Rising Costs Pushing UVa Tuition Higher

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The Jefferson Council released the following press release this morning (Nov. 9, 2023):

CHARLOTTESVILLE—Rising costs, not cutbacks in state aid, are primarily responsible for pushing tuition higher at the University of Virginia. State appropriations for UVa have declined sharply between 2002 and 2022 when adjusted for inflation and enrollment. But tuition has exploded over the same time. Only one-third of the increased tuition revenue was needed to offset state cuts. The other two-thirds represented spending increases, primarily in payroll.

Those are the major conclusions of a report, “Rising Costs: The Driving Force Behind Tuition Increases at UVa,” released today by The Jefferson Council, an organization dedicated to upholding free speech, viewpoint diversity, and Thomas Jefferson’s legacy at UVa.

The UVa Board of Visitors is working this fall on how much to increase tuition in the next two academic years. The Finance Committee has scheduled a public hearing November 17 in which students and other members of the public can address undergraduate tuition & fees. The Board is expected to approve a new tuition structure in December.

“The administration purports to support all forms of diversity at UVa,” said Jefferson Council President Tom Neale. “That commitment should extend to socioeconomic diversity. One way to demonstrate that commitment is to reverse the decades-long climb in tuition & fees that is pricing out the middle class.”

“Tuition issues are inseparable from budget issues,” said Executive Director James A. Bacon. “Tuitions are rising because costs are rising. Adjusted for inflation, spending per student increased 50% over 20 years. The Board needs to rein in spending and stop balancing the books by passing on costs to students and their parents.”

The report can be viewed here. For more information contact:

James A. Bacon
Executive Director
The Jefferson Council
(804) 873-1543

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5 responses to “Rising Costs Pushing UVa Tuition Higher”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    This report is puzzling. All along we have been told that costs at UVa and other institutions have been rising because of runaway expansion of the administrative bureaucracy, e.g. DEI, assistant deand, associate deans, faculty not teaching a full load, etc. Now we learn tht “tuitions are rising because costs are rising.” This blog pilloried Boards of Visitors appointed by Democrats for approving increased tuitions. Now that
    Republican-appointed board members are in charge, the Jefferson Council sort of shrugs and says it is the fault of inflation.

    Addenda: Upon further reflection, I probably misinterpreted the report’s finding. The finding seems to be that costs have risen, even after adjusting for inflation. That is undoubtedly true. Faculty salaries have risen over the years, primarily as a means of competing with UVa “peer” institutions. Administrative costs have increased, but those are a relatively small proportion of the overall costs. The areas to look for significant savings would be teaching load of professors and the addition of marginal, “vocation-like” programs.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Upon further reflection, this explains TJI…

  2. Lee Faust Avatar

    Universities never know how to budget and restrain cost increases EXCEPT for Purdue with Mitch Daniels.

  3. Lee Faust Avatar

    Universities never know how to budget and restrain cost increases EXCEPT for Purdue with Mitch Daniels.

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