by Dr. Kathleen Smith

Earlier this week on Bacon’s Rebellion, James Bacon posted “The Fruit of School Disciplinary ‘Reform.’” Regarding the matter of bullying, I am adding a few additional statistics from the Youth and Juvenile Justice System 2022 National Report from the National Center for Juvenile Justice.

The abstract embedded in the report includes the following:

The report draws on reliable data and relevant research to provide a comprehensive and insightful view of youth victims and offending by youth, and what happens to them when they enter the juvenile justice system.

It offers empirically based answers to frequently asked questions about the nature of youth victimization and offending, and the justice system’s response.

Chapter topics are as follows: youth population characteristics; youth victims; offending by youth; juvenile justice system structure and process; law enforcement and youth; youth in juvenile court; and youth in corrections.

The report is structured as a series of briefing papers on specific topics and includes information on youth and their involvement with the U.S. justice system through the 2019 data year; each chapter ends with a list of data sources.

I would urge everyone to read the report. It offers many insights and surprises, as well as many “I thought so’s.” Following are only a few highlights regarding youth victimization.

According to the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey (YRBSS), nearly 1 in 5 (19.5 percent) of high school students reported having been bullied at school at least once during the 12 months prior to the survey.

This aligns to the findings of the School Crime Supplement (SCS) to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) which collects data from students 12–18 years of age. This data reported 22 percent of students in 2019 were bullied at school. Of those students who reported bullying, nearly 1 in 5 reported being bullied more than 10 days in the school year.

“At school” includes the school building, on school property, the school bus, or going to and from school. “Bullying” includes being made fun of; being the subject of rumors; being threatened with harm; being pressured into doing things they did not want to do; excluded from activities on purpose; having property destroyed on purpose; and being pushed, shoved, tripped, or spit on along with injury as a result of the incident.

The YRBSS was used to show how bullying has changed over time:

The proportion of students who were bullied at school in 2019 (19.5%) was about the same as the proportion in 2009 (19.9%).

The proportion of students who experienced electronic bullying in 2019 (16%) was about the same as the proportion in 2011 (16.2%). Electronic bullying includes being bullied through texting, Instagram, Facebook, or other social media.

Interestingly, this report found that students were less likely to experience non-fatal (theft and violent crime) victimization in and on their way to and from school in 2019 than in 1992. The National Center for Education Statistics and the Bureau of Justice Statistics produce the Indicators of School Crime and Safety report that monitors the amount of crime students ages 12–18 experience when they are in (or on their way to/from) school and when they are away from school. This reported indicated that the rates of violent crime and theft — in school and away from school — each declined substantially between 1992 and 2019.

From 1992 to 2019, the rate of violent crimes against students ages 12–18 occurring away from school fell 86% (from 94 victimizations per 1,000 to 14), while the rate at school fell 70% (from 68 to 21). In 2019, youth experienced more thefts at school than away from school, but the relative decline in the rate of theft was the same for students at school and away from school (down 92% for both). Annually since 1992, the rate of theft at school was higher than the rate of theft away from school.

Other data on violent crimes from the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) indicated that 22 percent of the victims of serious violent crime reported to law enforcement agencies in 2018 and 2019 were children under age 18. The NIBRS reports data on more than 1 million victims of serious violent crime (murder, violent sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated assault) known to law enforcement agencies in 45 states and the District of Columbia, representing 45 percent of the U.S. population.

More specifically, children were the victims in 9% of murders, 58% of sexual assaults, 8% of robberies, and 13% of aggravated assaults. Of all child victims of serious violent crime, less than one-half of 1% were murder victims, 7% were robbery victims, 35% were victims of aggravated assault, and 57% were victims of sexual assault.

Finally, data from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) show that since 2009, suicides have outnumbered homicides among youth ages 10-17.

Youth homicide victims (ages 10–17) outnumbered youth suicide victims through 1999. More recently, however, the trend reversed as suicide victims outnumbered homicide victims annually since 2009. In 2019, the number of suicide victims was 80 percent above the number of homicide victims.

The report also indicates that between 1990 and 2019, 35,805 youth ages 10–17 died by suicide in the U.S.

Dr. Kathleen M. Smith has been an educator since 1975. She has served as Regional Director for the Mid-Atlantic States for Advanced l Measured Progress and Director of the Office of School Improvement with the Virginia Department of Education.

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15 responses to “School Bullying and Victimization Data: Just the Facts”

  1. Did NVSS indicate why the suicides vs homicides numbers switched?

    Is it because there are more suicides?
    Fewer homicides?

    1. Lefty665 Avatar

      It is coincident with the rise of social media. It would not surprise me to find that was causal too. Those numbers not only switched, they switched with a vengeance,

  2. Kathleen Smith Avatar
    Kathleen Smith

    See page 42 of the report.

      1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
        Kathleen Smith

        Actually, page 47. Looks like homicides went down, suicides went up.

        1. Thank you.

          By the way, the link in your article took me to the Introduction to the study, but not the study itself. I found that here:

          1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
            Kathleen Smith

            Thanks. It did the same for me.

    1. Okay.

      Homicides peaked in 1992/93, after which they dropped quite a bit and then more-or-less leveled off. Suicides started increasing pretty steeply in 2007, dropping off a little bit since a peak in 2017/18.

      The drop in homicides since 1992/93 is good news. Otherwise, not so much.

  3. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    This is also good news. It also goes against the grain of many of the articles and comments on this blog:

    “From 1992 to 2019, the rate of violent crimes against students ages 12–18 occurring away from school fell 86% (from 94 victimizations per 1,000 to 14), while the rate at school fell 70%.”

    1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
      Kathleen Smith

      I wonder if that had something to do with who reported the data, or didn’t report the data. That is a pretty big change.

    2. walter smith Avatar
      walter smith

      Yes. Big assumption. There was a President who adopted rules that pretty much caused schools not to report crimes…
      Loudoun was likely not atypical…
      Meanwhile, the schools are horrible! So we are happy they suck less?

    3. The decline in bullying and in-school violence coincided with the decline in the crime rate …. through 2019.

      The crime rate started rising sharply against in 2020. It is not unreasonable to conjecture that in-school violence did, too.

  4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Good stuff. Thanks!

  5. Thank you for the info. We’ll have to see what the next report says about changes post-Covid. Hoping the numbers don’t get worse, but fear they will.

  6. AlH - Deckplates Avatar
    AlH – Deckplates

    Bullies are not normal people, neither children nor adults. The focus on dealing with those abnormal people, in the case of schoolchildren, should include making parents responsible. Now, I wonder how many actually went unreported, and how many were not dealt with? The veracity of our data collection system is in question here, as there has been so many “hands” laid on that system.

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