by James A. Bacon

The Arlington County police digital police blotter contains a report of a shoplifting arrest made on March 28. At 6:02 p.m. police were dispatched to a store on Hayes Street where an employee had confronted a man for concealing merchandise in a bag. During the course of the police investigation, the suspect provided false identifying information, acted in a disorderly manner, made threatening statements, and spit on an officer. The police arrested him and charged him on multiple counts.

It turns out that the individual in question, 24-year-old Ronald Thomas of Brandywine, Md., had been served with outstanding warrants in a previous incident in the City of Fairfax. Thomas and another suspect had entered the Ulta Beauty store there with duffle bags and filled them with merchandise before fleeing in a car.

Perhaps incidents like these have been occurring for years, decades, without anyone paying attention. It’s not as if Thomas shot or stabbed anyone. Perhaps these incidents are absolutely nothing to get exercised about. Or… perhaps the incidents are indicative of a troubling trend of California-style social “justice” — and attendant social disorder — coming to Virginia.

I was roundly mocked back in March back when I described a shoplifting incident in Fredericksburg in which two males and a female entered a store — also an Ulta Beauty store — and took off with $15,000 worth of merchandise. (Perhaps Thomas was one of the individuals. I don’t know.) The incident resembled similar heists in California, where shoplifting has morphed into large-scale organized crime. And it occurred in a locality where a newly-elected Commonwealth Attorney had campaigned on promises to reduce “disproportionate harm caused to Black and brown people by the criminal justice system.”

Now the Washington Free Beacon tells the rest of the story. Thanks to bail reform policies implemented by “progressive” prosecutors Steve Descano (D) in Fairfax County and Paris Dehgani-Tafiti (D) in Arlington County, Thomas spent virtually no time in jail, leaving him free to commit more crimes. In between his Virginia cases, Thomas was charged with theft, robbery and assault in Maryland. Reports the Free Beacon:

At least five times he was charged for committing crimes in one jurisdiction while on pretrial release in another. He was twice charged for committing larcenies within a day of having similar larceny charges dropped—with one of those incidents happening in the same county.

The Free Beacon quotes Attorney General Jason Miyares (R) as predicting dire consequences. “You can’t claim crime has decreased when you’ve also bragged about not prosecuting over 20 types of crimes,” he said. “The crime hasn’t gone away—only the prosecution…. Just because a crime is ‘nonviolent’ does not mean there was no victim or that no innocent life has been affected. These far-left prosecutors repeatedly dropped charges against a serial larcenist and allowed him to commit more crimes and victimize more Virginians because they prioritize ideology instead of public safety.”

It’s too early to say if Thomas is an outlier. We can always hope that he and others like him feel profound gratitude for the grace bestowed upon them by socially conscious prosecutors, see the error of their ways, and take up honest work. But it’s also possible that petty criminals will make the rational calculation that shoplifting will go largely unpunished — especially in jurisdictions with lenient prosecutors — that shoplifting is easy money, and that shoplifting will grow in Virginia into the scourge that it is in California.

The usual suspects will pooh-pooh any such suggestion — there hasn’t been a noticeable uptick in shoplifting, the crimes are so trivial they don’t matter anyway, and in any case the laws are racist and conservatives who draw links between progressive prosecutors and George Soros, who financed their election campaigns, are anti-Semitic.

Well, we shall see when crime statistics are updated. The descent into anarchy doesn’t occur overnight — it takes time for the criminal element to absorb the entrepreneurial opportunities presented by progressive prosecutors. But if history is any lesson, if you don’t punish criminals, you’ll get more crime.

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27 responses to “Shoplifting for Fun and Profit”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    Shoplifting has been going on for a long time …sometimes it seems that JAB lives in a cave with a cable feed from Conservative “news”.

    I surmise that JAB apparently does not darken the doors of WalMart or similar or else he would have seen the dozens (hundreds) of cameras outside and inside? Or notice that expensive stuff is on plastic cards and/or with RFID tags or the police vehicles at the store-fronts a lot of days.

    Or at Lowes or Northern Tool where some merchandise is chained to posts!

    Stealing is alive and well as has been for quite some time.

    Even the National Park Service… people steal their lawn mowing equipment! Contractors have their stuff stolen off building sites.

    Yes, we have low lifes and assorted scum among us.. sad to say but not new news!

    Now, somehow, we’re trying to weave this into a story about prosecutors that don’t prosecute all “crimes” or some such.

    I suspect that any prosecutor worth their salt, no matter their political philosophy prioritizes their work according their available resources.

    But they are elected and politics is part of the job.

  2. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Can someone please explain to me what petty shoplifting in Northern Virginia has to do with California?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Geeze Peter, can’t you see the “liberal” parts of Virginia are becoming more and more like California and going to hell in a hand-basket?

      Pretty soon, the only real safe places will be where Conservatives govern…


      1. DJRippert Avatar

        You’ve actually stumbled into the truth. As libtwittery becomes the hallmark of more and more of Virginia the quality of life will decline. As clowns like Steve Descano decide that they won’t enforce laws they don’t like the quality of life will decline. As the quality of life continues to decline under liberal rule, hardworking people will move elsewhere. They will move to places where the quality of life is not in a liberal-induced free fall.

        The good news is that the abortion of common sense perpetuated by liberals is eventually self-correcting. California lost a Congressional seat in the last Census (the first time ever). Meanwhile, Texas gained two seats and Florida gained one.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          Well, we agree.. there will be a stampede to Texas and other “conservative’ states!

          And thievery and shop lifting and other anti-social behavior will be severely punished!

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Shoplifters will be drawn and quartered, pelted with road apples and hung for stinkin’.

  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Thanks, Larry. I think I’ll get it eventually.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      😉 – good when you comment…!!!

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Shoplifting for fun has always been… starts with a dare.

    Raising mosquitoes for fun and profit.

  5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Prosecutors do not set bail. Magistrates or judges set bail. Most often, it is the magistrate upon the accused being brought into the jail for processing. If a person commits a crime while on pretrial release in that or another, he should not be granted bail the second time. There are databases that officials can check to determine if someone has been charged with a crime is on pretrial release. You conveniently left out the detail that Thomas was held in jail without bond.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      A whole layer has been left out of this discussion. Sometime they let these folks walk because they don’t want to call ICE. Not sure if that applies to “Ronald Thomas” but if you are going to have the lenient approach it cannot be just for Hispanic surnames….

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Maybe he’s Canadian?

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        It is not that they let folks “walk” because they don’t want to call ICE. These offenders have served their time and, under Virginia law, must be released. An ICE detainer is not a legal document and many sheriffs will not continue to hold a person if ICE cannot produce a court order.

  6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    So the complaint is Thomas was not charged to the maximum extent he could have been in March and it was negotiated down so he did no time. I assume he pled guilty to the lesser charges. You find this outcome unusual…?? It happens nearly every day in every court in the Country…

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Elsewhere on the blog somebody was whining about extreme religious laws. Maybe Jim’s ready for Sharia Law and a few chopped-off hands? But at some point this fool will earn himself a felony and then a real sentence.

      1. Remember all cultures are equally valid and should be valued.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Cut off the offending member… wait! Snarky ain’t a crime is it?

    2. You are such an effing moron, it is far worse than not being charged to the maximum. The Grand Larceny charge was Nolle Prosequi by the geniuses in Fairfax in addition to waiving his extradition back to Maryland as a fugitive with outstanding felony warrants. Then there is the matter of thirteen other charges over the past 5 years in Fairfax alone, many of which have also not been prosecuted and include other instance where he wasn’t extradited to stand for crimes in other jurisdictions. Live in your fairy tale world Full Troll and pray you’re not one of his next victims.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I would like to see the documentation of the nolle prosequi incidents and the waiver of extradition. It is easy to assert such charges.

        1. Then go into the state court databases and do your own damn homework. I isn’t that tough to track down. and the name is THOMAS, RONALD DEMETRIUS

      2. Stephen Haner Avatar
        Stephen Haner

        Prosecutors are elected. I don’t go to Northern Va. because the voters up there are mainly idiots, electing idiots, and if they like being robbed, great. Likewise avoid Richmond City. The fool will eventually pull something in a jurisdiction with a real prosecutor.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          They are grateful.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    My gift to BR. Must be good for 2, maybe 3 DAYS worth…

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Look, if it makes you feel any better, had Depp been King George, had Heard been Thomas Jefferson, and had the OP-ED been the DoI, the result would have been the same. With malice afore thought and intent to do irreparable harm, TJ didst make public a list of grievances that was better than 50% BS.

    That having been said, we get to sit back today and watch the American media put their Cinderella Syndrome on full display as they heap lavish love and praise on the inbred progeny of Johnny Depp, or King George, or somebody equally despicable.

  9. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    A couple years ago, a few individuals were taken by a Fairfax County police officer to see the FCPD’s station at the Tysons Corner Mall. The owner has given the PD space in the Mall for years. A number of officers work from that location, chiefly on property crimes but also on attempted car jackings at the Mall.

    We got to see through a one-way window where a detective was interviewing a woman who had been arrested earlier that day for theft. The officers found merchandise in her car that was valued at approximately $150 K. She was part of a professional crime group from Massachusetts that had a warehouse in New Jersey.

    We also learned that the officers monitored cameras at the Tysons Corner Metrorail station. They’ve found a high correlation between fare jumpers and people going to the Mall to steal. Most people arrested for theft at the Mall were from the District and Maryland. Many took Metrorail.

    1. Super Brain Avatar
      Super Brain

      Professional shoplifters know than one way mirrors and cameras have one main purpose-to focus on pretty female shoppers.

  10. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    A couple years ago, a few individuals were taken by a Fairfax County police officer to see the FCPD’s station at the Tysons Corner Mall. The owner has given the PD space in the Mall for years. A number of officers work from that location, chiefly on property crimes but also on attempted car jackings at the Mall.

    We got to see through a one-way window where a detective was interviewing a woman who had been arrested earlier that day for theft. The officers found merchandise in her car that was valued at approximately $150 K. She was part of a professional crime group from Massachusetts that had a warehouse in New Jersey.

    We also learned that the officers monitored cameras at the Tysons Corner Metrorail station. They’ve found a high correlation between fare jumpers and people going to the Mall to steal. Most people arrested for theft at the Mall were from the District and Maryland. Many took Metrorail.

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