The Shucet Solution (Revisited)

In the comments section of one of our posts, someone asked whether former VDOT Commissioner Philip Shucet ever espoused any transportation reform other than raising taxes for more road projects. I alluded to a letter he had written to the General Assembly last October in which he recommended 10 reforms. I provide a copy of that letter now.

The General Assembly embraced the idea of adopting more design/build contracts in the 2006 session, and the Kaine administration has moved on “telecommuting” and developing “access managment plans” for major thoroughfares.

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2 responses to “The Shucet Solution (Revisited)”

  1. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    Thanks so much for posting the letter.

    I realize that it’s a little risky to parse words from context … but..

    I did a search on “funding” and this is what popped up:

    “Regardless of the priorities, we need to determine what they are – then we need to build them.
    I believe Governor Baliles’ plan to use Virginia’s Interstate system as a statewide source
    of revenue dedicated to specific projects merits strong consideration as a means of
    funding and building priority corridor projects across the Commonwealth.”


    “Some may think that these programs could be implemented under the current levels of
    funding for transportation. But, to be redundant, by 2025 all of the revenue currently
    available for transportation will be required for maintenance. If new programs are added
    to transportation (or if new requirements are placed on existing programs) without adding
    new revenue to support them, then we only hasten the day when all Virginia can afford is
    maintenance. That is not a viable strategy in my opinion.”

    so… if I got it right…

    1. – Shucet and Baliles advocated TOLLING the interstate system (or have I gone astray on interpretation?).
    2. – Shucet… makes clear that more money is needed … but other than the TOLLING idea… mum on how.

    But he did a GOOD thing on the CTB … where he suggested that constituencies be better represented vice political cronies.. and it appears that Kaine is doing just that with the most recent 3 appointments.

    Note also that Howell.. wants the GA to appoint the CTB… rather than the Governor…. boy is that a stinker of an idea… let’s just totally turn it into a political animal…. where the ONLY criteria is “juice”.

    I’m starting to wonder how much of the current flurry is postering… smoke and mirrors.. and how much is truly going to be enacted… in the way of substantive changes.

  2. Larry Gross Avatar
    Larry Gross

    I believe yesterday was the last day to submit bills for the upcoming special GA session..

    Some interesting Bill Titles:

    …HB 5044 Driver improvement clinic fees.
    …HB 5045 Pre-recorded simulcast horse racing; allocations to Com…
    …HB 5046 Reckless driving; fee.
    …HB 5047 Components of state highway systems.
    …HB 5048 State secondary highway system; state urban highway sys…
    …HB 5049 Primary system highway construction funds.
    …HB 5050 Highway funding; revenue-sharing funds.
    …HB 5051 Income tax; toll payment tax credit.
    …HB 5052 Access to certain highways.
    …HB 5053 Transportation; supplemental funding for Northern Virgi…
    …HB 5054 Transportation; supplemental funding for Northern Virgi…
    …HB 5055 Highway Maintenance and Operating Fund; dedication of c…
    …HB 5056 Transportation; supplemental funding for the statewide …
    …HB 5057 Transportation revenue bonds.
    …HB 5058 Revenue-sharing funds for systems in certain counties, …
    …HB 5059 Transportation; additional statewide funding.
    …HB 5060 Cash proffers; purchase of development rights programs….
    …HB 5061 Height of vehicles; penalty.
    …SB 5022 Revenue-sharing funds for systems in certain counties, …
    …SB 5023 Annual VDOT statistical report.
    …SB 5024 Income tax; toll payment tax credit.
    …SB 5025 Pre-recorded simulcast horse racing; allocations to Com…
    …SB 5026 Increase in cigarette tax and tobacco products tax.
    …SB 5027 Repeal of tangible personal property tax relief.
    …SJ 5054 Study; granting greater responsibility for highway cons…
    …SJ 5055 NAFTA Superhighway System.

    you can get Bill specifics at:

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