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A Shameless Plug for R.Biz, Richmond’s Source for Business Intelligence

I was hoping to squeeze in some blogging on Bacon’s Rebellion this morning — the Rail-to-Dulles story cries out for a follow up — but it’s been a wild and crazy day. In partnership with, Richmond’s leading independent online news source, I have launched R.Biz, a blog that delivers updates on Richmond-area business and economic news — along with a little peppery Baconesque commentary.

This was our first day, there was a load of news, and I’m still getting the hang of the interface, so it took me most of the morning. Alas, there was little time for Bacon’s Rebellion today.

If you live in the Richmond region… and aren’t happy with the quality of business coverage, bookmark R.Biz and visit every day. We can’t be as in-depth as the Times-Dispatch, but we can be more comprehensive. We will pick up stories the newspaper overlooks, and we’ll link to to articles in other publications, something the T-D would never do. The more visitors we get, the more advertising we generate. The more advertising we generate, the more the resources we can invest in the product!

Long live digital media!

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