Second Amendment is Not for Everyone

Persons charged with various offenses in Shenandoah County

By Dick Hall-Sizemore

For anyone who doubts that black people are harassed in everyday actions by other citizens and law enforcement, there is the recent incident in Shenandoah County to consider.

A black pastor was on the property of some apartments he owns when he saw a man and a woman, not his tenants, dragging a refrigerator toward the dumpster he maintains for the apartments. He stopped them and asked them to leave.

Shortly thereafter, three or four other men showed up. They began harassing him and using racial slurs. They told him that black lives don’t matter in Shenandoah County. They threatened to kill him.

The black man did what any good American would—he pulled out the gun for which he has a permit and then called 911.

The sheriff’s deputies showed up and did what was obviously needed to be done—they arrested the black man and charged him for brandishing a firearm. The gang at the black man’s property laughed and jeered as the deputies hauled the black man away to jail.

The story has a better ending this time. The sheriff has publicly apologized and asked that the criminal charge against the black man be dropped. The thugs who were threatening the man have been arrested and charged with abduction and other offenses, including hate crimes, and are being held in jail without bond. But the black people of Shenandoah County now have a graphic illustration of what some of their neighbors and law enforcement think of them.

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26 responses to “Second Amendment is Not for Everyone”

  1. LarrytheG Avatar

    sounds like one of those “disparate” impacts that JB was talking about, eh?

    sounds like the deputies are part of the problem also…

  2. I’m glad to know that justice was done in the end. How did that occur?

  3. TooManyTaxes Avatar

    Local government controls the police and the sheriff. What are the elected leaders in Shenandoah County going to do? I’d say suspensions for the deputies are in order.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      The sheriff is elected. The local government, i.e. the Board of Supervisors, does not control him.

    2. CrazyJD Avatar

      Your both right. Sheriffs are constitutional officers in Virginia, elected and not controlled by local government. Police on the other hand are controlled by the local government after being set up pursuant to referendum

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        typically rural counties have elected Sheriffs and cities and towns have police run by City Managers, and the they do have Sheriffs but not sure they are elected and they seem to do other duties than law enforcement.

  4. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    You mean there is systemic racism after all?

    1. TooManyTaxes Avatar

      Systematic racism is an excuse for not fixing problems. Fairfax County has One Fairfax, which is supposed to look at all policies through the eyes of equity. But a cop mistaking one black man for another tazed a guy. One Fairfax didn’t and cannot do crap about dealing with cops using bad police tactics.

      Minneapolis has all sorts of liberal laws and even abolished single family zoning, but it’s turd mayor didn’t bother to follow through on his campaign promise to clean up the police force. Result, Chauvin kneeling on George Floyd’s neck and Floyd dying.

  5. Nancy_Naive Avatar

    Nice rogues gallery. That black guy must’ve looked pretty shady.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      He didn’t, and according to one account I read one of the responding officers knew the man personally, knew he was the property owner, and apologized as he was making the arrest. Said something about having orders. If so, orders from whom? I agree, there should be real consequences for somebody. I agree, it is one more sign that telling ourselves about 50 year of “progress” is just a feel-good band aid.

      1. idiocracy Avatar

        Orders from Boss Hogg, apparently.

    2. idiocracy Avatar

      Looks like the cast of “Deliverance”. Wonder how many of them are addicted to meth and painkillers.

      1. Nancy_Naive Avatar

        Wonder who’s dealing oxy and meth? Somebody who wanted them to not be charged? Boss Hogg? What was his job?

        1. idiocracy Avatar

          In some of the more corrupt locales, the oxy and meth gets dealt right out of the police property room.

  6. To me this episode shows how hard it is to be a cop.
    You need to instantly interpret ambiguous and bizarre human behavior situations and figure out who the bad guys are. The 2nd Amendment insures that we live in a violent society where getting shot is a top concern for law enforcement. From the data provided above we do not know if the cop acted properly, or out of racism, or if the minister escalated the situation himself by pulling a weapon and challenging the intruders.

    1. Steve Haner Avatar
      Steve Haner

      Examine that last sentence very closely, TBill. In your mind, reverse the skin colors and would you ask that same question? Don’t tell us the answer, but look inside yourself and think about that.

      1. I now see there was a link to the RTD story, which more clearly states apparent questionable behavior by the officers. That’s all I am saying, without more background, it is hard to say what is going on.

  7. idiocracy Avatar

    I suppose we should look at the good side of this incident. At least the Deliverance rejects were putting the refrigerator in a dumpster as opposed to dumping it on the side of the road.

  8. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Idiocracy. In the real Deliverance, mountain people helped author James Dickey after he wrecked his canoe. What happened in the novel and movie is a total fabrication.

    1. idiocracy Avatar

      The movie may be a total fabrication, but let’s be honest here..there are stereotypes about how low-class whites act, and this incident fits a number of them.

  9. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    I dislike stereotypes and have lived in the Appalachians and written about them for years, including a book.

  10. NorrhsideDude Avatar

    Sweet… by the logic above I should carry on my in laws property on Monument Ave tonight and tell some people to not litter during the protest. If they tell me to F off and threaten me, which we know will probably happen, I should brandish my firearm? And everyone would be cool with me doing that? Hell no they’d throw my white ass in jail.
    Or every “Karen” should pull her 9 when she feels “threatened”.
    Or the pilice should draw when they are threatened tonight in Richmond?
    In Virginia brandishing a firearm is a crime unless you can prove it was necessary to protect your life.
    I was taught to never pull a gun unless I was going to kill someone. Police are called for anything less than that.
    He’ll have his day in court and more than likely the white nationalist NRA everyone seems to hate will assist in defending this person of color.

    1. WayneS Avatar

      “…if they tell me to F off and threaten me, which we know will probably happen, I should brandish my firearm?”

      I do not think your scenario is in any way analogous to the situation this pastor found himself in. However, if someone is on your (or your family’s) property, and if they refuse to leave, and if they threaten to physically assault and/or kill you; and if you honestly believe yourself (or your family) to be in imminent danger of severe injury or death, then you absolutely have a right to brandish, and if necessary use, a firearm.

      In my opinion, any reasonable, law-abiding, person faced with 5-6 individuals threatening to kill him on his own property would/should feel threatened enough to justify the possible use of deadly force. Often, though, the mere brandishing of a weapon is enough to lessen the threat level and it does not end up becoming necessary to actually use the weapon.

      In any event, I am glad the man did not find it necessary to kill any of the low-life jackasses who were threatening him. Taking a life is very serious. Even when it is justified and even when it saves your own life and/or the life of another, it is a life-changing experience – and not for the better.

      Back to the issue at hand: I am disgusted that seemingly the first reaction of the sheriff’s deputies was to arrest HIM instead of the literal GANG of people who were threatening him on his own property. It looks like somebody needs to be fired, or at the very least undergo some extensive training in dealing with situations involving people.

  11. Matt Hurt Avatar
    Matt Hurt

    Gun control in this country has many ties to racism. The Second Amendment was put in place by the founders to protect citizens from the government, but it also offers some options for the oppressed to defend themselves from their oppressors who may not be the government.

  12. Ditto to: “In my opinion, any reasonable, law-abiding, person faced with 5-6 individuals threatening to kill him on his own property would/should feel threatened enough to justify the possible use of deadly force.” If you’re going to carry a gun at all, what greater justification for “brandishing” it could you have?

  13. LarrytheG Avatar

    Talking about 2A, did folks notice the SCOTUS passed on 10 2a cases today?

    Supreme Court passes up challenges from gun groups on laws they say violate Second Amendment

    maybe they’re waiting for just the right case?

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