SCHEV’s Study on College Completion Rates Is… Incomplete

by James A. Bacon

The dirty secret of the higher-ed industry is the high rate at which students drop out of college. The six-year graduation rate for full-time, in-state students entering Virginia’s public four-year institutions in 1995 was 60%, implying a drop-out rate of 40%, according to State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) data.

After Virginia institutions made strenuous efforts to improve performance, the rate increased to 73% for the 2015 entering class — a big improvement. But there is still a long way to go — and it’s not yet clear from the published data what impact the COVID pandemic had on completions.

A high drop-out rate is a major social issue. Thousands of Virginia students spend tens of thousands of dollars, often borrowed, on tuition, fees, and room and board without ever acquiring a credential to improve their job prospects. Recognizing the problem, SCHEV has issued a report, “What Matters Most,” which explores how Virginia higher-ed can get better results.

The report contains some useful perspectives. But, as one might expect from a document compiled with input from university administrators with vested interests and sacred cows to protect — deans of students, vice presidents of student affairs, vice presidents of admissions, student support services administrators, and unspecified “subject matter experts” —  it has blind spots as well.

Compiled from SCHEV data

The report views the issue of college completions through four lenses: (1) college/life preparedness; (2) mental health and well being; (3) basic needs; and (4) sense of belonging. 

College/life preparedness. The authors suggest that students must possess  academic proficiency, sound study habits, and determination to graduate — attributes which, ideally, they had developed before entering college. The pandemic and shift to remote learning in K-12 schools resulted in the loss of 15 weeks equivalent of math instruction and 11 weeks of reading.

Though harder to measure, remote learning adversely affected students’ social development and emotional maturity. The report discusses the value of “resilience,” otherwise known as “grit,” or the ability to move past challenge and failure in positive ways. Without quite saying so, the report suggests that kids entering college today are less resilient thanks to COVID.

Mental health. A student’s resilience is closely tied to his or her mental health and well-being. Nationally, 40% of college students have reported having a mental disorder, most commonly anxiety or depression. Students dogged by anxiety and depression find it far more difficult to persist in the face of adversity.

Basic needs. Students who are stressed by the challenge of paying for housing, food and even child care have a harder time completing their courses of study. Material need can be compounded by shame and can result in students’ inability to participate in college activities, which in turn can contribute to mental health issues. Nationally, 48% of college students face housing insecurity, and 29% of four-year college students deal with food insecurity. Nearly 61,000 students at Virginia higher-ed institutions are eligible for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) but are not receiving benefits.

Belonging. “Belonging” is a buzz word in higher-ed. The idea is that students who feel part of the college community are more likely to succeed. Belonging means feeling welcome, fitting in, finding friends, engaging in campus life, and making personal connections to professors and coursework. A national survey of 1,000 students found, however, that more than a third felt alienated from their courses, their peers and their colleges. First-generation students (the first in their family to attend college) and financially insecure students are particularly likely to have trouble fitting in, the study observes.

The SCHEV report acknowledges there are no quick fixes to these problems, and that “one size fits all” solutions are not advisable. With those caveats, the report proposes more funding to address basic student needs, provide mental-health resources, and focus resources on “marginalized student groups.” Where the money would come from is not clear.

Bacon’s bottom line: The analysis seems reasonable as far as it goes. But it is incomplete.

First, it underplays the issue of academic preparedness. There is a widespread sense in our society that everyone who wants to go to college ought to be able to. Many young people are not academically equipped for college-level learning. Thousands require remedial work in math, reading and writing. But as enrollments decline due to a shrinking college-age population, institutional demand for students is voracious, and the temptation to relax admissions standards is very real. For ideological reasons, the temptation is more acute for disadvantaged minority students who, in many cases, have graduated from low-performing schools with entirely unrealistic expectations of their abilities. Sadly, when confronted with the demands of college-level work, many of these students feel overwhelmed and drop out.

Second, the issue of “belonging” is especially a problem in the age of heightened social-justice consciousness. The prevalent view among college administrators is that putting a student’s race, sex and gender at the center of his or her identity is the way to foster belonging. Give Black students their own dormitories, their own social facilities, and their own ceremonies; in effect, encourage them to self-segregate, all the while creating a sense of racial grievance over micro-aggressions and other perceived manifestations of racism. How heightened race consciousness is supposed to make Black students feel at one with the university community is unclear. Whether the strategy works is never examined.

In other words, the university officials whose input informed the SCHEV report are captive to their professions’ social-justice consciousness. Unwilling to question a core assumption of their belief system, they ignore it in their analysis of college completions. Thus, potentially important drivers of student graduation rates are never explored.

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17 responses to “SCHEV’s Study on College Completion Rates Is… Incomplete”

  1. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    In the business world the results at some of those schools would be considered total failure, leading to wholesale management changes or the end of their existence (bankruptcy). Sense of belonging is clearly not the issue when some of the worst performers are either the HBCUs or purely regional schools such as UVA Wise and ODU. “Sense of belonging” should be their strong suit.

  2. Stephen Haner Avatar
    Stephen Haner

    In the business world the results at some of those schools would be considered total failure, leading to wholesale management changes or the end of their existence (bankruptcy). Sense of belonging is clearly not the issue when some of the worst performers are either the HBCUs or purely regional schools such as UVA Wise and ODU. “Sense of belonging” should be their strong suit.

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    Well, first, would like to see how Virginia compares to other states. Is this a Virginia-unique issue?

    Second, depending on which half glass one wants to look at, I’m impressed with this:

    … and I’d want to know how/why UVA and W&M, Tech do this so well and others not so well especially since UVA seems to be putting more emphasis in “diversity”, DEI not academic merit, , much to the vociferous angst of Conservatives and UVA alumni.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Not unique to Virginia, but a detailed comparison would be good. The top schools have so many qualified applicants they can filter the pool by DEI standards and still maintain a strong student population. That’s one reason I haven’t joined others is setting my hair on fire. They can also level the financial field by baking massive tuition subsidies into their (inflated) prices, using it for scholarships, a direct income transfer. That gives me more heartburn.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “SCHEV’s Study on College Completion Rates Is… Incomplete”

    If it is of any consolation to SCHEV, in the early 90s the Navy let a contract to a beltway bandit to document why so many small companies were requesting so many “no cost contract extensions”. You guessed it.

  5. LarrytheG Avatar

    Here’s another half glass full:

    So, rather than looking at the ones that have low grad rates and asking why… why not look at the ones that have high grad rates and ask “why”?

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      “Why not?”

      To channel RFK properly, you need to change that last “why” to “why not”.

    2. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The public institutions on that list, Larry, are free (in fact, you are paid to attend.) No financial stress. The privates have oodles of aid money to reduce fiscal stress. All of those are among the most competitive so their incoming students are all cream of the crop. (Well, don’t know Babson.)

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        W&L is free? Never mind, keyword “public”.

        OTOH, that bodes well for Bernie’s suggestion.

        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          Big question on that list is where is the AF Academy..? Not up with West Point, Annapolis, Coasties?

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Run by Evangelicals, so should be close to Liberty, Roberts, and Jones.

  6. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Every semester I would have one or two students vanish. These were mostly those attending on the Military benefit. I knew this because I had to fill out forms as to whether the student was passing or failing when last I saw them. Pain in the arse.

    In 23 years I only had two students ask for an “Incomplete”. One took the required tests the next semester while undergoing medical treatments (I didn’t ask, but he looked god awful), and the other had an opportunity for an all expense-paid 3 months in Greece. She never came back. Got a postcard.

    Obviously, finishing a class is not graduating, but there are many students who enter full time and graduate part time, especially at urban schools like CNU, VCU, GM, MWU and ODU. I should like to know how they track those students.

  7. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Surely, you’re not implying black students are unprepared? Of course, DE&I is designed to prevent segregation, or rather your need to impose it.

    Spousal unit’s sister went to Elmherst, or is it Elmhurst, in the mid 70s. Her maiden name is a very popular last name among the black community. She was assigned a room in the black dormitory. She was the only white girl on the floor. The school tried to reasign her but she refused.

  8. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

    While a number of college students will realize that college or a specific college is not right for them, too many students fail to graduate. I grew up in a lower-middle to middle-middle-class neighborhood. Not everyone went to college, but I don’t remember any of my many friends and acquaintances taking beyond 5 years to graduate. What’s the difference?

  9. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    There is more to these numbers that need to be shown before definite conclusions can be properly evaluated. For example, how many of each entering class transferred? Another question: how many of the entering class were part-time students from the very beginning?

    There is another aspect. The low four-year graduation rates have always surprised me. For most institutions, there is a big jump from the proportion that graduated in four years to those who graduated in the fifth year. This is the area to examine. Why did so many need five years to graduate. When I was around more with kids in college, I heard many complaints about their kids not being able to get into the classes they needed for their majors within the four years and, therefore, having to take one or more classes in the fifth year. That is a problem that the schools should address. Any student should be able to take, within four years, the classes needed for his or her major.

    Then there are the students who switch majors one or more times. That usually means a fifth year. A friend of mine told his kids that he would pay for four years of college and that anything beyond that was on them. That was incentive enough for all three to finish in 4 years.

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