Sex, Lies and Virginia Law: The Susanna Gibson Case

Susanna Gibson, Democratic nominee for the 57th District seat in the Virginia House of Delegates.

Republished with permission from the Liberty Unyielding blog.

“Susanna Gibson, a House candidate in Virginia, had sex with her husband in live videos posted online and asked viewers to pay them money in return,” notes USA Today. A recent video shows the Democratic candidate for Virginia’s House of Delegates doing sex acts. She allegedly also had sex with other people, not just her husband.

When a Republican operative brought this to the attention of The Washington Post, which ran a story about it, Gibson claimed that was an “illegal invasion of privacy” and a “sex crime.” The New York Times made that dubious “invasion of privacy” claim the focus of its story about her, declining to quote any free-press advocate or lawyer who could have pointed out that Gibson can’t sue for any invasion of privacy over the release of this publicly-available information. Gibson’s lawyer has also claimed that the release of this information is a criminal violation of Virginia’s revenge porn statute. But it is doubtful that this information can be criminalized as revenge porn, given the fact that the First Amendment protects speech on matters of public concern even when a state law defines it as an “invasion of privacy.”

As journalist Brent Scher notes, “Only a Democrat could post videos on Chaturbate for the whole world to watch her doing anal, and get the @nytimes coverage to be about ‘leak of sex tapes’ and ‘invasion of privacy’. It was all on the internet until about 3 days ago!” As another commentator notes,Susanna Gibson hosted” sex acts “live to her audience of 5,700 subscribers and took requests….on Ch*turbate.” For example, she wasoffering to let men watch her pee while she was running for office.”

As The Washington Post reported:

A Democrat running for a crucial seat in Virginia’s House of Delegates performed sex acts with her husband for a live online audience and encouraged viewers to pay them with “tips” for specific requests, according to online videos viewed by The Washington Post.

Susanna Gibson, a nurse practitioner and mother of two young children running in a highly competitive suburban Richmond district, streamed sex acts on Chaturbate, a platform that says it takes its name from “the act of masturbating while chatting online.”

Chaturbate videos are streamed live on that site and are often archived on other publicly available sites. More than a dozen videos of the couple captured from the Chaturbate stream were archived on one of those sites — Recurbate — in September 2022, after she entered the race. The most recent were two videos archived on Sept. 30, 2022.

As the Daily Beast observes, Gibson “had sex with her husband in live videos and encouraged her audience to pay to see specific acts.” And apparently had sex with other people as well.

Gibson’s behavior is classified as criminal activity under the Code of Virginia. If an individual performs sexual acts for money or an equivalent, or if an individual offers to perform sexual acts for money or an equivalent, then the individual is guilty of prostitution, under Section 18.2-346(A) of the Virginia Code.

Having sex on the internet for “tips” or other compensation constitutes prostitution in most states (California is an exception, which is why the porn industry developed there first). For example, Arizona judges have ruled that if you have sex with someone in exchange for money from a third party, that’s prostitution even if it is being done for the purpose of producing pornography.

Gibson could not successfully sue for the “illegal invasion of privacy” she claims. In 2002, the Virginia Supreme Court ruled that “public disclosure of true, embarrassing private facts” is not a reason to sue for invasion of privacy in Virginia. Virginia is where any lawsuit by Gibson would be filed against the political operative who brought the videos to The Washington Post’s attention. (See footnote 5 of the Virginia Supreme Court’s decision in WJLA-TV v. Levin (2002)).

Even if that were not true, Gibson still could not sue for invasion of privacy, because people have no reasonable expectation of privacy when they perform sexual acts for viewers on the internet.

Moreover, disclosing such videos is protected by the First Amendment. That’s because there is a strong public interest in reporting on such activity by politicians, as a California Superior Court judge ruled in Hill v. Heslep, which imposed anti-SLAPP sanctions against ex-Congresswoman Katie Hill for filing a lawsuit over the release of photos of her engaging in inappropriate sexual conduct far milder than that which Gibson engaged in for money. The Supreme Court ruled in Time v. Hill that the invasion-of-privacy tort is limited by the First Amendment when a lawsuit is brought over speech on a matter of public concern.

But that isn’t stopping Gibson from trying to shut people up. She is claiming that the disclosures are a “sex crime.” As a state Libertarian Party notes, “Susanna Gibson, a Democrat in Virginia, performed live sex acts for tips, streaming them on the internet for anyone to watch. She’s now claiming that sharing them is a ‘sex crime’ and illegal.”

As Rich Baris observes, “I do not care about pols’ sex lives and don’t think most voters care, either. But they do care when people like Susanna Gibson are purporting to be something they’re not, and refusing to own when they get caught, calling it a ‘sex crime’ to expose her publicly available online activities. Takes a lot of nerve to claim it’s ‘an illegal invasion of my privacy’ because people found out without paying for it. Of course, the public deserves to know whether that money from her husband [to finance her campaign] came from Chaturbate.”

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78 responses to “Sex, Lies and Virginia Law: The Susanna Gibson Case”

  1. From Gibson’s campaign website:

    I will work across party lines to ensure that Virginia incentivizes quality teachers to remain in the classroom, not punishing them with teacher reporting tip lines or videos in the classrooms to monitor them.

    Videos and tip lines are for adults!

    You know, I really don’t want this woman setting legislative policies and standards for Virginia public schools.

    1. Not Today Avatar

      I really, REALLY don’t want THAT MAN, the orange menace named Trump, representing and espousing misogynist opinions like this for the nation. A three-times marital cheater with saggy, spray tanned-skin, who leers at teens and young women, raping one, is NOT who should be championing national policy or setting behavioral standards for the nation but if he wins and overcomes these awful moral deficits…so be it. I can emigrate.

      1. Lighten up Francis and let go of the TDS. We get it. Orangeman Bad.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          does seem to be a bit of a double standard and organgeman himself claims he’s being treated wrongly!

          It is impressive to me that so many support him despite his behaviors that are totally condemned in others and renders them unfit for office.

          1. Completely agree. Trump should be in jail as well as Hunter and Joe Biden, but we the people have allowed the rich and powerful to corrupt our justice system where there is a justice system for them and another justice system for the rest.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            two tier system = no trial needed ? Comparing Biden to Trump is hilarious but it’s the
            refuge that Trump lovers do seek.

          3. Didn’t compare Biden or Trump. I just lumped them into the same group of rich and powerful. Comparing Trump to Biden is like comparing you to Jim Bacon.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Proportionality? Criminal behaviors? you bet!

        2. Not Today Avatar

          No. Orangeman = CRIMINAL.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            yeah, but , but… so is Biden! right? That makes Orangeman no worse for sure! Right?

      2. Jack Wanker Avatar
        Jack Wanker

        This doesn’t have anything to do with Donald Trump – Get the help you need

        1. Not Today Avatar

          The name says it all. I used something called an analogy. Look it up. Take a class. I care not.

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    The candidate she beat out (pardon the pun) for the nomination, Bob Shippee, is quite credible. The outcome is not a cinch for Owen now, not at all. But a write in campaign is difficult. I suspect she will be suppressed and out of sight very soon. Watch the D’s do what they do best, close ranks. Republicans could and should but never do learn that trick.

  3. OMG, according to her campaign website, she went to UVa.

    1. Not Today Avatar

      You’re SICK. Seek help.

    2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      Ammo for VTech?

    3. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      Gives a whole new meaning to “Wahoo-wa,” doesn’t it?

      1. Not Today Avatar

        AGAIN…GROSS. Remove your brain from the gutter.

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      So did George Huguely…

    5. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      So did George Huguely…

    6. DIE for prostitutes too don’t ‘ya know.

    7. James Kiser Avatar
      James Kiser

      that explains a lot doesn’t it.

  4. Matt Adams Avatar

    Individuals are entitled to do things in the privacy of their own homes. However, when running for public office and having things in public space is not wise, nor is attempting to utilize the legal system improperly.

  5. Usually candidates scr*w everybody after they get into office.

  6. Fred Costello Avatar
    Fred Costello

    Will she be prosecuted?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Likewise her husband. Let’s be fair. Both of their professional licenses are toast if they took money.

      1. Matt Adams Avatar

        At the very least their employer will probably terminate them. Which is sad, but at the same time they placed themselves in this position. Reap what yee sow.

      1. Fred Costello Avatar
        Fred Costello

        Prostitution, pornography, indecent exposure.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Those are crimes?! Clearly, they’ve never driven through South Carolina or the Red places in Michigan and Wisconsin!

          1. Prostitution is still illegal in most places in the country. The others? Not so much.

            I have my doubts as to whether she could be successfully prosecuted for prostitution.

            Not to mention the fact that the Commonwealth’s Attorney should have a lot more serious thing to investigate than this strange woman and her strange husband.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            You know, if it pays for a vacation here or there…. Maybe it all goes into the 529?

          3. What goes into what seems to be negotiable depending on tips.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Oooh, you done it again…

          5. Yeah. he’s on a roll with this topic.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Sex and cars or football — the great common denominator of the American male.

  7. Dang – who knew the Jim Crow, segregationist, pro-slavery Dems where so much fun!

    I wonder what her rallies are like?

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The October surprise has become the September surprise. Thank early voting. And the process of replacing her on the ballot, assuming she would go willingly, is also basically compromised by the early voting process.

      The stunning thing is how many Dems, all the way up to Louise Lucas, rushed to her defense. Blue Virginia has been a comedy show for 24 hours. But it seems smarter Democrats are scrambling to find a way out. The next shoe is to ask the embattled Democratic Henrico prosecutor if she will be bringing charges for sex for sale. She won’t want to answer either way…

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Got my vote. Your goat?

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Got my vote. Your goat?

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          District 57 is Short Pump. Hope that is not Mr. Gibson’s nickname!

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I’ve learned not to ask. Don’t ask, don’t tell may have been a terrible policy for society, but within 4 walls…

        2. Donald Smith Avatar
          Donald Smith

          This popcorn is delicious.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I was referring to Steve’s avatar. It’s a goat head made from Shiner bottles

          2. Donald Smith Avatar
            Donald Smith

            Ah, I missed that—touche’. But this popcorn is still delicious.

          3. That goat is at the K. Spoetzl Brewery isn’t it?

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It’s near San Antonio somewhere.

      3. James Kiser Avatar
        James Kiser

        LOL maybe she is checking with Garland?

    2. James Kiser Avatar
      James Kiser

      mass orgy ? Drag queens willing to spank her like the democratic mayor of Burbank was spanked at a fund raiser in CA?

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    I think they asked for “tips”. That could be a gratuity, or simply advice — Motorola, Buy!

  9. Not Today Avatar

    How is this consensual, for pay, work more upsetting and worthy of a blog post than a man engaging in NON-CONSENSUAL sexual contact while monetizing his abuse, and/or paying a porn star for her services? The former POTUS most of the pearl clutchers here support is accused not 0nly of sexually leering at teen beauty contestants, but was found liable (GUILTY!) for sexually assaulting a woman and is now charged with defaming her…AGAIN. Hypocrisy, thy name is MAN…WHITE MAN. I have yet to see a post critical of Trump’s many crimes.

    1. Donald Smith Avatar
      Donald Smith

      I need more popcorn.

      1. Not Today Avatar

        Indeed. Y’all started this mess with a rapist/adulturist (x3) in Chief and now want to clutch your pearls over a porn episode with a LEGAL SPOUSE? Puh-lease. Somebody has been found liable for sexual assault…HINT: It ain’t her.

        1. Donald Smith Avatar
          Donald Smith

          You’re the one that’s bordering on racism in your comments, not us. “Hypocrisy, thy name is MAN…WHITE MAN.” How very Al Sharpton of you.

          1. Not Today Avatar

            Sir, staahhhp. You and your fellow white, male Repubs are champing at the bit to slut shame while excusing, ad nauseum, the behavior of Trump. It’s gross. Calling it out is not the party foul. Being a hypocrite is. I find her behavior unseemly. I find his criminal. Do you? The Rs preferred candidate stands accused by MULTIPLE juries of his peers of felony offenses. Yeah, no. Take the plank out of your own eye.

          2. Not Today Avatar

            Sir, staahhhp. You and your fellow white, male Repubs are champing at the bit to slut shame while excusing, ad nauseum, the behavior of Trump. It’s gross. Calling it out is not the party foul. Being a hypocrite is. I find her behavior unseemly. I find his criminal. Do you? The Rs preferred candidate stands accused by MULTIPLE juries of his peers of felony offenses. Yeah, no. Take the plank out of your own eye.

          3. Not Today Avatar

            Sir, staahhhp. You and your fellow white males are seemingly champing at the bit to slut shame while excusing, ad nauseum, the behavior of Trump. It’s gross. Calling it out is not the party foul. Being a hypocrite is. I find her behavior unseemly. I find his criminal. Do you? The Rs preferred candidate for 2024 stands accused, by MULTIPLE juries of his peers, of felony offenses. Yeah, no. Take the plank out of your own eye.

          4. Donald Smith Avatar
            Donald Smith

            Your last post is literally a spray of yummy butter on my popcorn.

          5. Not Today Avatar

            Love that for you. No accounting for pervy tastes.

          6. You two are amazing. How much to keep this thread going?

          7. Not Today Avatar

            Be grateful for a small, limited glimpse at the ‘sleeping giant’ voters who will determine the outcome of the next few elections.

          8. Not Today Avatar

            More gross.

          9. Darn, I was hoping I would need to get more popcorn.

        2. Y’all started this mess with a rapist/adulturist (x3) in Chief

          But Bill Clinton is a democrat…

          1. Not Today Avatar

            And? I was barely legal when he ran for office and he comes from the EXACT SAME DEMO as Trump. Plus, when you know/see more you should do better. Rs, apparently, missed that memo. Both MEN are part of the same might makes right ethos. Shocker? No.

          2. Plus, when you know/see more you should do better.

            Like Susanna Gibson?

          3. Plus, when you know/see more you should do better.

            Like Susanna Gibson?

          4. Not Today Avatar

            From everything said here and elsewhere, she has a) violated no laws, b) not stepped out on her spouse, and c) not violated her/her party’s espoused positions/convictions. Is that untrue? As I said previously, I find this behavior unseemly. I would prefer an alternate candidate. She’s not a criminal. Trump is indicted on multiple felonies. Apples/Oranges.

          5. I did not say she is a criminal. I did not imply it. And I don’t think it.

            You wrote: As I said previously, I find this behavior unseemly. I would prefer an alternate candidate.

            So, doesn’t that mean you think she could/should have “done better” than she did if she wanted to be elected to political office?

            I was not comparing her to Trump and I apologize if that is how you interpreted my comment. I was applying your previous comment to her and her alone.

            I may be wrong, but I think we are in agreement regarding Ms. Gibson.

          6. Not Today Avatar

            Yes, I think we largely agree. I don’t think people should run for office with active (or recent) legal or moral turpitude issues. Put that in the rear view, please and thank you. I DO NOT ascribe unfit-ness to acts of this sort but do wish those who want to serve as role models (willing or no) would do better and create some distance between themselves and the acts. In The case of POTUS 45, I suspect the only thing that’s changed is that his physical appearance and bank balance no longer compensate for his flaccid appeal/douchenozzletry.

  10. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Any of you UVa grads mind if I tag along to your next alumni meeting?

    1. Not Today Avatar

      Also… gross.

  11. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    I think she leaked it all for the publicity and the chance to increase her money making potential.

  12. My problem with her is her abuse/misuse of our legal system. She knows the legal claims she is making are without basis and are not valid but she is making them anyway. It’s the same as lying.

    With that said, I fully expect her to get elected.

  13. There are 20 links in the post, but not a single one to the original source material so we can see for ourselves and form our own conclusions. Seems rather inconsiderate.:)

  14. One important point:
    She did NOT just have sex with her husband.

    I need to find the original story I read – it was not AP or WaPo or any of the mainstream articles that flowed from the AP story. It was on some blog, somewhere, and linked a bunch of stuff from other sources.

    In it, she admitted to having sex with three different men in one day (all on Chaturbate), and commented that she hoped her husband didn’t find out he was the third of them, instead of the first.

    So, don’t believe and re-report the bogus claim that it was just sex with her husband. There was plenty of adultery going on, as well.

    1. Huh. I can’t find any history of the original story I read. But the DailyWire story also mentions the 3 men:

      Gibson said she has had sex with three men in one day, and “don’t tell my husband he was the third. I would say ethically nonmonogamous but I guess that three in one day was not.”


      She can be heard in the videos saying “he doesn’t like sharing” her with other men, with Gibson saying, “Sometimes I have to though. She makes me.”

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