Show the Love, Support this Blog


Dear readers,

Bacon’s Rebellion is Virginia’s leading non-partisan blog devoted to state and local public policy issues. There are other great blogs in Virginia, but they are aligned with one partisan viewpoint or the other. We’re different. We focus on policy issues — not politics — and we entertain a wide variety of perspectives. People don’t read Bacon’s Rebellion to seek confirmation of their biases, they read it to challenge their biases and engage in intelligent, civil discourse.

With one brief interruption, I’ve been publishing Bacon’s Rebellion since 2002. I have supported the blog through sponsorships, in which various groups have provided financial support to underwrite quality journalism. I will continue seeking sponsorships, but the marketplace is changing: People with the resources to hire experienced writers often want to publish their own blogs and publications. I have to put bread on the table, and so does regular contributor Peter Galuszka, and if that means dedicating our time to publications other than Bacon’s Rebellion, then that’s what we have to do.

If you like Bacon’s Rebellion… if you appreciate the content and commentary you find here and nowhere else… I ask you to please support the blog financially. The more readers collectively contribute, the more time Peter and I can devote to Bacon’s Rebellion.

In the left-hand column, you’ll find a “Contribute Now with Paypal” button which will allow you to voluntarily “subscribe” to the publication. (We also take credit cards.) Pick a level of support with which you’re comfortable — $2 monthly, $5 or even $10 — and accept our thanks.

James A. Bacon Jr.

Update: Many thanks to readers who have contributed to Bacon’s Rebellion. You are wonderful, we feel your love, but you are too few in number. Therefore, we’re launching into NPR-style fund-raising mode. We will elevate this and other appeals to the top of the blog as long as it takes to generate a respectable revenue flow.

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12 responses to “Show the Love, Support this Blog”

  1. I put my money where my mouth is for – Wikipedia, VPAP, the Virginia Commission for Open Govt, as well as a couple others and I will add BR to the list.

    I doubt seriously that Jim or Peter will reap huge financial rewards though they both should but it’s not just the money..

    However, I need some verification that the recipient is really Bacon & Eggsheads.. and as soon as you confirm.. I’ll sign up.

    1. Thank you, Larry.

      Yes, payments really will be made to my account. I will share any proceeds with Peter on a basis that he and I have agreed to.

      1. Bacon and eggheads?

        just making sure

        1. That was my business name back when I was incorporated. I don’t use it anymore but it’s on my Paypal account.

  2. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    Let me get this straight, you want this INSTEAD of the black satchel of random serial number bills I’ve been delivering monthly along with the nickel bag, or should I continue those as well? Sheesh Bacon, I know what the pension from Landmark Communications we both will get is worth (in my case one trip to Kroger a month, as long as I don’t go down the wine aisle) so I’m surprised by this!

  3. I don’t get a Landmark pension! I missed the employment cut-off by a couple of months. Grrrr. Got to make it up somehow.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Better hurry. The last press run of most major metropolitan newspapers will probably take place before you and I hit full Social Security age.

  4. Running a blog is a pain in the ass. I’m in for some level of financial contribution although I’d rather pay once a year than every month.

    1. Thanks, Don.

      PayPal does provide a “donation” option, which allows people to make one-time contributions. However, there is a limit to how much money it will process unless the recipient is an authentic not-for-profit corporation. If I get enough feedback that people would prefer to stroke one check a year, I can go that route. But there’s a definite hassle factor to going the not-for-profit route

  5. I tend to agree. I did sign up for the recurring but then I wanted to adjust it and if there is a way to do it on PayPal, it’s not obvious. I have a help ticket in right now but the first response said that only the owner of the blog could adjust the recurring payment – and that’s bogus.

    so maybe get Jim to set it up so people have more flexible options.

    As an aside – the Free Lance Star in Fredericksburg just recently set up a “pay wall” and if you’re not a signed up subscriber – you no longer can make comments.. and some of the more vociferous echo chamber types – did – reluctantly sign up so they could continue their invective!

  6. Yes, I am in for a modest level of support.

    This an informative, intelligent blog, fulfilling its mission.

    It would be vastly improved if a certain Renaissance man exhibited a measure of civility and basic manners in answering absolutely everything posted…

    1. I’ll acknowledge your complaint and also acknowledge that others here have made the same complaint.. and I’ll accept the criticism and see if I can back off a little – but don’t get your hopes up too high!


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