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Notes for a rainy Monday:

In Saturday’s WaPo the Real Estate section was 6 pages long. The story that occupied most of the first page? “Getting home on two wheels,” a feature on the importance of bicycles in marketing residential real estate in the Core of the fourth largest, and one of the most prosperous, New Urban Regions in North America.

On Friday, Steven Pearlstein looked at the prospects for ‘commercial’ side of real estate in “‘Wait and pray’ won’t work for commercial real estate.”

Fundamental Transformation of human settlement pattern anyone?

In WaPo‘s Sunday Business section the big story was about infrastructure. “Materials are cheap. Labor is plentiful. It’s the perfect time to invest in INFRASTRUCTURE.” The settlement patterns is dysfunctional. Before ANY resources are spent on ANY infrastructure it must be redesigned to support sustainable settlement patterns. Understanding the need for Fundamental Transformation of human settlement patterns is the first step.

In Sunday’s Metro section: “Va. Faces complex redistricting? Fundamental Transformation of governance structure anyone?

Where is AntiPartisanism in the debate? How about redistricting that starts with a blank slate and Alpha Community centered districts? Why is no one pointing out that the current administrations government efficiency effort is less than rearranging the deck chairs?

In Sunday’s Business section Michelle Singletary provides a sound bite from Robert Reich’s new book After Shock. Fundamental Transformation of the economic system?

Cutting spending AND raising taxes is not even a start because it does not address the Core problems of the Wealth Gap, Peak Resources and citizen obliviousness – The Anger of Ignorance.

Does anyone else see the irony of the ‘T’ ‘E’ ‘A’ in Tea Party standing for ‘taxed enough already’ when Agencies, Enterprises, Institutions and Citizens / Households are ALL paying far less than the commutative costs of their actions?


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