Rules Are for the Little People: Terry McAuliffe Edition

Terry McAuliffe violated federal mask-wearing regulations while traveling on an Amtrak train this summer, as seen in photos obtained by Fox News. The Democratic Party candidate for governor, who has urged others to wear masks, spoke maskless on a cell phone while walking through Union Station and boarding a train, according to the passenger who snapped the photos.

Screen grab from an April 20, 2021 tweet.

It will be interesting to see if those who fume against maskless Trump voters apply the same standards to McAuliffe. So far, only conservative news outlets such as Fox News, the New York Post, and the Washington Examiner have covered the story.

Here is the response from the McAuliffe campaign as published in the New York Post:

“Glenn Youngkin has shown Virginians he will be a failure when it comes to controlling this pandemic and rebuilding Virginia’s economy,” spokesperson Renzo Olivari said. “Glenn has an extensive history of not following CDC mask guidelines dating back to the worst periods of the COVID-19 pandemic, and he peddles such dangerous anti-vaxx and anti-mask rhetoric that doctors in Virginia have begged him to stop undermining measures that will prevent the spread of this virus.

“Terry is the only candidate in this race who has a plan to get Virginians vaccinated, keep our kids in schools, and create a better future for all Virginians,” Olivari added.

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17 responses to “Rules Are for the Little People: Terry McAuliffe Edition”

  1. That’s not a hard and fast rule, that’s just a technicality…

    1. Matt Adams Avatar

      I also believe this was after POTUS Biden invoked rules that makes were required on all Federal property.

      Maybe TMac isn’t aware that Slamtrak is a Government Entity.

  2. Irene Leech Avatar
    Irene Leech

    Do things like this really help our society? I’ve noticed that lots of people enter a building requiring masks without them but then put them on. It looks as if he might be entering the train while on the phone and might not have put a mask on yet. Both political parties need to stop “gotcha”. Otherwise we’ll continue to be at odds on more and more things.

    1. Packer Fan Avatar

      Don’t know about the rules for trains, but you’re not getting on an airplane without a mask on.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar

      He was also photographed walking around Penn Station in NYC not wearing one.

      “Both political parties need to stop “gotcha””

      It’s not a “gotcha” when it’s illustrative of rules for thee not for me.

    3. DJRippert Avatar

      Nice try but the train station requires masks too.

    4. tmtfairfax Avatar

      Your response is a joke. Urging no more “gotcha” only when a Democrat gets caught. But don’t worry, the human filth at the Washington Post will work overtime to find some other issues to protect Terry.

      Just got back from Alaska where we all had to wear masks from the Uber to the Airport to the planes to the van that picked us up to the motor coach to the train to the ship that took us whale watching to every federal building (including the old Kennecott mill).

    5. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Irene, had you spoken up earlier with that POV I might think you meant it. But you are just defending your favored (and indefensible) candidate. “Rules for thee but not for me.” Newsom the Hypocrite survived, and so may Terry the Hypocrite, but calling it out is valid. He’s running ads falsely attacking Youngkin for the attitude he, McAuliffe, is modeling.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Newsom “survived” ? 😉

        hmmm…. sounds like California wasn’t buying what the GOP was selling at all!

        And I’m betting Virginia is going to do the same!

        I guess a majority prefers “hypocrites” over GOP!


        1. Stephen Haner Avatar
          Stephen Haner

          The barking yellow dog….

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            I do wonder if the GOP has screwed that pooch!

  3. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive


    1. Wahoo'74 Avatar

      This is but one of McAuliffe’s hypocrisies. I hope that moderate Democrats and even leftist ones who own small businesses closely examine what the tax policies of the Progressive wing of the Democrat Party – which now drives the bus at the Federal and Blue States levels – will do to Sub S companies which comprise over 90% of the 5,000,000+ small businesses in America. Because they are taxed at personal rates the individual tax hikes will kill them.

      The historically inevitable result will be fewer new hires and higher prices for services and products for consumers. These are “de facto” tax hikes if you define that as less take home money for consumers.

      This is a microcosm of the philosophical differences between Republican Capitalists and “Social Democrats”:
      1) Capitalists lower taxes and reduce regulations. Jobs increase, unemployment drops, government dependency and therefore Progressive social income support expenditures decline. Pre-COVID that is precisely what happened under Trump. As of February 2020, we had literally the lowest Black unemployment rates in US history. EVER (
      2) Social Democrats increase taxes, decide who should be the recipients of government tax revenues largesse, and therefore increase government dependency. The core tenet of this is Progressive Democrats passionately believe they know better and care more than capitalist company owners. Feelings over facts. Habitual slow economic growth and reduced corporate reinvestment therefore lower innovation and new corporations creation. Result: psychological dependencies on government programs that sap self-reliance and personal initiative. However, GREAT for more Democrat votes if you keep the money spicket on…..until the money well dries up.

      Virginians need to avoid voting for or against either candidate based on personal aversion to either Trump Biden or for that matter Gov. Northam. Vote on the policies of McAuliffe or Youngkin and their parties, not their or anyone else’s personalities.

      Unless you’re a VMI alumnus or alumna. After what Northam and the State Democrat legislature has done to your hallowed alma mater, I’d vote 100% Red ticket the rest of my life.👍😉

    2. Wahoo'74 Avatar

      This is but one of McAuliffe’s hypocrisies. I hope that moderate Democrats and even leftist ones who own small businesses closely examine what the tax policies of the Progressive wing of the Democrat Party – which now drives the bus at the Federal and Blue States levels – will do to Sub S companies which comprise over 90% of the 5,000,000+ small businesses in America. Because they are taxed at personal rates the individual tax hikes will kill them.

      The historically inevitable result will be fewer new hires and higher prices for services and products for consumers. These are “de facto” tax hikes if you define that as less take home money for consumers.

      This is a microcosm of the philosophical differences between Republican Capitalists and “Social Democrats”:
      1) Capitalists lower taxes and reduce regulations. Jobs increase, unemployment drops, government dependency and therefore Progressive social income support expenditures decline. Pre-COVID that is precisely what happened under Trump. As of February 2020, we had literally the lowest Black unemployment rates in US history. EVER (
      2) Social Democrats increase taxes, decide who should be the recipients of government tax revenues largesse, and therefore increase government dependency. The core tenet of this is Progressive Democrats passionately believe they know better and care more than capitalist company owners. Feelings over facts. Habitual slow economic growth and reduced corporate reinvestment therefore lower innovation and new corporations creation. Result: psychological dependencies on government programs that sap self-reliance and personal initiative. However, GREAT for more Democrat votes if you keep the money spicket on…..until the money well dries up.

      Virginians need to avoid voting for or against either candidate based on personal aversion to either Trump Biden or for that matter Gov. Northam. Vote on the policies of McAuliffe or Youngkin and their parties, not their or anyone else’s personalities.

      Unless you’re a VMI alumnus or alumna. After what Northam and the State Democrat legislature has done to your hallowed alma mater, I’d vote 100% Red ticket the rest of my life.👍😉

  4. DJRippert Avatar

    Two faced Terry is at it again. Remember when he demanded Northam’s resignation? Now he touts Northam’s support. And speaking of Northam … who can forget his TV ads accusing Gillespie of being a racist before the yearbook photo of Northam in blackface with a person in klan robes became public?

    What’s new? All federal employees must get vaccinated. Except Congress and members of Congress’ staff. Or employees of the Post Office.

    Liberals love fact checks. Here’s one … Biden say, “No I don’t think it should be mandatory, I wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.”

    Why … yes, he did. But that was before his cognitive decline caused him to push aside advice from his cabinet and haphazardly run out of Afghanistan. Needless to say, he needed some half-assed proclamation to divert attention from that fiasco. So, he reversed himself on vax mandates in order to establish a smoke screen for Afghanistan.

    Why is ANYBODY surprised by McAuliffe’s behavior?

  5. William O'Keefe Avatar
    William O’Keefe

    Do as I say; not as I do!

  6. LarrytheG Avatar

    Here is the question for Virginians. Do folks want Virginia to be run like other RED states are these days? Not so much about McAuliffe…. 😉

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