by Dick Hall-Sizemore

There has been a lot of commentary in recent posts over the state Board of Education’s proposed changes in the Standards of Quality, with a $950 million price tag. Rather than focusing on the total price tag and one component of the proposal (equity fund), it seems to me a more productive approach would be to look at each component and evaluate it separately. (The detailed descriptions of the items can be found here, the first item under “Action/Discussion Items.)

Before delving into the details, there are several considerations to keep in mind:

  1. The Board of Education can only propose changes to the Standards of Quality. The General  Assembly has the last word.
  2. Any new funding associated with any changes in the SOQ will be in addition to the amount needed for “rebasing.” This is the biennial exercise in which the SOQ funding is adjusted for changes in student enrollment and general increased costs.
  3. Educational funding is not my field of expertise. I am endeavoring to summarize what is proposed, based on the BOE document, and add my two cents’ worth for certain issues.

The proposals, in the order of their estimated cost:

Recession-era Savings and Flexibility Strategies — $371.6 million state funding; $304 million local contribution. This proposal, by far, is the most expensive.  It would eliminate the cap on support positions that was implemented during the Great Recession. Also, during that period, language was included in the Appropriation Act that allowed localities to increase teacher-to- pupil staffing ratios in certain circumstances, waived certain other teacher-to-pupil teacher rations, and waived staffing ratios for instructional and support technology positions, librarians, and guidance counselors. It seems that this proposal would be restoring the staffing ratios to pre-recession levels.

Equity Fund –$131.9 million state funding; $79.5 million local contribution. This seems to be the most controversial proposal in the BR world.  This proposed funding would be in addition to $233.27 million currently appropriated to aid at-risk schools.

My two cents: As has been discussed extensively on this blog, simply throwing more money at the problem has not been shown to be the solution. There are some other proposals that would target additional funds for specific purposes and favor at-risk schools that would seem to have more promise, i.e. reading specialists.

Another concern I have is one of accountability. To best explain this concern, it would be best to quote the DOE presentation to the Board: “Currently, the Appropriation Act authorizes the Board of Education to withhold At-Risk Add On funds when a school board has not met state accountability standards and fails to implement corrective action plans. Because this proposal shifts these funds into the SOQ, the Board would no longer have authority to withhold these funds. [Emphasis added].

Finally, there is language in the proposal that should warm LarryG’s heart. Under that language, school divisions would be authorized to use up to all the funds for at-risk students to provide targeted compensation adjustments to assist with recruiting or retaining qualifying teachers in qualifying schools. It would be much better to require school divisions to use some portion of the funds for such purposes; they are generally loath to provide pay differentials.

Teacher Leader and Teacher Mentor Programs–$102.1 million state funding; $84.3 million in local contribution. Establishes a new Teacher Leader program and expands existing Teacher Mentor program. Currently, $1.0 million is appropriated for teacher mentors. This proposal would mandate staffing ratios for teacher leaders and mentors. “Teacher leaders” would “support their peers by coordinating mentorship programs and professional development, and consulting and observing teachers.”

My two cents: Mentors are probably a valuable for resource for new teachers, especially for the first year and should be compensated for the additional time spent on this assignment. “Teacher leaders” sounds like more educational bureaucracy. In another proposal, the BOE wants additional assistant principals. Couldn’t “coordinating mentorship programs and professional development and consulting and observing teachers” be a part of the job of those assistant principals?

Specialized Student Support Personnel — $100 million state funding; $81.8 million local contribution. Currently, school psychologists, school social workers, and school nurses are included in the SOQ support position category. This proposal would establish a new standard, “Specialized Student Support Personnel,” for these positions. The prescribed ratio per 1,000 students would cost an additional $100 million. The additional $371.6 million requested in the first proposal described above presumably would include funding to bring the staffing levels for support positions, including these three types of positions, back to pre-recession levels. If both these proposals were adopted, school divisions would be made whole by the first one, with the three specified positions enhanced by this one.

School counselors–$88.2 million state funding; $72.2 million local contribution. This proposal would require schools to require one full-time equivalent school counselor position per 250 students in grades kindergarten through 12. The 2019 General Assembly adopted legislation lowering the school counselor ratios. This proposal would dramatically lower them further.

My two cents: I am probably opening myself up here to a lot of criticism. But we have school psychologists, school social workers, and school counselors. And the Board wants to increase the number of these positions in all school divisions. Isn’t there a lot of overlap in the functions of these positions? Do we really need the same ratios in every school, regardless of socioeconomic status of the student body?

Assistant principals–$83.9 million state funding; $6.4 million local contribution. This proposal would require one assistant principal for each 400 students. Currently, the Standards require an assistant principal for each 900 students in elementary schools; one for each 600 students in middle and high schools.

My two cents: This seems to be adding to the education bureaucracy. There may be a justification for this increase, but the BOE document does not provide it. The document only says that it is “reaffirming” its 2016 recommendation. As far as I am concerned, the students would be better served by putting this money into additional reading specialists.

Reading specialists–$36.6 million state funding; $29.1 million local contribution. This proposal would require one reading specialist per five students requiring reading specialist services. The number of student requiring such services would be based on the percent of students failing the third grade reading SOL test.

My two cents: As we have commented on this blog, learning to read in the first years of school is key to success later. To his credit, the Secretary of Education has pledged to put more effort into improving the performance of students in this area. This is probably the least controversial of the proposals. It will not be effective, however, if the reading specialists continue to teach reading as they have in recent years. More and more research has shown that the most effective way is the old-fashioned teaching of phonics (it probably has a more high-falutin’ name, now), but most Schools of Education do not teach that.

English Learner Teachers — $26.7 million state funding; $32.8 million local contribution. Currently, the staffing requirement for students having limited English proficiency is 17 instructional positions per 1,000 students. This proposal would revise the standard to reflect different staffing requirements based on student proficiency levels, e.g. one position per 25 students identified as proficiency level one, etc.

Work-Based Learning Coordinators — $1.1 million state funding; $0 local contribution. This would establish a unit within DOE to “facilitate the development of relationships between school divisions and business communities to ensure all high school students will have access to meaningful work experiences such as internships, externships, and other work-based learning experiences.”

My two cents:  More bureaucracy at the state level. The division superintendents should be doing this already; they are better attuned to their local business communities. In any event, this item does not belong in the Standards of Quality.

Principal Mentor Programs — $1.1 million state funding; $0 local contribution. This would establish a new unit within DOE to “develop and implement a statewide mentorship program to support all new principals and principals of schools not meeting the standards established by the Board.

My two cents: I am ambivalent on this one. I firmly believe the key to operating a “good” school is the principal. New principals and principals of struggling schools need help. However, I am not convinced that more bureaucracy at the state level is the answer. It seems that local school boards and superintendents’ offices would be better positioned to provide this mentoring. In any event, this item does not belong in the Standards of Quality. Furthermore, if the leadership of DOE truly thought this was important, I am sure that it could find the funding for it  in its current $121 million appropriation for the operation of its central office.

I want to point out a significant aspect of the BOE proposals that has been overlooked in the public media reports. A portion of the state funding for local education is provided in separate budget items outside the Standards of Quality. Because of this separation, the General  Assembly has greater flexibility in funding them. The BOE proposal would move the funding for many of these programs into the Standards of Quality, in effect, “baking” that funding into future SOQ funding calculations and insulating them more from the General Assembly. The following existing programs would be affected: At-Risk Add-On; Prevention, Intervention, Remediation; K-3 Class Size Reduction; Teacher Mentor; and Early Reading Intervention.

Finally, the proposed package includes a lot of complicated issues and concepts.  Dropping a $950 million annual request for complicated proposals into the General Assembly’s lap at the beginning of the Session does not lead to good policy. The Board of Education should have adopted these proposed changes last spring, which would have given the appropriate committees of the General Assembly time to digest them, ask questions, and come up with reasoned final amendments. But, I repeat myself;  in this area as in many others, the legislature is neglecting its duty to fully review big issues before it.

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5 responses to “SOQ Examination”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Dick – congrats guy – this is the way that Conservatives USED TO BE – looking at things comprehensively and weighing in on each instead of the current jeremiad against public schools and government approaches to these issues in general.

    The problem is the kids who have under-educated parents who not only lack the knowledge and skills to compete for decent jobs but they also lack a culture of valuing education.

    Parents with College tend to get their kids on the education track from the time they first learn to communicate, talk, etc and it’s 24/7.

    Kids of under-educated parents are often behind even before they hit kindergarten! That’s what all this pre-school discussion is about.

    A poll last month in Maryland showed that they know the issue and 70% of them are willing to pay substantially higher taxes to address these issues.

    I don’t think money is the sole differentiator – but the reality is that teachers that are “good” tend to have options as to where to work – and what level of difficulty of kids they are willing to take on and school systems will accommodate them to keep them from going to other schools. So the entry level teachers get thrown to the wolves. The ones that make it – get good but a lot of others are chewed up and spit out and in the mean time – kids who need higher level instruction are also victims.

    The truth is that most teachers don’t want to teach these kids. It’s much harder work with a real possibility of damaging their career.

    Can you change this without offering more money to the better teachers? But it takes more personnel like Para-teachers and those with Master Degrees in reading, math and writing for kids fall short on one or more of the 15 or so PALs criteria. You have to know which of the 15 the kid is behind on AND how to remediate and get them back on grade level.

    The State does not require entry level teachers to know and understand and use PALS. As far as I know – it’s not even a standard for many school districts. The chances are at schools like Richmond – they are lucky to get minimally-qualified entry level teachers and I’m betting the attrition rate is high.

    How can a school system with a reputation for high numbers of at-risk kids and known problems attract quality teachers?

    Anyone who thinks private schools will take at-risk kids and be held to the same level of accountability as public schools is dreaming… so the real question is what exactly would the critics do besides complain about “mo money” and deficient SOL scores?

    I’m good with constructive criticism and articulated reforms but not generalized condemnation of public schools and walking away.

  2. Dick, Thanks for the in-depth review of what goes into the VBOE’s proposal — much better than anything we’ve seen in the Mainstream Media. I like your approach of analyzing each line-item separately on its own merits. Furthermore, I share your skepticism regarding the value of many of the specific spending proposals.

    In an ideal world, Virginia would concentrate spending on projects that will have the greatest educational Return on Investment. As far as I can see, the greatest ROI will go to the Virginia Educational Association, which will enjoy an expanded membership base after all these new positions are funded. It’s less clear what the ROI is for school students. As for taxpayers, there doesn’t seem to be much of an ROI at all.

  3. It strikes me that the absence of lots of comments on this detailed, persuasive post means that readers of this blog don’t fully understand these issues. And if they don’t, the GA surely won’t, in the time available. And if the effect of these recommendations is to “bake in” certain funding thus lowering the GA’s ability to play games with it, then they are probably doomed anyway.

  4. Reed Fawell 3rd Avatar
    Reed Fawell 3rd

    This is most important post in a long while. Hope to get to it soon.

  5. […] This amount would be in addition to the $950 needed to finance the proposed changes in the SOQ proposed earlier by the Board of Education.  (I summarized the policy changes in the SOQ being proposed by the Board of Education in an earlier post.) […]

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