The (Sex) Show Must Go On

Two weeks ago I took note that student organizers at the College of William & Mary wanted to host the traveling Sex Workers Art Show on campus, providing a venue for porn stars, strippers and other sex workers to deliver monologues and otherwise do their thing. (See “Hey, Can Students’ Parents Buy Tickets, Too?”)

The big question in my mind was how President Gene Nichol would rule. Would he permit the show on the grounds of openness, tolerance and inclusion? Or would he reject it on feminist grounds that it “objectifies” women as sex objects? (Traditional canons of “good taste,” I assumed, were not even a consideration.)

The Wooden Nichol has spoken: Tolerance and inclusion prevails over mysogeny and patriarchy.

Meanwhile, according to the Daily Press, students are debating whether the sex show should be held on campus. The latest controversy is whether to allow members of the audience to film or photograph the show.

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