Sign Standards for UVa’s Lawn Upheld

No longer allowed

by James A. Bacon

No longer will it be permissible for residents of the University of Virginia’s rooms on the Law to post large signs on their doors proclaiming, “F— UVA,” as a Lawn resident did last semester. Under new policies issued by the University administration, Lawn residents will have to confine their profane proclamations to within the borders of two message boards, reports the Cavalier Daily.

In a collective statement to the student newspaper, several Law residents criticized the new rules as prejudicial against students of color. The restriction, said the statement, will result in “increased surveillance,” which in turn will “inherently harm and endanger the most marginalized and vulnerable students in this space.”

“This policy displays the extent to which the University is selective about who can exercise free speech and the content of that expression. Evidently, BIPOC students and allies cannot be critical of the University while simultaneously living on the Lawn.”

The controversy arose last fall when UVa alumnus Bert Ellis spotted the “F— UVA” sign on the door of Lawn resident Hira Azher and complained to President Jim Ryan. Ellis was backed by hundreds of other alumni who saw the sign not only as troubling in its own right but as highly inappropriate for a public venue such as the Lawn, an architectural masterpiece, designated a United Nations World Heritage site, that families and their children come to visit.

Ryan declared the sign, and others that popped up in support of Azher, to be “deeply disappointing,” but said he could not order students to take them down without violating their first amendment rights. Any remedy would have to apply to all students equally. The new restrictions come in the form of an addendum to the Terms and Conditions for Lawn and Range Residents, Housing and Residence Life.

“Any materials placed on the message boards must fit within the four corners of each message board and cannot extend beyond the outer edges of any such board,” the addendum reads. “Paper materials or other items may not be placed on Lawn or Range room doors, the doorway, shutters, or the brick areas outside the room except on the message boards as described above.”

The Lawn residents’ statement to the Cavalier Daily disputed the idea that their signs were incompatible with the Lawn’s status as a World Heritage site. “Our signs, more than any other effort of this University, were honest and realistic about the violence of this institution and this space,” the statement said. “We have and will continue to be more mindful about this space – in its history, meaning, and position – than the University of Virginia has ever been. ”

It is “particularly malicious” that the University is “enforcing unprecedented policies that limit free speech” even as it celebrates record-breaking numbers of more diverse students admitted to the Lawn. Sixty percent of the students selected for the prestigious Lawn residency next year are “people of color” — significantly more than the 40% representation of “people of color” in the undergraduate student body.

Bacon’s bottom line: The idea that people of color are being afflicted on the basis of their race/ethnicity is absurd. The sign restrictions apply to all Lawn residents equally, and they do nothing to restrict the rights of residents to express themselves in other venues.

Let’s be plain about what’s going on: The Lawn residents unhappy with the new standards aren’t fighting for “equal rights” for people of color. They’re fighting for privileges not accorded to others.

Even as campus Leftists demand exemptions on the grounds of race for standards of civility, they call for increasingly stringent restrictions on speech — such as a three-strikes-and-you’re-out policing of faculty — for expressions they find offensive. They demand the right to define what constitutes offensive speech, to change the standards whenever they want, to apply their new standards after the fact, and to apply severe sanctions. They insist upon being treated with respect but give none in return.

Campus radicals have weaponized race to bludgeon and intimidate university leaders, faculty and other students. The only reason the Ryan administration acted on the Lawn-signage issue is that outraged alumni raised a stink, lobbied the Board of Visitors, canceled tens of millions of dollars in promised donations and bequests, and organized themselves as a countervailing force in university power struggles. The controversy over Lawn signage is symbolic of far deeper issues. The battle for the soul of UVa is now underway. 

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18 responses to “Sign Standards for UVa’s Lawn Upheld”

  1. vicnicholls Avatar

    and so … it begins.

  2. Rob Austin Avatar
    Rob Austin

    It is clear that those who are soon to take on perhaps the most prestigious honor UVa has to bestow – living on the Lawn – hate UVa with an unbridled passion.

    1. Rationalizing paradox with a straight face is peacocking for postmodern humanities scholars. It’s the phenomenon of “I detest the racist legacy of my field/institution but I also demand your respect and your grant money.” Only natural that this attitude would reach the students.

  3. Wahoo'74 Avatar

    Jim, as usual, this is a simply superb editorial.

    This “solution” solves nothing. Hira Azher and her hateful, ungrateful, disgruntled student friends can still post obscene comments on their new message boards. They may look more neat and tidy from a distance of 50′ but this obviously does not address the content of the message.

    This is a cowardly submission to the woke radicals who simply hate UVA, Thomas Jefferson, US history and culture. The true solution should be intuitively obvious to anyone possessing a triple digit IQ and firm spine: forbid any obscenities on any Lawn doors regardless of political orientation. No boards or graffiti allowed on Lawn doors. Period.

    If the above resolution is too horrific for these students to take, they can withdraw from UVA and attend another university that encourages self-loathing. There are hundreds of thousands of alumni/ae who would agree with me, and they are being heard. Their pocketbooks will remain shut until this situation and other edicts proposed by the Racial Equity Task Force are reversed.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      “The true solution should be intuitively obvious to anyone possessing a triple digit IQ and firm spine: forbid any obscenities on any Lawn doors regardless of political orientation. No boards or graffiti allowed on Lawn doors. Period.”

      I wouldn’t stop at the lawn. I’d apply the sign ban to all university housing.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Will the University publish George Carlin’s “Seven Words” skit in the college handbook?

  5. WayneS Avatar

    Now available at the University Bookstore and other select locations around Charlottesville!

    It’s the officially licensed “F— UVA” Polo Shirt!

    This shirt is carefully crafted of 100% luxurious, heavy-weight pre-shrunk Pima Cotton by Unionized, Free-Trade garment workers. Guaranteed color-fast, it is made to last through hundreds of washes!

    You’ll be wearing this Socially Just fashion statement at “peaceful” demonstrations for years to come!

  6. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Speaking as a Hoo parent, I still don’t understand why this is such a big deal. Is it the first time a college student displayed the “F” word? I was in college from 1970 until 1974 and I heard that word all the time at Vietnam war protests.

  7. WayneS Avatar

    Now available at the University Bookstore and other select locations around Charlottesville!

    It’s the officially licensed “F— UVA” Polo Shirt!

    This shirt is luxuriously crafted of 100% heavy-weight pre-shrunk Pima Cotton, by Unionized, Free-Trade garment workers. Guaranteed color-fast, it is made to last through hundreds of washes!

    You’ll be wearing this Socially Just fashion statement at “peaceful” demonstrations for years to come!

  8. HooCares299 Avatar

    Seems hypocritical to cry about cancel culture all day long until something you disagree with is silenced. Just like Kapernick, you can’t pick and choose your battles over speech.

  9. HooCares299 Avatar

    You baby conservatives cry about cancel culture all day long until something you disagree with is silenced. Just like Kapernick, you pick and choose your battles over speech. Completely hypocritical. If a private company decides to get rid of Aunt Jemima or stop publishing a few books by a children’s author, everyone on the right loses their minds. I think the sign was in bad taste, but the students have every right to express themselves.

    1. No one is “canceling” Hira Azher. She is suffering no negative consequences for her action. If anything, she has become a folk heroine for the campus left. The objections are threefold: (1) her posting of highly visible profanity on the Lawn, a World Heritage site and tourist attraction, (2) the manifest hypocrisy of the Ryan administration defending Azher’s “freedom of speech” when it doesn’t lift a finger to defend the freedoms of moderates and conservatives on the grounds, and (3) a visceral reaction to her hatred of the university that has given her the honor of a lawn residency and what that says about the broader campus culture.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        No. That would take an act of congress… “cancel culture”? Like 147 Republicans voting to “cancel” an election?

        But the “Big Steal” is rackin’ up the contributions.

      2. HooCares299 Avatar

        You are a baby, you are upset about a college student putting a sign up. You are presumably an adult, why do you care? Conservatives have plenty of representation at UVA. Marc Short got a great position on campus and nazis were allowed to march on grounds unbothered by the police. Conservatives have every right to protest, put up signs, or share their views on grounds. You are living in a fantasy world. “The honor of a lawn residency” – She presumably earned it and similar to others, used her door to express her opinion. I think you need to focus on your own life and not the lives of the current generation of undergraduate students.

        1. WayneS Avatar

          The fact that you equate conservatives and nazis says a lot more about you than it does about conservatives.

      3. HooCares299 Avatar

        Big baby James Bacon moderated my response and silenced my speech online

    2. vicnicholls Avatar

      Actually as a conservative I have advocated people to get up there and speak their views – and have a Democratic Socialist who would agree. What I don’t approve of is profanity and other slights just to be a jerk. The lady in question has slung accusations but I’m looking for specifics. No specifics, she’s just virtue signaling.

  10. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Jim Bacon writes: “No one is “canceling” Hira Azher. She is suffering no negative
    consequences for her action. If anything, she has become a folk heroine
    for the campus left.”
    My sources at UVa tell me that the only people who care about this are conservative alumni.

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