by Jon Baliles

Richmond unveiled a new sculpture last week on the site of the old Westhampton School (near St. Mary’s Hospital) that marked the desegregation of the West-End school in 1961. The 12-foot piece, entitled “Strides,” marks that day when 12-year old student Daisy Jane Cooper (now Jane Cooper Johnson) arrived as the first African American student following a three-year legal battle that took a U.S. District Court’s intervention. (Photo courtesy of Bon Secours.)

At age 9, Jane was having to travel five miles to get to the segregated Carver Elementary School. In 1958, civil rights attorney Oliver Hill submitted an application to the Richmond City School Board on behalf of Jane’s mother to transfer Jane to the all-white Westhampton School. The State Pupil Placement Board rejected the request, which led to the lawsuit that lasted three years and resulted in a groundbreaking victory in 1961. It impacted not only Richmond City schools but other localities as well — and the ruling meant that African-American students no longer required permission from the State Board to attend a white school.

A year after first walking through the doors of Westhampton, Cooper also became the first African-American student to integrate Thomas Jefferson High School in September 1962, after deciding she wanted to go there instead of the all-black Maggie Walker High School.

You can watch this fascinating 2003 interview with Jane Cooper (Johnson) and her mother, Elizabeth, that is preserved in the VCU Libraries Digital Collection. Cooper (Johnson) talks with her mother about the challenges and hesitations about the filing of the lawsuit, being asked not to play outside, the intimidation she faced, what her first day at school was like, and what it was like at school after she moved on to Jefferson.

According to Bon Secours, the sculpture was designed by local artists Matt Lively and Tim Harper and was created to evoke “experienced feelings surrounding the history that allows for conversations and understanding” in regards to incidents that occurred at Westhampton School.

“Strides,” aptly named to honor those first courageous steps Jane Cooper Johnson took on the steps leading to the Westhampton School in 1961, consists of two 12-foot by 6-foot forms. Standing four feet apart, the two mirrored forms create negative space between them in the shape of a plus sign, which serves as a visual symbol of integration. By entering and moving through this negative space, one can sense tension from the close proximity of surrounding forces. This exercise is meant to inspire viewers to consider what Ms. Cooper Johnson must have felt that first day of school, with the weight of mounting pressures all around her.

Emerge from the interior and walk around the sculpture to either end and one can see that “Strides” is, in essence, two plus signs consolidated into one experience. This is the story of integration: the joining of many for the strength of all.

Jon Baliles is a former Richmond city councilman. Republished with permission from RVA 5×5.

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10 responses to “RVA HISTORY: Strides of Strength”

  1. DJRippert Avatar

    Sounds like a perfectly good memorial to societal progress made 63 years ago.

    For another take on what happened during school desegregation in Virginia – here is an interview with the first student to integrate my FCPS high school – Groveton High School. Ray Barber tells a story of acceptance at Groveton and resistance downstate.

  2. LarrytheG Avatar

    Thanks. 1962 –

    I wonder how much family wealth Jane’s family had at that time and then now, today or how many in her family had gone beyond k-12 to higher ed, then… and now…

    What Jane Cooper ended up doing to make a living?

    Will the defenders of “history” for Jim Crow statues advocate “protecting” this one from being torn down?

    1. What Jane Cooper ended up doing to make a living?

      If you had visited the links included in the article you would know.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I did read links but not the interview…. never saw it.. did some google still no luck.

        1. It’s in the document at the “submitted an application…” link.

          She retired from VDOE and is working in real estate.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            THANKS. I did miss that. VDOE, I assume NOT a teacher? I wonder what? College-educated?

          2. Here is an obituary of her mother. It is apparent she was also a remarkable woman.

          3. LarrytheG Avatar

            One wonders how much a seamstress could afford to pay a law firm to fight segregation unless they did it pro bono.

            But the Obit very clearly lays out that racism was ongoing in the 50’s and 60’s, not that long ago in terms of a family’s ability to build wealth and have kids attend college.

  3. Nice monument. I like it.

    And what a great story of real bravery. I’m sure Miss Daisy Jane Cooper was very afraid – but she acted anyway.

    Thank you for writing this article, and thank you to Bob Rayner for posting it.

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