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Satire: Lexington’s Battle of the Statues

by Thomas Moncure

The Virginia Military Institute removed the statue of former Professor (and Confederate General) Thomas J. Jackson from the front of barracks. In doing so they have meekly emulated the sterling example of the City of Richmond and other places. Cleansing the landscape of offensive historical figures is now the touchstone of our times.

Much remains to be done at VMI. The statue of Virginia Mourning Her Dead must come down. The sculptor, Sir Moses Ezekiel, fought for slavery as a member of the Corps of Cadets at the Battle of New Market. His fellow Cadets buried at the base of the statue, who also fought for slavery, must be disinterred and removed. Perhaps they can be reburied wherever Washington & Lee University determines to place the deceased Lees when they are expelled from the University (formerly Lee) Chapel.

But the most offensive statue is that of the avowed segregationist George C. Marshall.

It was General Marshall who announced that “it is the policy of the War Department not to intermingle colored and white enlisted personnel in the same regimental organization.” A recent biographer noted that Marshall was “a blend of indifference and condescension … driven by racist beliefs.” How can his statue be permitted to stand?

The only historical figure who appears to have avoided purging – thus far – is George Washington. His wealth was created (in addition to marrying well) on the backs of hundreds of slaves. He also exercised considerable effort in retrieving escaped slaves, and resorted to subterfuge to keep his favorite slaves in bondage. No accomplishments or heroic actions, however substantial, should be permitted to erase the taint of slavery and racism.

VMI has consistently presented itself as paragon of leadership. On the campus still stands a statue of George Washington, no less than a copy of the Houdon original in the Rotunda of Virginia’s Capitol. This presents an opportunity to boldly demonstrate leadership for the entire nation.

It is long past time when George Washington should be consigned to the memory hole. Eradicating him from history will allow great latitude in creatively inventing a past worthy of the present. The country needs to be rid of the irredeemably racist example of George Washington.

It’s the 21st Century. VMI can and should lead in this important mission. Combined with W&L’s efforts to banish politically incorrect dead animals, they could make Lexington, Virginia, the center of the known woke universe. Topple the Washington statue!

Thomas Moncure lives in Colonial Beach.

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