sterilized and to provide medical and psychological assistance at state expense. The case was ultimately settled in 1985 (pdf) with the Commonwealth agreeing to launch a media campaign to inform victims of their sterilization and to provide counseling services for victims.”'s%20Eugenical%20Sterilization%20Act%20of,Bell%20(1927).

      So, five years AFTER Ellis graduated, the ACLU initiated a suit against the Commonwealth of Virginia over eugenics.

      Doesn’t seem like eugenics was settled while Ellis was an undergraduate student.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        In Virginia, “sterilization rates dropped dramatically (through the 60’s) until the practice faded out and then was subsequently forced out of practice with the repeal of the 1924 act in 1974 and the additional removal of all mention of eugenic sterilization to prevent “hereditary forms of mental illness that are recurrent” from being passed on from Virginia code in 1979 (Dorr 2008, p. 221, Lombardo 2008b, p. 250). Compulsory sterilizations for non-eugenic purposes continue today, but under very strict regulations.”

        It was a dead issue by the time of the debate but homosexual rights certainly was not.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        I’m not convinced that Ellis was pure as the driven snow on this.

        1. Larry, you’re truly hilarious.

          Standard for Northam: Well, he’s changed since then.

          Standard for Ellis: I’m not convinced he was pure as the driven snow back then.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            playing the same game you guys play with Northam.. no?

            hilarious? uh huh… you guys are that and more… you holler like stuck pigs on Ellis but had no trouble at all doing the same to Northam.

      3. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        Wait…you mean the same eugenics that was the basis for the Jacobson mandatory vax case in Massachusetts?
        And that was started by the Planned Parenthood founder?
        That eugenics?
        The one that the Miller Center had the “reproductive rights” event the other day? Is that deceptive advertising? I mean, is anyone trying to stop people from “reproducing?” I think those rights exist pretty well…heck, UVA and everywhere else goes out of their way to encourage the reproductive act…unless it of the homosexual kind, which they also encourage! So how exactly were reproductive rights being challenged?

      4. Mr. Ellis was clearly just trying to get UVA to recognize and face their shameful history of teaching and advocating for eugenics. UVA was virtually the headquarters of the eugenics movement in Virginia.

        See, I can play their game too.

    5. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      If the subject and extensive facts in the article about the man’s life and accomplishments in the last 50 years don’t work for you, change the subject to a murky and isolated event in the 70s. The essence of trolling.

      You are the essential troll. Don’t know what we’d do without you. No one else can slither under your bar.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Accomplishments in the last 50 years… like how he travelled hundreds of miles with plans of vandalizing a female students dorm only to be run off by security after she told him to go away and he refused to do so but instead tried to argue with her through her closed and locked door…? that kind of accomplishment…??

  11. This simply proves that Bert Ellis is not a very good racists…what half baked school did he attend?

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