School Board Bullies

by Kerry Dougherty

You’re guilty. I’m guilty. We’re all guilty.

Admit it. At election time most of us know exactly who’s running for president, congress, governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, commonwealth’s attorney, treasurer, sheriff and city council.

We study bond issues and constitutional amendments.

We know how we’re going to cast our votes before we enter the polling place.

But by the time we get to “school board” on the ballot we often suffer from ballot boredom. We either don’t vote for those offices or just shrug and cast our votes for familiar names.

Never again.

As we see now across the commonwealth, far-left school boards vow to defy the governor’s common-sense order making masks optional in schools. They don’t care that there is almost no value to cloth masks, they don’t care that Glenn Youngkin was elected on a promise to remove the mask mandate, and they don’t care that the downside to muzzling school children is as long as Leviticus.

This is a culture war and these leftists are digging in their heels.

They’re unaware or don’t care that in August, two renowned medical experts, Dr. Marty Makary of Johns Hopkins and H. Cody Meissner, Chief of Pediatric Infectious Diseases at Tufts Children’s Hospital, wrote a compelling piece for The Wall Street Journal: “The Case Against Masks for Children.”

Do masks reduce Covid transmission in children? Believe it or not, we could find only a single retrospective study on the question, and its results were inconclusive. Yet two weeks ago the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sternly decreed that 56 million U.S. children and adolescents, vaccinated or not, should cover their faces regardless of the prevalence of infection in their community. Authorities in many places took the cue to impose mandates in schools and elsewhere, on the theory that masks can’t do any harm.

That isn’t true. Some children are fine wearing a mask, but others struggle. Those who have myopia can have difficulty seeing because the mask fogs their glasses… Masks can cause severe acne and other skin problems. The discomfort of a mask distracts some children from learning. By increasing airway resistance during exhalation, masks can lead to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. And masks can be vectors for pathogens if they become moist or are used for too long…

Public-health officials claim to base their decisions and guidance on science, but there’s no science behind mask mandates for children. A new research study by one of us (Dr. Makary) and his Johns Hopkins colleagues found that of the $42 billion the National Institutes of Health spent on research last year, less than 2% went to Covid clinical research and not a single grant was dedicated to studying masks in children…

Any child who wants to wear a mask should be free to do so. But forcing them to make personal, health and developmental sacrifices for the sake of adults who refuse to get immunized is abusive. Before we order the masking of 56 million Americans who are too young to vote and don’t have a lobby, let’s see data showing the benefits and weigh them against the long-term harm.

There is no data to support muzzling children, and in fact, the CDC now admits that cloth masks, of the sort most kids wear to school, are of little if any value in preventing transmission of the Covid-19 virus.

Anyone suggesting that kids spend all day in N95 respirators, which are supposedly more effective, needs to wear one for a solid eight hours. That’ll disabuse them of this preposterous notion.

Let’s bring this closer to home.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, a hardcore majority of six Virginia Beach School Board members carried water for the teacher’s unions and worked tirelessly to keep schools closed. Last month they voted to keep masks on little faces.

So a political action committee, Students First VA, began circulating recall petitions. Several weeks ago, a group of seven Virginia Beach restaurants announced that they were holding sign-the-petition nights in their eateries.

Dottie Holtz, the most abrasive and wrong-headed member of the board, used her Facebook page to urge a boycott of these restaurants.

Three of the restaurants withdrew from the event after her call for the boycott. Holtz has since deleted her post.

Look, it’s a free country. Holtz can enthusiastically join cancel culture and try to wreck the livelihoods of entrepreneurs who don’t agree with her. But consider what her actions say about her thin-skinned character: This elected official wants those who disagree with her broke and bankrupt.

That attitude has no place in politics. Someone needs to remind this woman that restaurants suffered more than most businesses during the last administration’s lockdowns. Beyond that, these dining establishments pay real estate and business taxes that help pay for schools and Holtz’s salary. She owes them a little respect.

The local newspaper didn’t deem Holtz’s bullying tactics newsworthy, but The Washington Examiner did.

Supporters of parental rights in Virginia Beach clearly have a fight on their hands. Their strong allies on the school board number just three: Carolyn Weems, Vicky Manning and Laura Hughes.

Of the 11-member Beach School Board, six are up for re-election this year, including Holtz.

We plan to pay attention and keep laser-like attention focused on the school board candidates this November.

Let’s get petty bullies off the board.

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29 responses to “School Board Bullies”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    The use of usually innocuous elected positions as springboards for liberal reform has been in place for some time. George Soros backed PACs poured money into Commonwealth Attorney elections in order to push their “soft on crime” agenda. School boards have become filled with leftist zealots who “carry the water” for liberals who can’t get elected anymore in Virginia.

    Kerry is exactly right – it’s time for everybody to pay more attention to these offices.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      Of course, conservatives have not targeted local officials and are not doing that now.

  2. Fred Costello Avatar
    Fred Costello

    Candidates for School Board rarely, if ever, identify the basis they will use for their decisions, especially their moral decisions; therefore, voters do not know what to expect.

  3. Cathy Robb Avatar
    Cathy Robb

    Elizabeth Smart’s kidnapper kept her in a mask. Masking children is child abuse, period. The trauma and psychological damage caused by forcing masks on our young people will be revealed in the months and years to come. We’re already seeing increased suicides, behavioral issues, drug and alcohol abuse, etc. among youth. Gov. Youngkin is giving the choice to parents. Once again, the left proves it was never about a virus; it was always about control.

  4. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    The experts agree with Kerry: cloth masks are not very effective, if at all, against COVID now that the omicron variant is the most prevalent.

    On everything else, she is off base. This article cited by Kerry was written before the omicron variant emerged. (It is worth noting that one of the authors is Youngkin’s chief advisor on COVID.) If Kerry had done a little research, she would have discovered that not all pediatricians agree with these two authors. The American Academy of Pediatrics in early January urged that all children over 2 years old wear masks in public.

    And some of the physical dangers to children from wearing masks cited by Kerry’s authors have been disputed.

    I found this sentence in the Makary article particularly rich: “But forcing them to make personal, health and developmental sacrifices
    for the sake of adults who refuse to get immunized is abusive.” The obvious answer, then, to keeping the children protected and not abuse them is to require adults to be vaccinated.” Oops, can’t do that, can we?

    Finally, Kerry says it would be cruel to require kids to wear N95 respirators. She implies that they are somehow uncomfortable. Yes, my N95 is somewhat uncomfortable, but I find it easier to breathe in that the cloth mask I used to wear.

    1. Billions of dollars in funding , two years in, and the CDC and Fauci hasn’t researched this issue?????

    2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      “Not all pediatricians agree”. Pretty much sums it up, Dick. Sounds like a prescription for parental choice. Don’t you agree?

  5. VaNavVet Avatar

    Kerry can not smoke indoors in public places because of the danger of second hand smoke to others, but somehow she thinks that it is okay to walk around unvaccinated and even infected without a mask in such places. Selfishness like this is the real bullying. She should volunteer to sit in a classroom for hours without a mask among a large group of teenagers who are also unmasked. My grandson’s school has just closed down half of its classes for the second time since the holidays due to outbreaks as Omicron does its work. School boards are trying to do the right things to keep everyone safe and lets hope that Governor Youngkin will do likewise.

    1. The non-mask argument is for the children I believe, not the adults.

      Actually, there was never any 2nd hand smoke studies showing any link to lung cancer.

  6. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    There are two important points in this blog. First, down ballot candidates are important and we should know enough about them to make a reasonably well informed voting decision. Second, the fact that two medical experts can get their point of view published in the WSJ does not mean that it is right. A quick review of the literature suggests that they are in the minority. NIH has published a paper “Impact of Face Masks on Children” and just this week Harvard published, ” Coronavirus Outbreak and Kids.”
    This is a complex public health issue and those who oppose masking can exercise their right by becoming hermits instead of potentially exposing others.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Read your post again, Mr. O’Keefe. ‘“This is a complex public health issue”. I agree.

      Then, however, without even a comma, much less reflection, “those who oppose masking …etc,”.

      Which is it, a complex issue or one with only one possible correct answer? You pick the latter.

      That, I am sure you agree, is tyranny.

      1. William O'Keefe Avatar
        William O’Keefe

        No, that’s called weight of the evidence.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          “William O’Keefe James C. Sherlock • 3 hours ago
          No, that’s called weight of the evidence.”

          For there to be evidence there needs to be studies, as it stands there have only been 2 and they’ve been associated with the physical impacts.

          The emotional and psychology impacts haven’t been studied and we cannot in good faith make statements they won’t be impacted.

          Let settle on it’s a complex issue and knee-jerk statements about “your side being wrong” don’t do anyone any favors.

      2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        Complex subjects are not all indecipherable. The majority of opinion is that masks are at least somewhat effective at reducing the spread of Covid. To argue, at this point, against their use is abhorrent.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          “To argue (the point) is abhorrent”. Not incorrect – “abhorrent”. Pretty much sums up the woke view of the world. It reflects dogma, not policy preference.

          See the “Angel of Death” reference below for yet more proof.

          Reminds one directly of the religious dogma behind the Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition.

          Thank you for your clarity.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    No. Just you.

    “There is no data to support muzzling children,…”. Meh. Children? Maybe not. Cackling old hens who love to spew?

  8. Moderate Avatar

    This is a sad situation. I hate teaching with a mask but I do it because I want to keep myself and others from getting COVID, as much as possible. I’m vaccinated – but I’ve also been sick. The risks aren’t worth it. We need to do the best we can to protect all – and that means some of us will be uncomfortable.

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      The world doesn’t revolve around you. My right to swing my fist ends before someone elses’ nose. Phrases taught when young. I stay away from folks in a load of situations because its not about me. Its always been that way, its not just recently. The planet is not required to make every accommodation because of my issues. I do not expect or demand that. Why are you? How are you so much more entitled to demand obedience of others?

      Abortion and this are 2 different items. One is sure death which you aren’t dealing with. If you were, you wouldn’t be going out in the world. Try another argument.

      1. Moderate Avatar

        Yes, your right to be out in the world infected with the virus is higher than my right to be out where risks are minimized? (After I’ve done everything I can, vaccinations, masks, staying home when I’m not feeling well…)

        If basic values are what are driving things as many claim, there should be no difference between vaccinations and abortion in terms of rights. To me, if rights are so important on a small thing like wearing a mask, they should definitely be important for a big thing like abortion. That’s where I want to be able to make my own decisions instead of being forced to follow what someone who doesn’t know everything that’s of concern would decide for me.

        You interpret my concerns as me being self centered and not caring about you. Sadly, I interpret your response that way – that you think it’s fine if I’m at risk and you aren’t willing to take small steps – like wearing a mask – to help me be safe being where we both want/need to be. In that, what I hear is that you matter and I don’t.

        Somehow, we’ve got to get to the point of treating each other with basic respect and looking for ways we can all meet our goals without harming others. By assuming those who think masks are worth using (and yes, I’m using N95’s now) are all unvaccinated or that they don’t want to work, we’re assuming the worst in others and not recognizing the real risks. We’re also pushing farther and farther from each other, refusing to even try to help each other. I think our society can do better.

        1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          “Done everything I can.” Good for you. I have done the same. We are as protected as it is possible to get. Medals for both of us.

          So what is the source of your nightmares? Little Bobby will be the death of you if he is not masked? Grow up.

          1. VaNavVet Avatar

            Moderate spoke of treating each other with respect not of being snarky. My son has a 6 month old in the house and his 4 year old attends a pre-school that requires masks. Yet there have been two outbreaks since the holidays in the school and further the children of many of their friends have become infected. He clearly does not want to see either of his kids become infected nor to have to worry about long term effects if they should do so. I think that he is being very grown up! He will probably keep the child out of school for a while unless additional social distancing can be incorporated or until Omicron fades.

          2. vicnicholls Avatar

            Your last paragraph said it better than I could.

        2. vicnicholls Avatar

          You have zero proof that people are infected. None. Should we remove everyones’ drivers’ licenses because a few are problematic?,,,,,,,,,,,,, I have more.

  9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “This is a culture war and these leftists are digging in their heels.”

    Only the Angel of Death would say that masking during a pandemic is a culture war issue…

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      “Angel of death”. Really. Please post that catechism so we can all read it.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        “Angel of Death” is somewhat strong but a selfish bully is right on the mark.

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Given the author’s non-stop drive to undermine Covid vaccines and masking here and on other social media outlets, the shoe fits…

      2. Matt Adams Avatar
        Matt Adams

        It’s SOP for Halfwit, he also harasses her on other social media sites as well.

      3. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        What better way for the Angel of Death to consume the souls it craves….? I would think it is self-evident…

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