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Russ Potts Gets Great Press

Third party gubernatorial candidate Russ Potts didn’t need to be in the debate to get his message out. Bob Lewis of the AP, after writing up the debate with a balanced look at both Kaine and Kilgore, then rushed to do a full story just on Potts’ reaction. It’s on the Times-Dispatch website.

It’s obvious that Potts is almost exclusively an anti-Kilgore candidate. He whined,

“I thought it was a sad commentary on democracy in Virginia when a candidate for governor doesn’t have the courage, the conviction or the confidence to get on a podium with the two other candidates for governor.”

If this is such a bedrock principle, it’s curious why Potts doesn’t criticize Kaine for lacking the courage to refuse a debate in which Potts can’t participate.

Potts’ transportation stand would seem marginally closer to Kilgore than Kaine, but Potts only criticizes Kilgore:

He would have demanded Kilgore and Kaine say how they would pay for any substantive highway improvements since both offer initiatives that rely on constitutional amendments that could not take effect before 2009.

But the nominees addressed the issue anyway. Kilgore said he would sign no tax increase legislation not first submitted to a referendum. Kaine said he would veto any tax bill passed before dedicated transportation funds are protected by a constitutional amendment.

“I’d oppose the referendum because you spell referendum C-O-W-A-R-D, coward,” Potts said.

At least with Kilgore’s plan, there’s a chance that a tax hike Potts is itching to impose could take effect before 2009. But, it’s cowardice to submit it to voters! It’s much more courageous to wait until 2009 for a potential constitutional amendment before raising taxes.

The real winner of the debate may have been Potts, not a master debater, but a master media manipulator.

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