Shown the Door, Petersen Calls Out COVID Fascists

By Steve Haner

Reading Chap Petersen’s biographical “Rebel,” it is pretty easy to understand why a year ago his fellow Democrats threw him out of office in a primary. In fact, the mystery is that he survived as long as he did.

The book tells a history that many would like to ignore or actively suppress. That the Democratic Party in Virginia no longer has a place for Petersen should depress us all. He is not shy in returning like for like, so reward his efforts and buy his book. Then dog ear the good parts for later reference, because that crowd now in charge is just getting started.

Petersen was always hard to pigeonhole, and like all the legislators who have made it to my personal MVP list, delighted in doing the unexpected and doing it with panache. He came to the House of Delegates in 2002 and then the Senate in 2008, defeating Republican incumbents in both elections. Many of the best known struggles of those years are detailed from his point of view in the 300 plus pages. I also engaged in some of them, not always on the same side.

But his biggest fight of all, and the one that finally did him in, is one we are all engaged in. Petersen was one the fiercest opponents of the absolute and needless destruction of commercial and personal freedoms during the panic over COVID-19. He was a patron of successful 2021 legislation supposed to reopen Virginia’s public schools. In reality, the oppression of school kids continued for another year or longer, intensifying the educational losses.

He also took his own party’s governor, who had been a close associate in the Senate, into both federal and state court in efforts to end the commercial lockdowns. The suits failed but the noise and heat he created had to help loosen the tyrannical chokehold at least a bit.

Petersen blames the mask mandates in part on a desire to reduce COVID spread, but only in part. It also flowed from:

…an increasing desire to control other people by determining where they could go, what they could say, and how they could appear in public. Ironically, the impulse behind the second motivation – which was Fascism by another name – was often coming from the same people who branded themselves as “anti-Fascist” in their opposition to Trump. Isn’t it funny how we tend to resemble our own darkest fears?

Over the course of the battle, his contempt for the teachers’ union set deep roots as it refused to let children back into public classrooms long after it was totally clear the danger was nil:

The same teachers who refused to work in-person were going out to retail stores and purchasing meals at fast-food restaurants, where they were served by the same teenagers who were ostensibly their students – but few people had the guts to call out this irony. Instead the angst of teachers and staff to return to work in school buildings was excused and accepted.

Petersen, who can name his Confederate ancestors and who defended doomed Civil War historical markers in his home Fairfax County, had an equally politically incorrect reaction to the other 2020 “crisis,” the racial reckoning following the homicide of George Floyd.    

Riots had broken out and laid waste to large parts of Richmond, as well as most major cities in the U.S. Crime rose quickly, as gangs descended on retail stores, confident in the fact that police would not intervene.  The end of times seemed near on many fronts.

In late July, after four months of chaos, the Governor finally called a special session of the legislature. But it was not to address the crisis in small business or the lack of a functioning school system. Instead, the “crisis” which drove the special session was criminal justice reform and the need to “fix” our justice system. Our charge was not to “reopen Virginia” or “restore freedom” to its citizens who were walking around under a mandatory mask order – it was to achieve “equity” in our legal system.

A page or two later he dismisses then-House Speaker Eileen Filler-Corn as “a shallow vessel of progressive truisms whose reactions to the COVID19 pandemic usually pandered to the loudest voices in the Democratic party.”

Yeah, the Democrats were clearly itching to get rid of him and installed reliably left Senator Saddam Azlan Salim in his place. Petersen also details in the book his efforts to defend the name of the Washington Redskins, which was actually quite popular with American tribes across the country. He is married to a Korean American and ruffled the feathers of the woke by defending the race-blind admission standards of the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology, another failed effort on his part.

And see, I’ve gone this far without mentioning that Petersen was one of the more effective skeptics when our mutual friends at Dominion Energy Virginia would come around with their complex bills to “protect consumers” and “lower costs.” On those issues he and I were indeed allies. His own legal work in that realm gave him a perspective unique among the 140 legislators.

Not surprisingly, Petersen has been cheered on by Bacon’s Rebellion before, with a handful of columns recognizing his fight to fully reopen the public schools and to help small businesses survive the unconstitutional shutdowns. It is satisfying to those of us who called out the tyranny at the time to have our worst fears confirmed by somebody who was on the inside Zooming with the tyrants.

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32 responses to “Shown the Door, Petersen Calls Out COVID Fascists”

  1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “…an increasing desire to control other people by determining where they could go, what they could say, and how they could appear in public”

    Complete and utter tripe…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      in spades.. agree

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Ignoring thousands of years of human history, are we? In another context, you’d be the first to level that claim at Trump and company.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Steve, look at the claim you are citing… you really that the mask mandates were some kind of leftist social dress code…? Further, please provide documentation of controls being placed on what you could say during Covid… did you not read BR during that period…? Finally, there were very few limits on where people could go. We never had any proper lockdowns while people in many countries literally had limits on how many times they could leave their house per day, how long, and where they could go, and I’m talking about SPAIN not China.

        I get it is an election year and you have to post this material but it is still tripe…

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          The censorship exercised on social media was crushing, widesspread and would have stunned even Orwell. MD professors were suppressed. The White House was issuing orders to silence critics. But of course you will deny it happened. I do agree Virginia was middle of the road on personal restrictions, less strict than some.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            There was inappropriate involvement from the govt on some issues involving misinformation, disinformation, and flat out falsehoods.

            Wrong for the govt to be involved.

            But social media IS on it’s own perfectly able to decide what is allowed and not .. and they are right now. They remove false information as well as other material that is hate speech and related.

            And you and I are free to shop around for social media that does not do this and yes, it does exist.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            The White House…? I thought you said Peterson leveled his criticism at the Governor…? Was he throttling your twitter account too…?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Did Peterson say “fascists” or was that embellishment?

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          dealing with the actual truth with COVID is hard for some folks.
          Just total misrepresentation of the facts , not just in Va, the Nation, and the world.

  2. Thanks for bringing Petersen’s book to our attention. I’ll definitely buy a copy.

  3. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    I’ve known Chap Petersen for years. And while we don’t always see eye to eye on issues, he is a person of integrity and intelligence, topped off with common sense. Tossing him out in a primary is more evidence that Fairfax County is on a downward track.

    Since the 2020 Census, Fairfax County population is down almost 1%, while Wake County is up by more than 5%. Fairfax had more people in 2020, but now has fewer than Wake. Both county governments are controlled by Democrats, but Wake County still has old time, sensible ones.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      You know what they say about “leading”. Find outr where people are headed and get in front of them. Peterson was/is a man of integrity but when you run for office, you are essentially telling folks you will represent them and not you. He could not do that and voters let him know.

  4. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Hard to say – a sane Democrat…
    Save our democracy! (by getting rid of the sane people in our party so we can take total authoritarian control forever)

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    There’s a simple thing with regard to elections. Candidates run promising to REPRESENT voters. It ain’t and never was for “rebels” and those who say they were and got whacked for it, really were not in the business of staying in touch with their voters IMO.

    No, they don’t have to represent them all no matter what but at the end of the day, it’s voters that do decide if they think you represented them “good enough” and has little to do with a political party as we have seen on both sides how this “works”.

    Depicting him as an anti-covid skeptic who says it was about “controlling people” just totally ignores the reality – on a worldwide basis, as to government reaction to covid. It’s just promoting a false narrative that some of the right prefer but it’s simply not the reality – whether it was funeral homes, movie theaters, concert venues, doctor offices, on and on… there were restrictions – not just in Va, not just in the US, but Canada, Mexico , and really pretty much the rest of the world.

    In my mind, this walks/talks like stuff from the anti-vaxers and now we see outbreaks of diseases that had long disappeared, coming back, because of disinformation and ignorance.

    As I end this – let me remind folks here that you can and should disagree as strongly as you wish with my comments and views but please behave yourselves on the name calling and personal attacks… that seems to emanate from mostly conservatives here.

  6. DJRippert Avatar

    Petersen is the only politician or candidate from either party to whom I donated money. Ever.

    Covid was a dramatic over-reaction. The six feet of separation rule, for example, was made up out of thin air.

    A relatively small percentage of the population was vulnerable to significant illness from Covid. They should have been notified and provided some level of support and protection. The rest of us should have been left to make our own decisions.

    As for the schools – the simple fact is that there was no significant difference in Covid health outcomes (for students or teachers) between the school districts that stayed open and those that closed for a long time. You couldn’t “follow the science” because there was no science, only panic and the desires of teachers’ unions to stay home.

    Anybody who wanted to quarantine, wear useless masks while alone in their car, wash the materials delivered by Amazon with bleach, etc was free to do so.

    Petersen was right – the laws were tyrannical.

    Finally, Covid declined to nuisance status for one reason and one reason only – Trump’s vaccine.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Masks DO work or else medical workers would not wear them for procedures. The issue is what kind of masks work to what performance spec.

      It’s not like they don’t work at all, never was but the govt folks wanted something fast and simple and got too far out over their proverbial skis.

      The problem with the schools was similar to the problem with nursing homes in that staff does not stay on site 24/7 – they go home and mingle with others, family , including older and with health conditions, and clearly it adversely impacted nursing homes of which they were severely blamed. At that time, scientists did not know with great certainty what how contagious COVID was or how it spread so they took a Conservative safe but sorry approach which people did not like and others attacked. Despite the claims, there was significant COVID spread in schools in Europe… but it did matter where one got their info as to the truth.

      So if you were older or vulnerable, had health issues – the naysayers were saying “tough luck” – if you want to go to Walmart, it’s on you or stay home.

      Walmart actually started up delivery services during COVID and it has stuck as a desired service and Walmart has built drive-through facilities for pick-up also.

      Today, we are having measles, and polio outbreaks because too many people were convinced that contagious disease is a myth and don’t believe the govt.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        Larry, there was no difference is daily Covid cases over almost two years during the pandemic between mask-mandate-states and states with no mask-mandate.

        See the chart in this article:

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Much of the reception of City Journal over the years has been divided along political lines.

          Alice O’Connor, a professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, has written that City Journal is “hardly a model of ideological moderation”, and that its contributors are “enmeshed in 1960s- and 1970s-era urbanology”.[2]: 349  She has criticized multiple writers for City Journal for reviving a “relentlessly negative image of black cultural pathology to call for tougher measures to crack down on out-of-wedlock births”, following articles praising Daniel P. Moynihan’s The Negro Family: The Case For National Action.[2]: 349  Conservative author Sol Stern, a major contributor for the magazine since its inception,[2]: 349  published a piece in liberal journal Democracy in 2020, accusing City Journal of removing contributors’ editorial independence, and criticized the association of magazine trustee Rebekah Mercer with the alt-right outlet Breitbart.[16]

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Do you really believe that the City Journal “cooked up” the data in the chart?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar


        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          You’ll never confuse him with facts, given he incorrectly attributed Walmart+ delivery to the pandemic, when it was rolled out in 2019.

        3. LarrytheG Avatar

          DJ, do you consider CIty-Journal an unbiased source?

          City Journal is a public policy magazine and website, published by the conservative Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, that covers a range of topics on urban affairs, such as policing, education, housing, and other issues.[2]: 349  The magazine also publishes articles on arts and culture, urban architecture, family culture, and other topics.[3][4] The magazine began publishing in 1990.[1][5]

          City Journal was founded in 1990 by Richard Vigilante, Editorial Director of the Manhattan Institute, who also served as the Journal’s first editor. Vigilante originally sought to launch the magazine as a for profit venture but eventually persuaded William M. H. Hammett, head of the conservative Manhattan Institute.[2]: 349  to adopt the project. Vigilante positioned City Journal as a more moderate and more cosmopolitan alternative to established right-wing institutions.[2]: 349  The magazine initially published articles promoting privatization, fiscal discipline, government downsizing, and educational vouchers.[2]: 349  Other New York-related topics covered in the magazine included criticisms of open admissions at CUNY, and the promotion of broken-windows policing.[2]: 349–350 ”



          MAY 5, 2023

          5 MIN READ

          Masks Work. Distorting Science to Dispute the Evidence Doesn’t

          New mask studies relying on a medical paradigm do not erase decades of engineering and occupational science that show they work”

          Pretty clear that Conservatives believe what they want to believe and continue to use the masks
          as a political wedge issue, IMO.

          1. DJRippert Avatar

            Do you dispute the data in the chart?

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            Was it a real scientific study that looked at all variables and held them constant when looking for correlation?

            bogus “study” DJ. There are tons of studies that show that some kinds of masks ARE effective – no question.

            So when a mask is “mandated” – is it mandating the ones proved effective or just any old “mask”.

            Why do you guys play these silly games using biased sources that do bogus “studies” and ancedotal stuff?

            There is NO QUESTION that some kinds of masks ARE effective proven by real studies.

            Here we are 3 years out and what are folks doing? Still spouting grievances about COVID…. why? Politics?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Was it a real scientific study that looked at all variables and held them constant when looking for correlation?

            bogus “study” DJ. There are tons of studies that show that some kinds of masks ARE effective – no question.

            So when a mask is “mandated” – is it mandating the ones proved effective or just any old “mask”.

            Why do you guys play these silly games using biased sources that do bogus “studies” and ancedotal stuff?

            There is NO QUESTION that some kinds of masks ARE effective proven by real studies.

            Here we are 3 years out and what are folks doing? Still spouting grievances about COVID…. why? Politics?

          4. CJBova Avatar

            Larry, the mandates had no qualifications for types of masks as long as they covered nose and mouth. Silly games /logical fallacies are your specialty, often tagged with “IMO.”

    2. Lefty665 Avatar

      The vaccine certainly has helped to keep Covid from killing as many people, but it is hardly alone in facilitating our national recovery from Covid hysteria.

      Paxlovid and a couple of other meds have proven to be effective in combating Covid. A lot of the most vulnerable people died (think nursing homes and Cuomo’s use of them for Covid patients) and some of the rest of us at higher risk have adopted protective behaviors.

      So yeah, the vaccine really has helped reduce the severity of disease, and Trump deserves credit for pushing the development, but it was not alone in facilitating our recovery from Covid hysteria.

      Now if we would just string up Fauci and a couple of his cohorts for funding Covid development we would reduce the risk of doing it again with perhaps a more virulent plague.

      1. DJRippert Avatar

        You may be right but the turning point in the whole pandemic certainly seemed to be the vaccine.

      2. Chip Gibson Avatar
        Chip Gibson

        “Now if we would just string up Fauci and a couple of his cohorts for funding Covid development we would reduce the risk of doing it again with perhaps a more virulent plague.” – Right on target. Lest we ever forget, keep your note at the forefront.

    3. Chip Gibson Avatar
      Chip Gibson

      Amen to all the above. Well stated and true!

  7. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    I have ordered my copy.

  8. Chip Gibson Avatar
    Chip Gibson

    Thanks for that fine article, Steve. Very, very educational and inspiring.

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