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School Spending and Test Scores

Today’s Daily Press (August 21, 2006) has a cool graphic on the front of the Local News section. It shows how much money each locality spent per student (total as well as local and other state/federal spending) and SOLs in English, Math and Science (cumulatives calculated by the state).

The localities include over a half million Virginians – Hampton, Newport News, York, Poquoson, Williamsburg, James City County, Gloucester, Mathews, Suffolk, Isle of Wight, and Surry.

The lowest spending locality ($7,200 per student) , Poquoson (my town), has the highest scores (91 English, 95 Math, 93 Science) . The highest spending lccality ($12,000 per student), Surry, has the lowest scores (72 English, 74 Math, 80 Science).

The second lowest spender, York (where my wife is a school counselor in a school that passed the SOLs every year), is second highest in scores.

Hmm. Looks like more money doesn’t bring better results on tests. If the VEA is really about education, then they should advocate LESS spending per student!

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