Russian Trolls, Gas Pipelines, and Double Standards

Finally, an outlet of the mainstream media has caught on to an issue pushed for months by conservative blogs and websites: the fact that the Russians are working to thwart the construction of natural gas pipelines in the United States. The D.C bureau of the McClatchy newspaper chain published last week an article highlighting the effort of Russian Internet trolls to halt the $3 billion Sabal Trail pipeline supplying gas to central Florida.

A crew from Russia Today, the state-backed television network, descended upon downtown Miami in late 2016, McClatchy says, to provide global news coverage of a rally for the purpose of “[turning] the public against the nearly completed pipeline.” The article continued:

What the demonstrators didn’t know was that so-called Russian internet trolls had been busy for two weeks encouraging people to turn out for the protests with posts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. They used phony, American-sounding identities — names such as Steven Cook and Amalie Baldwin. …

At least eight Russian accounts, most tied to the troll farm known as the Internet Research Agency, sent at least 16 social media messages excoriating the Sabal Trail pipeline or retweeting messages from one of its most prominent opponents, a frequent guest on RT. The tweets were sent to a total of more than 40,000 followers as well as anyone else who saw them via hashtags.

The social media propaganda was part of a broad Kremlin campaign to disrupt the booming American energy industry, which seemingly overnight has emerged as a threat to Russia’s global dominance, U.S. authorities say.

The national news media has given extensive coverage to the role of Russian troll factories in aggravating social tensions and spoiling the 2016 presidential election, highlighting any link that might support the theory of “collusion” between the Putin regime and the Trump campaign. But until the McClatchy piece appeared, not a single mainstream media outlet had explored the incontrovertible evidence that the same trolls were seeking to thwart the fracking of natural gas and construction of natural gas pipelines – not just Sabal Trail but the Dakota Access Pipeline. It’s also worth noting that none of the big MSM media outlets has yet to follow McClatchy’s lead in writing about the story.

Foes of fracking and pipelines have plenty of reasons to oppose the natural gas boom, so it’s not as if the Russkies are convincing them to stake out positions they wouldn’t take anyway. Indeed, the Kremlin’s digital warriors contribute nothing new to the debate; they just amplify arguments already in circulation. But there is no denying that the interests of environmentalists and Russians align: Both are trying to shut down expansion of the natural gas industry. Environmentalists are worried about global warming. The Russians want to suppress the ability of U.S. oil and gas producers to compete in world markets. In a vivid sign of the geopolitical implications, last November, the Polish national oil and gas company signed a five-year agreement to import liquefied natural gas from the United States, loosening Moscow’s leverage over the eastern European nation.

The MSM has been equally uninterested in the documented flow of money from Russian energy interests through the Bermuda-based Klein Fund to the California-based the Sea Change Foundation, which in turn funnels millions of dollars into environmental causes — one of which has been the left-wing, Charlottesville-based group Virginia Organizing, which opposes the Atlantic Coast Pipeline and Mountain Valley Pipeline. The Russian money was co-mingled with contributions from various millionaires and billionaires at Sea Change, so it is impossible to say that “the Russians” were funding Virginia environmental groups. Still the finding that Russians were subsidizing the anti-carbon movement was a stunning revelation.

(I know of no evidence either to suggest that Russian Internet trolls have been feeding opposition to the ACP and MVP, although I doubt anyone has looked into the matter.)

The object of my ire here is not the environmental movement, which would oppose fracking and the pipelines with or without Russian interference. It’s the double standard of the mainstream media. If anyone in the Trump campaign so much as sneezed near a Russian, he prompted rounds of speculation about collusion, accusations that Trump is in Putin’s pocket, and wailing that American democracy is under assault. But when Russians try to manipulate U.S. energy policy? Silence. When Trump pursues a drill-baby-drill energy policy that shifts the geopolitical balance of power against Russia, thus demolishing the narrative of Trump doing Putin’s bidding? Nothing to see here, keep on moving.

The reality of Russian meddling says nothing about what kind of long-term energy future is best for Virginia. The fact that Putin would like to shut down the American gas industry is not in itself a reason that Virginians should support natural gas. We need to find an energy mix between gas, solar, wind, nuclear and coal that best balances the goals of cost, reliability and sustainability for us regardless of what the Russians or Trumpists want. But the blanket of silence, with the sole exception of this one McClatchy article, provides more proof, as if any more were needed, that the MSM operates in an echo chamber that drowns out any news that doesn’t fit its narrative.

Trump, according to Washington Post fact checkers, has lied more than 3,000 times since taking office. I believe it. The man clearly has a malleable, post-modern concept of “the truth.” But the MSM lies by omission every single day. Someone ought to check on that.

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12 responses to “Russian Trolls, Gas Pipelines, and Double Standards”

  1. vaconsumeradvocate Avatar

    As one who is heavily involved in the opposition to both the MVP and the ACP, I have not seen any evidence of Russian troll involvement. The people I see promoting things that most people pay attention to are real people affiliated with real groups that I know.

    Given how badly we the people are losing, both as individual landowners and as community members, it’s hard for me to even entertain the idea that Russians are helping us. It feels like everyone is against us and opposed to us having use of our own property for our purposes, clean air and water, and safety from risk of explosion or terrorist attack (especially those of us in Buckingham near the compressor station at the crossing of the ACP and Transco who only get the lowest, least expensive safety since we’re rural, not the higher safety that is more expensive afforded populated areas).

    Suggesting that there is Russian involvement on our side is pretty far-fetched and for me, a bridge too far. It suits some folks purposes to make those of us opposed to pipelines out to be violent, crazy, and worse, but I have not experienced any of that. I’ve just seen caring people who feel ignored by the system and most of our elected officials and even neighbors. I’m really sorry you felt the need to even bring this issue up. It’s just one more excuse for some to use for ignoring our pleas.

    We have had much trouble getting our message picked up by major media and too few people understand our needs/ concerns. The troll possibility gets more attention than we do. I think you’re making a lot of something that isn’t worthy of attention.

    1. Suggesting that there is Russian involvement on our side is pretty far-fetched and for me.

      Just to be totally clear, I explicitly stated that I have seen no evidence of Russian trolling in the ACP and MVP controversies.

  2. vaconsumeradvocate Avatar

    P.S. I also know that there is no truth in Virginia Organizing getting funding to “funnel” to local groups from Sea Change or anyone else like that. The news article that made that claim also named one of the groups I’m directly involved in as a recipient which is absolutely untrue. We know exactly where our money came from and have not received any large sums from anyone. There is good reason to not give this story attention. It’s not true; was made up from the start.

  3. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    The woman who recently climbed down from her tree house in the path of the pipeline on Bent Mountain is known as “Red” Terry….aha!

    Hardly a surprise that the MSM is only interested in this kind of Russian behavior if it is not aligned with their world view, and turn a blind eye when interests are aligned. As I’ve read some of the breathless coverage of the impact the Koch donations have had on George Mason and other schools I kept asking myself, have any liberal organizations or donors sought similar influence when giving money? Seems like a safe bet.

    As we fret about what the Putin government or others are up to when seeking to inflame our politics, let’s also wonder just what our own government might be doing to meddle in the politics of other nations. I suspect this is just the new way of things, and figuring out who started it might be impossible.

    As always, follow the money. (And if indeed it does not lead to VA Organizing, that false report needs to be corrected.)

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      re: ” breathless coverage of the impact the Koch donations have had on George Mason and other schools I kept asking myself, have any liberal organizations or donors sought similar influence when giving money? ”

      Have you consulted FOX “News” or Drudge or Brietbart to see what the “reporting” is over there on liberal versions of the Koch Boys takeover of Higher Ed?

      I mean I bet my soiled underwear that George Soros has been up to similar no good also.. right?

      Why… you’d think with all this blather about the biased lame stream Media that the Koch Boys join Murdock and launch their own newspaper to counter Bezos and Buffet liberal rags…

  4. vaconsumeradvocate Avatar

    Here is a recently released academic study:

    Critical energy justice in US natural gas infrastructuring

    Mary Finley-Brooka, , , Travis L. Williamsb, Judi Anne Caron-Sheppardc, Mary Kathleen Jaromind

    a University of Richmond, Department of Geography and the Environment, #310 International Center, Richmond, VA 23173, United States
    b Sociology Program, Virginia Commonwealth University, United States
    c Sociology Program, Norfolk State University, United States
    d Environmental Studies Program, University of Richmond, United States

    Received 30 June 2017, Revised 4 April 2018, Accepted 8 April 2018, Available online 1 May 2018

    Show less

  5. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    The entire idea that Russian cyber warriors are behind opposition of landowners and environmentalists to U.S. pipeline projects is absurd. This blog post is as well.
    Where is Russia’s most logical market for gas exports? Europe. Guess what? Russia already supplies 40 percent of Europe’s gas demand through pipelines. Gazprom’s biggest problem is that some of those pipelines go through Ukraine, which Russia has invaded. Solving those problems is simple: make peace with Ukraine although this is not likely since Putin has just been reelected. Russia plans three big new pipeline projects. One, Nord Stream 2, would bypass Ukraine and go under the Baltic Sea to Germany. Another would head south towards Turkey and another to China.
    So, where do potential LNG shipments from the U.S. fit into this picture? Not a whole hell of a lot. How can LNG from the U.S. supplant Russian gas piped in? True, Poland is going to get some LNG shiploads from Louisiana, but one would assume that the pipelines to the terminal have already been built. As for Dominion’s COve Point LNG terminal, most of that gas is supposed to go to India and Japan. And, when Russia does export oil and gas, they are likely to do swapouts. For instance, when the Russians supplied Cuba, they’d get Mexico to send Havana a ship load and then supply a Mexican client closer to Rusia.
    This is not to say that there has been lots of tension between the U.S. and Russia over pipeline politics. Consider the scheme in 1982 when Reagan was in office to have the Soviets buy bogus pipeline software that resulted in a massive explosion in the Soviet Union and the execution of a KGB spy:

    And, one reason why the Russians got brutal in Chechnya and Georgia was because they wanted to protect pipelines in service or being planned to take petroleum from the Caspian area overseas.

    Now this is pretty serious stuff. It isn’t Russian “bots” leading naive American greenies and landowners to protest pipelines.

    Now Bacon is going to say he didn’t say there was evidence the Russians were tampering with pipeline protests but that’s what he is saying. His post and some of the comments are wacky in the extreme.
    Two of the greenest presidents were Teddy Roosevelt and Richard M. Nixon. Were they Russian agents of influence?
    I can’t understand the McClathcy article and am not “shocked. SHOCKED, mind you” that the Mainstream media is ignoring the story of the century.
    So, RT television people covered something? Gee Whiz that is just awful. BTW, RT interviewed me on radio a few years ago about the tea party movement. Does that make me a spy? I did spend a total of six years in Moscow as a journalist. Maybe I am a “bot”, sort of like the Manchurian Candidate.

    Suggesting that

    1. The entire idea that Russian cyber warriors are behind opposition of landowners and environmentalists to U.S. pipeline projects is absurd.”

      I agree.

      Now Bacon is going to say he didn’t say there was evidence the Russians were tampering with pipeline protests but that’s what he is saying.

      You’re right — I am going to say that I didn’t say there was no evidence that Russians are tampering with pipeline protests — at least here in Virginia.

      This is what the post was about — and what you studiously ignore: “If anyone in the Trump campaign so much as sneezed near a Russian, he prompted rounds of speculation about collusion, accusations that Trump is in Putin’s pocket, and wailing that American democracy is under assault. But when Russians try to manipulate U.S. energy policy? Silence. When Trump pursues a drill-baby-drill energy policy that shifts the geopolitical balance of power against Russia, thus demolishing the narrative of Trump doing Putin’s bidding? Nothing to see here, keep on moving.”

  6. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    This remark shows a certain misunderstanding of U.S. energy policies. The gush of shale oil and gas was due to fracking at the end of the last decade in the U.S. So what happened? Oil and gas prices dropped dramatically. Then what happened? The fossil fuel industry cut back on fracked production because it was too expensive for them. The Russians had nothing to do with this.

  7. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    As for Trump and the Russians, Trump has had shady relations with them for years. Why doesn’t he release his income taxes like all other presidents have? There is clear evidence of Russian intrusion into U.S. political campaigns. Putin is an autocratic dictator.
    Yipes, if it were Reagan, you’d be heaping on the praise.

  8. Steve Haner Avatar
    Steve Haner

    There is clear evidence of Russian intrusion into US and European political campaigns and there is equally clear evidence that the same online efforts focus on and magnify political turmoil around various other issues. It apparently happened with the NFL national anthem arguments – why not the pipeline issues? The end is to (further) erode (already shaky) confidence in our institutions – the means are flexible. Nobody ever seems to ask the question – are we doing unto others as they do unto us? Anybody wanna bet we are not?

    As for Trump, I can only hope that naivete explains his apparent fondness for Ras-Putin. Birds of a feather. But with the price of oil rising again (and it will probably jump now with the Iran story!) the only thing holding back US production is shortages of materials.

  9. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Just for you, here’s a national anthem. Notice the flag is RED

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