Sen. McClellan Charges Racism as Va. Health Commissioner works to Improve Health of Black Mothers and Babies

By James C. Sherlock

The left will not be swayed from invoking racism in every situation, everywhere.

They deploy that charge especially disgracefully when conservatives attempt to help poor people be healthier, better educated, safer and more successful.

Because those actually are not the objectives of the left.  They simply don’t care about such things.  They offer public policies that have the opposite effects.

They want poor people radicalized. Period.  Full stop.  When some die or have their lives ruined in the process they are considered collateral damage in a higher cause.

The Washington Post has published “Black lawmakers ‘outraged’ over Va. health commissioner demand action”, an utterly predictable screed.

Sen. Jennifer McClellan (D-Richmond) is quoted there as saying:

(Health Commissioner Dr. Colin) Greene’s views made her (McClellan) question work done to try to reverse the disparities, including the state’s April 2021 Maternal Health Strategic Plan, which says ‘structural racism is at the root of maternal health disparities just as it is for many other health disparities.’ (emphasis added)

As if that perfect embodiment of progressive virtue signaling will somehow improve the health outcomes of poor Black women and their babies.  For progressives, words are actions.  The tactic is called “truth by repeated assertion” used to frighten political opponents into silence.

Sen. McClellan and the entire General Assembly Black Caucus are complete hypocrites in this matter.

Public hypocrisy in the General Assembly Black Caucus.  McClellan and the Black Caucus were missing in action when then-Del. Jason Miyares introduced Health Enterprise Zones legislation in 2020.

The bill was aimed directly to improve the health of the urban poor in Virginia by incentivizing improved primary care in those areas.  I know that because I wrote it.

It began:

The Department (of Health) shall establish the Health Enterprise Zone Program (the Program) to target state resources to (i) reduce racial, ethnic, and geographic health disparities; (ii) improve access to health care in underserved communities; (iii) reduce hospital admission and readmission rates; and (iv) reduce health care costs in the Commonwealth.

The Black Caucus let the bill die without a word in a committee totally dominated by Democrats and chaired by a Black man.

McClellan’s most recent “outrage” stemmed from reading the following in another Post article , “Tension over role of racism in public health strains Va. agency under Youngkin”.

Greene said he wants staff to be accountable for their work and, doubting the well-established link between structural racism and health disparities, plans to create an investigative unit within the department of health to “start fresh” on, for example, reasons for high rates of Black maternal and infant mortality.

A Tale of Two Health Commissioners.

 Dr. Greene is Virginia’s Health Commissioner.

Health Commissioners, unsurprisingly, are responsible for improving public health.

His predecessor, Dr. Norman Oliver, never figured that out.  Dr. Oliver got his M.D. degree in his 40’s, a significant achievement.  After that, as the Post informs us, he “studied health inequities and racial discrimination as a longtime professor at the University of Virginia”.  Clearly the background Ralph Northam looked for in a health commissioner.

Commissioner Greene has nearly 40 years of medical experience, having practiced for decades as a primary care physician.

In a career as an Army physician, he treated soldiers and their families, served as a chief medical and public health adviser and directed healthcare and biomedical research facilities overseas and in the States.  After Army service, he practiced as a primary care physician in Winchester and served as director of the Lord Fairfax Health District.

Dr. Greene wants to investigate the medical and health care access reasons for Black maternal and infant mortality.  So he can get his Department to address them.

You know, Health Commissioner stuff.

Imperiling the woke with accountability. As befits a Washington Post report, the article that generated “outrage” quoted an unnamed source:

Within the health department, one anonymous employee who was not authorized to speak on behalf of the agency, said Greene’s philosophy imperils their work and the people they serve and represents a full turnabout from policies prioritized under the administration of former governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat.

I understand the Post is looking for Dr. Greene’s co-conspirators. Perhaps there is a “dossier” on him.  There are consultants with whom the Post is familiar who specialize in dossiers if they want one.  Perhaps prime time Congressional hearings can be held.

Dr. Greene wants people “accountable for their work”.   My goodness.

An anonymous employee appears to think that his focus on actual solutions “imperils her work”.   Given the context, we can only hope that whatever she does at VDH actually is imperiled.

Bottom line. Commissioner Greene wants medical and health care access solutions to deal with “high rates of Black maternal and infant mortality.”

Off with his head.

Updated June 17 at 12:20 PM

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88 responses to “Sen. McClellan Charges Racism as Va. Health Commissioner works to Improve Health of Black Mothers and Babies”

  1. Expecting outcomes and results rather than meetings and power-points from government workers……. you are the problem.

    After a meeting at the NRO many years ago, a friend and co-worker observed, “If you brief it long enough and enough times, it’s like you’re actually doing it.”

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Exactly. PowerPoint is truth.

      1. spoken like a true GS-13

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        If you were to read your article and all your comments, you would see a Power Point presentation filled with sound and fury resulting in nothing but testimony to your ego.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “James McCarthy James C. Sherlock
          3 hours ago edited
          If you were to read your article and all your comments, you would see a Power Point presentation filled with sound and fury resulting in nothing but testimony to your ego.”

          If one were to read the plethora or your comments I think they’d find that you’re without thought and all ego. So that which you accuse others, shocked I tell you shocked.

          You’re also a coward, but I think that’s par for the course.

  2. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Youngkin should meet with Greene and McClellan. Lowering the mortality rate should be the sole objective of that meeting. Participants in the meeting should check all baggage in with the secretary.

  3. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Deflection + ideology + screed = propaganda. Frankly, the bold faced phrase to which objection is directed is harmless – except to those who feel threatened by it. Save the dudgeon for actual conflict like voter nullification.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      It is most certainly not harmless to Dr. Greene. He has been libeled by the Post.

      He is a highly experienced and respected primary care physician from Winchester. He has family, friends, former patients and colleagues who will read or hear about the charge.

      As a public figure, he is unlikely to successfully sue.

      But I can defend him and call the opposition out for the perverse hypocrites they are. So I have done so.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        You can defend John Eastman also for similar reasons. As an arbiter of truth and beauty, you have that right. The bold font statement does no harm to Greene and is so concluded only by your opinion and further contorted by your interpretation.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Who, exactly, is John Eastman and how did he get into the conversation? The only one I know of was an attorney for the Trump campaign. Did he also practice healthcare law?

          But, on reflection, I don’t really care. Have a nice rest of your day.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      The irony associated with your first statement and the rest of your comment is that you’re projecting.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    If not racist, your sexism is on display…

    From the source: “Within the health department, one anonymous employee who was not authorized to speak on behalf of the agency, said Greene’s philosophy imperils their work and the people they serve and represents a full turnabout from policies prioritized under the administration of former governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat.”

    You changed “their” to “her”. Do you feel only women do work you deem worthy of being “imperiled”? Is there, perhaps, a pronoun for black women? See how hurtful one can be over not using the pronoun preferred by the subject?

    Greene libeled? Maybe Amber will testify on his behalf?

  5. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    This comes down to the Youngkin administrations and its supporters either not believing that racism in society existed and has effects in the present or not wanting to admit it. Either way, they don’t want to talk about it.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “Dick Hall-Sizemore • 23 minutes ago
      This comes down to the Youngkin administrations and its supporters either not believing that racism in society existed and has effects in the present or not wanting to admit it. Either way, they don’t want to talk about it.”

      False, this comes down to you and your pals throwing the title of racist against anyone you don’t agree with. Which has done nothing more than water down the term, while illustrating you’re the actual racists.

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I’ll ask you the same questions I asked Larry, which are appropriate to your comment.

      You and Dr. Greene come at this from two different perspectives. You are seeking validation for your catechism. The Health Commissioner is seeking better health care for Virginians.

      So open the catechism and find us the answers to the following two questions:

      1. How does a physician treat a mother and her baby for “structural racism”?

      2. How does a Health Commissioner treat differences in access to quality primary care if the Black Caucus blocks an initiative directly targeted to provide it because it came from a Republican?

      Dr. Greene and I await your responses with some interest.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Q1 = a straw man; docs don’t treat anyone for structural racism. Q2 = false hypothesis about a blocked initiative that has not occurred.

        Slick but unconvincing. If you are channeling to Dr. Greene, forward my answers along with your questions, if he can make sense out of the questions.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          To your comment on Q1 I must respond “no kidding”. You make my point. Thank you.

          As for your comment on Q2, see , and

          The last of those will provide you with the legislative reference for the facts in Q2. As I wrote above, I know about that bill because I personally drafted it.

          I would recommend that you not comment so forcefully about things with which you are not familiar, but that has never stopped you before and I am sure will not now.

          1. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Nor you.

          2. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            As Mr. Sizemore’s comment makes clear your ox got gored and your ideology blinded you.

        2. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          1) Strawman is a single word
          2) You don’t know what a hypothesis is
          3) If people wanted the opinion of a disbarred lawyer, they’d ask.

      2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        You are still mad about the defeat of the Health Enterprise Zone legislation. From what little I know, it looks like a promising concept. However, the Black Caucus did not defeat it in 2020. It was reported out of Health, Welfare, and Institutions and rereferred to Appropriations. There it was “laid on the table” by a subcommittee, by a vote of 7-1. Two of the delegates voting in favor of laying it on the table were Republicans Kirk Cox and Emily Brewer, hardly members of the Black Caucus.

        There were a couple of factors working against that bill then. Democrats had just assumed the majority in the House after more than a decade in the minority and were giddy. There was little hope they would pay much attention to a bill from a Republican.

        Second, and more importantly, one cannot just drop a relatively complex piece of legislation on the legislature and expect it to get passed. It takes time to educate folks–sometimes years. As related by David Toscano, here is the advice David Albo, a Republican, gave advocates for legalizing CBD oil for treatment of certain conditions: He “told the advocates that before he introduced any bill, he wanted them to prepare information packets for each member of the Courts of Justice Committee, and then speak to each one of them far in advance of when the bill would be introduced.” As Toscano observes, “One cannot simply introduce a good bill and lobby for it during the session. Instead, the work often needs to be done in advance, so that objections can be addressed and fixed out of the limelight and pressure cooker of a legislative session.” I remember the late Del. Bill Axselle telling me and other local government representatives the same thing when he invited us to his office one summer to discussion he was planning to introduce the next session. Did Miyares give you any advice like this?

        1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
          Virginia Gentleman

          Pesky facts …. dammit — they always get in the way of a good Republican story.

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Thanks for the tour. If the Black Caucus had forcefully backed it, it would be law Dick, and you know it.

          1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
            Dick Hall-Sizemore

            In other words, you and Miyares did not do your homework,

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I testified on the bill before the session in front of the Joint Health Insurance Reform Commission because of the bill’s potential costs and benefits to Medicaid. The advantages of HEZs to the Medicaid program in Maryland were huge because of the enormous reduction of emergency room visits and hospitalizations. If I remember correctly, Del. Lionel Spruill was on the Commission and was very engaged. So the Black Caucus knew or had reason to know it was coming.

            I reiterate my first response.

            If the Black Caucus had backed it, it would have passed. You know it. I know it.

            If they did not want a Republican to have any credit, they could have repackaged the bill in 2021 or 2022 as a Democratic initiative, which both Jason and I expected them to do. Hardball, but the program would be in place today had they done it. They did not.

            The point, Dick, is that HEZ’s, wildly successful in Maryland, were targeted directly to help the Black Caucus’ own constituents achieve better health. And they knew that.

            And they not only did not let it pass, but also never brought it back under Democratic packaging.

            So no more magical memory tours, Dick. Some members of the Black Caucus, like much of the GA, are either inept, inattentive or corrupt.

          3. James McCarthy Avatar
            James McCarthy

            Yes, yes!! Only Dr. Watson knows what us shadows do not. Offer a contrary opinion
            at the risk of a slap from the all/powerful.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            You need to directly engage the black community if you want the black caucus support. It’s really that simple.

            And when you call them inept and incompetent, corrupt, you’re making excuses.

            You could make that claim about virtually ANY in the GA but why do it if you’re serious in your efforts?

    3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      They intentionally conflate “racism” (on the individual level) with the term “structural racism” which is a real thing that shows up in the stats. They intentionally conflate these terms to facilitate playing the victim for what they see as political gain.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Please see and answer the two questions I asked Dick and Larry.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          James did a fine job. You know MDs don’t treat bankruptcy from medical bills… yet still they are a fact of life under our healthcare system (less so now thanks to Obama).

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            and Medicaid Expansion which the Dems in Va fought for and finally some GOP went with it (and paid the price politically).

            But outcomes are still disparate because people who work at the lower income levels simply can’t get access because doctors that accept Medicaid are not numerous.

            Perhaps Sherlock has some ideas on how to incent more Doctors to accept Medicaid.

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Would that be like doctors treating patients for systemic racism then…?? lol…

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            apparently. Sherlock is defending Greene but Greene’s quoted remarks in RTD are about as reprehensible as it gets.


          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Wow… surprised there isn’t a “cultural” arguments in there…. We know they are all thinking it… But this one is a “quiet part out loud” situation, eh…?

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            on full display and even Youngkin knows this is not good….

            starting to wonder if this is going to be a bug or a feature of the Youngkin administration on a range of issues….

            If they actually did vett this guy – they would/should have known his views.

            Did they?

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Wow… surprised there isn’t a “cultural” arguments in there…. We know they are all thinking it… But this one is a “quiet part out loud” situation, eh…?

    4. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

      The Dutch dropped off blacks at Jamestowne more than 400 years ago. I did not know all of those colonists were Republicans, but I am sure you can confirm that they were. Your status here as the “senior citizen” does not accord you any extra privileges. To me, you’re just a retired state employee who never met a payroll, let alone had to worry about a paycheck, mired and rutted in the good old days of George McGovern.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I don’t ask for any extra privileges, unless you consider basing your comments on reason and facts rather than personal insult an extra privilege.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “Dick Hall-Sizemore YellowstoneBound1948
          2 hours ago
          I don’t ask for any extra privileges, unless you consider basing your comments on reason and facts rather than personal insult an extra privilege.”

          You ignore facts and argue against them when they are contrary to your personal opinion. So how does one debate with an individual who will never see their own errors?

        2. LarrytheG Avatar

          notice how some folks lean to personal attacks here when they disagree with your views?

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Since you’re incapable…

    “An anonymous employee appears to think that his focus on actual solutions “imperils her work”. Given the context, we can only hope that whatever she does at VDH actually is imperiled.”

    “An anonymous employee appears to think that his (Greene’s) focus on actual solutions “imperils that person’s work”. Given the context, we can only hope that whatever the employee does at VDH actually is imperiled.”

    There, now you’re not a sexist for assuming your “irrelevant worker” is a woman.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I am astonished by this. Really.

      Your notes in this chain are perfect caricatures of the entire woke movement.

      You should send them to Babylon Bee

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Only when seen in contrast with white conservative paternalism.

        1. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar


        2. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Let Dr. Watson know exactly woke you se.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            ? Hey. He can’t help it. He hit peak testosterone when women had a martini waiting for their hard working husbands. Oh sure, the Navy had women pilots but their job was to ferry the jets so real pilots could fly them in combat, or maybe fly the KCs to supply go-juice. Look women didn’t enter the USNA until the 70s so he was always a rank or two ahead.

            Like I said to him later, it ain’t woke; it’s psychology.

      2. YellowstoneBound1948 Avatar

        I, too, am totally astonished by this chain. I understand that white liberals will do anything to stay in power, even if it means keeping the black race in a constant state of unrest, but the comments here are too cruel, too cynical, to give me any hope that there will ever be peace in this country. I am assessing my desire to be involved here. I think not.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          There’s always, uh,… no… Gee, this is the most racist country I can think of. So, ya might as well just stay.

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Were you always so hostile to women?

        You saw singular “employee” and plural “their” and this just cannot stand. It has to be singular.

        Since this person sees Dr. Greene’s policy threatening to their job, and you like the policy, this employee’s job must insignificant. Insignificant jobs are done by women, so you made the employee a woman.

        This isn’t woke. It’s psychology.

        “God sees what you do, and she’s not happy.”
        I’ll bet that chestnut just frosts your coconuts.

  7. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    Unfortunately, it is a waste of time to try to get a Lefty to examine the tenets of his religion. If only they clung to Christianity with such fervor, but that would require admitting Man is not God.
    If you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
    Looking at the world through race-colored glasses, everything is racy now…
    Different people are different. Skin color is not a “health” characteristic. There can be healthy and unhealthy Black people, just like White people. Poverty is a factor. I know our Commie friends don’t want to admit it, because they are really racists themselves, believing Blacks and other “people of color” need their White Saviour selves, but individual behavior matters – diet, exercise, drugs, alcohol, having babies without being married, not graduating from high school, etc.
    The success formula – graduate from high school, get a job, get married, have babies. This is true. Larry denies it and will cite stats from Iceland where people are named Josefsdottir or some such inanity for a totally closed society. And its funny how many Lefties themselves practice two parent family while advocating policies to encourage breaking up the family. Just more Limousine Liberal (maybe Learjet Liberal is more apropos now) hypocrisy…

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      here’s the facts:

      so why?

      and what should we do about it?

      and should those who say they want to do something
      about it – talk to black folks about the approaches?

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        does anyone think the following has an effect on access to health care:

        If your answer is yes, then how would you try to address it?

        And would you want the black community to be able to comment and collaborate on how to address the issue?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Larry, the solution is clear. Segregated medical schools. Well, off to Tuskegee. Got some ‘sperimentin’ to do.

        2. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Larry – then take all of the white guilt money out of your pocket and give it to POC. Do poor white people have less good health outcomes? Yes. Then factor in that even rich people can have bad health outcomes. Black and white and purple and yellow. People are individuals. But, if you want to say the system you were a part of all your life was systemically racist, based on your views, I agree. You and your friends were, and are, systemic racists. So let sane people like me, who believes people should be judged as individuals and on the content of character, run things and we will end systemic racism. I really do think that is a better solution.

          Hey, you wanna know one thing about your stupid out of date chart that you think proves something but doesn’t?
          Guess what a great destructor of black wealth was? The Clinton era use of the “Community Reinvestment Act” to force banks to make uncreditworthy loans. So black families were granted loans that they wouldn’t have gotten and when the real estate crash happened, what equity they had got wiped out (so Elizabeth Warren could make money flipping foreclosed homes, because grifting as a “Native American” wasn’t enough criminality).
          Hey, did you hear that Ashley Biden’s diary talked about taking showers with her Dad (as maybe a reason for her sexual addiction)? Did you hear that the FBI called upon the woman who found the diary in a recovery house (because Ashley left it when she moved back to Philly)? Must be nice to support criminals and abuse the power of the State to protect an incompetent, bumbling corrupt fool (who is causing the poor of the world, not just the US, to suffer) so let’s blame it on systemic racism and not the inherent, arrogant stupidity.
          But that’s just my opinion…

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            To forthrightly acknowledge the effects of systemic racism is not about white guilt.

            It’s really about being honest about it and recognizing that there actually are STILL lingering effects of systemic/structural racism in play with regard to access to health care and the disparity in outcomes is simply undeniable for those rooted in reality.

            And you need to meet with the black community to collaborate on approaches.

            This actually IS an opportunity for Conservatives and Youngkin to gain black support away from liberals.

            It’s right on the table but they can’t seem to help themselves from being stupid.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            OK, Larry. I know you give great advice to conservatives. Are you also advising Dems in the Rio Grande Valley?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Hispanics tend to lean to GOP principals and they’re obviously capable of winning but they’re gonna have to actually represent them or they’ll get booted.

            That’s the thing.

            You can’t win by claiming the lefties aren’t serving your interests. You gotta show that you will.
            called politics.

          4. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Like the way Dems have so wonderfully served Blacks/Latins/minorities/people of color by doing nothing for them and watching their circumstances get worse while claiming to care? Maybe you should try to hurt the marginalized, and, based on results and the Costanza rule, you’d unexpectedly help.
            You know…try charter schools. Try not breaking up families. Might actually help… Couldn’t be worse than what you’ve done the last 60 years…

  8. DJRippert Avatar

    Structural racism is the new term that absolves politicians and government workers from any accountability for fixing much of anything.

    Growing education gap between Blacks / Hispanics and Whites / Asians? Structural racism.

    Infant mortality differences between Blacks / Hispanics and Whites ? Asians? Structural racism.

    More Asians/Whites getting into TJ based on anonymous merit-based testing? Structural racism.

    And, anybody who says “I want to talk about actual solutions rather than simple babble about structural racism”? Oh, they’re racists.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      in terms of long ago removing all the vestiges of Jim Crow in Va, when did they change the name of T.C. Williams who was reputed to be an avowed segregationist?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          yeah… and there the folks go again insisting there is no such thing as systemic racism and gawd forbid you ask a black person their view on it.

          1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Maybe you can explain why the Superintendent of Alexandria City Schools bailed when the going got tough in the wake of the ACHS melee and stabbing death? That was on his watch and Hutchings is a 1995 graduate of TC Williams. Let’s poll the black community on their thoughts, shall we? Remember the Titans NOT!

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            first things first. Was TC Williams a racist? When did they get around to changing the name of that school?

            You guy keep bringing up individual incidents that you believe signify something institutional while at the same time denying clear historical institutional racism.

            it doesn’t seem to matter what their overall position is – if something happened on their watch it means its their fault which is a silly and idiotic way to view the world. It’s as if anything that happens on Youngkins tenure is going to be his fault.

            I’m all for consulting with the black community of ALL issues, not just the ones Conservatives want to pay attention to and access to affordable health care is central given the awful disparities in health outcomes.

            It looks like Youngkin’s guy for VDH is toast for remarks he’s made:


          3. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Didn’t know about the exact wording of those comments. You are probably right. Greene is toast. He should report to the nearest disintegration chamber for processing. Meanwhile Sen. Lucas can say whatever she wants to without any commotion whatsoever.

            Wouldn’t you agree that Hutchings is as yellow as a urine test? I feel bad for ACHS. They deserve some form of accountability and will never get it.

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            No, he can be a number of things including a primary care guy but he clearly is not suited to be public health director or many administrative roles where dealing with disparate racial outcomes are at issue and blaming it on genetics blows the whole thing to smithereens.

            Even folks who think that way know enough to keep their tongue usually although we’ve seen that sentiment expressed not infrequently in BR itself.

            So this guy’s view is not unusual for Conservatives these days but he made the mistake of openly showing it.

            I suppose someone will claim that he was savaged for expressing his free speech rights, eh?

            And I have to ask , is this a vetting issue with Youngkins guys or did they appoint this guy KNOWING his views?

            Who is Hutchings and ACHS?

  9. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    If not racist, your sexism is on display…

    From the source: “Within the health department, one anonymous employee who was not authorized to speak on behalf of the agency, said Greene’s philosophy imperils their work and the people they serve and represents a full turnabout from policies prioritized under the administration of former governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat.”

    In your conclusion: “An anonymous employee appears to think that his focus on actual solutions “imperils her work”. Given the context, we can only hope that whatever she does at VDH actually is imperiled.”

    You changed “their” to “her” in the next paragraphs down. Do you feel only women do work you deem worthy of being “imperiled”? Is there, perhaps, a pronoun for black women? See how hurtful one can be over not using the pronoun preferred by the subject?

    Greene libeled? Maybe Amber will testify on his behalf?

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      That is preposterous even from you.

      The sentence structures, you will note, went from the plural “their” in the quote to singular “her” in my comment on the quote for the tangible reason that there was only one source.

      In the woke catechism, one is stuck being sexist in such situations whichever of what most consider two genders is picked for the second sentence.

      Perhaps you can look up a third or fourth gender in your copy of the woke catechism and advise me how many choices I actually had. The progressive religion makes such a choice far more than binary (if I am using that work properly) and exceedingly complex.

      Anyway, when faced with a fork in the road, I took one, even though either choice (I think there are only two until I hear back) brought the same risk.

      You got me. I should have just stopped at the fork, immobilized by indecision and awaiting editorial advice. But my editor is on vacation.

      Career advice: apply to a social media site as a hate speech detective. Big money awaits.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Why not “one’s”, Boss? “The person’s” would have worked, created the singularity you desired, and left gender out.

        You MADE the assumption the anonymous person denoted by “their” was a woman. Nothing in the WaPo oped indicated it was a woman and they chose “their” to enhance anonymity.

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Parsing poop from poopers can be frustrating even paralyzing.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Another Little Miss Can’t-Be-Wrong…

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Dear God, Nancy, are you off your meds?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Nice. Why not go with “put down the crack pipe and back away slowly.”

    2. I thought pronouns, like science and grammar and logic, are fluid and ever changing?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Dunno. Ask the Captain. Maybe he considers your work to be counterproductive too.

        Disqus is whack today.

  10. LarrytheG Avatar

    this is where revisionist history meets reality. some folks apparently don’t want to admit that structural racism is involved with health disparities for blacks.

    Trying to start “fresh” so we don’t admit this and instead want to pretend it’s about the “urban poor” even as the aggrieved rail about black leaders who they apparently dain to discuss the issue prior to legislation or subsequently at the Dept of Health.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      That brings up two questions.

      How does a physician treat a mother and her baby for “structural racism”?

      How does a Health Commissioner treat differences in access to quality primary care if the Black Caucus blocks initiatives to provide it because the come from Republicans?

      Just asking.

      1. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Just answered above. Add that the Health Commissioner who cannot work around bureaucracy or politics is probably a bad selection as Commish.

      2. LarrytheG Avatar

        It’s a health care policy issue in terms of how that mother gets access to the health care system and that doctor.

        Did the folks who said they wanted to “help” blacks through legislation and policy meet with the black community to develop agreed-to approaches?

        what would you say about folks who say they want to ‘help’ but don’t really want to meet with those they say they want to help and – together – develop approaches that both like?

        just saying…

        I’ll believe you guys are actually serious about your intentions when I see you actually get with the black community and collaboratively develop a path forward.

        Failing that, we know who the real hypocrites are.

        We saw a lot of this back in the day when white folks would get together to figure out what was best for black folks…

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Which “Black community” would you like me to “get with”?

          – The Black Caucus? A member of that caucus who wants to be Attorney General next time was my personal attorney.
          – The Lieutenant Governor?
          – The Northern Virginia NAACP? I am in regular communication with an officer in that organization.

          You must have personal favorites. Please share.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I don’t have any personal favorites. I just think it’s arrogant and ignorant to develop legislation or policies that purport to serve the interests of blacks without their significant involvement and support – not one or two select blacks but the wider community.

            Do you think there are no black groups concerned about access to healthcare?

            I’d say that about a lot of legislation and policy for virtually any interests where the creators of the legislation and policy purport to be doing it to “help” someone.

            You want them involved and onboard – giving their input and giving their views of your ideas.

            Do you want to succeed or just stir up more trouble?

      3. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Such incomprehensible crap may make into the trcord on legislative testimony but it fails as rational discourse as commenters indicate.

  11. VaPragamtist Avatar

    Economically disadvantaged communities have poorer health outcomes than economically vibrant communities. They don’t have the same access to healthcare, healthy food, or other resources.

    Racial and ethnic minorities often live in economically disadvantaged communities, because the cycle of poverty is hard to break free from.

    A long history of racism created systems and structures that initially segregated people by race and began the cycle of poverty. Many of those systems and structures may be gone now, but the outcomes still remain.

    So yes, structural racism has a negative impact on health outcomes.

    But I think the Dems go too far when they say racism is a public health crisis.

    1. James McCarthy Avatar
      James McCarthy

      How far ought we go to rectify the imbalance? If it is not identified in the first instance, it’s simply easier to ignore.

    2. LarrytheG Avatar

      re: ” But I think the Dems go too far when they say racism is a public health crisis.”

      I think they’re saying that it’s the disparities in OUTCOMES due to systemic racism that is the crisis though.

      It just so odd that Conservatives basically refuse to admit that the disparities are what they are and instead want to argue/disagree about the cause instead, i.e. should they be treated for “systemic racism”?

      Beyond that, they really don’t seem to care what the black community thinks – don’t care to consult them on directly legislation or policy – even though it’s their community that is suffering the disparities.

      So a bunch of white guys deciding what they think is best for dealing with healthcare disparities for people of color and here we have the new health commissioner opining that it might be genetics….

      bad karma

  12. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    You will give birth to your to your thalidomide baby… you can name it Flipper.

    “the Virginia General Assembly considered Governor Youngkin’s Budget Amendment 30, which would have banned Medicaid-eligible Virginians from receiving funding to end pregnancies with severe fetal diagnoses. This funding would have affected cases described in § 32.1-92.2 where the fetus “will be born with a gross and totally incapacitating physical deformity or with a gross and totally incapacitating mental deficiency.”

  13. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    You will give birth to your to your thalidomide baby… you can name it Flipper.

    “the Virginia General Assembly considered Governor Youngkin’s Budget Amendment 30, which would have banned Medicaid-eligible Virginians from receiving funding to end pregnancies with severe fetal diagnoses. This funding would have affected cases described in § 32.1-92.2 where the fetus “will be born with a gross and totally incapacitating physical deformity or with a gross and totally incapacitating mental deficiency.”

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