Roanoke College Swimmers Stand Up for Equality

Roanoke College women’s swim team (front row) and supporters at press conference at Hotel Roanoke, Oct. 5. (photo/Scott Dreyer)

by Scott Dreyer

At noon on Thursday, October 5, the Hotel Roanoke’s Washington Lecture Hall was the scene of a press conference featuring ten members of the Roanoke College women’s swim team. Aided by Riley Gaines and several women’s rights groups, they sought to shine a spotlight on what they portrayed as gross negligence and “emotional blackmail” at the hands of Roanoke College administrators, the NCAA, USA Swimming, and, by extension, state and federal politicians who have allowed them to suffer in many ways.

The crowd consisted of perhaps sixty to eighty people, including representatives of local media including WSLS-10, WDBJ-7, WSET-13, WFIR, The Roanoke Times, and Cardinal News. (In an apparent rebuke to Roanoke area media, a tabloid in London, The Daily Mail, broke the story early on the morning of October 5, hours before local news outlets – including us – reported on it.)

At around 11:55, a circle of approximately fifteen swimmers and their supporters held hands in the middle of the auditorium bowed their heads for a few minutes, appearing to be in prayer.

No police were seen in the room, but at some point during the event a Hotel Roanoke security guard did enter and stayed at the back of the room, observing. In some areas, speakers addressing issues surrounding gender dysphoria trigger extremism and even violence. On April 8, former University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines, who gained national attention for speaking against the unfairness of competing against a biological male, was attacked while trying to speak at San Francisco State University.

As reported here, a September 22-23 event in Richmond had to find a new venue twice when two sponsors buckled to threats and intimidation when investigative journalist Andy Ngo was to speak to The Virginia Council. Ngo was himself beaten by black-clad Antifa thugs in downtown Portland, Oregon in May 2021.

Thankfully, the Roanoke event was peaceful.

The 12:00 start was delayed for some reason, and around 12:15 Shannon “Danny” Clawson of Roanoke (who was arrested after refusing to leave a recent Roanoke County School Board meeting as reported here) along with a woman with rainbows painted on both cheeks entered the room. One of the meeting organizers asked her if she has RSVP’d per press protocol. Clawson them asked if they could RSVP on the spot via their cell phones and the organizer agreed. About five or six members of the media, already being at the back of the room, approached Clawson asking for comments, phone number, etc.

A few minutes later, another event organizer approached the two and was overheard to quietly tell Clawson, “We have learned that you were arrested recently, so I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” As a part of the County School Board melee, Clawson had continually shouted “Protect Trans Kids!,” thus making dialogue and continuance of the meeting impossible. Refusing the orders to leave on July 27th, Clawson and another protestor were arrested and charged with trespassing.

In the Hotel Roanoke press conference, Clawson was calm but defiant, once again refusing the request to leave. Clawson assured the organizer no disruption would be created to which the organizer replied, “I’m holding you to that.”

Around 12:20 Riley Gaines opened the event by introducing herself before unleashing in a very direct manner: “Quite frankly I’m mad, because we’re here again. Another mediocre male athlete identifying as a woman, vying to compete on the women’s team, has turned into a woman’s record-smasher without even trying. I saw first-hand the effects of this in our NCAA championships just a year and a half ago, when we were forced to compete and change in a locker room with Lia, formerly Will, Thomas.

“Just as a reminder, Thomas went from 462nd in the men’s category to just a year later winning a national title in the women’s category. I saw the tears, and I felt the extreme discomfort in the locker room, and I heard the whispers of anger and frustration from girls just like myself, just like the swimmers on Roanoke’s team, who worked their entire lives to get to that meet. But who considered our feelings? The feelings we felt of betrayal, and belittlement, and violation, and who considered our privacy, and our safety, and our dignity, and our equal opportunities?

“How did we () not create policies to prevent this blatant injustice from happening to any other girl or woman again, because any reasonable, sensible person would be able to see the harm that was being done by disenfranchisement in a matter of seconds?

“It happened to us, and it’s happening again at Roanoke College because we have weak leaders who are fine with women becoming collateral damage if it means being seen as ‘kind’ and ‘inclusive’ and ‘compassionate.’

“[The administrators at Roanoke College] are sending a clear message to all girls and women. And it’s a message that says, ‘We don’t matter.’ It’s a message that says our ability to give consent in areas of undressing is irrelevant, because we’re being ‘kind’ and ‘inclusive’ and that’s much more important. A message that we’re not worthy of recognition. A message that we simply exist to validate the feelings and identify of males, and then a message if we don’t do so with a big smile on our face then we’re hateful bigots.”

As if Gaines were a prophet, even before the press conference, Roanoke City Democrat Councilmembers Joe Cobb, Peter Volosin, and Luke Priddy released an open letter entitled “Hate Has No Place in Roanoke,” which WSLS-10 promoted on its website, slamming the press conference. In it, the politicians insinuated that the Roanoke College women swimmers and their allies are “haters” by not wanting to compete with biological males and daring to speak up publicly.

Republished with permission from The Roanoke Star.

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33 responses to “Roanoke College Swimmers Stand Up for Equality”

  1. UVAPast Avatar

    I wonder if all bathrooms in Congress and throughout the government offices allow opposite sex transgenders to use them?

    1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
      Eric the half a troll

      I am sure Danica will set that straight when she gets there…

      1. walter smith Avatar
        walter smith

        We need more mentally ill people in Congress. We haven’t fully destroyed the country yet. Go Team Troll!

        1. Eric the half a troll Avatar
          Eric the half a troll

          Danica is not mentally ill.

          1. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            That is your opinion. Res ipsa loquitur

          2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Not my opinion… a fact…

          3. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Still sounds like an opinion to me…especially coming from a Troll
            Should I trust Troll? Lemme see…
            Troll – how many sexes are there?

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Your perception does not change the reality that Danica is in no way mentally ill.

  2. If a person can ignore science and identify as a woman despite having an ‘outee’ to compete in a new gender class… it should be possible for a 22 year to compete in under 16 competition with the same leftist thought process

  3. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    Woke people, please make sure to add your pronouns to your resumes. It makes it easier for employers to identify and not hire you.

    1. Not Today Avatar

      Shocker…some already do. Regressive employers stay on X complaining they can’t ‘find’ employees tho. Related???

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Awww. Sounds like a job for the NCAA. Don’t compete until they do. Hit ‘em where it hurts, in the wallet.

    At least Trump doesn’t just casually stroll through the locker room like in his past.

  5. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
    Virginia Gentleman

    Would females feel more comfortable with a biological male transgender or biological female transgender in their locker room? Transgenders are not sneaking peaks at your vijayjays and boobies. Would you rather have a biological female transgender dressed as a male with facial hair sharing your locker room?

    1. vicnicholls Avatar

      You were saying? I have more.

      1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
        Virginia Gentleman

        What is your point? This is a difficult subject dealing with human beings struggling with gender identity. They are real people. Sure their are bad actors – just like in every other demographic of our population. But forcing a biological female transgender into a locker room full of girls is better?

        1. walter smith Avatar
          walter smith

          It is not difficult. It is only “difficult” for Marxist/Marcuse repressive tolerance types and groomers.
          There are 2 sexes. 2+2 = 4
          The people with this mental issue do not have the “right” to impose their mental illness on others.

          1. Virginia Gentleman Avatar
            Virginia Gentleman

            It is not difficult for boomers who lack empathy and compassion. But for people who can stretch their brains and think outside of their own selfish nature, it is a difficult subject. But, you still haven’t answered the question.

          2. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            What is the (stupid) question?

          3. Thomas Carter Avatar
            Thomas Carter

            Showing common sense doesn’t equate to a lack of empathy and compassion.

          4. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            Even if your argument was valid (which it is not), one does not “impose” a mental illness on another. It is not contagious. Asking for considerations is no more imposing a mental illness on another as asking for handicapped ramps is imposing a disability on another. Transgenders, however, are not mentally ill.

          5. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            A dude with a penis in a girls’ locker room is an intrusion. How come so many dudes claim to be dudettes in prison and the real women get pregnant or raped. 2+2 = 4. There are 2 sexes. Billions of cells say so.

          6. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            A dude (penis or no) in a girls’ locker room, an intrusion to be sure….

          7. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            A dude (penis or no) in a girls’ locker room, an intrusion to be sure…. of course, trans women are not “dudes”…

          8. walter smith Avatar
            walter smith

            Then they do not need estrogen shots for life? They have eggs? Can have babies? Can breast feed, as opposed to chest feed a substance that is not breast milk?
            A mental problem. Mutilating someone should lead to loss of license. Even if the patient claims to want it

          9. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Dudes” don’t take estrogen shots… QED…

            Being transexual is not a “mental problem”…

          10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Dudes” don’t take estrogen shots… QED…

            Being transexual is not a “mental problem”…

          11. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “Dudes” don’t take estrogen shots… QED…

            Being transexual is not a “mental problem”…

            “Mutilating someone should lead to loss of license. Even if the patient claims to want it”

            You must really hate Melania’s plastic surgeons…

          12. Thomas Carter Avatar
            Thomas Carter

            Is a “trans woman” a biological female or a biological male?

          13. Eric the half a troll Avatar
            Eric the half a troll

            “a person who was registered as male at birth but who lives and identifies as a woman; a transgender woman”

          14. Lefty665 Avatar

            Trans folks have the right to live as they see best. The bind comes when they choose to impose their view of “best” on the rest of the world.

            A male with XY chromosomes competing with women with XX chromosomes in sports has an unfair advantage. That is why we have separate divisions for men and women in the first place. We are not created physically equal, and that is not in question.

            A head start for women competing in sports against biologic men would be the equivalent of ramps for the physically handicapped. That is not happening, but perhaps it is a way to level the playing field (pool). What we get instead is a swimmer ranked 462 as a male winning races as a “woman”.

            The DSM 5 sought to avoid the stigmatizing issue by creating the term “gender dysphoria” instead of categorizing “trans” as a mental illness. That may have seemed wise at the time, but it does not seem to have played out that way.

            There are a very few people per thousand who are genuinely “trans”, that is plumbing and neurology go in at different points of fetal development, and rarely but occasionally they get mixed up. Those people deserve and need health services from therapy to meds to surgery as well as consideration from the rest of us for the dirty trick nature played upon them.

            However, the appellation of “gender dysphoria” has allowed a horde of other people, seemingly faddish, to embrace trans and demand things like competing in women’s sports and demanding that the rest of us agree with biological impossibilities like men can have babies. This likely would not have become an issue if trans had been identified as a mental disorder rather than as a trendy dysphoria.

            Yet here we are. Maybe a good solution would be to merge all male and female sports and make adjustments like head starts for women to compete on an equal basis for men.

            Oh, and give me stilts or a lower basket so I can compete with the tall guys in basketball. Why should those tall people have an advantage?

        2. vicnicholls Avatar

          That males are way too many times predators and the majority have a right to privacy and control over their bodies and what sex sees it. It is not the responsibility of any female to affirm or accommodate the feelings or desires of males who insist on using them to validate their identity, at the tremendous cost to women of their privacy, safety and lives.

  6. VaPragamtist Avatar

    “’emotional blackmail’ at the hands of Roanoke College administrators”

    I can see this. Frank Shushok is a nice guy, but when it comes to “inclusivity” issues, he’ll try to convince students through emotional arguments.

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