School Discipline, Part I: Framing School Discipline and National Data

by Matthew Hurt and Kathleen SmithThis is the first of a three-part series on school discipline. The authors present the information and then provide discussion questions. We hope the discussion will further an understanding of the complexity of school discipline and safe and orderly schools. Part I of this series frames school discipline and provides the latest national data from the Office of Civil Rights. Part II dives into Virginia data regarding suspensions, expulsions, and school arrests and context for Virginia’s disproportionality concerns. Part III discusses how discipline has been “reframed” in recent years.

School discipline is not a simple problem. There are some aspects that educators have a great deal of power to address and other aspects that are outside their ability to influence. Recent events have also likely caused school discipline to become more complex and difficult to address.

From an Administrator’s Experience

When Dr. Matthew Hurt was an assistant principal in a K-8 school 20 years ago, discipline was among his main duties. By working with teachers, students, parents, and staff, disciplinary infractions declined each year.

He learned early-on that suspending students was like throwing Brer Rabbit into the briar patch. The practice gave students a vacation where likely no one was there to help them catch up on their work. As it provided no disincentive to stop negative behaviors, the administration focused on in-school suspension. Staff found this was a significantly better deterrent. With in-school suspensions (ISS), the school employed an individual who worked with the kids to make sure any missed instruction was mitigated. For smaller infractions, students would be assigned to ISS during their lunch and exploratory classes (PE, music, etc.) so they wouldn’t miss any core instruction. Kids hated missing the social time with their peers, and this provided great incentive to improve their behavior.

The second lesson Dr. Hurt learned is that the administration had to support teachers with discipline. Teachers realized that what they did in their classrooms was prized, and that they were supported for not tolerating any shenanigans while teaching. Their instructional time was extremely precious. The administration supported the in-class disciplinary measures that teachers implemented and told them to send kids to the office as soon as their behavior became untenable. Students realized quickly that once their teacher sent them out of the classroom, consequences were quickly and progressively meted out.

Like every other school, this school enrolled students who frequently needed discipline, and a lot of time was spent with those students. The administration’s philosophy was that if a student was misbehaving, there were usually factors that must be taken into consideration. Disciplinary consequences were consistent regardless of those factors, but they realized there may be some mitigating interventions that could be applied to improve future behaviors. Many of these students lived in chaotic and sometimes violent homes. Staff realized that they had to double their efforts to ensure that these students had stability during the school day and realized that teachers and administrators were there to support their efforts to be successful at school. The administration spent a lot of time working with parents to find out their perspective about their kid’s behavior. They also worked with outside agencies to better coordinate necessary services. The more successful school staff were at identifying student social/emotional needs and mitigating those, the more successful they were at mitigating their negative behaviors.

Alternative, More Restrictive Placements

There were also a very few students whose needs surpassed the staff’s ability to provide for them. For example, Dr. Hurt dealt with one transfer student who exhibited extremely bizarre behaviors upon registering for school in an elementary grade. The behaviors worsened very quickly to the point that one of their most with-it teachers called for assistance on a regular basis due to disruptive, violent outbreaks. Initially, Dr. Hurt was able to work with the student to bring him out of class. These behaviors continued to worsen to the point that the student would not leave the class and staff had to evacuate the other students. Throughout all of this, his mother was engaged to identify the issues causing the misbehavior. She soon enrolled her son in home school, but then re-enrolled him at Dr. Hurt’s school three years later. The bizarre behaviors were immediately evident and escalated much more quickly. Fast forward a few weeks later, this student was admitted to a residential behavioral health facility by his mother.

Federal law requires that all students be provided a free, appropriate, public education. Unfortunately, that free, appropriate, public education for all students is not always in their neighborhood school. Public schools are equipped to provide this to most, but not all, students. Schools must balance the educational needs of such students with the safety of the general student population, and the ability to provide for both. Sometimes public schools cannot provide the specific educational needs of a student. Sometimes schools can’t provide for the safety of the student population when a given student is enrolled. Alternative placements are necessary from time to time.

National Data from the National Center for Juvenile Justice for 2022

Crime data reported from the National Center for Juvenile Justice for 2022, can be found below. The report used both self-reported data and data from sources cited within the document. Few of the data are available specifically for Virginia. Public schools serve everyone and are microcosms of the communities they serve. This kind of data is important as it provides some of the causal factors related to discipline and safety within a public school. In most cases, public schools can do nothing about factors such as poverty or homicide; however, each day, educators must mitigate these factors and ensure that children, no matter what outside conditions exist, learn.

• In 2019, about 1 in 5 residents in the U.S. were younger than 18 — 22 percent or 73 million;

• The proportion of children living in poverty in 2019 was at its lowest level since 1975. Fourteen percent of children ages 5-17 lived in households below established poverty levels;

• In 2019, 3.8 million youth ages 12-17 reported experiencing a major depressive episode;

• The teenage birth rate has declined considerably since the early 1990s. However, in 2019, the birth rate for youth ages 15-17 was 6.7 live births for every 1,000 females;

• Although the high school dropout rate declined in the past five years, more than 470,000 youth left high school in 2019;

• In 2019, child protective services agencies received about 84,600 maltreatment referrals each week;

• The number of children in foster care has increased 8 percent since 2012. There were an estimated 424,000 children in foster care in September of 2019;

• Serious violent crimes in which youth 12-17 were victims were 83 percent less in 2019 than 1994. In 2019, rates of serious violent crimes against Black (10.3), White (10.4) and Hispanic (10.9) per 1000 were about the same;

• Youth younger than 18 accounted for more than 1 in 5 victims of serious violent crime known to law enforcement. Sexual assault victims accounted for more than half of all child victims of serious violent crime;

• Nearly 6 out of 10 violent crimes with youth victims occur in a residence;

• On average, 1,334 youth under the age 18 in the U.S. were murdered each year between 2010 and 2019;

• In 2019, 9 of every 10 murder victims ages 5-17 were killed with a firearm;

• Since 2009, suicides have outnumbered homicides among youth ages 10-17. The number of suicide victims in 2019 was 80 percent higher than homicide victims;

• In 2019, nearly 1 in 5 students reported having been bullied at school and about 1 in 6 reported having been cyberbullied;

• In 2019, about 1 in 36 high school students reported carrying a weapon to school;

• In 2019, nearly half of high school seniors reported they had used an illicit drug at least once and more had used alcohol. Marijuana is the most-used illicit drug, and alcohol use and vaping nicotine are widespread at all grade levels;

• After reaching an historic low in 2013, the number of homicides committed by youth increased 27 percent through 2019. Juveniles were involved in 1 in 14 homicides in 2019.

Dr. Kathleen Smith spent 25 years in classrooms where nearly all students were below the poverty rate. Teachers and administrators faced many challenges much like the statistics presented above. Day-to-day things that were not normal became accepted as normal. Parents would call to let a teacher know they had witnessed a student going through a dumpster looking for food. Some children had no coats. Homework was an impossible task if the parent was high or intoxicated. Sometimes the water or electricity was turned off due to non-payment. Some teachers often felt the need to “love the children to learn,” resulting in the unintended consequence of lowering the teacher’s expectation that certain students could learn. Others turned a blind eye to certain behaviors when they shouldn’t have. Just when the teacher thought he/she had witnessed all that could be witnessed in terrible situations, something worse was witnessed. This wasn’t racism; it was coping with the intention of helping, not hindering.

Further Discussion Questions

That nearly 6 out of 10 violent crimes with youth victims occur in a residence demonstrates that discipline outside of the school is just as alarming as inside the school. What factors from the national data would be good indicators that school safety is questionable?

If one thinks about an average classroom of 20-25 high school students, and the national data represent a microcosm of a community, the classroom teacher may have to accommodate a rape victim, a cyber bully, a student with a weapon, a depressed student contemplating suicide, a student in foster care, a pregnant female, someone who lost a sibling to homicide, or an alcoholic. What does this tell us about teacher retention? Principal retention? Could the teacher inadvertently lower expectations for all students while attempting to mitigate learning for some of the students? Are we expecting too much of educators?

Consider that in the same classroom described above, 100 percent of the students were Black or 100 percent were White. Can we compare this classroom to the Virginia average or national average overall? When we compare all of Virginia’s data in one indicator (all students who were suspended in Virginia) or all of the nation, and make policy from those overall numbers, are we making it difficult for locations that do not represent the norm; for example, Lexington as compared to Petersburg?

Matthew Hurt is director of the Comprehensive Instructional Program, a coalition of non-metropolitan school districts. Dr. Kathleen M. Smith has been an educator since 1975. She has served as Regional Director for the Mid-Atlantic States for Advanced l Measured Progress and Director of the Office of School Improvement with the Virginia Department of Education.

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21 responses to “School Discipline, Part I: Framing School Discipline and National Data”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    This is a refreshing article in that it is a thoughful examination of a complex problem by two people with long experience in the trenches. Their laying out the realities faced by teachers and students is a welcome departure from the gnashing of teeth and wailing that schools are going to hell because of the liberals that is common on this blog. At the same time it is depressing and reinforces the notion that society does not value teachers enough. I look forward to the next two installments.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Schools are going to hell because of liberals, Dick. Read my comment below and try to imagine where PBIS came from.

      Hint: look at the infamous 2014 joint “Dear colleague” letter from the Obama Department of Education and DOJ linked below.

      Sorry, facts matter.

      The threat of federal prosecution for “disparate impact” drove many school divisions to ensure the numbers came out right regardless of impacts on schools. To do that, they implemented PBIS, which in practice has meant few-to-no out-of-school suspensions or expulsions.

      If you read the recommended policies at the end of the letter, it “recommends “ PBIS, lest a division post the wrong statistics and face the wrath of the civil rights divisions of the DOJ and the Department of Education.

      It is not a coincidence that the federal government reports that there has been no scientifically valid study of the outcomes of PBIS.

      That gave us Newport News Public Schools.

  2. DJRippert Avatar

    The question is the trend. There have always been poor kids from poor homes. There have always been parents who didn’t care about their children’s education. There have always been abusive parents.

    Have school discipline problems increased over time? If so, why?

    If school discipline has remained static, what’s the big deal? If school discipline has gotten worse, why?

    The poverty rate in the United States dropped from 1959 – 1973 and has fluctuated within a fairly narrow band since then. So, it seems that increased poverty is not the cause of increased school discipline problems (if such an increase exists).

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      It is the impenetrable unwillingness of the left to discuss the fates of the kids willing and able to learn who are denied that opportunity by disruptive and scary classmates that is the critical problem.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    I thank you guys from weighing in on the issue and providing an on-the-ground objective view different from the “sky-if-falling”, the schools are “melting down” narratives.

    thank you.

    1. Matt Hurt Avatar

      Unfortunately, this may be a “sky-if-falling” thing. Last week we began our meetings with teachers to plan next year’s curriculum. We’ll meet with about 1000 over the course of the semester. During our meetings we discussed the teacher shortage, and discipline weighed heavily on the minds of the teachers present. I hope to report on this in May when all of the meetings are conducted.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Whatever you and Kathleen have to say about the discipline issue will be important and worthwhile and if it does support the idea that discipline is, in fact, out of control at most Virginia schools, I will take it much more seriously given than prior.

  4. Turbocohen Avatar

    This is ridiculously well written.

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Some good things, some bad. I seem to recall one political party using teen pregnancy as being the telltale of a declining society. OTOH, despair and its health outcomes could explain a declining life expectancy in an affluent society with such great inexpensive healthcare.

    How does all of this data correlate with a decline in leadership?

    1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      Leadership matters the most.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Uh yep, and committee assignments are leadership.

  6. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Thank you. Appreciate the thoughtful analysis. It stirs up many memories from 27 years in the blackboard jungle. A stark reminder of why I don’t have the horses to pull the wagon anymore.

    I agree with Captain Sherlock’s comments. Liberal policies have diminished the ability to render consequences that promote corrective behaviors in all age groups.

    I offer a simple remedy that can correct some discipline issues. Get the students involved. Sports, clubs, fine arts, anything. The more a kid is involved in school activities the better the results. My old boss at Briar Woods applied this simple philosophy when the school opened in 2005. For the next ten years until he retired promoting student involvement in school activities helped curb discipline issues to a manageable level. It created a positive learning climate that helped to catapult Briar Woods High to be the best school in Loudoun. Sadly, this is no longer true.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Excellent observation. Participation opportunities are an enormous advantage of smaller schools that are often not available in cities.

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        Great story Eric. Glad you shared. Ms. Heather Van Dyke is the marketing teacher and DECA sponsor. One of the very best teachers I have ever worked with. She has been inspiring students since Briar Woods opened in 2005. Longwood grad too! Good teachers school.

  7. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    Two things about data and schools
    1. Self-reported data like disciplinary infractions and absenteeism are so subject to manipulation as to be nearly useless depending on the source. I have done a couple of articles exposing flawed data from RPS.
    2. National data are averages of everything and examples of nothing.

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Sounds like all you are left with is rhetoric.

  8. LarrytheG Avatar

    Many teachers who have been at it for years have a “this kid” story. The one’s I’ve talked with often have a parent also involved with the story. A standard response, ” you will behave or we will punish you good”and if that don’t work, we’ll boot you, seems to be in vogue with frustrated folks these days but it’s also not the “crisis” across all school divisions also.

    As Matt and Kathleen said – schools are microcosms of society, and the answers are not so easy as some would want.

    Many years ago, we had a kid in class who would have Grand mal seizures. Some teachers just let it play out and explain it was a medical condition. No one seemed to REALLY know what to do about it and so the police were called and they would try to take custody of him and when he did not comply, they beat the living tar out of him. After that, he was booted from school.

    Did not seem the right thing to do but it was the only thing that they seemed to know what to do back then.

  9. James C. Sherlock Avatar
    James C. Sherlock

    The insight that not all kids can be allowed to remain in school with other children because of the constant disruptions they cause, violent or not, is the key. We are only then discussing how many.

    That number will naturally vary school by school for a wide variety of reasons, including school leadership, individual classroom management, mental/emotional problems and home environments. The number, however, is artificially suppressed by policy.

    When artificial limits are set on moving – by suspension, expulsion or transfer to schools specially provisioned to teach them – of resolutely non-compliant kids out of schools where other kids want to learn, then you get Newport News Public Schools, Petersburg Public Schools, and the complete list of the worst performing school divisions in Virginia.

    That result has nothing to do with race, but rather official policies that make schools ungovernable by requiring race-based statistical compliance.

    Who wants to be an AP or teacher or a student of any color in that environment?

    It turns out unsurprisingly that the answer is fewer and fewer people.

    It also turns out that in Virginia all of the lowest-performing school divisions use PBIS accompanied by tolerance of chaotic behavior, statistically driven and assessed for compliance, as school board policy.

    1. Matt Hurt Avatar

      Discipline is a problem that varies by individual student and school. Some school cultures can be more successful with a given student than others. Some schools will work more diligently to find a means by which to help the student be more successful behaviorally, and thus be able to benefit from being in that school. Other schools might not give that student air in a jug, and thus toss him out on his ear at the first sign of misbehavior. No misbehavior should be tolerated, but there should be a progressive application of disciplinary measures, and suspension/expulsion should be the last option, wherein we admit that we have failed that child.

  10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “• On average, 1,334 youth under the age 18 in the U.S. were murdered each year between 2010 and 2019.

    • In 2019, 9 of every 10 murder victims ages 5-17 were killed with a firearm.

    • Since 2009, suicides have outnumbered homicides among youth ages 10-17. The number of suicide victims in 2019 was 80 percent higher than homicide victims.”

    These are kind of shocking stats to me at least along with the number of kids that have brought a weapon to school and the number of suicides that are via guns. It seems like the proliferation of firearms in our greater society has a direct impact on school discipline and student behavior. But not just directly, with this level of existential threat being faced by kids every day, is it any wonder that they don’t view education as a priority in their lives? You want to do something about school discipline and student behavior, start by removing firearms from their environment.

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