SHOCK Fox Poll — Youngkin +8? Outlier or Actual?

by Chris Saxman

Oh yeah.

That Fox News poll release last night created some noise. No sooner had that hit the airwaves than the phone started blowing up from around the country and Commonwealth. Glenn Youngkin was +8 (53-45).

What do you think? Is this real?

Naturally, Republicans were thrilled and Democrats dismissive. It is Fox News. The reactions would have been reversed were it a poll from MSNBC.

Today, the Washington Post/GMU Schar School Poll released their poll (McAuliffe +1 49-48) and it will likely receive the same partisan response. Republicans will dismiss it and Democrats will hail it.

Republicans will say it’s the Post AND Dwight Schar, for whom the school is named, supports Terry McAuliffe. Given the Fox Poll showing Glenn Youngkin +8, anything closer to a tie will be a response ray of relief for Democrats and another “See I Told You So” (SITYS) moment for the Republicans.

Rinse and repeat. Binary politics at its best.

But it’s gotten so bad this year for Republicans in Virginia that Democrats are complaining to me about how partisan the coverage is.

To which I reply :

How do Republicans deal with it?

First, Republicans pretty much roll their eyes – “Here we go again.” Second, they dismiss most things in the mainstream media other than yesterday’s sports scores, market reports, and weather events. Third, they use alternative methods of communicating with their voters. Fourth – this is the sad part – they dismiss almost everything that could be associated with being constructive criticism. You know – help.

I can’t begin to tell you the number of times during my tenure in the General Assembly I heard “Why do y’all talk about nothing but abortion and guns???”
To which I would reply, “We don’t. That’s just what’s reported.”

Blank stare back.

It be what it be.

AAAAAND we’re back to the Fox News poll.

Two weeks ago, the Fox poll showed Terry McAuliffe leading Glenn Youngkin 51-46. That seemed a little off given the other polls showing a tightening race and just two weeks before that Fox had McAuliffe at +4.

NOW they release a poll showing Glenn Youngkin up +8 at 53-45. (Click for cross tabs.)

Do I think the electorate has been trending towards Youngkin and the Republicans?


But a 13-point swing in two weeks?


The Washington Post/GMU Schar School Poll just came out and it shows McAuliffe +1. (cross tab link)

Hopefully that will be the very last of the publicly released polling.


We will keep this one private as well and not broadcast it on You Tube.

So, where are things? Still tight, but obviously the trend is towards Youngkin and the GOP.

Additionally, according to the recent finance reports Youngkin has much more Cash on Hand to finish out the race than McAuliffe does. That was the biggest takeaway for me in the last reports.

Youngkin had $6MM more COH as of last week. That is HIGHLY unusual for Virginia Republicans in late October. It’s also a good sign for them.


Five Thirty Eight’s polling average:

And Real Clear Politics:

Even the folks who AVERAGE the polling disagree.

However, make no mistake when it comes to the stakes in this election. They are MASSIVE.

The political eyes of the nation (and perhaps the world) are on Virginia for the next week.
Buckle up.

Chris Saxman is executive director of Virginia FREE. This column has been republished with permission from his Substack column, The Intersection.

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16 responses to “SHOCK Fox Poll — Youngkin +8? Outlier or Actual?”

  1. Terry Nyhous Avatar
    Terry Nyhous

    Pre-election polls have been so bad for the past 10+ years that I no longer pay any attention to them. Enthusiasm counts and the number of people showing up for Youngkin campaign events speaks volumes.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Agreed. Not sure why these polls continue to get so much attention, other than they are so easy for the one remaining frazzled reporter per media outlet to write up. Looked back at the 2017 polls and outcome and they pretty much all missed.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Agreed. Not sure why these polls continue to get so much attention, other than they are so easy for the one remaining frazzled reporter per media outlet to write up. Looked back at the 2017 polls and outcome and they pretty much all missed.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I can tell you what we do with phone calls – both landline and cell… and I’m quite sure some of polling……

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    interesting article by the AP about the HD and Senate races in Virginia:

    Virginia House Democrats aim to protect their majority

    If Youngkin wins – and he well might – what will the GA look like?

  3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Already been countered by WP poll… Fox does Hampton poll of 2017 is all this is. Will still be close though, that seems to be clear.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      It legitimizes a “Stop the Steal” squealing on Wednesday.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        where have you been? having a quad-bypass or something?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          On sabbatical. No chance of heart problems here. It doesn’t have the courage to attack me.

          It is necessary, every once in awhile, to step away from these pages of superiority masquerading for knowledge in order to recenter.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Yep, it is coming. You can see it from a mile (or three days) away…. They are revving their engines on the “bat sh*t” rightwing sites already. I am sure Kerry has her piece cued up already.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          It’s their new working strategy. The talking heads do have one thing right. This is the end of Mr. Madison’s experiment, and the GOP is all for it. It’s a murder-suicide pact. The GOP has taken the gun to their temple and are telling the world, “Shut up! You’re next.”

  4. LarrytheG Avatar

    I heard Trump wanted to come to Virginia. I was curious where to donate! 😉

  5. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Fox reported that? Counter-productive for them.
    Geez I was thinking it was a liberal outfit trying to get out the vote. Best thing for Youngkin would be polls saying McAuliffe is ahead so no Dems panic.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner


    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      I agree.

    3. DJRippert Avatar

      I don’t know. 8 point is so big a gap that voters on both sides might stay home thinking the issue has been decided.

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