Sam Rasoul and Jewish Democrats in the General Assembly – An Uneasy Alliance

James C. Sherlock

Del. Sam Rasoul, D-Roanoke, speaks at a pro-Palestinian rally in Roanoke. 
Credit: David Hungate, The Roanoke Times

Salam “Sam” Rasoul is a Democrat delegate from Roanoke.

He still publicly blames Israel for an explosion at a Gaza hospital that the western world’s intelligence services have blamed on an errant Hamas rocket.

Even The New York Times changed its story after jumping the gun on that report.

At the rally (pictured), The Roanoke Times reported:

Rasoul, a Palestinian … used his speech to call for an immediate cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, and for the U.S. to stop funding Israel’s war effort.

Apparently he did not consider that wearing his team’s colors in a war might not be well received by some in his party.

He will find that his words and actions will cause, at best, discomfort within his caucus in January.

Rasoul and CAIR.  The Washington Post pointed out that Rasoul’s 2021 race for Lt. Governor was heavily financed by out-of-state Muslim advocacy groups, including $70,000 from the Secretary of the Council on Islamic-American Relations (CAIR).

CAIR was founded as the result of an FBI-monitored meeting in Philadelphia in 1993.  According to a subsequent federal indictment that resulted in criminal convictions:

The purpose of the meeting was to determine their course of action in support of Hamas’ opposition to the peace plan and to decide how to conceal their activities from the scrutiny of the United States government.

Influence Watch

has a particularly harsh view of the organization.  As did Northern Virginia Republican Frank Wolf in the Congressional Record in 2009.

CAIR is simply and straightforwardly a Hamas mouthpiece.

Bottom line.  Del. Rasoul’s positions are certainly his right, though the facts on the hospital explosion are not on his side since the evidence was gathered and assessed.

A cease-fire benefits Hamas, not civilians, since Israel has established the humanitarian corridors and Hamas has prevented them from leaving. Palestinians are hostages.

If Rasoul has any thoughts on the Israeli and American hostages, he has apparently kept them to himself.

There are no campaign finance limits in Virginia, so there is nothing to violate.

Del. Rasoul can disagree with the FBI on the nature of CAIR.  For $70,000, a huge amount of money from an out-of-state organization for a Lt. Governor primary (he lost), I suspect he does.

But while senior Democrats Eileen Filler-Corn and Mark Levine are gone from the General Assembly, he still has to caucus with Delegates Dan Helmer, Kathy KL Tran and newly-elected Amy Laufer.  All are Jewish.

There is inevitably going to be tension.  For a very long time.

Rasoul has courted it.

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120 responses to “Sam Rasoul and Jewish Democrats in the General Assembly – An Uneasy Alliance”

  1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    Sam condemned the Hamas attach on Israel and then accused Israel of bombing a hospital. The facts on that are still disputed. Nobody is defending Hamas — including Sam. I commend him for speaking up against indiscriminate killing of Palestinian people in Gaza – as long as he condemns the violent attack by Hamas. And that is exactly what he is done as far as I can tell.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      I’d pick that statement apart, but it is not worth my time.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        I would reply to your non-reply … but it is not worth my time. I will just let you post nonsense.

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          Come on, admit it… Va Gentleman is your blog nom de plume for Sam Rasoul!

        2. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          This day in BaghdadBoberisms…

          Fog of war… or fast forward if necessary.

          Everybody does it.

        3. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          This day in BaghdadBoberisms…

          Fog of war… or fast forward if necessary.

          Everybody does it.

        4. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          This day in BaghdadBoberisms…

          Fog of war… or fast forward if necessary.

          Everybody does it.

    2. What facts are disputed? There was NO JDAM or 155mm crater at the hospital, thus no IDF attack.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Those were at the refugee camp, unless you count ambulances.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Those were at the refugee camp, unless you count ambulances.

      3. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman This hardly settled. To suggest Sam owes a response before the cause has been verified/ confirmed is unfair. But perhaps Sherlock knows more than the experts.

        1. From the article:
          “The UK said on Monday its assessment, based on intelligence and analysis by weapons experts, was that it was likely a missile fired from within Gaza towards Israel was responsible. French military intelligence also came to this conclusion.”

        2. From the article:
          “The UK said on Monday its assessment, based on intelligence and analysis by weapons experts, was that it was likely a missile fired from within Gaza towards Israel was responsible. French military intelligence also came to this conclusion.”

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            See my response to the same comment. The dissenting opinion in the BBC piece came from a long-time anti-Israel organization.

          2. I know. Anti-Semitic sites and people are all the rage these days.

            As is pseudo science. Some of these same characters probably also have articles about how the moon landing was fake.

        3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          If you were to look at the work of the Forensic Architecture Agency mentioned as the dissenting voice in the BBC article, you will see that every investigation they have ever undertaken in that area blames Israel.

          If you looked, you would see that the organization’s Advisory Board is populated by such people as Yazid Anani, a professor from the West Bank; Ryvka Barnard, the Deputy Director of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign in the UK; and Mazen Masri, a legal advisor to the Palestine Liberation Organization.

          Personnel are policy.

        4. Or perhaps you choose to hold on to false information instead of accepting any number of generally reputable sources who acknowledged their initial error like NYT.

          1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            I am not claiming anything. I am not suggesting that Israel bombed the hospital. I am simply stating that there was conflicting stories/accounts of what happened and Sam owes nobody an apology for what he said. He was quoting what numerous media reports were suggesting. This is post is nothing more than a deflection from a bunch of conservatives who lost big last week and wants to make themselves feel better.

    3. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Give up. They see only black or white. If it’s not black, it has to be white. If you hold Israel responsible for its atrocities then you are forgiving Hamas theirs. In their eyes, if Israel must kill 2 million Palestinians to eliminate Hamas, well, it’s justified.

      Of course, the hospital was an errant Hamas missile, but the refugee camp was neither errant, nor Hamas.

    4. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Give up. They see only black or white. If it’s not black, it has to be white. If you hold Israel responsible for its atrocities then you are forgiving Hamas theirs. In their eyes, if Israel must kill 2 million Palestinians to eliminate Hamas, well, it’s justified.

      Of course, the hospital was an errant Hamas missile, but the refugee camp was neither errant, nor Hamas.

      1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
        James C. Sherlock

        Easy question for you Nancy. Hamas and Israel are at war. Which do you want to win?

        1. Nancy Naive Avatar
          Nancy Naive

          You think someone is going to win? Who won in Vietnam?

          1. Stephen Haner Avatar
            Stephen Haner

            They did.

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            They did?

            For 10 years, we rampaged about that country bombing cities, mining harbors, burning fields and villages, denuding their forests with toxic defoliants. We dropped more high explosives on that patch of soil than in all of World War II. We killed 600,000 NVA and 1.6 million women, children and old men.

            No Steve. They didn’t win. We just sickened of the carnage.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Does give insight into how those on the right think about such things… and conclude what a “win” is.

          4. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It does. They probably think we lost Afghanistan and Iraq too.

            Kruppism has its rewards.

          5. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I asked “Which do you want to win?”

            I was absolutely sure you would not answer.

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Which do you want to win?”

            Easily answered. Israel – but only if they do so without slaughtering more innocent Palestinians. The point you ignore is that is the only way they can actually win.

          7. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            I want Penn State to win over Michigan because, odds are, nobody gonna die.

            Worthless questions deserve no answer. In case you haven’t figured it out, I have no “want” in this because there is no want in this. Might as well ask if I want to live forever.

            So, where do your loyalties lie? With Israel or the Palestinians?

      2. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

        Use of hospitals or other civilian facilities as cover for military operations violates the Geneva Conventions. Hamas is violating international law.

        Free the hostages, turn over all Hamas members to the United Nations and begin a cease fire. Recognize Israel, a Palestinian state and begin removing Israeli settlements from the West Bank.

    5. Matt Adams Avatar

      “Israel of bombing a hospital. The facts on that are still disputed.”

      There are no facts in dispute. First and foremost, it was a parking lot. Second, it was a bomb, it was propellent from a rocket. There was no signs of the concussive force that ordnance gives off.

      This has been confirmed by multiple sources.

      “I commend him for speaking up against indiscriminate killing of Palestinian people in Gaza – as long as he condemns the violent attack by Hamas. ”

      The Israeli’s aren’t “indiscriminating” killing people.

    6. “Sam condemned the Hamas attach on Israel…”

      Cardinal News: “The first thought is of course any attack on innocent civilians is heinous, and that kind of attack should be condemned,”
      -Del. Sam Rasoul

      Was that enough when Trump said something similar?

      “And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists, because they should be condemned totally — but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists.”
      – President Donald Trump

      Does Del. Sam Rasoul have other statements on record, preferably on video?

  2. walter smith Avatar
    walter smith

    I doubt it will cause any discomfort with D-emmings (Democrat Lemmings) as they will march in lockstep, like their federal “betters.” They would have had no problem with a certain delegate from Henrico had she won, which just shows how inept R’s are at running campaigns. You need more than a red vest and a smile, particularly when your opponents are power-crazed liars, lying. They set the terms of the debate, and it should have been the opposite – the Dems are the party of Moloch, child sacrifice. Make them state when it is “wrong.” I think science has me now convinced at any point it is “wrong” – you are taking a human life. For convenience. The fact that some political compromise may be necessary only shows their lack of morality. It may be legal, but it still isn’t right.
    Just unbelievable how inept Pubbies are.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      The alliance will be uneasy, but Sam is crucial when they have only 51 seats. And there are probably two D senators who also will support Hamas. Hashmi has also been quite open.

      War is always a tragedy, but Israel must win this war and since Hamas hides among the population as its human shields, tunnels under hospitals, and since it started the war proudly, the blood is on its head. To demand that Israel pause or grant a cease fire or hold its punches is to stand with Hamas. Period. That applies to Larry, VG and the other fellow travelers. Iran and Hamas are counting on our horror to force Israel into failure.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        re: ” Israel must win this war”

        Yes, but never clear to me what this really means. Gaza is still going to be there even if in ruins and there will still be a million or more Palestinians , many of whom will see Israel as an occupier and killer of their family members.

        Is that the “win” they seek and we support?

        Perhaps I’m not smart enough to see a better outcome and Haner can clue me in.

        1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
          James Wyatt Whitehead

          They have seen it that way since 1929. Gaza has been sent back to the stoneage.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            yep… what’s ahead?

          2. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            History, like dilly pickles, repeat.

          3. In another article, Mr. Sherlock said the Arab Jewish conflict went back 3,000 years. 3,000 is a nice round number, but there’s nothing around the time of King David to point to. Arabs wouldn’t even arrive in the area for 1,700 years.

            A better starting point for Arab Jewish conflict would be around 627 CE. That’s when the Jewish tribe Banu Qurayza in Medina (Yathrib at the time) was wiped out, complete with beheadings.

            Invasion of Banu Qurayza


          4. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
            James Wyatt Whitehead

            Perhaps he was referencing the Philistines. The modern term of Palestinians does not emerge util 1898. Latin/Greek derivative to start with.

          5. Philistines were Greek.

            If you go back close to 4,000 years, that would be the time of Abraham’s two sons. There was enmity between Jacob (Israel) and Ishmael (Arabs). But 3,000 doesn’t jump out as a starting point to me anyway.

          6. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I think I wrote that Jews had been persecuted everywhere in the world, including Judea and Samaria, for 3,000 years.

          7. Mr. Sherlock,

            Please don’t get me wrong, I enjoy and appreciate your articles. But if I might pass on some perspective, having studied the ancient history of the region in college, I wouldn’t say Israel was not “persecuted” in Judea and Samaria. Indeed, Jews have been persecuted in the diaspora, and in their return, but the frequent conquests in ancient history were primarily a result of geography. See below.

            What is interesting about this is how the geographical context, including the location of these major trade routes, can help us understand ancient Canaan/Israel/Judah better. The fact is that this little strip of land known as the Southern Levant serves as a land bridge that connects Egypt to Mesopotamia; and as a land bridge, all of the major trade routes go through it. So, if you wanted to go from Memphis in Egypt to Babylon in Mesopotamia, you would most likely take one of these routes through the Southern Levant.

            This had HUGE implications for the geo-politics of the region. Anyone who had grand ideas on being a superpower needed to control trade. In order to control trade, you had to control the trade routes. In order to control the trade routes, you had to control the region where the trade routes were concentrated – which was the land bridge. BUT WAIT, there’s more! In order to control the land bridge, you had to control the kingdoms located there – including Israel and Judah.

            The major superpowers of the ANE were not interested in Israel and Judah because it was so beautiful that they wanted a summer home there, or because it was rich in natural resources. No, they wanted control over Israel and Judah because they resided in the land bridge and the trade routes located there were the gateway to their power. All the superpowers mentioned in both the Hebrew Bible and Christian New Testament (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome) were, at least in part, influenced by this geographical fact.

            So if you’ve ever wondered why ancient Israel kept getting picked on by the superpowers of the day, wonder no further.

            I’m not familiar with this site, but the quoted text is correct.


          8. Matt Adams Avatar

            Hadrian completed the deed after the Bar Kokhba revolt in 132 CE.

          9. Hi Matt,

            It’s early, I haven’t had enough coffee and I’m probably missing something but I’m not following you. Bar Kokhba revolt was in 132 CE. Then, after the diaspora, was the Invasion of Banu Qurayzain 627 CE.

            There are accounts of some Jewish migration into Arabia after the destruction of the First Temple in Jerusalem by the Babylonians, but most went there after the Romans depopulated Judea from 134 – 138 CE.

            My point to Mr. Sherlock was that control of Judea and Samaria in very ancient times wasn’t necessarily motivated by hatred of the Jews. That happened largely because of geography. Maybe I’m being picky.

            Now, sacrificing pigs on the alter of the Second Temple which led to the Maccabean Revolt, erecting a place of worship for Jupiter on the Temple Mount, which resulted in the Bar Kokhba revolt, that’s different. Those seem to be deliberately provocative. I could therefore go with 2,200 years of persecution.

            My personal view is that the roots of the anti-Semitism we see today is the result of Jewish prosperity after the diaspora, and religious bigotry within Christianity and Islam. I welcome any well documented analysis to the contrary.

          10. Matt Adams Avatar

            Emperor Hadrian attempted to eradicate the Jewish people after that revolt, that was my only point. There had been previous diaspora’s but, that’s the one that sticks out to me. Not only did they force them out, the razed the temple and murdered hundreds.

            “My point to Mr. Sherlock was that control of Judea and Samaria in very ancient times wasn’t necessarily motivated by hatred of the Jews. That happened largely because of geography. Maybe I’m being picky.”

            I feel that statement to be true, it was just the run of the mill conquering. The Jewish people were just slaves to a varying number of people for a very long time, some treated them better than others. It didn’t have much to do with their religion.

            “My personal view is that the roots of the anti-Semitism we see today is the result of Jewish prosperity after the diaspora, and religious bigotry within Christianity and Islam. I welcome any well documented analysis to the contrary”

            I concur with this statement as well. I think case in point is Banking (early Christian faith didn’t allow usury) and Hollywood. Two institutions that no one wanted to do, so the Jewish people were left to do it and worked very hard and were very successful at it.

          11. “Emperor Hadrian attempted to eradicate the Jewish people after that revolt, that was my only point.”

            Thanks. I kind of figured that out after I had my coffee and read it again.

            I think BR readers would potentially benefit from a better understanding of the history of anti-Semitism, but I understand that there needs to be a link to something happening in Virginia.

            I am a Christian, and a Protestant, but will regretfully acknowledge the anti-Semitism within Christianity. Books of the Bible must be understood within their historical context.

            Without an appropriate understanding of historical context, some texts in the New Testament have been used to justify anti-Semitism.

            But among leftists, I think its largely their ideology of oppressed vs. oppressor. Anyone suffering must be oppressed. The Palestinians are suffering, therefore…

        2. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          I also look ahead and see many bad outcomes. But this is an existential threat to Israel and it needs to be free to determine its own future. One hopeful sign is that the rest of the Arab world is standing back so far. Perhaps they also want Hamas crushed and Iran restrained.

          I don’t see the US supporting insertion of a major peacekeeper force, but that may be coming after enough Hamas fighters and leaders have died.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            So the current Israeli approach is correct and the criticism is wrong? Israel should not change what they are doing?

          2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock


          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            War is heck Larry. Good thing you weren’t around during WWII to advocate for the Germans who weren’t all Nazis.
            Or are you now being a good Democrat and saying what Sherman did to Georgia was wrong? Lemme know

          4. LarrytheG Avatar

            Israel could help themselves by helping the civilians leave to camps that have shelter, food, water and medical care and the world would step up to help and Israel could then go after Hamas much more effectively with more or most of the civilians out of the way. “war” is no excuse for dumb IMO.

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            I will avoid the way too easy insult here.
            There are more miles of tunnels under Gaza than the entire NYC subway system. Tunnels were a huge part of our loss in Viet Nam.
            Hamas intentionally puts military supplies and redoubts amidst civilian populations and in places like hospitals.
            Hamas is restricting “Palestinians” from leaving.
            Hamas is evil. So maybe Hamas could help itself by stopping being evil IMO… Stop baking babies. Raping women. Televising it. Taking hostages. Quit using Western aid for military supplies to wage war on Jews.
            Quit being a Leftist tool.

          6. And which Arab nation has offered to take in Palestinians in large numbers? Dumb? Frankly, I was tempted to delete this as off topic because it is so far removed from reality. Hamas is not allowing people to leave when their presence shields Hamas and complicates the IDF efforts to reach Hamas—say in AlShifra hospital.

          7. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” And which Arab nation has offered to take in Palestinians in large numbers?”

            why is it the responsibility of other Arab nations instead of Israel ? Should Israel be taking the lead
            and ASKING others to help them – both Arab and non-Arab nations, many of whom WOULD help, standing ready to help if Israel sets up a plan for humanitarian aid. WHO do you think is currently trying to help
            the citizens with the hospitals? Do you think Israel is helping with the hospitals or providing alternatiive
            hospitals outside of Gaza away from Hamas?

          8. Larry,

            The UN has done more than its share to create the problem by treating the Palestinian refugees differently than all other refugees in history.

            Expose the Palestinian ‘Refugee’ Scam


          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            It’s more complicated than that. Israel itself is not helping and has not helped and basically wants
            the UN to do what it is not willing to even help to do.

            And it’s not just the UN. There are MANY humanitarian groups around the world that WOULD help
            more if Israel was also supportive and helped provide humanitarian corridors, camps, food, shelter, watr and medical care that Gazans could seek refuge at. Instead, they are told to “leave” and Israel does
            not seem to care where and feels no responsibility to help in that regard.

          10. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yep. But they also have let people go.

            Israel COULD set up protective corridors for Gazans to leave that lead to humanitarian camps with shelter, food, water, medical that would win Israel supporters Gazans and others around the world.

          11. It is indeed complicated, and you seem to be unaware of the history as well as the current reality on the ground.

            Israel opens second humanitarian corridor


          12. It is indeed complicated, and you seem to be unaware of the history as well as the current reality on the ground.

            Israel opens second humanitarian corridor


          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            Not oblivious at all… but also well aware that Israel is not doing this on their own without
            being pressured to do so and there are reports that it is not a protective corridor.

            What the civilians need is a protective corridor kept open and safe, and a place to go to
            that has shelter, food, water, medical, etc… and Israel is not doing near enough on that
            and what they are doing is because of pressure they’re getting, not their own leadership.

            Israel is not showing real leadership on helping the civilians who DO want to leave but need
            some place to go to also. Most of what is being accomplished is done grudgingly so without
            any real commitment to do what is needed.

          14. You are comparing what’s happening in Gaza to a fictitious ideal that has never happened in real life. You are constantly comparing Israel to other nations, with zero knowledge of what other nations do or don’t do. Like most of the world, you have ignored what’s happened in Yemen for example because it’s a war where Jews can’t be blamed. I can see no other reason for the intense scrutiny and micro management of Israel’s war with Hamas.

            It’s easy to sit comfortably and criticize.

            Hamas wants a Black Hawk Down scenario in Gaza with massive IDF casualties, and the world seems to want that as well. Jewish troops are expendable I guess.

          15. LarrytheG Avatar

            Actually there ARE PLENTY of examples of other countries and humanitarian organizations working to respond to a need.

            Israel is not doing what obviously needs to be done and other countries including the US are
            urging them to do so.

            Israel has every right and a responsibility to go after Hamas but it also has a responsibility to avoid
            killing great numbers of civilians including kids just like most other first world countries would do.

            In the end – what is going to happen to Gaza and Israel is it does not do the right thing now?

            They’re headed for an awful outcome with less and less world support and could end up
            as an isolated pariah for their perceived wanton disregard of civilians and Palestinians who
            are not going to go away… still gonna be there…

      2. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        It is abundantly clear that the only long-term solution is the one state solution. Many will die. But if for 18 years you keep committing terrorism and use your own people as shields because you hate the Saturday people, well…
        And I’d rather have Israel do the job now because these same crazed zealots will be coming for the Sunday people if not stopped (they are doing it now…they just hate the Jews more)

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          One state solution? I could go along with that, but I seriously doubt the Israelis would accept five million Palestinians as citizens.

          1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            They cannot, as you well know, be anything but a Jewish state with a Jewish army in that neighborhood. The alternative is slaughter.

            Based upon what is going on in the streets, Jews have discovered they need their own defensive armaments in New York and Washington and on “elite” college campuses.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            so the future for Gaza is occupation?

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Yep. And the Israelis need to force/require the other Arab neighbors to take them in. And I think Israel and the US need to have an official asterisk in their religious tolerance policies. If you are a Muslim, you can stay, but only if you renounce jihad.

          4. Matt Adams Avatar

            I’m rather certain that Israel has Arab representation in their Government.

            I’m also very certain that Hamas attacked other Arabs merely because they lived on the wrong side of the boarder.

            Open a book or learn something from actual news not a slanted parrot for once, and of God’s sake, do better.

          5. “I’m rather certain that Israel has Arab representation in their Government.”


            I’m waiting for the Israel bashers to show us where Jews hold elected office in Arab states.

            Truth is, Arabs don’t even hold elected office in Arab states.

          6. Mr. Hall-Sizemore:
            “One state solution? I could go along with that, but I seriously doubt the Israelis would accept five million Palestinians as citizens.”

            Would you want to import citizens who would vote in Hamas, or something like it to rule over you? Please, show me a functional Arab democracy anywhere in the Middle East.

      3. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Yes, yes. Once you’ve killed all the shields, whatever else you kill is, by definition, a legitimate target.

        1. Have you noticed that according the casualty reports coming from Hamas and quoted by the news media, not a single Hamas fighter has been killed, only civilians?

          If Israel wasn’t trying to avoid killing civilians, there would be many more dead in Gaza.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            Add them. Civilians from Gaza and Hamas from the IDF.

          2. So you admit that you trust Hamas Health Ministry to avoid including fighters in their casualty figures?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            Yes. And from IDF.

      4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
        Eric the half a troll

        “To demand that Israel pause or grant a cease fire or hold its punches is to stand with Hamas. Period.”

        This is simply false. It is the case that the Right would like to make so as to cynically (and ham-handedly) attempt to use this war as a domestic political wedge issue. In fact, the only way this doesn’t escalate or implode as Larry describes below is if Israel actually does show restraint. If they don’t, they are playing into Hamas’ hand.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I’m waiting to see if anyone actually gets to the point of admitting this.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Sorry, not the way the Right around here rolls these days…

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            A – stay with it – don’t change
            B – go silent
            C – admit it

        2. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Have you seen the death-to-Israel goons on the streets and campuses? It is not the “right” making this a wedge issue.

          As for playing into Hamas’ hand, the Israelis have made clear that their intent is to destroy Hamas – every single fighter. As for those Hamas leadership billionaires living in a 5-star hotel in Qatar – dead men walking.

          1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Have you seen the death-to-Israel goons on the streets and campuses? It is not the “right” making this a wedge issue.”

            Protesting oppression of and military action against a civilian population to the shouts of “anti-semite” and “terrorist” is not how a wedge issue works. Haner, with this comment, showed how the Right actually views this issue and demonstrates what you all true seek to gain from it.

            “The alliance will be uneasy, but Sam is crucial when they have only 51 seats. And there are probably two D senators who also will support Hamas.”

            Of course, he was just echoing your own words of glee:

            “Apparently he did not consider that wearing his team’s colors in a war might not be well received by some in his party.

            He will find that his words and actions will cause some discomfort within his caucus in January.”

          2. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

            And what about the violations of the Geneva Conventions by using hospitals and civilian sites for military operations?

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            No question. But the Palestinian people are NOT Hamas either.

            What is Israel actually doing to help the Palestinian people?

            Are they providing humanitarian corridors out that lead to Israel-supported refugee camps?

            Are they helping to keep the hospitals continue to operate after they have gone after Hamas?

            Does Israel support self-governance for Palestinians ?

            Do Palestinians have the same rights and freedoms as others in Israel?

          4. Edit: I just read Israel offered to evacuate the babies from Al Shifa and were turned down. They also offered fuel for things like incubators and were turned down Israel is providing humanitarian corridors for four hours at a time after three hours notice to move away from the battlegrounds. Where are the U.N. refugee camps? Or Hamas feeding and water stations? Why is Al Shifa hosp refusing to evacuate? What are Palestinian leaders doing to help their people? How many kidnapped hostages have been released? Israel is fighting for its existence. Refugee efforts come after wars. If Israel doesn’t survive,!the rest is meaningless.

          5. LarrytheG Avatar

            Israel survives better stronger and longer with much more world support when it demonstrates that Palestine civilians are deserving of humanitarian aid from Israel itself as well as others and deserves to
            have self-governance and equal rights and freedoms. Israel has to be part of the solution if Israel wants to have more support from the US and other free countries.

          6. f/k/a_tmtfairfax Avatar

            No, the Palestinian people aren’t Hamas, but many of them support Hamas just like many Germans supported Hitler.

            Note that Germany does not have a Veterans Day because of what Germany fought for in WW2. I heard a good explanation of this last spring while in Germany. There still seems to be some level of collective guilt for Hitler and the Nazis.

            Since October 7, 2023 was the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust, will there be any collective guilt among Palestinians 80 years from now for the actions of Hamas on October 7? Will there be any condemnation for Hamas’ violation of international law for using civilian sites for military operations?

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            What about it? No one here is debating the human rights violations of Hamas.

          8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            What about it? No one here is debating the human rights violations of Hamas.

          9. LarrytheG Avatar

            Have you seen the pro-Palestinian support from around the world, including virtually all humanitarian organizations, characterized by the right as pro-Hamas anti-Semitism?

          10. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            If I could get there, I would join them.

          11. I’ll be there in spirit, but try to avoid going to Washington DC if at all possible.

            Hopefully law enforcement is prepared and there’s no violence. The Hamas crowd likes to be the only voice on this issue.

          12. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Yeah! Look at these anti-semites!


          13. I saw pictures of them in Washington. Many were like children dressing up in costumes for Halloween, pretending to be Orthodox Jews.

            Look, they may have some Jewish blood, but they were so unfamiliar with Jewish culture that they made clowns of themselves trying to look Jewish. Quite deceitful.

            People of Jewish decent have a wide variety of views on almost any subject. That’s allowed in the U.S. and in Israel.

            In Gaza, a contrary view will get one tossed from the tallest building. It’s called defenestration, and Hamas is very good at it. Hamas needs to go.

          14. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            You love you some Proud Boys and anti-Israel Jews, don’t you.

            They give you cover.

          15. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Sorry, Sport, but the Proud Boys are right wingers. And I think you mean anti-Netanyahu Jews…

            But, please be more specific… what do you think they are covering me for…??

          16. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            I was at the big rally in Washington last Saturday. I saw signs “F… the Jews”, “Intifada forever” and, as I wrote, a young man dressed head to toe in his best ISIS garb.

            It was Jew-hatred on parade.

          17. LarrytheG Avatar

            and all those protests around the world are also that way?

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Perhaps the greatest irony is that the bridge connecting north Gaza to Israel is also named the Edmund Pettis Bridge.

    Oh wait. No, it’s not. Maybe it’s just symbolically so.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      Always deeper than the rest of us.

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Annnnn don’t you forget it Baba Looie.

    2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      Maybe Do-lung Bridge would be a more appropriate name…

  4. Question for those quoting Hamas casualty figures. Where are the Hamas militant dead? Is every death in Gaza, a civilian?

    Israel is said to be the 4th most powerful military on Earth. If they weren’t desperately trying to avoid civilians, there’d be a hell of a lot more killed after a month of fighting.

    BTW – Hamas is estimated to have 30,000 – 40,000 fighters.

  5. For those spouting Palestinian talking points like 75 years of mistreatment, do you have any clue what the Arab world was like when Israel became a nation? Arabs had zero interest in human rights at the time. It would be another 14 years before the Saudi Arabia would even make slavery a crime.

  6. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    See Dr Ahmed article in the WSJ to put the lie to the Roanoke terrorist supporter.

    1. I wasn’t able to read that article as I don’t have a subscription to WSJ.

      I did watch this video, however. It alludes to the real problem which created this situation – the UN itself. Unlike every other refugee situation in UN history, the Palestinians refugees have not be resettled. Instead, they have been kept permanently unsettled as a weapon against Israel.

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