Search for Community College Chancellor Left Youngkin Out of the Loop

Russell A. Kavalhuna, new chancellor of the Virginia Community College Systemby James A. Bacon

Community colleges across the country are suffering declines in enrollment. The drop-off in Virginia is particularly acute. Enrollment has fallen 27% over the past 10 years, even as there are 300,000 unfilled jobs in the state. Virginia’s job recovery during the COVID-19 pandemic has been dismal — 43rd out of 50 states.

Governor Glenn Youngkin thinks that’s a problem. And with the retirement of Glenn DuBois, who has served as chancellor of the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) for 21 years, he saw an opportunity to hire a new leader whose vision for workforce development was aligned with his own.

But yesterday, the board announced that it had hired Russell A. Kavalhuna, president of Henry Ford College in Detroit, to succeed DuBois. The search committee largely left Youngkin out of the loop.

The implications are bigger than the impact on the community college system alone. If the board of the VCCS showed Youngkin no deference, it’s not likely that the boards of Virginia’s other higher-ed institutions — fully stocked with Democrats appointed by former Governor Ralph Northam and/or Terry McAuliffe — will either.

In the past, the hand-over from one administration to the next has rarely been contentious. But higher-ed in Virginia has seen a takeover by boards and presidents committed to implementing divisive social-justice ideology — a trend that Youngkin has pledged to reverse.

There are signs that college and university administrations are bracing for a battle. The University of Virginia Board of Visitors recently extended the contract of President Jim Ryan, which expires in 2025, by an extra three years. As justification for the unusual move, the board cited Ryan’s superb job in fund raising and in coping with the COVID-19 epidemic. But many UVa watchers suspect that the real motive was entrenching Ryan in place should board members appointed by Youngkin over the next four years seek to replace him.

In a letter written earlier this month, Youngkin asked for a briefing of the VCCS board’s strategy, a discussion of the search, and a list of candidates and their qualifications. Reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch:

“I am writing to express my concerns about the search process and your unwillingness to collaborate with our administration on our priorities in workforce development,” Youngkin wrote to Nathaniel Bishop, chair of the State Board for Community Colleges and the head of the search committee. “Our exclusion from this process demonstrates misfeasance, and I would be derelict if I did not express that the next chancellor should be aligned with the governor on issues of workforce development, transparency and expanding educational opportunities.”

(Kudos, by the way, to reporter Eric Kolenich, whose stories I have often criticized. He has done an even-handed job covering this particular controversy.)

Youngkin did not want to usurp the board’s role in picking the next VCCS president, but he did want a collaborative approach. “Without more information, I can only assume this board is continuing down the same path in choosing a chancellor that has led to the current state of the system,” he wrote.

Youngkin asked for a meeting with Board Chair Nathaniel Bishop and members of the hiring committee. Instead, reports Kolenich, the Governor and Bishop “conferred” twice.

In Younkin’s reckoning, that consultation wasn’t enough. In a second letter, he wrote, “Our exclusion from your search process for the next chancellor was disappointing, and I strongly recommend that the selection committee appoint an interim chancellor and restart the process.”

Kavalhuna was a prosecutor, airline pilot and executive director of the Western Michigan University College of Aviation before taking charge of Henry Ford College, a community college in Michigan. Judging by the paucity of Google results, his tenure there was uncontroversial.

“Russ Kavalhuna is a transformational higher educational leader who is uniquely prepared to move forward our community college system and elevate it to be the best in the nation,” said Bishop in announcing the appointment. “Russ is an outside-the-box thinker, and an innovator whose career has focused on workforce development and finding creative ways to connect adult learners with high-demand career opportunities. We are excited to bring this rock star to Virginia.”

“With experience in industry and in the academy, my passion and priority will be to connect unemployed and under-employed Virginians with businesses suffering through talent shortages,” Kavalhuna said.There is broad and bipartisan agreement that families, communities, and economies are stronger when more people have access to community colleges. I look forward to the challenge of leading Virginia’s Community Colleges to build the nation’s best workforce development system and serving people in every corner of the Commonwealth.” 


An earlier version of this story incorrectly identified Mr. Kavalkuna as an Arab-American and suggested that his ethnic identity might have been a factor in his selection. A spokesman for the Virginia Community College System informs me that he is not Arab-American. I have corrected the text, apologize for the error, and apologize for improperly imputing a motive to the VCCS board.

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52 responses to “Search for Community College Chancellor Left Youngkin Out of the Loop”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Appears to have excellent credentials and experience. The choice is always to go outside or promote from within, and they went outside. Fine. He faces big problems and DuBois will be a hard act to follow. Time to lend support and see what he can do.

    1. I agree, the appointment is a done deal now, and Youngkin should give Kavalhuna the benefit of the doubt. Kavalhuna says the right things, and he might work well with the Youngkin administration. I have seen nothing to suggest that he won’t.

      On the other hand, given the ideological make-up of the Board, there may be more to Kavalhuna’s selection than is evident from the press release. It pays to stay alert.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        If you agree, the why bother with the article?

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Because, you know, ethnicity and religion… 🤷‍♂️

      2. James McCarthy Avatar
        James McCarthy

        Jeez!!!! Nefarious ideologies under the bed along with Reds. Where’s the beef? If things go bad, you will report then and clam “I told you so.”

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much. Lefties pack the Boards with political, WOKE, hacks. Here is a tell – if you think Lia Thomas is the best female swimmer in NCAA, you are a woke Dem hack. And when a Republican comes in and wants it cleaned up, the Lefties shout McCarthyism, which is what they have been doing all along. Projecting like an IMax…

          1. Question Everything Avatar
            Question Everything

            What is there to clean up…equality…acceptance…those horrible things…I guess you think we need more hate and division…

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Oh, absolutely! Don’t you?
            The only hate and division comes from you people on the Left. But since you question everything, maybe you should question the mainstream media stories and examples of hate like Jussie Smollett and the NASCAR noose. The demand for hate is greater than the supply.
            And what is there to clean up? How about get back to education, instead of indoctrination?

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    Appears to have excellent credentials and experience. The choice is always to go outside or promote from within, and they went outside. Fine. He faces big problems and DuBois will be a hard act to follow. Time to lend support and see what he can do.

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    TGFSF. He’ll always have Paris… er I mean Trible.

  4. LesGabriel Avatar

    I wonder if the Governor knew that the VCCS By-Laws require that the Attorney General or his representative be allowed to attend all meetings of the VCCS Board and its Committees, and from my reading of the By-laws, that would include closed meetings.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      If that were the case, then the AG would control the schedule of all meeting. Simply refusing to attend renders the VCCS impotent. That’d make him real popular at the next election… with about 15% of the electorate.

      1. Lefty665 Avatar

        May be the difference between “allowed” and “required”. I’ll send you a meeting notice and you’re welcome to attend. Even if you don’t, the meeting goes on anyway.

        That would however seem to require that the AG be notified of all meetings.

        Maybe the AG and Gov did not communicate well on this. As in the AG (or an assistant) looked at the meeting notice, thought who needs a snoozer of a CC meeting, and threw it in the bit bucket.

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Of course, the notice could have been in the classified, i.e., “To whom it may concern, I am no longer responsible for debts incurred by my spouse and we’re going to have a VCSS meeting…”

          1. Lefty665 Avatar

            Exactly, public meeting notices are still required aren’t they? Not that I have any debts to disavow. Just asking for a friend.

  5. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Why in heck favor gummint intrusion into educational leadership? Is it not enough at this time that the AG appoints counsel in higher education institutions? Willingness to exchange academic freedom for political influence is counter-productive and, as I recall, anathema to conservatives.

    For folks who promote charter schools, the invitation to government to participate so deeply in the academy is contradictory.

  6. DJRippert Avatar

    Why do board members that have presided over a 27% decrease in enrollment over a ten year period have their positions at all? Sounds to me like the entire board should be terminated for cause.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      It’s okay as long as they are not “woke’…..

  7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “One of his qualifications in the minds of VCCS board members, several of whom have “diversity and inclusion” in their job titles, likely is the fact that he is Arab-American and son of an immigrant.”

    Always looking for race in every issue, JAB. Nonetheless, why is this a problem?

    1. How’s this about race? Kavalhuna and other Arabs are classified as White.

      Religion and/or ethnicity is a different matter.

      When the VCCS Board moved to cancel Patrick Henry (compelling the former Patrick Henry Community College to adopt a new name), there are reasonable grounds to suspect that key decisions are embedded in race/ethnicity-obsessed wokeness.

      1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Again, why do you consider his… ok ethnicity and religion… a problem…?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          It’s freudian.

        2. I don’t consider his race, ethnicity or religion a problem. They aren’t relevant to his qualifications. I consider the wokeness of the VCCS board a problem. I don’t know if the board considered his ethnicity as a factor in his selection, but its track record suggests that it might have.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “I don’t know if the board considered his ethnicity as a factor in his selection…”

            You have no problem accusing them nonetheless… by all accounts he is a perfectly qualified candidate… which Youngkin dislikes for some reason. Shame you couldn’t have left it there…

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s what JAB does… you’ve nailed it.

            “woke’ is the mother of all reasons to suspect bad stuff going on…. even when it looks good… boogeymen, bushes, and on gawd.

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Wait, isn’t a darling of BR one of those fellas with a furiner soundin’ names?

      But then, it could always be what you said, or a ‘useful’ tool, cain’t it?

      1. I love the way you use a question to casually impugn BR as xenophobic. Two can play at that game.

        Wait, isn’t that Nancy Naive guy some kind of transgendered eunuch?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          Yes. It was a kinky accident. Truly, one of those “it’s only kinky once” cases.

          And I’ll bet you don’t and are just being snarky…

          Granddad always said, “if you want to stand out, stand on shoulders, not toes.” In short, try promoting the ideals you wish to foster without once feeling the need to detract from your opponents, to wit: write an article that doesn’t use/misuse “woke”, “CRT”, “anti-racism”, etc., etc.

          You can prove yourself right without having to prove everyone else wrong. But, I digress.

          1. Was this the accident where your mast got twisted completely around until your spreader got tangled in your backstay and tore off one of your baggywrinkles?

            Because I’ve heard that is painful…

          2. Lefty665 Avatar

            But but… sail has right of way over power.

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Uh yep. They’re gonna buy him a new boat.

          4. Mark O Flaherty Avatar
            Mark O Flaherty

            Probably not.

          5. Mark O Flaherty Avatar
            Mark O Flaherty

            Under some circumstances.

          6. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Hard to tell what happened after loss of consciousness, but an AED is not a toy… follow the pictures EXACTLY!

            BTW, 100 pts for imagery.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            crickets from JAB on that?

          8. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Well, Larry, some people are stunned by my proclivities. Oh, you mea the high road challenge! Yeah, well, he’s lost to the cheap shot talking points. “Cut is the branch that might have grown straight.”

  8. Lefty665 Avatar

    Misfeasance is a substantial charge. Youngkin was clearly unhappy. Wonder if he would characterize UVa’s Visitors behavior as malfeasance?

    Youngkin has some leverage if he gets VDoE cleaned up. Getting the Equity nonsense off the web site was a start. How does it seem the rest of the reform there is going?

    He can stand losing a tactical issue, if the Community College guy is more or less reasonable, if he wins the war by vanquishing woke racism from the state’s educational system.

    It will be a tough slog, and I hope he perseveres. I also hope he uses the next 3+ months to get his appointments for upcoming board and commission vacancies lined up and ready to go on 7/1.

  9. Paul Sweet Avatar
    Paul Sweet

    “Why do board members that have presided over a 27% decrease in enrollment over a ten year period have their positions at all?”

    There was a recent article on Cardinal News that helps to explain the decline:

    “Virginia’s drop in community college enrollment is not unique. Community college enrollment is down all across the country. The American Association of Community College reports that, nationally, community college enrollment peaked in 2010 and has been declining ever since. (In Virginia, it peaked in 2011.)

    . . . The number of births in the United States peaked in 1990 at 4,179,000, declined to 3,882,000 in 1997 and didn’t top the 1990 high until 2006, when there were 4,270,000 births. The next year, in 2007, births hit 4,320,000. Since then, they’ve been going back down; In 2019, the last pre-pandemic year, births fell to 3,750,000 – then to 3,605,201 in 2020, the lowest figure since 1979, and the preliminary numbers suggest the 2021 numbers will be lower yet.”

    A recent article (I forget where) pointed out that many 4-year colleges have also seen enrollment declines in the past few years. While Tech, GMU, NSU, UVa, W&M, and JMU are all growing, some of the smaller colleges such as UMW, Longwood, Radford, etc. are declining.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      and yet, Youngkin says it’s due to malfeasance…. and demands to intervene to “fix” the problem. Such arrogance!

  10. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    The hypocrisy is astounding, but not surprising. The Left expects the new Governor to be Caesar’s wife, while their Govs were the town slut.
    He’s interfering in education! No, he is trying to restore education as the mission. And I have to say, you know he is on the right path by the way the Lefties howl.
    We are now seeing TDS, Commonwealth style.
    Do you really think UVA’s decision to move the 3rd booster requirement from Feb 1 to Jan 14 was apolitical?
    How about the decision to extend Jim Ryan’s contract by 3 years?
    Where was the public discussion? Nope, just announced as a fait accompli. Just like rubber-stamping appointment of JR’s bud as the new Provost, without a search. Nope, all just good governance in due course without any politics…Shut up rubes!
    His letter had one great word in it – misfeasance.
    Read 23.1-1300.C. and 23.1-1300.D
    Richard Pryor had a routine where his character went to some witch doctor type woman named “Miss Rudolph.” He said Miss Rudolph had a 3-legged monkey, and a monkey foot around her neck, and “that monkey didn’t give her no $4!t”
    I think “removing” Bishop under the Code might get the point across that the BOVs are supposed to serve “the Commonwealth.” See 23.1-1304.B.1 – it is beyond time to get back to that.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      lelt me guess. somehow, this has something to do with Hunter Biden’s laptop, right? 😉

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        It is hard not to insult you.
        Did you read the Statutes?
        I did not mention Hunter, or SlowJoe.
        I mentioned the actions in the article and Virginia law and showed 2 examples from UVA which I believe show rampant politicization of Boards of Visitors which have a fiduciary duty TO THE COMMONWEALTH and THE EDUCATIONAL MISSION of that school.
        Is there another blog where you can waste people’s time?

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          how many times HAVE you brought up Hunter Biden? maybe not this time?

          Insult away – hadn’t stopped you before! 😉

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I did CTRL+F to my comments.
            Looks like 1 time.
            In reference to the ComPost bogus VASS story, which was relevant to the point of framing a narrative and fake news.
            As usual, wasting everybody’s time.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            all of your comments?

            I must be replaying your posts! 😉

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I live in your mind…like an echo…playing over and over…forever!
            The horror…

          4. LarrytheG Avatar


  11. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Youngkin certainly was trying “to usurp” the board’s role in selecting the new chancellor. When the law gives the board the sole authority to make that selection, then Youngkin’s demand that he be consulted, provided a list of candidates, and a member of his administration be included on the search committee as a “nonvoting” member, along with his explicit accusation of possible “misfeasance” would certainly qualify as an attempt to usurp the process.

    The Governor may have scored a partial victory, however. According to one report, the fix was in for the board to appoint Ann Holton, former judge, Secretary of Education, current Board of Education member, and wife of Sen. Tim Kaine, as the next chancellor. When the Governor intervened, Holton withdrew her name from consideration, not wanting to get into the middle of a hissing match. The irony is that the Governor’s intevention has resulted in passing up a well-qualified Virginian in favor of an unknown from outside the state. And the Governor still did not get his way.

    One final comment: The Governor issued the threat of kicking some or all of the VCCS board members off the board for “misfeasance”. If he does not follow up, his credibility is hurt. If he does, he will kick up a very big political storm and he will have additional trouble getting his appointments confirmed.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      that threat pretty clearly exposes Youngkins motives IMHO.

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      The Statute says what it says. He has the power to remove everybody and all he has to do is write an explanation. I think the whole point was to fire a shot across the bow to rein in the rank partisanship. He is the Governor. Act like adults and quit acting like spoiled losers. So I don’t think it is a loss of face. It was a flexing of muscles. And seriously, the first duty is to the citizens of the Commonwealth.

  12. Correction: An earlier version of this story incorrectly identified Mr. Kavalkuna as an Arab-American and suggested that his ethnic identity might have been a factor in his selection. A spokesman for the Virginia Community College System informs me that he is not Arab-American. I have corrected the text, apologize for the error, and apologize for improperly imputing a motive to the VCCS board.

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