“Schools as Racial Justice Engines”

If there is the slightest doubt in your mind of what the Northam administration has in mind for Virginia’s public schools, just register for the latest #EdEquityVa Webinar on the topic, “Schools as Racial Justice Engines.”

Here’s the description of the Virginia Department of Education-sponsored webinar:

Trauma Informed Care for Racial Trauma and Strategies to Support the Unique Needs of Black Students in Schools

Corresponding Equity 5 C(s): Compassionate Family and Student Engagement, Culturally Responsive

Speakers include Charles A Barrett, the lead school psychologist with Loudoun County Public Schools, and Danielle Apugo, an education professor at Virginia Commonwealth University.

Personally, I think that schools best fulfill their role as “social justice engines” by actually providing an education, as in, ensuring that kids are literate and numerate enough to function in society. But that’s just me.


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7 responses to ““Schools as Racial Justice Engines””

  1. Years ago, a major problem in many schools with at risk students was student attendance. These days, its the teachers who refuse to show up. Is that Racial Justice?

  2. ksmith8953 Avatar

    I am all for equity, but this kind of response will not promote or discourage equity. If you teach kids rigorously, quit making excuses by way of race or poverty, and spend time on understanding how and when learning takes place, equity will happen. You can’t love or culturally understand a child to learn. You have to teach and reac and accept no excuses. This rhetoric is scary.

  3. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    And some poo poo the notion that public schools are indoctrinating kids?
    Try teaching kids to read and do math at grade level or better…. when you accomplish that we can add in racial and gender studies…

  4. Baconator with extra cheese Avatar
    Baconator with extra cheese

    Get ready for an additional 4 years of the same or worse. The reality is McAuliffe is our next Governor and he’s more than willing to double down on this and will have federal support and funding.
    Elections have consequences and Virginians and Americans have spoken. This is who we are now.

  5. sherlockj Avatar

    I just watched the first episode of this year’s VDOE EdEquityVA series provided on Jan. 26. It is titled “Collaboration for Equity: A Look at How Region II School Divisions Lead Together for Equity”.

    If that is any indicator, and I am sure it is, the presenters risk a revolt of the members of the audience nearing death from a combination of boredom and woke saying fatigue.

    It took an hour to present a maximum of 10 minutes of information – a truly horrible presentation, regardless of what the viewer thought of whatever message the presenters were trying to offer.

    See (Courageous Leadership)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srg49dSJBrU&feature=youtu.be

    If that is what they have, they are in no danger of convincing anyone of anything.

    The only dangers are:
    1. they will try, taking up valuable time; and
    2. they will drive teachers, the required audience for this nonsense, to resign because of the profound insult to their intelligence much less their humanity.

  6. Those with journalist credentials might consider a FOIA request to find out how many folks actually sign up for the “Webinar”

  7. SuburbanWoman Avatar

    Wait until the VDOE hands down policy guidance regarding transgender students. It is coming and local school boards must adopt policy prior to 21/22 school year. You better watch the policy votes on boards- I guarantee few want to publicly discuss this.

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