Bacon's Rebellion

Second Map of the Day: Where the Young People Are Going

Source: Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service
Source: Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service

If the future of Virginia resides with its young people, we can see from the map above that some regions are a lot better off than others.

Luke Juday, several of whose maps I have re-published on Bacon’s Rebellion, has moved to the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service, where he has begun posting on the Demographics Research Group’s StatChat blog. In this map, he shows where the Millennials moved between their teen years and their 20s by showing in tan/brown/red the localities that exported young people and in green the localities that imported them. (Yellow jurisdictions were a wash.)

The big gainers: Northern Virginia, urban-core cities and college towns. The losers: most everybody else.


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