Site icon Bacon's Rebellion


Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result – for example, building more roadways and expecting traffic congestion to go away – is often cited as a threshold test for insanity.

There is a second test that is useful to apply in the Blogosphere. This test is:

Attempting to describe, discuss or arrive at a well-considered public judgement on complex topics in cases where:

1. Key words / phrases are known to have different meanings to different people, or

2. A person or group of persons uses the same word / phrase to describe different places, actions or conditions

According to Lewis Carroll, Humpty Dumpty, when challenged on the confusing use of Vocabulary stated: “That word means exactly what I want it to mean, nothing more, nothing less.” In fact, Alice’s Wonderland is the only place such use of Vocabulary is appropriate.

Failure of the Vocabulary test of mental capacity is especially prevalent in discussion of human settlement patterns. Why is this failure to understand the need for a functional Vocabulary so prevalent in the realm of human settlement patterns?

First, and most obvious, the offending participants do not want to “understand.” Often this is because they fear an understanding will require abandonment of ideas and theories with which they have organized their lives.

The unfounded actions were often thought to have been taken in pursuit of the actors best interest. No one likes to find out that they have been acting in ways which turns out to harm their long-term self-interest and those of their Household.

Adherents of The Big Yard Myth and The Private Vehicle Mobility Myth are often in this category. Believers defend their pet Myths with religious tenacity.

Second, most of the commentators deem themselves to be experts “because they live there.” They apply their observations and experience in the context of the Myths they so want to believe.

Third, there are those who do not want to understand because they profit (or hope to profit) directly or indirectly from continuing confusion, debate and failure to reach a consensus on the most intelligent course of action for the majority.

This class of Humpty Dumpty adherents often know their statements are at best uninformed opinion and at worst deceptive.

Finally there are those who are offended that someone – anyone – would suggest they need to change their Vocabulary in the consideration of topics that they believe they understand as well as anyone.

Doctrinaire defense of “simple” language with respect to human settlement pattern discussion is a sure-fire way to identify Humpty Dumpties.

A great Holiday pastime is to see how many Humpty Dumpties you can identify at the gatherings you attend.

Happy Holidays.


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