By Peter Galuszka

If you read some bloggers on this site, you come away with the idea that conservatives are one, big happy tent where everyone is welcome. They are the new inclusivity; open to “ethnics” such as Hispanics, African-Americans, Indian-Americans and others. As they become educated, earn more money and move up the food chain, this rather patronizing thinking goes, the “newcomers”  start embracing the values of the free market and limited government.

The White Anglo-Saxon Protestants who have gone before them are more than happy to welcome them at the table. Please come in and have a seat!

All except for some elements of the conservative movement, that is. Take a peek at the Website of the New Kent Tea Party which operates in the piney woods west of Williamsburg near Providence Forge.

It is a cluttered mess with predictable info tabs about the massive federal deficit and debt and over-regulation. But pay attention to two videos.

One is by Pamela Geller, a New Yorker who occasionally appears as a commenter on Fox News. She is an ultra-anti-Islamist and Obama-hater who goes to extremes in her criticisms. She has come up with fantastic accusations, such as one that Barack Obama is the “love child” of African-American radical Malcolm X who was assassinated in the 1960s.

Her anti-Islam writings have won her a place in the “intelligence files” of the Southern Poverty Law Center, an Alabama-based, liberal activist group that keeps tracks of the radical right, including Ku Klux Klan members and militia terrorists. Among her views: “Hussein (Obama) is a muhammadan. He’s not insane. . . he wants jihad to win.”

Scroll down the New Kent Tea Party site and look at another video. Called “Three Things About Islam,” the video purports to differentiate between the philosophies of Judaism and Christianity and Islam. Voiced over by a man with an apparent British accent (to give it a worldly, sophisticated air), the video says that Shariah Law is absolute and that followers of Islam must make others covert or they must be killed. What’s odd, or maybe not so odd, is that I can’t seem to find who made the video or why the New Kent Tea Party people have it up on their site.

This is serious and scary stuff. Much of the Muslim world has been rocked recently a movie made in shady circumstances somewhere in Southern California that insults Mohammed. Riots in places such as Libya have killed American officials, including U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens,the first such American envoy to be killed doing his or her duty since the 1970s.

Consider also today’s New York Times opposite editorial page. Globe and Mail European Bureau Chief Doug Saunders has an intriguing piece noting that Islamophobia is the latest hate fad. Politicians such as Michele Bachmann are running around accusing Muslim officials working for the U.S. government of being members of the Muslim Brotherhood while others accuse innocent Muslims of plotting terrorist attacks.

There’s no denying that some elements of Islam are dangerous terrorists with 9/11 being a prime example. The reality, according to Saunders, is that “Muslim immigrants are a success story. They have high levels of educational attainment. Their birthrate is converging quickly with that of the general population. They are likely to ultimately make up 2 percent of the population, around the same share as Episcopalians and Jews,” writes Saunders.

Saunders view fits with my own limited view of the Muslim world. As a journalist, I have traveled or worked briefly in such countries as Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Indonesia and Malaysia. I have never felt unusually threatened. On the contrary, I felt that when I struck a deal with someone about providing a service, the deal was as solid as it could be.

Another telling point Saunders makes: Not that long ago, some right and left-wing Americans believed that the Catholicism of many immigrants was a huge danger to the republic. Catholics supposedly had high birthrates and had a tendency towards authoritarianism. As late as 1950, a tome linking Catholics to such fascists as Spain’s Franco was selling 240,000 copies. This, of course, was before Pope John Paul II won fame for standing up to Polish communism. It seems that Muslims are the new Catholics.

This is not to denigrate the Tea Party. I may not agree with most of the views of Tea Party leader Jamie Ratdke, who lost a primary fight for U.S. senator to George Allen, but I respect her and realize she’s not exactly a nut case.

I wonder, however, about the folks out there in the piney woods. I went to one of their meetings a couple of years ago that seemed made up of rural folk and military retirees. I was surprised to learn that Barack Obama was responsible for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) to bail out big banks. The program had been created by George W. Bush’s Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson in 2008, the year before Obama took office.

A small, pesky fact, I guess, in the world view of the New Kent Tea Party.

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  1. DJRippert Avatar

    More than three times as many people live in the tiny hamlet of Reston, VA than live in New Kent County.

    Let’s not read too much into the web site of a fringe group in a county of 18,000 people.

    How many people do you think the web site represents? 500? 1,000?

  2. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Think you are missing the point. Can provide you with plenty of material on the rural South, a place our beloved BaconMeister really does not now.

  3. Peter, try trolling the left-wing websites and see what kind of lunacy you come up with! I’ve met and talked to a lot of Tea Partiers. A few hold extreme and idiosyncratic views. Most fall within the mainstream. They all understand one thing that virtually no one in the Democratic Party seems willing to acknowledge: the USA is running on fiscal fumes, the gas tank is empty, Obama has no plan (other than taxing the rich, which doesn’t come close to fixing the problem), indeed, Obama doesn’t even have a budget. That insight is a lot more basic and profound that the B.S. you see from the self-important talking heads on MSNBC, CNN and the rest of the mainstream media.

  4. Obama support the sequester – across the board cuts for the next 10 years until we balance. The GOP, including the GOP in Va is having a conniption over the DOD portion of the sequester.

    Saying that Obama has no plan when he is on record in favor of the sequester is more double downing of a false narrative that is being promoted by the right and by people repeating it – like Bacon here.

    Romney has come out and said it -that 47% are parasites and he’s doubled down on it.

    The real question here is not “taxing the rich”. The real issue here is – can the right tell the truth ?

    It’s one thing to have a philosophy. It’s another to revise history and then try to revise the current truth.

    When you have the GOP just besides themselves over the specter of the sequester and letting the Bush tax cuts expire when the GOP is the one who supported the Bush tax cuts AND ALSO supported the DOUBLING of DOD spending to drive us into deficit ….

    when you have those same folks blaming Obama for the deficit the GOP created and also pretending that Obama does not support the sequester – you have people on the right just simply living in denial.

    They have their own little self-constructed world – and it has almost no relationship to reality.

    The simple reality is that the GOP (with some Dem help) DID created the deficit by increasing spending on DOD, two wars, Medicare Part D and instead of paying for it they cut taxes on the goofy premise that cutting taxes would increase revenues enough to pay for it – and they had absolutely no Plan B if their cut taxes/increase spending idea failed.

    What the GOP is best at these days is fetid hypocrisy.

  5. The truth is that Romney just said what the Right truly believes.

    the question is – where is Romney going to get the rest of the votes he needs to win ?

    He keeps playing to his base – but isn’t that ultimately a losing proposition?

    If you actually want to GOVERN the country – you have to at least get enough people who WANT you to govern and the right has always had this problem that they don’t really want to govern; they want to IMPOSE their beliefs without compromise.

    that’s not Governing.

    but it seems to be what they want.

    the Tea Party – all variants of it – are basically frustrated people who are dissatisfied with how Governance “works” in this country.

    Governance requires compromise – half loaf – two steps forward, one step back.

    our friends on the right are like a kid throwing a tantrum when he cannot get his way.

    the adults in the GOP room – the RINOs – have been banned and now the kid in the GOP is in charge.

  6. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Sorry but I really don’t see the same hate-filled stuff on liberal sites. Pam Geller has been seriously tagged. The crap they put up about Islam is hate-mongering. You can’t defend it, no matter how hard you try to apologize.
    I agree that not all Tea Party types are like this and said so in the blog posting, which you would have noted had you bothered to read it.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      You don’t see the same hate filled stuff on liberal sites?


      How quickly you forget.

      To help you remember, here is a video summary of public commentary from the man who married Michelle and Barak Obama, Rev Wright …

      “God damn America.”
      “The United States of KKK – A.”.

      This guy is not only a certified wacko, he is the leader of the Democratic Party’s spiritual leader.

      If I ever heard anything like this from a priest at mass, I would ever enter that church again. Obama attended services with this guy for 20 years.

      The Tea Party may have its share of idiots but they certainly have no monopoly on racism or stipidity.

      1. This is the problem with the right – as you are demonstrating.

        Wright is opposed to racism, not other people.

        he’s opposed to people who are racist… no matter their color, religion, ethnicity, national origin, etc.

        you equate opposition to racism as opposition to people…

        that’s the problem with the Right.

        they not only do not tell the difference, they celebrate not making that difference.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          You listen this idiot’s anti – Hillary rant and tell me what cause this fool to mock Hillary Clinton other than the fact that she is white. His point is simple – if you are white, you are bad.

          You’re a sheep, LarryG. This idiot is as racist as it gets.

      2. Don, Perhaps Peter doesn’t read the same “hate-filled” stuff on lefty websites because he doesn’t see it as hate filled. Maybe he thinks Rev. Wright has a legitimate point. Just a guess. I’ll let Peter speak for himself.

        1. Yikes, I should have read further down in the comments. Obviously *LarryG* doesn’t see lefty hate-filled speech as hateful.

        2. hating an entire race or cohort of people guys, is DIFFERENT from hating something a behavior.

          you can, if you look hard, find some isolated examples on the left but they stand out because of their rarity whereas on the right, the “anti” of gays, blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, etc is full-throat-ed and almost rampant.

          You have folks like Michelle Bachman saying that someone who works for the State Department is a Muslim terrorist sympathizer and what does the rest of her party – the GOP party do?

          Do they condemn her? Nope. They excuse her and still consider her a legitimate part of the GOP.

          Want me to identify other people who are considered mainstream GOP and either engage directly in hate speech or are perfectly ok with people like that being associated with the GOP?

          How can you have a candidate for the Presidency speaking to a group of people and make a point of talking about his birth certificate? This is the worst of dog-whistle politics and the symbolic leader of the GOP is willingly engaging in it.

      3. DJ – who do you think in the white community, actually supported and prevailed in Va in trying to overturn it’s racist past?

        Do you think that white people had a role in it? How about white liberals? White conservatives? Do you think the cause of fighting racism in Va was a bi-partisan effort on the part of BOTH liberals and conservatives?

        How many white conservatives do you think championed the cause of fighting massive resistance and white-only public facilities in Va?

        Can you name one or two White Conservatives who were in the vanguard of those who fought racism in Va?

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          “Can you name one or two White Conservatives who were in the vanguard of those who fought racism in Va?”.

          My father and thousands of other white, conservative military officers who fought wars with African Americans and felt there should be no segregation back on the home front.

  7. […] Tea party: “This is not to denigrate the Tea Party. I may not agree with most of the views of Tea Party leader Jamie Ratdke, who lost a primary fight […]

  8. Peter is right.

    None of the left-wing sites espouse hatred of others which seems to be a fairly common thread with many right wing sites – whether it be women, gays, muslims, blacks, Latinos, unions, etc.

    The Muslim has replaced the Communist as the boogeyman of choice for the right.

    There are about 1.6 billion Muslims in the world located in more than 50 countries and just like Christians, there are some that are terrorists but the vast majority of them are like the vast majority of Christians – peace-loving and yet the Right wing in the US would tilt our domestic and foreign policy to go after anyone who is Muslim.

    The thing that strikes me about the GOP is that they do not separate themselves from their hate-mongering brethren.. they accommodate them with a wink and a node – even tailoring their speeches and narratives to acknowledge the concerns of the mongers.

    A principled party would clearly and without hesitation – disavow the hate mongerers – telling them they are not welcome in the party and to go away but the GOP does not do that – at all.

    So you find the GOP having invited the RINOs out and having no problem cozying up to the hate mongers.

    It’s pretty shameful behavior for a major political party if you ask me.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      The left doesn’t have people who hate Muslims. Maybe so. The left only hates one thing – themselves. They are Americans who hate America. They are white people who hate whites. If you have the temerity to be a conservative African American, they hate you. Colin Powell, Condolesa Rice, and …. God forbid … Clarence Thomas.

      What would you say about a group of Tea Party protesters that were videotaped saying that an African American politician should “be strung up” or “have his toes cut off, one by one” or “be put back in the fields”?

      Well, that’s exactly what a bunch of libtard protesters had to say about Clarence Thomas …

      Dear Lord, LarryG – wake up!

  9. DJRippert Avatar

    No anti-Catholic hate speech on Huff and Puffington Post, no sir …

  10. DJRippert Avatar

    Ahhh …. of course, Catholics aren’t the only religious group to face hatred from libtards, Mormons certainly get their share with 4 in 10 liberals being anti-Mormon …

    1. Don’t forget the widespread anti-Semitism in the left.

      Anybody remember Jesse Jackson’s “Heimietown” quote?

    2. DJ – what kind of publication is “commentary”? And can you cite the original poll?

      this is the kind of thing the right is engaging in now days.

      It’s disreputable and dishonest.

      Confirmation BIAS at it’s worst.

  11. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Damned, Bacon,
    You scream out for an editor! “The WIDESPREAD anti-Semitism on the left? Jesse Jackson. This may be news to you, but the progressive movement, back in the early days and now, is led in part by Jewish people.
    Rev. Jackson making one comment does not make his anti-Semitism WIDESPREAD.
    I wonder why I waste my time responding to such idiotic nonsense. Some days you seem about in touch with the real world as Mitt Romney and the 47 percent of all Americans who are government-dependent loafers.


    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Speaking of needing an editor – I understand that that people who recorded Romney’s comments about “the 47%” are now admitting that they are missing “one or two minutes” of Romney’s commentary at the critical point in the dialog. They claim that the recording device just stopped recording and that it took a few minutes for the person operating the device to notice.


      I guess Richard Nixon had no monopoly on dishonesty through recording device lapses.

  12. re: ” I understand that that people who recorded Romney’s comments about “the 47%” are now admitting that they are missing “one or two minutes” ”

    not really. Romney himself, doubled down on his comments. He’s
    pretty clear in what he is saying – and most of the GOP is pretty much on board with his comments. They actually do believe that half the people are parasites and the other half are God’s people.

    re: Jews who are hated by libtards.

    really? who would you most associate skinheads/KKK/etc with – the Dems or the hard right?

    the least ya’ll can do here is be honest about the GOP and it’s easy affiliation with groups within it’s ranks that are opposed to entire races and cultures of people.

  13. Those who do believe that 1/2 the country is parasites – how could they possibly Govern the country?

    Up front – they are saying that they are predisposed towards the other 47%. You cannot govern the country with that kind of mindset.

    Romney has been dancing around on what his philosophy of governance is and has landed right smack in the middle of the nest of the worst elements of the right wing – and has gotten that juice all over himself … let’s see him try to wiggle out….now

  14. 37% of GOP voters in Ohio believe Obama is a Muslim.

    Do you think the GOP Party in Ohio has come out and said that this is not true?

    Why would 37% of GOP voters believe this and what would the OHIO GOP not forthrightly expose it as a lie?

    This is the GOP party today. This is how they are operating.

  15. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Bacon and Don the Ripper!

    You have EARNED this!

    Hat tip toBlue Virginia

  16. I’m totally convinced that the sentiment in this song is in play with some voters. When the GOP is polled as to who believes that Obama is a Muslim – and the numbers are in the 20-30% range – there’s a message there.

    1. DJRippert Avatar

      Four in ten liberals admit to being anti-Mormon. Is that acceptable prejudice?

  17. 4 in 10 liberals? really? got a CREDIBLE POLL?

    re: Conservative Whites during Massive Resistance in Va

    your Dad was a leader in that fight against Massive Resistance?

    no disrespect but name some white conservative figures/leaders known for their Conservatism and known for their forthright leadership against Massive Resistance.

    there may have been a few but the vast, vast majority of white conservative and leadership in Va was NOT on the side of black folks.

    and I think you know it.

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