Sorry, Can You Please Explain Again How Systemic Racism in Healthcare Works?

by James A. Bacon

The U.S. healthcare system, we hear with increasing frequency, is systemically racist. Here in Virginia, for instance, we hear that Black women suffer a higher rate of complications in childbirth than White women. But any theory of systemic racism in healthcare needs to explain certain inconvenient facts that I stumbled across recently when reviewing the Kaiser Family Foundation “Virginia Health Care Landscape.”

Perhaps the most meaningful statistic on healthcare status is longevity. The Kaiser numbers floored me. Hispanics — people of color who are widely thought to suffer from less access to healthcare — have the longest life expectancy of any racial/ethnic group in Virginia: 88 years. They are followed by Asians, who live on average 87 years. Whites live 79 years on average, and Blacks 75 years. If the system is racist, why do Asians and Hispanics live so much longer than Whites?

Why aren’t Asians or Hispanics the racial/ethnic yardstick for health rather than Whites? Why is the small, 4-percentage-point disparity between Blacks and Whites played up while the large, 13-percentage-point disparity between Hispanics and Blacks is ignored?

Here’s another factoid that doesn’t fit the narrative: “Both nonelderly White (35%) and Black (33%) adults in the state are more likely to report experiencing frequent mental distress than nonelderly Hispanics (26%).”

How is that possible? Whites experience more frequent mental distress than Blacks? I’ve been informed by the smartest people that systemic racism fills Black people with continual anxiety and that White people, who benefit from White Privilege, don’t deal with the same challenges. And how come Hispanics are, relatively speaking, so care-free? I thought Hispanics were supposed to be haunted by the insecurity and anxiety associated with the dual threats of poverty and fear of deportation.

Here’s one more factoid: “While nonelderly Hispanic (58%) and Black (72%) adults are less likely than nonelderly White adults (77%) to have a usual source of medical care, nonelderly White adults (83%) are less likely than nonelderly Black (89%) and Hispanic (85%) adults to report having a primary care visit in the past two years.

Wow, Hispanics are less likely to have a “usual source of care” but they somehow manage to live years longer? Whatever advantage is implied by by having “a usual source of healthcare,” it evidently does not translate into regular primary care visits. How does the systemic-racism paradigm square with the fact that more Blacks and Hispanics report regular access to primary care than Whites?

If I were so inclined, using the logic of the left, I could string together cherry-picked data proving that Virginia’s healthcare is systemically racist against Whites. I don’t do that because I don’t believe it to be true. Yet “progressives” string together cherry-picked data in proclaiming — with great self-righteousness and indignation against anyone who dares disagree — systemic racism favoring Whites.

Social reality is complex. Healthcare is complex. If there is bias in the system, it’s socio-economic bias favoring individuals who benefit from employer-based insurance coverage. But, frankly, I’m not sure how important that is compared to lifestyle factors such as nutrition and exercise. Of this I am confident: viewing the healthcare system through a prism of race alone does violence to reality. Insofar as the rhetoric of grievance persuades minority groups that they are victims of hostile forces, it is likely to inspire counter-productive avoidance of the healthcare system.

Sadly, the political/cultural/media elite don’t tolerate complexity and nuance. We have reached a point where people like Virginia’s Commissioner of Health are attacked and silenced for openly contesting Woke orthodoxy.

Based on what I’ve seen in K-12 education and the criminal justice system, I proffer the following prediction: The more Woke Virginia’s healthcare system gets, the more counter-productive behavior we will see and the more racial disparities will get worse.

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13 responses to “Sorry, Can You Please Explain Again How Systemic Racism in Healthcare Works?”

  1. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Gosh, without JAB righteous dudgeon how would the rest of us survive? Could it possibly be that the relationship between health care and its availability not alone drive longevity?
    It’s more complicated than an arithmetic equation.

    1. “Could it possibly be that the relationship between health care and its availability not alone drive longevity?”

      Approaching wisdom you are, young Skywalker.

      Think hard, what other factors might contribute to longevity. Could personal behavior be one of them?

      If so, please explain how “systemic racism” drives changes in personal behavior.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Yet you now avoid the discussion of whether healthcare in Virginia is systemically racist. Which was the point of the evidence.

      As Jim related in his usual professional manner, the facts on healthcare discrepancies based on economics and behaviors are far more compelling than those based on race.

      Unless there is a specific genetic proclivity issue, it is not a close call.

      Yet the left has created healthcare and education narratives based on race because their entire overarching narrative of life is based on victim classes with immutable characteristics. Personal agency as a consideration is thus forbidden.

      Economics and behavior are subject to personal agency, and change over time for most people as they mature. Thus are forbidden as topics of progressive political theory.

      1. Sherlock just answered your question for you.

    3. Sherlock just answered your question for you.

    4. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

      James, why are you so cynical? When you arrived at this blog, you were writing some of the best entries. Now, you just sound angry.

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Non-Hispanic Black adults (49.9%) had the highest age-adjusted prevalence of obesity, followed by Hispanic adults (45.6%), non-Hispanic White adults (41.4%) and non-Hispanic Asian adults (16.1%).,Hispanic%20Asian%20adults%20(16.1%25).

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      Who’d have guessed it ain’t obesity? I’d have bet that was at the top of the list. Learn something new every day. Some combination of genes and cultural behaviors maybe? Wonder how life expectancy by income correlates?

  3. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

    I think the longer life expectancy for Asians and Hispanics is linked to their childhood. I am confident that the higher percentage of Asian and Hispanic two-parent households has a direct bearing on a higher life expectancy. And, where you have two parents sharing the responsibility for raising the youngster, you have love. A mom and a dad are indispensable, and a loving childhood will benefit the child for the rest of his life.

  4. Lefty665 Avatar

    Could it be siestas? Maybe Hispanics can bank those daily afternoon naps and apply the hours to longevity. Under that hypothesis White peoples relationship to time puts them in between other races longevity.

  5. Erectile Dysfunction is apparently Systemically Racist too but nobody mentions it. So is marriage.

  6. Erectile Dysfunction is apparently Systemically Racist too but nobody mentions it. So is marriage.

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