by Jon Baliles

Jack Jacobs at Richmond Biz Sense has an update about the ongoing fallout from the collapse of the Enrichmond Foundation last summer. All of the small organizations that used Enrichmond as a fiduciary lost access to their money (which may be gone for good; stay tuned) and other things like insurance coverage.

While there are efforts underway to transfer two historically Black cemeteries formerly under Enrichmond’s purview to the city, there has not been any statement, hint, clue, concern, or any sign of emotion uttered by the Mayor about when or if the city will help restore the funding of these small groups that do a lot of valuable work to help the City and save staff time.

Since no one at City Hall seems to be interested in helping, Richmonders are doing what they do best — they are doing it themselves (aka DIY).

For example, the group RVA Clean Sweep counts nearly 1,500 people who support it by going around the city picking up trash. They lost their insurance coverage and about $3,000 when Enrichmond folded. Have they quit trying to help clean up the city? Nope.

They held fewer cleanups and told volunteers to be extra careful as they were volunteering without insurance, but they still kept cleaning and sweeping. But no insurance means they were not able to apply for grants or hold as many cleanups as they would like, according to RVA Clean Sweep Director Amy Robins.

But they still held cleanups because they wanted their volunteers to stay engaged. “Robins feared that a prolonged hiatus on activity would cause volunteers to drift away from the cause of cleaning up litter in the city,” wrote Jacobs.

So they had discussed being acquired by the city’s Clean City Commission back in early 2022 and that accelerated last fall after Enrichmond folded. The Clean City Commission is also a litter cleanup group affiliated with the city and led by City Council appointees.

Another organization that saw $29,000 disappear is the Richmond Tree Stewards. The group went ahead after Enrichmond dissolved to gain its own 501(c) status so it can continue to give away trees and help maintain many of the ones that are on city property or rights-of-way. President Dave Pohlmann said, “We were penniless and not tax-exempt. We thought it was crazy and we wouldn’t want to be in this situation again, so we went independent.”

Did the Stewards let the situation or lack of action from City Hall stop them? Nope. They gave away 2,000 trees last fall and are staying focused on their vital green mission. “We are trying our best to continue with our mission as originally written,” Pohlmann said.

And another non-profit called Verdant Richmond, tasked with restoring green spaces across the city has now stepped up as a fiduciary to small groups if they need it. Jacobs talked with the founder, Lawrence Miller.

Verdant had six groups, five of them community gardens, officially operating under its umbrella as of last week, Miller said.

Miller said the city’s parks department contacted Verdant in July to see if it would serve as a replacement for Enrichmond. He said Verdant bought an insurance policy shortly after that, and in addition to offering insurance coverage, it also holds the donated funds of its member groups.

The focus on community garden groups is intentional, as it aligns with Verdant’s own programming focus. But Miller said he expected that Verdant would cast as wide a net as Enrichmond did, with various community groups under its wing.

“Our scale is entirely different from Enrichmond and our mission is different and we’re working just to support these groups,” said Miller. “We’re happy to help. I want these groups to do well. It does diverge from the mission, but this is a slight pivot, not a total change of course.”

Some groups are hesitant to join up as they fear they might lose any new funds they could raise or have raised since last summer. They don’t want to lose the money again, which is an understandable sentiment.

But what if the city took just a tiny slice of the budget this one time to make these groups whole so they can get back to full throttle and help the city? Perhaps then those groups might take Verdant Richmond up on their offer to help or they can do what the Tree Stewards did and form their own entity.

I’m just happy to see these groups taking action on their own because waiting for our “leaders” to do something (or even say something) seems to be a lost cause.

Jon Baliles is a former Richmond City Councilman. This is an excerpt from the original article posted on his blog, RVA 5×5. It is posted here with permission.

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5 responses to “RVA 5×5: RVA = DIY”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    This situation is really disgraceful. These are volunteer groups trying to do things to make Richmond a better place to live. We have Jon Baliles to thank for bring this to light since no other media has done so. It is a continuation of what I have long observed with the city–it just can’t do the basic stuff of governing. The mayor has been busy on large flashy projects, some of which went nowhere, to pay attention to basic efforts to make the city a better place to live, such as picking up trash and planting trees.

  2. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    What is the biggest lie in the world- I am from the govt and I am here to help. In my life I have found very few govt services that cared about the “customer” which I remember correctly was started by Alan Brunnacini a Phoenix Fire Chief. It was a crock when he said and I told him that. Customer have a choice, when it comes to the govt you serve them not the other way around. Next to the cartels probably the biggest crime org in NA.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      I assume that you and your children did not go to public schools, drive on public roads, go to restaurants that are inspected by the health department, benefit from protection by the sheriffs’ department and State Police, etc. etc. When you are old enough to retire, since you believe that govt. is a scam, I assume that you will not sign up for Medicare (that would be a big mistake, by the way. I speak from experience.)

      1. James Kiser Avatar
        James Kiser

        Well being as you didn’t read what I said the only reply I can make is you have no choice in anything you named as being provided by the so called govt.

        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          You have a choice not to send your kids to public school, not to call the police when needed, not to sign up for Medicare, and not to go to grocery stores and restaurants, but eat only food that you or your neighbors grow or produce.

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